Backbreaker News Post

When you see the number 12, what do you think of? A dozen eggs? The months of a year? Well, how about my first 12 possessions in a Human vs. CPU game of Backbreaker: fumble, fumble, fumble, interception, interception, field goal, interception, interception, interception, interception, fumble and interception.

Simply put, Backbreaker has turned a sports gamer’s nightmare into a reality by failing to live up to its hype.

Read More - Backbreaker Review

Game: BackbreakerReader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 51 - View All
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Member Comments
# 61 gr18 @ 06/09/10 04:51 PM
If I'm not mistaken,2k8 got reviewed pretty badly,like 6-7 on average,and many people really enjoyed it,much more than the other game that year that got very good reviews and that game was awful.

I just hope people take the time to make their own opinion.This game does need alot of patience though,which most people don't have.
# 62 LingeringRegime @ 06/09/10 04:58 PM
I am glad that I own the game, and doubly happy that I am enjoying it. If I waited for this review, I would have passed on it.

Ground rules really help when playing against the CPU AI (In every sports game, especially this one.) I have won games by blowing out the CPU, lost big to the CPU, and close games have been won/lost by the CPU. I never switch on defense, and I always ask the coach.

Is the game the end all, be all of Football games? Hardly. But, it's definitely not trash. The variety of plays that I have seen so far, are alone worth the price of admission.

Those of us who own the game all know the two BIG problems with it. Turnovers and Sacks. But, what this game does well makes me live with those problems. If those two things will ruin the game for you, then don't buy the game. If you think you would enjoy seeing realistic physics, and never seeing the same play twice, then proceed to purchase.
# 63 Blitzburgh @ 06/09/10 05:11 PM
Originally Posted by Afrikan
Very disappointed in OperationSports for allowing a review like this.... edit- I'm talking about the head editor.

OS BackBreaker reviewer -
"I say that because the gameplay in Backbreaker is its biggest downfall by far. It does not even feel as realistic as an old NFL Blitz title."

I mean really?

its not about it deserving a high score or a bad score or what ever....but I don't know how anyone can take a review from a professional sports videogame site like OS has been viewed as, serious when one of their reviewers says something like this.....seems like someone is reaching.

but enjoy the hits I guess.
Seriously?Come on, this review is ridiculous! No, it is not an 8,9 or a 10 but it is a solid 6-7 at least. Anyone who complains about throwing to many interceptions ( i have done this myself) hasn't learned to read the defenses, take a sack when appropriate, run with the ball or simply throw it away! I am still learning this but it is the most rewarding game when you make big pass plays or break a nice run unlike any other football game to date.

Playing defense never felt more like playing defense. The camera view is almost perfect for playing defense. It truly puts you on the field and in the play. I wish i had more control but that is the way it is for round one.

How about special teams! Running down to smash the returner is not fun? trying to judge catching the punt or kick is not fun? Turning off the arrow when kicking and using the camera to set your aim up is not fun? Really? Really? No other football game puts you IN the game like Backbreaker does. To compare it to be Blitz and to say it is even inferior to that is just a joke to me. I couldn't even play that game for 1 qtr!

If you don't like it then fine each to their own but to write a review based on the FACT that you can't play the game is just absurd IMO!
# 64 TombSong @ 06/09/10 05:13 PM
Originally Posted by mbmonk
People try to play this game as if it's Madden or 2k. That doesn't work. You have to learn how to play THIS game. So some reviewers tried to play it like Madden and they sucked at it.. then went to write up a review.

The people who actually tried to learn how to play this new game ( and not just apply their Madden logic), saw a different game than the above people.

But at the end of the day BB has major problems. And as great as the game is, it just wasn't ready for release in it's current state. It needed much more polish. So it's hard to give this game a great score from a review standpoint.
Ill agree with this. I would have given it a 7 though for what it does right. It does need the AI play calling and clock management worked on. The Ai is strange in this game. There are times it will mount a good drive on you, but the rest of the time its hit or miss.
# 65 jmood88 @ 06/09/10 05:20 PM
Originally Posted by mbmonk
People try to play this game as if it's Madden or 2k. That doesn't work. You have to learn how to play THIS game. So some reviewers tried to play it like Madden and they sucked at it.. then went to write up a review.

The people who actually tried to learn how to play this new game ( and not just apply their Madden logic), saw a different game than the above people.

But at the end of the day BB has major problems. And as great as the game is, it just wasn't ready for release in it's current state. It needed much more polish. So it's hard to give this game a great score from a review standpoint.
It has nothing to do with people trying to play the game like it's Madden or NFL2k, the computer AI is horrible. People on here like to say that if you don't like the game then it's because you're not good but that's really not the case, once you get used to the stupid things that the camera does the game is very easy since the computer will either give the ball right back to you as soon as it gets it or keep losing yards on every play.
# 66 ChaseB @ 06/09/10 05:23 PM
Originally Posted by Afrikan
maybe you can clarify this sentence more.....um, what tech demo are you talking about? and when did people go crazy?

for a second there I thought the head editor of OS, was referring to this game as a tech demo...lol.

maybe I'm misunderstood what you were referring to there.
The game was originally shown as a tech demo for the physics technology Natural Motion was showing off.

I'm not saying the game they released now is equivalent to a tech demo.
# 67 Blitzburgh @ 06/09/10 05:36 PM
Originally Posted by TombSong
I think the biggest mistake the Devs made for this game is not have some sort of mode where people could practice passing.

I remember my first impression of the game was, this aint good, and that was mainly stemming from my own inability to play the way I wanted to play.

Once you learn the game, you can see how good this game can be. Its a shame peoples frustrations are gonna win out over taking the time to learn what the game has to offer. Its also most of the reviews given of the game are by people who really don't know how to play the game.

The devs should really look at adding a practice mode as DLC and patch for the other issues.

What he said!
# 68 AlphaTrojan @ 06/09/10 05:36 PM
Is there some unwritten rule that this game can only receive a 5/10? He basically copied the IGN review and pasted it here. Form your own opinions instead tossing around phrases you find in reviews. Comparing this game to Blitz, are you kidding me? Backbreaker is 10x more fun and deep. Saying the gameplay is terrible is another ridiculous accusation. The game isn't perfect, no game is but you can't tell me you're not impressed when you see some of the things this game can do. Double team blocking, no motion shifting to get in position, endless tackle possibilities, they're all there. I don't know, maybe the addition of hand towels would have brought the score up.
# 69 jmood88 @ 06/09/10 05:43 PM
Originally Posted by bill2451
heres my question

why is it that when Madden comes out the "experts" all score it well higher than the common user. And then when a threat comes out, like Backbreaker, all the "experts" score it well lower than the average user

now, I'm not a Madden basher, I played 10 a lot, but it seems apparent to me that something needs to change when reviews and users opinions continually differ so much

the reviews arent even making an attempt at being fair and impartial, and are doing gamers a huge disservice by not evenly representing the games
Probably for the same reason that the flaws people in excuse in this game would never be accepted in a Madden game, people have given excuses for everything that is criticized in Backbreaker.
# 70 CaptainZombie @ 06/09/10 05:48 PM
Originally Posted by jmood88
Probably for the same reason that the flaws people in excuse in this game would never be accepted in a Madden game, people have given excuses for everything that is criticized in Backbreaker.
Mood, for once we agree............... .
# 71 RaginCajun @ 06/09/10 05:51 PM
He reviewed this as a FOOTBALL game. The physics tech is great and all, but it could have been put in any game. UFC, Rugby, wrestling etc.

As a FOOTBALL game, its a mess. And Ive seen numerous times where linebackers will float into position to make an INT, dont act like its not there.
# 72 Dogslax41 @ 06/09/10 05:51 PM
Originally Posted by jmood88
Probably for the same reason that the flaws people in excuse in this game would never be accepted in a Madden game, people have given excuses for everything that is criticized in Backbreaker.
This is somewhat off base. Madden 06 was an awful, unplayable game. Even by the admission of the staunchest madden fan and it averaged an 8 reviewer and 5 user
# 73 Methlab @ 06/09/10 05:56 PM
Originally Posted by Dogslax41
This is waaay off base. Madden 06 was an awful, unplayable game. Even by the admission of the staunchest madden fan and it averaged an 8 reviewer and 5 user
Yep. People love to "conveniently" forget that stuff.

BB needs some work, and they don't need reviews that are super positive. It will help make a better game. 505 should not be high fiving each other over this game just yet.

That being said, this review came off as angry and unprofessional. It was one of the worst I have ever read on this website.
# 74 Danimal @ 06/09/10 06:06 PM
I understand some people are upset by the review, but I would hate for anyone to get an infraction or worse by getting too bent out of shape because of it. Please keep the comments respectful and we certainly don't need to go down the path of how other games review.

# 75 adamgod8 @ 06/09/10 06:13 PM
Why not just post this review under the impression thread.
# 76 jmood88 @ 06/09/10 06:22 PM
Originally Posted by Dogslax41
This is somewhat off base. Madden 06 was an awful, unplayable game. Even by the admission of the staunchest madden fan and it averaged an 8 reviewer and 5 user
It's not offbase at all, the people who disagree with every negative Backbreaker review and would go to a site and give it 8-10 out 10 are the same one's who would nitpick on everything in Madden and give it anywhere from a 1 to a 6. Just look at the excuses that have been made:

Way too many interceptions are being thrown- "You're bad at the game" or "Maybe in the Backbreaker league the quarterbacks aren't very good so that's why they throw so many interceptions"

Way too many fumbles- "The patch will fix that"

Blockers don't pick up their man like they should- "The patch will fix that"

The computer offense is horrible- "Play online" or "The patch will fix that"

For everything else- "This is the first time they've made a game, just buy it and hope that they fix it in later versions"
# 77 mvb34 @ 06/09/10 06:23 PM
Originally Posted by coolbreez35
let not Go over board with the A.I. in this game all the pass Sports games this year had some major issues with a.i but everybody said it will get patched why cant we say the same for this game.
I doubt they patch this game..
# 78 Dogslax41 @ 06/09/10 06:31 PM
Originally Posted by mvb34
I doubt they patch this game..
A patch would be nice but there may be other solutions as well. People are already seeing great results tweeking the ratings using finn's editor. Hopefully this is what happened with 2k5 all over again.
# 79 stiffarmleft @ 06/09/10 06:35 PM
First iteration of a new IP using new animation technology, I'll excuse the flaws with the understanding that most of the development time went into the technology. Even with all the development time you can tell the technology still needs work, I'm Impressed that they even got a playable game of football in there, some developers said it wasn't even possible. Label it a tech demo if you must but it has enough features and plays a decent enough if flawed version of football to warrant my $50, I can't wait for BB2. If BB4 has the same issues, then I'll make no excuses.
# 80 khaliib @ 06/09/10 06:43 PM
What people fail to understand is that the "ONLY" two elements they wanted to push was:

1) Natural Motion
2) Customizaion (to show you don't need an NFL contract; notice how only "Uni's/Logos" are editable? )

Go back an review all the vid's and info by the Dev team, and you will see that these were the only 2 things they wanted to push during this release.

The mentioned things about the camera view, ratings etc... but always went back to these 2 area's because this was what they were selling. Go back and review!!!

As far as some of the other stuff people are mentioning pertaining to why they didn't like or rated the game so poorly is outside the scope of the intentions of their first game.

These are the 2 things they hammered on constantly.
Natural Motion is physics never seen in any other football game.
Custamization (spits into the face of the "Exclusive" agreements that forced competitors out).

So any review should be based only on these 2 functions of the game.
Did you like/dislike Natural Motion compared to the physics of current football games? Why/why not
Did Customization help to deal with the want of an NFL product? Why/why not

To me, the game gets high scores base off the 2 features they put a the forefront of the game.
Now they can introduce other area's.

If you really think about it, this is really smart because other's have tried to introduce a game in whole, without showcasing what was different from other football games. Thus, gamer's didn't see much innovation that seperated them from the "GIANT". But Backbreaker showcases it's innovation by trying to put focus on the game's foundation (Natural Motion and Customizaion). It's just we are used to a football game being presented to us in whole vs in parts.

I've had to "slow my role" with picking this game apart, to remember that this is their "1st" game.
Even 2k made a couple of games before 2k5.
Gameday and Gamebreaker had their time.
I've given up on Madden!!!!

Give them some space and let them do their thang!!!
Loved making College Teams on Backbreaker (if they allow college type playbooks, man!!!)

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