FIFA 11 News Post

The FIFA Soccer 11 demo is available now, please post your impressions here.

Game: FIFA Soccer 11Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: NDS / PC / PS2 / PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 16 - View All
FIFA Soccer 11 Videos
Member Comments
# 41 JJT @ 09/15/10 04:47 PM
How do you take a penalty this year?

I always seem to miss and so does the computer
# 42 Whitesox @ 09/15/10 04:50 PM
Originally Posted by JohnDoe8865
I wish I could get into the intricacies of soccer so that I could play this game/demo, but honestly without any idea about rules, strategy, etc I don't think I'd get much of an experience. Same with NHL. I'd love to have more sports games to buy including NHL and FIFA.
So why don't you search for and learn the rules and intricacies? Stuff like formations, transfer system, etc.
# 43 ezio @ 09/15/10 05:10 PM
Originally Posted by dunlopp9987
Standing tackles are insanely easy. I'm playing on World Class, and it seems I can tackle whoever is coming at me.

And I'm playing on slow, and it still feels fast. One of my big complaints from last year, and it doesn't seem to be fixed.
Agree 100% on both counts.
# 44 Chivs @ 09/15/10 06:04 PM
Beautiful......Simply beautiful....
# 45 nolesfan69 @ 09/15/10 07:19 PM
The beautiful game for sure!! I have been playing the demo for about 2
hours. The one thing I love is the game plays very smooth and the
controls are very responsive. I have been playing on World Class and the
AI gives me a huge challenge. I will be buying this puppy on Sept 28.
Great Job FIFA team.
# 46 Whitesox @ 09/15/10 07:30 PM
Originally Posted by Peter_OS
How did you play the PES demo?? It's not available to NA PSN+ users from what I recall.
He has a EU PSN+ subscription.

It is also available for the PC, if you want to check that out.
# 47 JRod @ 09/15/10 08:13 PM
All I have to add is how ORGANIC the game feels. I said in another forum, how FIFA 10 had predictable moments. Tackles, headers with big tell players, crosses and so on. That didn't mean scoring a goal was predictable but at times you knew exactly what was going to happen. Case in point, if you were peppering the CPU and the GK kicked it long, if you had a tall strong CB you could head the ball safely to your team and reset the attack. Predictable moments like this are gone.

I can't say this for any footie game I've ever played, but I actually had to concede ground to players like Ronaldo or Drogba. If they get by you, you really can't make that up. And that eliminates the charge tackles, the CPU (good players) will get by you most of the time.

For the first time in a football game, I could actually play to shut down passing lanes and space, instead of spring tackling the whole game.

I hope the final version is close to this quality and they don't screw it up. And I hope we'll get more "sloppy" play when you fire up a game like Hibs v Aberdeen.

All in all, I'm not one bit underwelmed with FIFA. FIFA 10 was good but was missing that special something. We'll see how FIFA 11 turns out.
# 48 poorch @ 09/15/10 08:50 PM
wow just played the PC version and i'm amazed at how far FIFA has really come, i had always played the PES series on the PC, but FIFA 11 has won me over

+ very fluid, love the gameplay
+ amazing graphics
+ speed at slow makes it feel life-like

- opposing goalie was bad (maybe need to set higher difficulty)

the PES 2011 demo was a big let down, was really hoping it was going to be better than FIFA.. owell
# 49 lnin0 @ 09/15/10 09:22 PM
Good stuff. By far the best FIFA to date although there is a lot of the same old FIFA in there - both the good and bad. I just love the player interaction and jostling. Just fabulous. Passing is also better but many players are still too accurate. Wish I would see more of the 'personality' thing in the passing and defense.

Individual AI (especially friendlies) is improved. This was always my biggest grief with FIFA and it seems to be addressed. Maybe not perfect but much improved. AI has always been one of FIFA's Achilles heals. Sadly it is still a heal for the AI game plan; there is no ball control - just push push push.

Speed is a tad fast but I don't think it is crazy fast like some are claiming.
# 50 Whitesox @ 09/15/10 09:33 PM
Originally Posted by ezio
I posted this on another site:

After playing both demos I have to say I prefer PES this year and I haven't said that in a few years

I am going to mention a few things that have already been mentioned but here goes.

1.I do feel a difference in passing with better players but maybe not as much personality + though.

2. the game speed on slow seems about to be the same as the default in the PES demo and times still seems a bit fast.

3. There isn't as much spacing in midfield compared to PES which someone else mentioned.

4. I still like the crossing better in PES and dare I say I actually like the new passing in pes compared to fifa as well.

5. All manual seems better this year.

6. It still way too easy to press X and run through a player and take the ball.

It is improved on Fifa 10 and the WC game but not as much I would have liked. If you liked the past games you will like this. 3 minute halves are not long enough to get a true sense. I am going to give it more time like I did the PES demo but right now I prefer PES.
I absolutely agree with all of this.

One thing I love with PES is the passing, and the hud in general. It is a lot more natural than FIFA imo, and it is definitely something EA can improve.

At the risk of comparing this demo too much to PES, the tractics screen in FIFA just seems out dated now. PES' system is so revolutionary. Definitely a major selling point for me.

I'll have to look long and hard at the improvements to career mode, but it looks that PES is my game of choice this year. Who knows, though, maybe with longer halves this game will be better.
# 51 Rules @ 09/15/10 09:36 PM
At this rate, the actual game might be out before this slow download finishes. It is almost putting me to sleep.
# 52 poorch @ 09/15/10 10:30 PM
for fifa vets, how has the "franchise/manager" mode been?

what i always loved about PES was that mode.. the ability to sell and buy players was always fun.
# 53 rangerrick012 @ 09/15/10 11:02 PM
Just played the demo for about an hour. Pro diff, semi controls, slow speed. The CPU defense seems a lot tougher. It was stupidly easy to take the ball on D though.

Seemed like shooting was a bit harder than in WC 2010. Not sure if that was something they changed or not.

To me the game seemed a bit slower, but for some reason a bit sluggish on the controls. It just didn't feel as tight as WC 2010 for some reason.

All in all, still not sold on buying this one. Probably wait until a price drop if I do pick it up, or just borrow it from a friend.
# 54 stizz @ 09/15/10 11:07 PM
How do you do the shootout at the end of the match?
# 55 Moses Shuttlesworth @ 09/15/10 11:23 PM
Originally Posted by stizz
How do you do the shootout at the end of the match?
Don't hold the direction the entire time while shooting. It's gradual and adjusts to how much power and direction you want.
# 56 anvle @ 09/15/10 11:23 PM
.big fan of fifa n loved fifa 10 but 11 doesn't feel right. been playing 1 hr now...is it me or the field is too narrow so that makes it hard to do anything? little sluggish is right on. hmm..not sure bout buying new..let me play 1 more hr n see...
# 57 anvle @ 09/15/10 11:26 PM
man it feels crowded in tele view with zoom set to 0 n height set to 100%. don't mind paying $60 but just doesn't feel right yet.
# 58 stizz @ 09/15/10 11:31 PM
Originally Posted by Moses Shuttlesworth
Don't hold the direction the entire time while shooting. It's gradual and adjusts to how much power and direction you want.
Ok, so just tap it while I'm holding B? Also how do you dive with the goalie?
# 59 Moses Shuttlesworth @ 09/15/10 11:35 PM
Originally Posted by stizz
Ok, so just tap it while I'm holding B? Also how do you dive with the goalie?
# 60 BrianFifaFan @ 09/16/10 12:03 AM
The good: Really great ball physics. I have never seen a virtual ball behave so realistic. Player movement and general locomotion are really great. Much more realistic defending, no more pitt-bull! Tricks aren't so powerful. Nice presentation touches with beginning of the match and the players all being shown on subs.

The not so good: Fifa seems to downgrade the graphics with each title. Minor framerate issues with player cam. Game still doesn't capture the "authentic" nature of the competitor, IMO. Getting better in NPC movements and CPU does tricks, but still seemingly a "broad stroke" approach to players. Personalty plus, but not "sig style." Still don't really feel that player is a virtual Ronaldo, especially as a CPU-controlled player.

Hopefully with the advances I see in the general AI behaviors, this game will become more of a sim-style game. I've still seen too many Fifa fast-break moments for my liking. Will buy it, but have some worries this game is going to end up feeling inferior to the comp in the "sim" department. I actually hope to average 2-3 goals per, vs. the 8-1 routs that end up being track meets and counter-attack fests. Wish I had a longer match to really see how the AI acts over a full 90 minutes, if it goes "route 1" after 2 goals in the first half. Good job Fifa team, but gonna have to place you third behind NBA2k and PES.

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