FIFA 11 News Post

The FIFA Soccer 11 demo is available now, please post your impressions here.

Game: FIFA Soccer 11Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: NDS / PC / PS2 / PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 16 - View All
FIFA Soccer 11 Videos
Member Comments
# 1 Whitesox @ 09/14/10 08:07 PM
Not seeing it.

Awesome, downloading now.
# 2 stmark @ 09/14/10 08:08 PM
Originally Posted by Whitesox
Not seeing it.
go to new demos in the store then search by typing in fifa 11 it should come up
# 3 BenVenom @ 09/14/10 08:19 PM
hey stmark, u beat me to it. i just did the search, not really thinking it would b there and i was shocked to c it there. so i got up ran to the cpu to start a thread(the same thread u started) thinking i was the man and that i discovered this treasure(lol). anyways good find, now lets all enjoy this demo and the beautiful game in 2 weeks!
# 4 BenVenom @ 09/14/10 08:20 PM
Originally Posted by Moneybalzs
You will need to select the search option then type in fifa 11 and it will show up for you. im downloading it now, cannot wait for it to finish!!!

would be **** if they added be a goalie mode into the test lobby of the demo to try out...

anybody know if they r letting us try goalie mode?
# 5 rckabillyRaider @ 09/14/10 08:37 PM
downloading now. NBA 2K can wait. lol
# 6 Jgainsey @ 09/14/10 08:52 PM
# 7 BroMontana82 @ 09/14/10 09:48 PM
let me guess....no sliders still
# 8 Moses Shuttlesworth @ 09/14/10 09:50 PM
Have yet to download this or 2k11
# 9 rckabillyRaider @ 09/14/10 09:59 PM
I'm gonna suck as a GK! Gotta get used to that for sure.

Loving the physical play. Looks like they added some more jostling animatons. The body to body contact feels more real too. The crowd sounds have definitely been amped up also. Pretty good to me.
# 10 rckabillyRaider @ 09/14/10 10:10 PM
No game speed slider? Hopefully in the retail it's still there
# 11 SDJHood93 @ 09/14/10 10:11 PM
Can't wait for the game. One of the best sports games definitely.
# 12 sportdan30 @ 09/14/10 10:16 PM
Holy crap, the Fifa 11 demo plays very fast! It feels like the game is on crack. Was that their intention? I only played two quick games, which I think consisted of two five minute halves. Hard to get a feel other than it plays fast, and there are some cool new animations. I should also add that you can tell there are several new body types which breaks up the same looking type of player model. Passing is definitely not pin point, and the CPU really came at me firing on all cylinders. Very aggressive. I had a heck of a time getting the ball past midfield and I was playing on the mid level.

I'll be interested to hear what others have to say.
# 13 rckabillyRaider @ 09/14/10 10:26 PM
there is a speed slider. Didnt scroll down far enough.
# 14 coolio83 @ 09/14/10 10:56 PM
i dont know about anyone else, but this dl is going SLOW, guess the server is getting hit pretty hard
# 15 BEARYChi @ 09/14/10 11:31 PM
my download was Fast.The Demo felt so Fluid and pure it was nice.i love all the new Features and i love the new use of Celebrations.
# 16 sportdan30 @ 09/14/10 11:42 PM
There is a setting to slow down the speed. It's right before you start the match. If you wait and try and change during the game, it won't give you the option. It still plays a little fast on the slowest setting, but it's much better than normal.

One thing that sticks out to me is the game seems a lot more physical than I can remember. As a result, there are more stoppages from whistles being blown. There really are some pretty sweet looking animations the CPU can do with the ball. Me, I'm just a novice!
# 17 Araxen @ 09/15/10 12:04 AM
Wasn't considering on picking this up this year but they really made some awesome changes and all I can say wow. Game seems a little easier which is a good thing for somebody like me that isn't too good at Soccer games.

So I may be buying this game after all.
# 18 Araxen @ 09/15/10 12:35 AM
I'll add another remark that during my play that one of the NPC's on my team broke it's leash and actually went and got a loose ball. In my experience in previous FIFA years npc's wouldn't do that. You'd see a loose ball and the NPC would just ignore it if it wasn't in it's leash range and the opponent NPC snags up the ball instead.
# 19 JayD @ 09/15/10 01:19 AM
wow! This game plays great not as fast paced as previous years which I am very happy to see! There was only one problem i saw and it was seeing the goalie of the cpu team stand there for almost a minute until he finally decided to kick the ball.
# 20 cheesesteak @ 09/15/10 01:32 AM
Originally Posted by Moneybalzs
very solid sports game. FIFA and NHL are hands down the best sports games EA has going.
that's b/c it's EA Canada. Their red-headed stepbrother is Tiburon, who does Madden and NCAA...all inferior to Canada's FIFA, NHL, and Fight Night (although Canada did Live...).

As for the demo, I love it. Love the variety of teams, too. Definitely a must play on slower speed, although i still play it fast since it's only 6 mins. Definitely seems more spacious and fluid compared to WC2010. Can't eff'ing wait til 9/28!

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