Backbreaker News Post

The Backbreaker demo is now available on the Marketplace. Post your impressions here.

"BACKBREAKER™ is a new, revolutionary football experience that takes you straight onto the field. Breakthrough euphoria tackles, non-canned animation, and stunning on-field graphics make BACKBREAKER™ the first truly live football game."

Game: BackbreakerReader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 51 - View All
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Member Comments
# 61 TracerBullet @ 05/21/10 11:09 AM
I like but I'm still renting it first to see the full game. also if backbreaker 2 is coming out next year I may just wait for that one and buy it then. However, right now there is justs a ton of stuff coming out these next few months that I want.

The QB on the other team pulled a Tebow and did a jump pass!
# 62 PantherBeast_OS @ 05/21/10 11:09 AM
My impressions are the graphics is good and the passing is tricky right now because of the Cam angle. The Cam angle bothers me quite a bit. Don't really like it. But I guess it is something to get use to. The run blocking seems to work. I just pulled off a 61 tard run and almost got a TD. Other then that the game looks solid for it's first time.

P.S. Just want to let you know that in the first quarter alone I picked off the AI twice and got a sack.
# 63 Methlab @ 05/21/10 11:10 AM
You can't argue with guys who need god view and full control over every player. They play football that way because that is what they like. To me, that is not realistic in any way and I am glad for an alternative. Replays are nice but I usually fast forward through them most of the time.

Most of the time online, you play a guy who is good at the other games, he has figured out how to glitch the game to blitz you so fast that you cannot do anything. It is not like he has mastered the defense or figured out your offense at all. So if you like that style of play, I can definitley see why BB would not be your thing.
# 64 boritter @ 05/21/10 11:10 AM
Originally Posted by ZeeAyKay
In the options menu under game you can lock offensive and defensive roles. So if you always want to be DE just check that box.

Pre-snap when you hold LB you use the left stick to choose what position you want to be.
Thank you.
# 65 TreFacTor @ 05/21/10 11:14 AM
Originally Posted by fldash
Sounds like he's playing on easy with limited play selection and poor AI.
No, I went through the training, then tried ALL of the difficulties allowed by the demo (arcade and pro). I know there is limited plays in arcade, and that there are more in pro etc. I would not base my opinion on playing just one difficulty level. The play books are generic even though there were the staple i-form dive, and shotgun slants. I even played with all 6 of the teams to see if there was any noticeable difference, and I found none. I was able to run, pass and didn't lose. I got sacks, fumbles and even roughed the passer, but that doesn't change my impression of the game. i can't tell how you would get that I only played on arcade. I'm not trying to sway anyone either way, I could care less, just offering an opinion other than the game is the best game ever made by anyone ever in the history of digital entertainment.
# 66 jp7588 @ 05/21/10 11:14 AM
Just threw a WR screen and broke it for about 25 yards. The blocking was surprisingly decent. Felt good man.
# 67 NoDakHusker @ 05/21/10 11:15 AM
EDIT: Nevermind
# 68 jp7588 @ 05/21/10 11:17 AM
Originally Posted by TreFacTor
The play books are generic even though there were the staple i-form dive, and shotgun slants.
The play book (singular because I feel like there's probably only one for every team) really is generic. You can't argue that whether you like the game or not.
# 69 NoDakHusker @ 05/21/10 11:20 AM
Ignore my generic playbooks comment.
Well my videos need to hurry up and render!!! Sheesh.
I just got an interception, and I had 3 guys try to bring me down(not all at once though) and they failed, just saw some cool animations and when I got tackled, my guy got flipped end over end...because I accidentally dove lol.
It was SWEET
# 70 boritter @ 05/21/10 11:20 AM
There isn't a way to control the player's eyes, correct?

For example, when you return a punt can you look up so that you can actually see the ball? Or is it based 100% off the shrinking circle?

Or when you break a run and the camera tightens up can you look around to see who is around you?
# 71 PantherBeast_OS @ 05/21/10 11:24 AM
I just found out that once you pull the ball down with the QB and try and run outside the pocket to avoid pressure you can't throw the ball after you start scrambling. WTF is up with that. The QB can't throw after he scrambles outside the pocket still behind the LOS. Are am I missing something here. Someone please explain.

P.S. Nevermind. I just found out the QB just to set his footing again. But to me that tells me the QB can't throw on the move when scrambling. That shouldn't happen. Qbs in the NFL all the time throw on the move when scrambling outside the pocket without resetting their feet. Bad point of the QB postion on here.
# 72 jp7588 @ 05/21/10 11:26 AM
There's more risk than reward in going for a big hit which is a welcome change.

Awesome play. CPU QB was getting rushed and stepped up into the pocket tried to make a jump pass but his momentum ran him into a couple guys on the ground and he fumbled the ball forward as he was bringing his arm up. The ball floated a couple yards past the LOS and was snatched out of the air by a LB who ran in clean for the score.

I can honestly say I've seen more unique football gaming moments in the hour or so that I've had with this demo than I have in a very LOOONG time with any other game.
# 73 fikedemon @ 05/21/10 11:26 AM
Aight so I took off work and downloaded this game. Ive been waiting soooooo long and this game is like having sex with the hottest girl in your school. First the camera on offense is perfect. On defense its gonna take some getting use to. The controls are fluid and if your having probs I suggest using the alternate controls that allows you to use the buttons. The animations are SO FREAKIN AWESOME!!!. Nuff said bout that. The graphics are great and the player models arent as bad as everyone says they are. Bottom line for a first try NaturalMotion has accomplished something special that they can build on for the future. WAR BACKBREAKER
# 74 mgoblue678 @ 05/21/10 11:27 AM
Originally Posted by Legend Killer
I just found out that once you pull the ball down with the QB and try and run outside the pocket to avoid pressure you can't throw the ball after you start scrambling. WTF is up with that. The QB can't throw after he scrambles outside the pocket still behind the LOS. Are am I missing something here. Someone please explain.
Not sure why it didn't work for you. I just threw a pass for a 20 year completion when I scrambled out of the pocket.
# 75 jp7588 @ 05/21/10 11:27 AM
Originally Posted by Legend Killer
I just found out that once you pull the ball down with the QB and try and run outside the pocket to avoid pressure you can't throw the ball after you start scrambling. WTF is up with that. The QB can't throw after he scrambles outside the pocket still behind the LOS. Are am I missing something here. Someone please explain.
I thought that if you let go of RT the QB would go back into pass mode and you can press 'A' to throw it away. I'm not sure though.
# 76 Demoncrom @ 05/21/10 11:27 AM
Originally Posted by hatisback
Hoping it was the teams and not the game, I just finished with the Pittsburgh Pioneers (Me) up against the Indianapolis Spartans. They destroyed me on all sides of the ball. I was able to run against them though, which was a plus.

The thing I like about this game is it really differentiates the players on the good/bad spectrum and it does a good job interpreting it. This is a day one purchase for me. Buh Bye Madden.
I saw a post yesterday that broke down the teams and how they match up, which would explain your situation. I have not played the demo yet, but for the guys complaining about not being in the play enough - do you watch football in real life or have ever played? If I single player makes 10 tackles in a game he's had one heck of a day. The reality if that you are not involved directly in every play. Sometimes you just play your role. Tie up your defender when you blocking or clog the hole so the linebacker can clean up. Football is a team sport maybe they have to make switching to other players more fluid.

For the guys on here Repping Madden, like it or not, APF2k8 was and is still a more FUN game than Madden. A lot f us want to have a good game that is also fun. Dont' get me wrong MAdden made some good strides last year for sure, but Games like APF and now Backbreaker are what the industry needs to keep EA honest. Im buying this day one.
# 77 BuzzKardzrool @ 05/21/10 11:29 AM
Won't have the demo for who knows how long because of my internet. Is the depth chart on there? If so, what's it look like? How are the players rated? Do the teams feel different? Thanks.
# 78 mgoblue678 @ 05/21/10 11:32 AM
I just noticed a possible issue. Looks like the CPU QB may not be very good at throwing screen passed properly. In the games I have played I have now seen three times where the CPU QB has thrown a pick six on a WR screem. All three times the defender was clearly in front of the wr the whole time.
# 79 mgoblue678 @ 05/21/10 11:38 AM
Originally Posted by hatisback
What level of difficulty?
Medium. Maybe it wouldn't happen on Hard.

I actually think Medium might me too easy for me as I am getting used to the game. Just beat the Pioneers 21-0 with the Spartans.
# 80 DirtyJerz32 @ 05/21/10 11:38 AM
Ok I finally broke down and left work early. Stupid headaches

Anyway, I'm liking it so far. One thing I will say is I did the training camp stuff and jumped into exh mode on arcade and easy. This was a mistake, the cpu is an idiot. Two plays in a row they called a screen pass and the cpu player threw the ball and hit the LT in the head. Ok, I know that happens IRL but, I don't want to see the cpu that stupid.

So, I jumped into exh mode, pro and hard. That's more like it... The cpu was a lot better at reading plays and throwing to the correct player.

Love the graphics and overall feel of the game. My fiances brother is coming over later to play some 2 player games, so I'll get a chance to see what that's about.

Overall so far, this date is going down in history. Football video games has changed forever.

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