Backbreaker News Post

The Backbreaker demo is now available on the Marketplace. Post your impressions here.

"BACKBREAKER™ is a new, revolutionary football experience that takes you straight onto the field. Breakthrough euphoria tackles, non-canned animation, and stunning on-field graphics make BACKBREAKER™ the first truly live football game."

Game: BackbreakerReader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 51 - View All
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Member Comments
# 981 mgoblue678 @ 05/28/10 07:34 PM
Originally Posted by goh
Not to say the game is bad but I'm having an awful time here.

I don't understand how the passing works? I'm just supposed to press up for a normal pass and down then up for a lob pass,I get that part but how do I aim/lead a reciver? The ball just seems to be going in random places.

Also is there some sort of defensive player lock? It keeps defaulting me back to the same outside LB. I haven't had time to switch a few times.

How do I call a fair catch on punts?
To lead or aim a receiver you have to press in the direction you want to lead after pressing up on the stick. So for instance if you want to lead a receiver in front of him to the right, push the stick up and then move it to the right immediately after. At least I think that is how it works.

At the play call screen on defense there is an option to lock on to the player you want. Forgot what button it is though.

I think you press Y to fair catch punts, could be mistaken though. It is one of the face buttons.
# 982 mestevo @ 05/28/10 07:41 PM
Note that all the leading and stuff can only be done in pro, not arcade mode.
# 983 Phobia @ 05/28/10 07:46 PM
A is to fair catch
# 984 matthewk @ 05/28/10 08:39 PM
Originally Posted by mestevo
It was mentioned early in the thread, yeah. My wife can't watch me play for the same reason.
Do you know what page? I tried searching, but all I found was 1 guy saying that it might have given him a headache.
# 985 sroz39 @ 05/29/10 03:15 AM
Played the demo on Arcade/Hard and I'm back on board. I don't know what changed (probably nothing) but the A.I. was able to move the ball on me a little better and actually put up a fight. Less questionable playcalling and less turnovers. Honestly, I don't know what changed. Maybe because my D was simplified? (your playbook choices are very slim on Arcade). I have no problem with the simple playbooks, kinda DOES remind me of Tecmo Bowl. But I would have to be able to get rid of seeing their plays with Custom settings while still maintaining the Arcade style of play and not the Pro.

I wonder if it's as simple as the A.I. just playing much better with less plays. Hmmmm. Oh well, irrelevant, I'll be sticking with my pre-order. Now, just gotta get my Gamestop/EB to get the email to release it tomorrow...
# 986 allBthere @ 05/29/10 03:49 AM
Originally Posted by sroz39
Played the demo on Arcade/Hard and I'm back on board. I don't know what changed (probably nothing) but the A.I. was able to move the ball on me a little better and actually put up a fight. Less questionable playcalling and less turnovers. Honestly, I don't know what changed. Maybe because my D was simplified? (your playbook choices are very slim on Arcade). I have no problem with the simple playbooks, kinda DOES remind me of Tecmo Bowl. But I would have to be able to get rid of seeing their plays with Custom settings while still maintaining the Arcade style of play and not the Pro.

I wonder if it's as simple as the A.I. just playing much better with less plays. Hmmmm. Oh well, irrelevant, I'll be sticking with my pre-order. Now, just gotta get my Gamestop/EB to get the email to release it tomorrow...

Going off the demo, I think with a mediocre team on franchise I might be able to go 14-2 or 13-3 ...MAYBE 12-4 lol... I have that expectation. I think for people really concerned about the AI in full games should be able to live with that especially if that turns out to be the case. However you never know, I've been spanked as it turns out too.

What's selling me is the fun I have with each individual game and each play really. I think the stats aside from int's and maybe sacks will be in the realm of pro-reality.

Don't expect to be the browns and have a browns-like season though

(why would you want to lose all the time anyway
# 987 stantencza @ 05/29/10 12:07 PM
Ahhh, frustration! Already read the manual twice (this is a very hands-off job at the mall)... At least I'll get to play it for a good long while when I get out...
# 988 fliplm0de @ 05/29/10 12:41 PM
I am in the same boat, thats why I'll be at my GS at 10 so i can get 3 hours in before work lol.
# 989 Perfect Zero @ 06/01/10 10:39 AM
I finally got around to getting the demo (using my brother's 360), and after playing for a few hours, I'm not convinced enough to get it. The physics are great, and Euphoria really makes a great sales pitch for the engine, but the passing controls are a bit too much, and the camera angle really kills the game. I don't mind being over the back of the player, but there is no way I can play using this during an entire game. It's close, but I can't justify putting down $60 (including tax) for this game.
# 990 Spear @ 06/01/10 10:43 AM
Any word on if the PS3 demo will be up today?
# 991 babythug23 @ 06/01/10 08:10 PM
Originally Posted by Spear
Any word on if the PS3 demo will be up today?
Nope not up today Maybe next week?
# 992 krulmichael @ 06/01/10 10:25 PM
Originally Posted by babythug23
Nope not up today Maybe next week?
What a load of crap...
# 993 XBox_Roughneck @ 06/02/10 02:47 AM
Originally Posted by krulmichael
What a load of crap...

It makes me wonder though...

how cool would it be for this to be one of those small companies that Sony snaps up, puts development dollars behind it, and gets back into the pro football game even though they don't have the NFL license?

I know...it would suck for 360 owners only so I'd hope that isn't the case. But, it would definitely be nice to see this title get some SHOW commitment from somebody.
# 994 jared52 @ 06/02/10 03:43 PM
Originally Posted by XBox_Roughneck

It makes me wonder though...

how cool would it be for this to be one of those small companies that Sony snaps up, puts development dollars behind it, and gets back into the pro football game even though they don't have the NFL license?

I know...it would suck for 360 owners only so I'd hope that isn't the case. But, it would definitely be nice to see this title get some SHOW commitment from somebody.
Sony can produce an NFL game now if they want. The license is for 3rd party developers. First party (Sony, Nintendo, and Microsoft) can still license the NFL and NFLPA for use if they choose to do so.
# 995 lasthour @ 06/02/10 07:16 PM
Originally Posted by jared52
Sony can produce an NFL game now if they want. The license is for 3rd party developers. First party (Sony, Nintendo, and Microsoft) can still license the NFL and NFLPA for use if they choose to do so.
This is not true. You have been misinformed. That is how the MLB contract was done by 2k. The NFL completely locked out any NFL competition. This is the reason we only have one NFL title today.
# 996 scottyd7 @ 06/03/10 01:15 PM
is this ever coming out for ps 3
# 997 rawdog805 @ 06/03/10 08:07 PM
Originally Posted by scottyd7
is this ever coming out for ps 3
doesn't seem like it.. I hope it does because I don't think I will purchase it without playing the demo.
# 998 The Gunslinger @ 06/07/10 04:36 PM
wow, I've played alot of football video games in my time and after playing the Backbreaker demo, this may be the WORST

Remember back in the mid 90s when a bunch of football titles like Madden, Gameday, and Quarterback Club were jockeying for the top spot? Well, there was also a game called NFL Full Contact, which was utter crap. I think Backbreaker may have beat out Full Contact for creme of the crap.

Passing: awful, slow, and confusing. Too many INTS
Running: too hard to run in parallel motions, no sprint, jukes, etc
Tackling: How?
Atmosphere: boring
Graphics: unrealistic

Well, at least the punting was easy to figure out.

It's hard enough to sell a game without authentic NFL or college teams. Nevertheless, even without those teams, Backbreaker is still an awful, awful game. All I've been reading for months on these forums is how Backbreaker is going to outsell Madden and NCAA. Are you friggin kidding me?! This is bad, this is Superman 64 bad, NBA Live 07' bad, or god forbid ET video game bad!
# 999 Phobia @ 06/07/10 05:09 PM
Originally Posted by BigZell20
Couldn't find the right trigger and right stick or what?
Don't u just love reviews that don't take the time to learn the game before commenting.

Just about his entire post i disagree with.
# 1000 Playmakers @ 06/07/10 05:14 PM
Originally Posted by The Gunslinger
wow, I've played alot of football video games in my time and after playing the Backbreaker demo, this may be the WORST

Remember back in the mid 90s when a bunch of football titles like Madden, Gameday, and Quarterback Club were jockeying for the top spot? Well, there was also a game called NFL Full Contact, which was utter crap. I think Backbreaker may have beat out Full Contact for creme of the crap.

Passing: awful, slow, and confusing. Too many INTS
Running: too hard to run in parallel motions, no sprint, jukes, etc
Tackling: How?
Atmosphere: boring
Graphics: unrealistic

Well, at least the punting was easy to figure out.

It's hard enough to sell a game without authentic NFL or college teams. Nevertheless, even without those teams, Backbreaker is still an awful, awful game. All I've been reading for months on these forums is how Backbreaker is going to outsell Madden and NCAA. Are you friggin kidding me?! This is bad, this is Superman 64 bad, NBA Live 07' bad, or god forbid ET video game bad!

Some of that is true though......I rented this game for like 4 days because I didn't want to spend money on the full price being so uncertain about the product.

Well to be honest there's no way in hell I"m buying this game. I love football and the ability to create teams and players were enticing but the game play is just flat out BAD IMO.

I hated the player models and for some reason I just can't get used to them or the dark visors on every single player.

The tackling was wonderful but this game simply isn't ready IMO to warrant a purchase this year.

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