MLB 10 News Post

"SportsConnect Name: OSFM V4ReRated
Sendspace File: http://www.sendspace.com/file/xck4yk

O.S. Full Minors V.4

Includes the Full Minors rosters with all credit to Knight165, RidinDwnKinglsey and KSig24.

Includes Faces by Knight165, Mr. Franchise and the great team of contributors to that aspect.

Includes the Stances and Accessories by Strut24 and the community at large who provided information for their local / favorite players.

Includes the Pitch and Stamina Edits by RAZRr1275 and Pope300hitter05.

Includes the majority of SCEA created players, both pitchers and hitters, re-rated utilizing the Roster Tools program using a true (non-weighted) 3 year rating average (07-08-09) as a base. These ratings were then modified in an attempt to mirror 2010 performance. Note that some SCEA created players were not modified due to lack of MLB service time and small sample set.

Full credit for this version to Bahnzo for all the work he does on the Roster Tool.

Full credit and especially thanks to ThirdDegree5803 who put in a ton of time working of this roster version.

Enjoy and please leave feedback.

V4.1 to come - Different Stamina edits."

OS Full Minors v4 (Franchise File)

Originally Posted by HustlinOwl
franchise file, let me know if anything is missed.



OS Full Minors v4.1 (Franchise File)

Originally Posted by HustlinOwl

Game: MLB '10: The ShowReader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3Votes for game: 66 - View All
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Member Comments
# 601 MrMVP91 @ 07/27/10 12:52 AM
actually it's not working. i downloaded it, extracted it onto the flash drive, and when i stick it in the ps3 and go to saved date utility it tells me that the flash drive is empty, when it's in fact not, the file is saved on it...
# 602 MrMVP91 @ 07/27/10 02:42 PM
ok so i finally got it to work, but i have 1 last question. can i now manually place players on the dl with this franchise file? it already has some players on the dl (like Matsuzaka for example), but many guys that are injured in real life are not on the dl (like Nick Johnson). so is there any way for me to manually put, say Nick Johnson, on the dl? or is that only possible before the franchise starts?

also sorry for the 3 posts in a row. if a mod wants to you can remove the previous two posts since i got it to work now.
# 603 mikenoob @ 07/27/10 02:53 PM
Originally Posted by MrMVP91
ok so i finally got it to work, but i have 1 last question. can i now manually place players on the dl with this franchise file? it already has some players on the dl (like Matsuzaka for example), but many guys that are injured in real life are not on the dl (like Nick Johnson). so is there any way for me to manually put, say Nick Johnson, on the dl? or is that only possible before the franchise starts?

also sorry for the 3 posts in a row. if a mod wants to you can remove the previous two posts since i got it to work now.
I believe you can manually set them onto the DL, but remember to put them on when you get to the date they got injured on. There's a thread in this forum that has all the daily updates to do.
# 604 MrMVP91 @ 07/27/10 04:00 PM
yeah i saw the thread and was going to go by that, but i can't see where i can manually dl players.

anyone know?
# 605 Heroesandvillains @ 07/27/10 07:17 PM
Originally Posted by MrMVP91
yeah i saw the thread and was going to go by that, but i can't see where i can manually dl players.

anyone know?
In your franchise, select which ever team you want. Go to the 'disabled list.' Notice a list of players but you can't really do anything there. Press R1. See the list of players. It either notes injury time remaining, or 'no injury' dependant on the player. Select the player you are looking for with the X button. You will then be prompted to either designate an injury, or remove an injury (if a player has one) all together.

Remember, if your global settings don't have injuries on 'manual', this screen will NOT be available.

I'm not in front of the game at the moment, but I'm pretty sure this is spot on. Hope I've helped.
# 606 MrMVP91 @ 07/27/10 11:53 PM
works, thanks for the help.
# 607 hope4bob @ 07/28/10 07:48 PM
Originally Posted by mikenoob
You can't download it from the Roster Vault because it's not a roster file. It's a Franchise file and you must download it from one of the zips he has posted. Also, if you care about getting trophies, you won't be able to with his franchise file.
I hadn't thought of the trophy stuff. So using non SCEA rosters is considered the same as using codes in other games? I guess you could run simultaneous franchises, 1 with official rosters and 1 using these great knight & Co. rosters.


# 608 TheRunAndShoot @ 07/28/10 07:56 PM
Originally Posted by hope4bob
I hadn't thought of the trophy stuff. So using non SCEA rosters is considered the same as using codes in other games? I guess you could run simultaneous franchises, 1 with official rosters and 1 using these great knight & Co. rosters.


I believe it has to do with the franchise save originating from another console.
# 609 rspencer86 @ 07/28/10 09:12 PM
Originally Posted by TheRunAndShoot
I believe it has to do with the franchise save originating from another console.
That's right. Using the Full Minors roster file is fine, you'll still get trophies. But if you use Hustlin's franchise file, all trophies will be blocked. Kind of sucks for trophy hunters like me.
# 610 d2bmvp123 @ 07/28/10 09:22 PM
just curious if u guys are gonna add more players to the next update rather than just adjust attributes? id really like to see my bro in the royals minors cuz he's in hi-a right now (his name's adam frost)
# 611 hope4bob @ 07/28/10 10:38 PM
Originally Posted by rspencer86
That's right. Using the Full Minors roster file is fine, you'll still get trophies. But if you use Hustlin's franchise file, all trophies will be blocked. Kind of sucks for trophy hunters like me.
hmmm... something to think about that hadn't occurred to me. It makes sense. it's like downloading a saved data file for Red Dead Redemption that powers up your guy without doing anything. But sports games are different but I understand the concept.

I don't usually go after trophies but it is cool to look at them to see what I did to get a particular trophy for a certain game. I might have to start another franchise fust for trophy hunting. On a good day I can get 3 games in. 2 Franchise games and a classic all star season game. That should work.
# 612 SiMbEcK11 @ 07/29/10 01:16 AM
Anybody have these rosters saved as roster file and not a franchise file? I loaded this franchise file and I am fixing every team's 40 man roster and 25 man active roster to be current, I found a prospect who plays single A missing. He was one of the prospects involved in the Escobar - Gonzalez trade. SS Tyler Pastornicky is not on the Jays. I would create him myself but I can't because it is a franchise file?? Anybody?.
# 613 SiMbEcK11 @ 07/29/10 01:31 AM
Another thing, the rosters are awesome and I am very grateful for them, thanks to everybody who took part in them. But the other thing for me is because it is a franchise file simmed until the first game of the reg season, there are people on the DL who are not currently on the DL. I would like to begin my franchise with today's current rosters and play with them the entire season. I would be very happy if somebody could hook me up with these as a roster file.. Then I can make every 40 man roster and every 25 man MLB roster current for every team along with current lineups and pitching rotations and give them to whoever wants them as a roster file to enjoy with their own personal franchise. The trade deadline is about 2 1/2 days away so any major changes will be non-existent soon.. I would probably still start my own 30 team franchise to act as the comissioner and control my one team but this would be great if somebody could hook me up, then I will hook up anybody interested with the most current roster file with all prospects =) Thanks.
# 614 gbasalmon @ 07/29/10 11:29 AM
I have two questions: an etiquette question and a technical question.

1. If I were to take the Version 4.1 rosters and mod them to the beginning of Spring Training instead of Opening Day, would that be generally accepted and appreciated? I've seen modified rosters on the Roster Vault, but I wanted to get a sense of what the community's feelings on that is.

2. Considering said modding, is there a way to move people to free agency simply, or does it always need to be a 1-for-1 swap no matter what?
# 615 cnelly4 @ 07/29/10 11:32 AM
Man, it has been stated many times in this thread that this franchise file and Knights roster's are with opening day rosters. All the players in Hustlins' franchise file were on the DL at the beginning of the year.

There are some roster files out there that have up to date rosters but you are going to have to manually injure players if you want to start a franchise. Unless there is one out there already. Not a fan of that, so I wouldn't know.
# 616 gharris2228 @ 07/29/10 12:11 PM
^^^^So where can we get those updated rosters? Still full minors right?
# 617 gbasalmon @ 07/29/10 02:26 PM
Originally Posted by cnelly4
Man, it has been stated many times in this thread that this franchise file and Knights roster's are with opening day rosters. All the players in Hustlins' franchise file were on the DL at the beginning of the year.

There are some roster files out there that have up to date rosters but you are going to have to manually injure players if you want to start a franchise. Unless there is one out there already. Not a fan of that, so I wouldn't know.
I realize that the rosters are set for Opening Day. I was asking if there would be a demand for rosters that are accurate as of the start of Spring Training. I would be willing to do the modding; I was just interested in if there is a demand for this or if it would be just for me.
# 618 riker147 @ 07/29/10 02:55 PM
Originally Posted by gbasalmon
I have two questions: an etiquette question and a technical question.

1. If I were to take the Version 4.1 rosters and mod them to the beginning of Spring Training instead of Opening Day, would that be generally accepted and appreciated? I've seen modified rosters on the Roster Vault, but I wanted to get a sense of what the community's feelings on that is.

2. Considering said modding, is there a way to move people to free agency simply, or does it always need to be a 1-for-1 swap no matter what?

I would definitely be interested in this.
# 619 MrMVP91 @ 07/29/10 03:45 PM
quick question about the franchise file: since i'm controlling all 30 teams, how do i deal with players getting tired and needing a day off? do i have to manually go through each team before each game and see who needs a day off & then remember to put them back in when they are back to normal stamina? or is there an option for the cpu to take care of player stamina WITHOUT messing up the lineups?

appreciate all the help i can get.
# 620 HustlinOwl @ 07/29/10 03:48 PM
Originally Posted by MrMVP91
quick question about the franchise file: since i'm controlling all 30 teams, how do i deal with players getting tired and needing a day off? do i have to manually go through each team before each game and see who needs a day off & then remember to put them back in when they are back to normal stamina? or is there an option for the cpu to take care of player stamina WITHOUT messing up the lineups?

appreciate all the help i can get.
computer will do this automatically

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