
Backbreaker Demo Available, Post Your Impressions Here

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Old 05-26-2010, 05:56 PM   #1177
Methlab's Arena
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Re: Backbreaker Demo Available, Post Your Impressions Here

Originally Posted by mestevo
I'm stirring the pot by pointing out facts, while people insist that the demo is watered down because of things like file size? The only thing that we should expect to be different in the demo is the CPU AI in the 4th quarter not instantly being put in hurry up. What's so difficult about that?

What do you guys think they lopped out for the demo? AI? UI elements to display mythical extra stats?

They've given us no reason to expect that the full game is not well represented by the demo, and any problems we experience won't be in at launch. Just setting yourself up for disappointment expecting otherwise. This isn't the Backbreaker beta, it's the Backbreaker demo, and this is the impressions thread, not a 'well what do we expect to be different from demo' thread so maybe one should be started?

You either don't really understand how demos are, even though it has been explained ad nauseaum or you are just trolling. Either way, I'm ignoring you, You have not done anything but be an irritant in this forum.
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Old 05-26-2010, 06:33 PM   #1178
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Re: Backbreaker Demo Available, Post Your Impressions Here

Originally Posted by ZeeAyKay
The Backbreaker forum just added a "support and feedback" section and one of the developers, Todd, is actually trying to answer all the questions.

People who have suggestions or concerns should post there. It would be awesome if someone would post a topic pertaining to the QB ineptitude as far as throwing INT's and getting sacked.
Didnt you hear? In the world of the BB league, high numbers of sacks and INTs are common place, thus this is a non-issue. This isnt the NFL here, so dont expect similar stats. Pretty wise move by the developers to consciously add in this gameplay feature.
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Old 05-26-2010, 07:16 PM   #1179
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Re: Backbreaker Demo Available, Post Your Impressions Here

One thing I noticed: penalties are terrible. Almost non-existant. I've had several times where my receiver basically gets tackled while the ball is still in the air, and nothing is called.
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Old 05-26-2010, 07:23 PM   #1180
10yard-Fight's Arena
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Re: Backbreaker Demo Available, Post Your Impressions Here

Originally Posted by fldash
PS3 User Expectations:

Okay, so, being a PS3 user myself, and being really upset the demo did not hit yesterday, I did the unthinkable... what someone with too much money, and too much love for a hobby would do. I went and got a 360. After the grueling process of trying to figure out how to even work the 360 menus, I got signed up for Live and the Backbreaker demo downloaded...

I just want to list out a few things that I haven't really seen mentioned a lot, but first, it's worth mentioning that I had a terrible time adjusting to the XBOX 360 controller, I kept moving my hand to the D-PAD because it's not the same spot as the PS3. And I kept thinking about how awful the controller layout felt because it wasn't symmetrical like the 360. But I digress.

I'm not going to cover Euphoria really, because we know it's great...

* First, temper your expectations. If you are like me, you have watched every Youtube video on Backbreaker since Friday morning... probably in the realm of 100+ of them, you may think you have a good grasp on how to play the game. Especially since some of the more recent ones are making the game look fairly easy, don't think it's really easy to pickup and play immediately. You'll need to practice.

* Layoff the triggers! Focus is good, as is aggressive, but each have their place. Using Focus in a crowd often causes the camera to whack out and you'll lose control over your player since his direction is controlled by screen orientation, not which way he's facing. If the camera is moving a lot, you'll be running around like a chicken without a head. For example, if you are running straight ahead, and move the camera to the left (but are still pushing up on the stick) your player will begin to veer right, if the camera moves faster he'll veer/turn.

* Running outside takes some sort of gift from God and coordination (aka practice). You'll find yourself often running backwards right after the handoff and most likely getting pounded for a 10 yard loss. This is a mixture between not having awareness from the camera/player movement orientation and holding down aggressive mode. I don't use aggressive mode unless it's an inside run or a break free on the outside. I'll sparingly use agile mode as necessary to give myself a better view of the field.

* Get rid of the ball quickly, don't stand still in the pocket. There will almost always be a rush. You have about 3-5 seconds to get rid of the ball and you should count in "mississippi's" to know how much time you have. Also, don't stand still until you are ready to throw. However, throwing on the move lowers accuracy regardless of it focus mode is held. I never entered aggressive mode as the QB and I still could scramble around quite well.

* Expect interceptions. You will throw a lot of them. You will also throw lots of incompletions. I think incompletions may have something to do with the lead passing aspect so make sure you 'get off the right stick' as soon as you pass it.

* The amount of plays is disappointing. Yes, even on Pro/Hard. There may be more in the official, but don't expect it. That said, there is still enough to effectively run an offense and defense.

* Don't expect euphoria highlights every game. Despite the videos you've seen, there are regular moment in the game that look like everyday football hits. Not everything is a highlight reel hit or play.

* Defense is incredibly rewarding. I advise you to stick with one player throughout the game, use right stick to get a camera angle you want... Only use focus if you lose the ball. Otherwise the constantly shifting camera can make it hard to control your player. Only use aggressive when you have the ball carrier in site and can 'bear' down on him.

* Don't worry about using the right stick to do fancy tackles at first, you're player will automatically attempt to tackle when you get close.

* Expect the game to feel mediocre at first (at least I did), but after doing all the practice sessions once, playing tackle alley 4 times, and playing 10 exhibition matches it's now a first day buy. The more you play it, the more you like it.

Thanks for reading...
Must be nice having too much money.
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Old 05-26-2010, 07:45 PM   #1181
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Re: Backbreaker Demo Available, Post Your Impressions Here

I'm sold. I love what I see from the gameplay vids people have posted.
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Old 05-26-2010, 09:20 PM   #1182
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Re: Backbreaker Demo Available, Post Your Impressions Here

Originally Posted by Methlab
You either don't really understand how demos are, even though it has been explained ad nauseaum or you are just trolling. Either way, I'm ignoring you, You have not done anything but be an irritant in this forum.
I wouldn't waste your time with this guy, he continues to spew the same garbage over demos which he has no clue about. It is people like this that ruin message boards.
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Old 05-26-2010, 10:12 PM   #1183
swaldo's Arena
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Re: Backbreaker Demo Available, Post Your Impressions Here

This was posted on Twitter almost a year ago from Tom (head BB dev)...

"Quick update - still working on the blocking and starting QB AI. All going well 3:39 AM Jul 21st, 2009 via web."

Well, blocking on outside runs is miserable and QB AI is pretty messed up. If they thought it was "going well" that far back they must've run into a real problem. I don't expect it to be much better in the retail version, maybe a little but am hoping otherwise.

Last edited by swaldo; 05-26-2010 at 10:27 PM.
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Old 05-26-2010, 10:22 PM   #1184
swaldo's Arena
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Re: Backbreaker Demo Available, Post Your Impressions Here

Another post from Todd today....

Originally Posted by Bonecrusher...
Focus(LT) + R stick goes way faster than just using R stick.

"Basically yes, this is the answer. Using the right-stick on its own "scans" the field and sticks to the closest receiver. Using L-trigger + right-stick will "flick" between valid receivers."

When running with the ball - If you let go of the left-stick you enter stutter-steps (PRIMED). From here pushing the left-stick in any direction will cause the player to cut-turn in that direction.

In addition to that, after you receive the ball you are automatically PRIMED to do a cut-turn unless you are holding the left-stick directly 'up'. This is useful if you want to cut straight after receiving the ball and great for darting through holes in the line.

Spins break tackles.

If you are aggressive in a block you can get thrown down, but you can push the blocker back.

You can spin into(around) a block

[more later when I can remember them]

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