"BACKBREAKER™ is a new, revolutionary football experience that takes you straight onto the field. Breakthrough euphoria tackles, non-canned animation, and stunning on-field graphics make BACKBREAKER™ the first truly live football game."
One thing I noticed: penalties are terrible. Almost non-existant. I've had several times where my receiver basically gets tackled while the ball is still in the air, and nothing is called.
Okay, so, being a PS3 user myself, and being really upset the demo did not hit yesterday, I did the unthinkable... what someone with too much money, and too much love for a hobby would do. I went and got a 360. After the grueling process of trying to figure out how to even work the 360 menus, I got signed up for Live and the Backbreaker demo downloaded...
I just want to list out a few things that I haven't really seen mentioned a lot, but first, it's worth mentioning that I had a terrible time adjusting to the XBOX 360 controller, I kept moving my hand to the D-PAD because it's not the same spot as the PS3. And I kept thinking about how awful the controller layout felt because it wasn't symmetrical like the 360. But I digress.
I'm not going to cover Euphoria really, because we know it's great...
* First, temper your expectations. If you are like me, you have watched every Youtube video on Backbreaker since Friday morning... probably in the realm of 100+ of them, you may think you have a good grasp on how to play the game. Especially since some of the more recent ones are making the game look fairly easy, don't think it's really easy to pickup and play immediately. You'll need to practice.
* Layoff the triggers! Focus is good, as is aggressive, but each have their place. Using Focus in a crowd often causes the camera to whack out and you'll lose control over your player since his direction is controlled by screen orientation, not which way he's facing. If the camera is moving a lot, you'll be running around like a chicken without a head. For example, if you are running straight ahead, and move the camera to the left (but are still pushing up on the stick) your player will begin to veer right, if the camera moves faster he'll veer/turn.
* Running outside takes some sort of gift from God and coordination (aka practice). You'll find yourself often running backwards right after the handoff and most likely getting pounded for a 10 yard loss. This is a mixture between not having awareness from the camera/player movement orientation and holding down aggressive mode. I don't use aggressive mode unless it's an inside run or a break free on the outside. I'll sparingly use agile mode as necessary to give myself a better view of the field.
* Get rid of the ball quickly, don't stand still in the pocket. There will almost always be a rush. You have about 3-5 seconds to get rid of the ball and you should count in "mississippi's" to know how much time you have. Also, don't stand still until you are ready to throw. However, throwing on the move lowers accuracy regardless of it focus mode is held. I never entered aggressive mode as the QB and I still could scramble around quite well.
* Expect interceptions. You will throw a lot of them. You will also throw lots of incompletions. I think incompletions may have something to do with the lead passing aspect so make sure you 'get off the right stick' as soon as you pass it.
* The amount of plays is disappointing. Yes, even on Pro/Hard. There may be more in the official, but don't expect it. That said, there is still enough to effectively run an offense and defense.
* Don't expect euphoria highlights every game. Despite the videos you've seen, there are regular moment in the game that look like everyday football hits. Not everything is a highlight reel hit or play.
* Defense is incredibly rewarding. I advise you to stick with one player throughout the game, use right stick to get a camera angle you want... Only use focus if you lose the ball. Otherwise the constantly shifting camera can make it hard to control your player. Only use aggressive when you have the ball carrier in site and can 'bear' down on him.
* Don't worry about using the right stick to do fancy tackles at first, you're player will automatically attempt to tackle when you get close.
* Expect the game to feel mediocre at first (at least I did), but after doing all the practice sessions once, playing tackle alley 4 times, and playing 10 exhibition matches it's now a first day buy. The more you play it, the more you like it.
You either don't really understand how demos are, even though it has been explained ad nauseaum or you are just trolling. Either way, I'm ignoring you, You have not done anything but be an irritant in this forum.
I wouldn't waste your time with this guy, he continues to spew the same garbage over demos which he has no clue about. It is people like this that ruin message boards.
This was posted on Twitter almost a year ago from Tom (head BB dev)...
"Quick update - still working on the blocking and starting QB AI. All going well 3:39 AM Jul 21st, 2009 via web."
Well, blocking on outside runs is miserable and QB AI is pretty messed up. If they thought it was "going well" that far back they must've run into a real problem. I don't expect it to be much better in the retail version, maybe a little but am hoping otherwise.
Originally Posted by Bonecrusher... Focus(LT) + R stick goes way faster than just using R stick.
"Basically yes, this is the answer. Using the right-stick on its own "scans" the field and sticks to the closest receiver. Using L-trigger + right-stick will "flick" between valid receivers."
When running with the ball - If you let go of the left-stick you enter stutter-steps (PRIMED). From here pushing the left-stick in any direction will cause the player to cut-turn in that direction.
In addition to that, after you receive the ball you are automatically PRIMED to do a cut-turn unless you are holding the left-stick directly 'up'. This is useful if you want to cut straight after receiving the ball and great for darting through holes in the line.
Spins break tackles.
If you are aggressive in a block you can get thrown down, but you can push the blocker back.
So I'm playing against the Spartans (best offense) and they have the ball at my 1 yard line with a first and goal to go.
1st down: Run off tackle -3 yards.
2nd down: Pass Incomplete
3rd down: Pass Incomplete
4th down: Pass Intercepted
Devs, if you're listening - short yardage situations are a HUGE part of football. Those third and one, 4th and inches make or break games. The computer needs to be better than this.
Of course goal line stands do happen in real life and are awesome. But I haven't heard too much about short yardage offense & defense interaction in this thread. What are your experiences?
The offensive AI is just inept. I just played a game on default settings where I just called a blitz every play to see what would happen. I think it totalled three possessions, all three and outs, no completions, two sacks, one fumble, maybe one positive run for a yard or two. At the end of the half, they had something like -30 yards all told. You see the same things on offense, your offensive line just is a sieve and you're lucky to make positive yardage on runs or be able to get to the back of your QB's drop without immediately having someone in your face. AI this bad is just game breaking, I've played a half dozen games or more at various skill levels and have yet to have a TD scored against me, and have only scored a couple myself, mostly off of defense and special teams. There just is no balance between defense and offense.
I don't have alot of money at all. However, This was the last straw for Sony... I'm not giving them anymore of my money.. I have found a friend that will buy my Ps3 and 2 games for 250 plus give me a Bluray Player.. This will probably take place in the next week or so.. I will make my way out and buy a 360... I was highly dissappointed witht he Ps3.. the Browser is teriible, and the Sony managment is even worse... Sorry.. I will gladly pay for XBL.. Oh and I play mostly sports games.
Here's how my first play went on Backbreaker (demo)
Cpu kicks off.
I move the kick returner to the spot of the kick manually. (awesome that he doesn't just drift to the spot himself)
I misjudge the kick just a bit and my guy has to jump to field it.
I turn upfield and follow a few blockers.
Juke inside to avoid a guy to the right.
Cut back to the right, off of the blockers that are heading more towards the middle of the field.
Crank up aggressive mode with the RT and head for daylight towards the sideline.
BAM! Get drilled from the side by a dude I didn't even see. Got online to place pre-order with Amazon.
As much as I support the game and hope it succeeds it cannot be overstated how bad the QB AI is, I don't think I've seen a pass from the computer that wasn't thrown into double coverage, maybe a couple, but it's rare for them to make the correct read. Also the DBs break to where the ball is thrown without even looking, this could be why the computer is seemingly throwing into double coverage all the time, the DBs simply react way to fast to the pass. I'm going to buy the game to support what I hope is a franchise that will continually improve because the core game is fantastic, but I'll admit I will not be playing it much if these issues exist in the retail version, I'll treat my purchase as more of a donation to the cause.
I don't have alot of money at all. However, This was the last straw for Sony... I'm not giving them anymore of my money.. I have found a friend that will buy my Ps3 and 2 games for 250 plus give me a Bluray Player.. This will probably take place in the next week or so.. I will make my way out and buy a 360... I was highly dissappointed witht he Ps3.. the Browser is teriible, and the Sony managment is even worse... Sorry.. I will gladly pay for XBL.. Oh and I play mostly sports games.
Why would you even use a browser with a game console? You realize Xbox has no browser right?
I read that the final release cam is a little more zoomed out and maybe a bit higher? That's encouraging. If that's the case and the CPU Offensive AI is smarter in final release, we're off and running,.
Initial thoughts: I like the presentation with the music while walking out the tunnel and during the kickoff.
I thought the player models might distract me but I really didn't even notice the "futuristic" look while playing.
I dig the way the game is set up. Feels different and not just more of the same ole, same ole that we've gotten from pretty much every game.
I like the collisions and are some of the better collisions I've ever seen in a game. Controls have grown on me and I really like the way the game feels.
Was going to pass on this game but definitely buying this game on day 1.
Almost had a game where the AI showed some semblance of life, unfortunately they decided to throw a pick down near the goal line to ruin the first real sustained drive I've seen. I guess it's possible though!
I don't think so, this was posted yesterday by Todd on the BB forums...
The camera in the demo is identical to the camera in the full game.
That indeed is a bummer. Even a little tweaking to allow some more depth perception down the field and a little wider field of vision would be a huge improvement imo.
I am assuming the CPU offense AI will be improved or at least improved via some patching in the future, but this camera imo, really detracts from what is potentially a fantastic football gaming experience.
I understand it was the devs vision and all that, but imo, and it's strictly my opinion they really missed the boat with the current cam. And to me that's unfortunate as I wanted to enjoy this game to it's utmost potential.
I'm thinking perhaps we are their "beta testers" until the football season starts. Get our feedback then throw out a patch and big time marketing around the time Madden is released. Hopefully that will include improved AI and a tweaked cam.
I'm thinking perhaps we are their "beta testers" until the football season starts. Get our feedback then throw out a patch and big time marketing around the time Madden is released. Hopefully that will include improved AI and a tweaked cam.
Yes and to be honest, I'd rather they shore up any potential AI problems before they attack any camera tweaks. Although that probably goes without saying.
I know there are gonna be many who disagree with this but after a few days of playing the demo. I think they nailed the camera view perfect.
My first day reaction was what the heck, I cant see. Too much going on.
Once I started learning the controls and learning to stop wanting to see everything like we are used to, I learned to only look at what I need to and make my read progression from that point.
You have to look at your primary WR's route pre-snap and SEE before the snap what the defense should look like for that route to be open. Post snap the cam auto looks you to the primary. Its gonna take a second or two(depending on the route) for the WR to make his first cut. During that time you should give the pass rush a quick glance, then look to see if the defensive coverage is shaping up for that route to be open. If not move on to the next WR OR check the pocket again and move around to buy some time for the route to come open(if you think it will) If the rush is to heavy RUN, or throw the ball away. Moving around the porcket and scanning through the WR is easy once you understand the controls. Focus button is your friend, LOL. It speeds up how fast your WR looks at each WR. It also helps if you just want to quickly look at your blindside to make sure the protection is holding up till your primary gets open.
All this will not come easy at first, but once you stop having to think about the controls and focus on making your reads, this game is beautiful. I cant tell you how satisfying it is to see a RB about to cross the first down marker and you come charging in from the side and knock his behind in the direction YOU are going, not help pushing him for more yards because some canned animation said he must go forward.
Its not perfect by any means. I think they need to work on the AI play calling. I am also worried about multiplayer games. Can nano blitzes be made ? They also need more plays were you can keep both backs in to pass protect if you think a blitz is coming. Or let you hot audible to keep a extra blocker in(TE or HB)
I would say to guys on the fense, give the game some time and get yourself out of the frame of mind that you MUST see the whole field. In real life if you were playing football you cant look at everything. Just worry about what needs to be seen.
Also if you want to see more of the dline call shotgun plays. Shotgun gives you a better view of the pass rush.
Another cool thing I have seen is I had a Wr get tackled near the first down marker. As he went down he actually reached the ball forward pass the first down marker tagged the ground then brought it back in to protect it.