Tiger Woods 11 News Post

The Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 11 demo is available now. Please post your impressions here.

"Share the Demo With Friends and Earn Experience Points

May 18, 2010 – The Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 11 demo is now available on Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3! The demo invites you to participate in a fully customizable Ryder Cup match that includes three holes on Celtic Manor, the home course of the 2010 Ryder Cup. Share the demo with those on your friends list, via Xbox LIVE and PlayStation Network, to earn in-game Experience Points (XP).

Using the console messaging system, you can earn in-game XP for each invited friend and additional XP for each invited friend that downloads the demo. The XP can be applied to the full version of Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 11, when it launches on June 8th (North America) and July 2nd (Worldwide) to help boost your golfer’s skill attributes.

In addition to the Ryder Cup feature, the demo will include the ability to play three holes on the all-new Liberty National golf course. As you hit the links, the all-new Shot Focus system allows players to make shot to shot decisions and offers a bit more risk/reward style of play. Shot Focus is used to provide that extra boost to the ball off the tee, increased spin during flight, the accuracy of your shot and most importantly putt previews. Once your Shot Focus has been depleted you will lose the advantage of those shot enhancements until it recharges.

The Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 11 demo will also introduce True Aim – a new feature that brings a more authentic style of play and immersion onto the golf course. Traditional aiming methods have been replaced with yardage markers showing carry distance, and distance to targets. It’s up to you to select the right club and execute your shot. Just like in real life, once the ball leaves the club face it’s on its own.

To see additional information regarding Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 11, log on to http://www.tigerwoodspgatour.easports.com."

Game: Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 11Hype Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: iPhone / PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 9 - View All
Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 11 Videos
Member Comments
# 41 shaunjuan2000 @ 05/21/10 01:48 PM
CamleeEA opened an EA Ask the Devs thread at their forums. Got any questions, he''ll do his best to answer them. Check it out!
# 42 DivotMaker @ 05/21/10 04:42 PM
Originally Posted by Seymour Scagnetti
I don't feel like signing up to EA.
Why? Wouldn't you rather ask the Devs directly? Sorry, but I have enough on my plate. I can't be a messenger between forums when it takes all of 2-3 minutes to sign up for an account on the EA forums...
# 43 TajDeni @ 05/21/10 08:12 PM
i havent played TWs in a long time but was looking to pick up TW11.

can someone please explain the difference in the difficulty settings...

obviously i know that tour pro is more challenging than amature, and that most ppl go to higher difficulty settings for a greater challenge..

but i find that most of EAs sports title only play fairly on the defualt settings which again 4 most ppl is to easy.

so along with explaing what the differences in gameplay would be with different difficulty settings, is there the option to customise the difficulty,

basically have the difficulty set to amature but have it play like tour pro by turn off all assist that real golfers dont have....or is this logic somehow flawed.
# 44 OnlookerDelay @ 05/22/10 12:46 PM
Originally Posted by TajDeni
i havent played TWs in a long time but was looking to pick up TW11.

can someone please explain the difference in the difficulty settings...

obviously i know that tour pro is more challenging than amature, and that most ppl go to higher difficulty settings for a greater challenge..

but i find that most of EAs sports title only play fairly on the defualt settings which again 4 most ppl is to easy.

so along with explaing what the differences in gameplay would be with different difficulty settings, is there the option to customise the difficulty,

basically have the difficulty set to amature but have it play like tour pro by turn off all assist that real golfers dont have....or is this logic somehow flawed.
I stay away from anything less than Tour Pro in Tiger Woods golf games because it makes absolutely no sense to me how I should be able to affect the ball *after* it has left the clubhead. Your idea of playing Amateur mode, with options off that make it play more like Tour Pro mode will work fine, as long as you're playing offline. You can bet your sweet bippy that those playing amateur online are using every aid and boost at their disposal.

I don't agree with your point that EA Sports titles, including this one, only play fairly on default settings. I think they are *fair* to the degree that they are fair, across the spectrum of play difficulties. They just offer more challenge in higher difficulty settings, but I've never thought of it as being because they're unfair, particularly in Tiger Woods golf.
# 45 OnlookerDelay @ 05/22/10 12:48 PM
After playing the demo for the last 4 days, I've developed a purchase strategy for Tiger Woods PGA Tour 11. As silly as this may sound, my decision on which version of Tiger Woods PGA Tour 11 to buy has come down to this - what will be the highest resolution platform on which I can play Tiger Woods 11 using True View?

If I get word that the PS3 version will eventually include True View, when Move support is implemented this Fall, then that's the direction I'll be going. Otherwise, I'll be buying a Wii and playing Tiger Woods 11 on it. I know 480p is pretty Spartan compared to 720p, but doggone it... True View is the way I want to play this game. Either way, I'll have to be buying a PS3 or a Wii to play Tiger Woods PGA Tour 11 this year.
# 46 countryboy @ 05/22/10 02:13 PM
haven't owned a TW game is over 3 years so picking this one up, especially with the addition of the Ryder Cup, is a no brainer for me.

My only complaint is the camera with True Aim. I want it to follow the ball, not show a trail and be from my vantage point. True Aim is a very welcomed addition, but why they chose to limit the camera options is disappointing.
# 47 BLB34 @ 05/22/10 02:21 PM
After spending a little more time with True Aim it's starting to grow on me. I'm one of the many tour pro players who have been hoping for more realistic, less gimmicky, gameplay so this is a much appreciated option. A couple of things I'd like to see changed:

1. Provide not only the carry distance but total distance for each club on the HUD. I can't find total distances anywhere, unless I'm missing them.

2. Display the yardage left to the pin after each shot on the HUD. I know you can find this by zooming to the yardage markers, but it would be handy to have this readily available. It also is a little tough to read the yardages on the green through the green grid. (BTW - I really like the ability to pull up the hole layout directly from the HUD, but it would be even better if it showed your current position like the PC version used to do).

3. After hitting the shot and holding the camera view on the ball flight for a few seconds, switch to a follow-cam at the conclusion of the shot to more easily see where it ended up. I know, this takes a step back from true-aim realism, but I think it would improve the gameplay. At least make it an option.

I think True Aim plus the new attribute building system could breath life back into the career mode, assuming the scoring can be kept realistic on Tour Pro mode. While I may not love all the changes, overall I'm glad to see EA putting the effort into the game and at least trying to improve based on the community's feedback.
# 48 DivotMaker @ 05/22/10 02:45 PM
Originally Posted by JEM
So.. Has it been confirmed that the textures on the PS3 demo are low res on purpose or not? I cant tell much of a difference on videos I have looked at either.
My guess is "yes" for the demo if you judge by these screenshots:

# 49 shaunjuan2000 @ 05/23/10 03:29 AM
Great pics. Looking forward to getting it in 16 days.

I cannot wait for Cameron to come back on Monday to hear what else he has to say. I'll be joining the live Dev chat Tuesdat at 5pm, so I can see what other people are saying. The only question I'll probably ask is will DLC be able to be used in create a course. Also I can ask why are courses that are not used on the PGA Tour, placed on the disc, like Turnberry. But I'll ask only after I get what courses are on the disc.
# 50 TajDeni @ 05/23/10 05:36 PM
Originally Posted by OnlookerDelay
I stay away from anything less than Tour Pro in Tiger Woods golf games because it makes absolutely no sense to me how I should be able to affect the ball *after* it has left the clubhead. Your idea of playing Amateur mode, with options off that make it play more like Tour Pro mode will work fine, as long as you're playing offline. You can bet your sweet bippy that those playing amateur online are using every aid and boost at their disposal.

I don't agree with your point that EA Sports titles, including this one, only play fairly on default settings. I think they are *fair* to the degree that they are fair, across the spectrum of play difficulties. They just offer more challenge in higher difficulty settings, but I've never thought of it as being because they're unfair, particularly in Tiger Woods golf.
we can agree to disagree on the fair thing or what we exactly classify as fair, but i will agree that as far as games go TW is prolly the most fair(you versus the course), so no need to go down that path of convo...

but my last game was TW07, and that game had a scoring issue as far as the computer scores...has this issue been fixed by EA?, or is there something that i personally can do to fix this issue if it needs to be fixed. this is the prolly the only issue that could keep me from purchasing the game.
# 51 DivotMaker @ 05/23/10 08:57 PM
Originally Posted by TajDeni
but my last game was TW07, and that game had a scoring issue as far as the computer scores...has this issue been fixed by EA?, or is there something that i personally can do to fix this issue if it needs to be fixed. this is the prolly the only issue that could keep me from purchasing the game.
I asked this question at TW Community Day back in February and I was told that the AI was fixed....we'll find out in just over a week....
# 52 The Bimmer @ 05/23/10 09:20 PM
Originally Posted by DivotMaker
I asked this question at TW Community Day back in February and I was told that the AI was fixed....we'll find out in just over a week....
I am like many others, havent played TWG in 3 yrs. The demo is very cool and if the A.I. is indeed fixed as you were told, I will buy this game.
# 53 shaunjuan2000 @ 05/23/10 09:35 PM
Divot , are we talking the rubberband AI or scores of 20 under winning tournaments? I know rubberband AI was fixed by TW10.
# 54 DivotMaker @ 05/23/10 09:51 PM
Originally Posted by shaunjuan2000
Divot , are we talking the rubberband AI or scores of 20 under winning tournaments? I know rubberband AI was fixed by TW10.
# 55 shaunjuan2000 @ 05/23/10 10:23 PM
Thats great to hear. Only 16 more days. Wish I could go to sleep tonight and not wake up til June 8th. The demo is starting to get old. Can't wait to hear some more tomorrow from Cameron Lee and the dev chat Tuesday. You gonna be online on Tuesday for that?
# 56 OnlookerDelay @ 05/24/10 02:45 AM
Originally Posted by TajDeni
but my last game was TW07, and that game had a scoring issue as far as the computer scores...has this issue been fixed by EA?, or is there something that i personally can do to fix this issue if it needs to be fixed. this is the prolly the only issue that could keep me from purchasing the game.
Okay, I see where you're coming from on this. IMO, TW 10 was the first in the series that didn't feel like the AI used rubberband AI excessively. To a degree it happens, but my offline season mode produced some reasonbly better results. I won a tournament with an 18 under par total in Tour Pro mode.

I have my regular golfer built to do well to bust 20 under in Tour Pro, for 72 holes. The lowest winning score I've seen from an AI player was -24, for 72. This may have something to do with the way my golfer is built and what his stats are, because I've read other reports from people who've seen -30 to -35 win season tournaments. I won one tournament when I got really hot and finished -42. The nearest pro was at -22.

From what I'm reading, this should be even better in '11.
# 57 pietasterp @ 05/27/10 02:17 AM
This is the one game (maybe in the world) that I prefer to play exclusively on the Wii...having said that, my roots are in PC golf (Leaderboard golf, anyone?) so I download the demo every year. First impressions are that, as always, the color palette is just too darned dark for me. I guess I might as well stop complaining about it, because that's the engine/color scheme they're sticking with for the forseeable future, but the grass colors, the rough, trees, etc. all just look too gloomy and dark to me (even when it's supposedly a sunny day). I complain about this every year, but I just hate it so much I can't not say anything. Golf is about being out in the bright sunshine and being in the lush grassy plots of your local track, and everything looks very vibrant and colorful. TW always looks like it's overcast at dusk and it's about to rain....

Oh well, they aren't changing that. I also hate the character models in this game - they look like they were colored in with pastels, and they move so herky-jerky. Also on my dislike list: the camera angles/options. Again, it's like year #65 in a row or something that I've complained about the lack of a static behind-the-player cam or a behind-the-player with a cut-to-landing-area option that was in EA's golf games way back when they were called PGA Tour Golf back in the 90's (when I used to really love the series). The ball-follow-cam should not exist - period.

Anyhoo, I just can't get into this came on my XBox anymore...I did buy the Wii version last year, though, and it was great. The 1:1 swing was solid (not as awesome as I had hoped, but better than anything else out there), and if there are improvements this year, count me in on the Big N's little white wonder...But I can't get into the main console versions anymore. I think each year's titles are basically the same, and if you dig the current engine, it's all great. But if you didn't like the last 5 versions, it just seems unlikely any opinions are going to change as year-to-year variation is pretty minor...
# 58 shaunjuan2000 @ 05/30/10 12:38 AM
Ever heard of the saying, "Never judge a book by it's cover." Well heres a new one. "Never judge a game by its demo"

9 days and counting til the release of this game. I got my stuff to trade in (MLB09, Heavy Rain, Tiger Woods 08, and Tiger Woods 10) , and with the extra 30% trade in credit at Gamestop, hopefully I won't spend more than $15.
# 59 OnlookerDelay @ 05/31/10 08:26 AM
Interesting video here... toward the end Travis Sailer says "we are supporting the Sony Move on this version and I think there's going to be a bigger announcement about that coming at E3, so definitely stay tuned for that..." My read between the lines, wishful-thinking eyes interpret "bigger" as "True View"... game, set & match

# 60 pietasterp @ 05/31/10 03:38 PM
Originally Posted by OnlookerDelay
Interesting video here... toward the end Travis Sailer says "we are supporting the Sony Move on this version and I think there's going to be a bigger announcement about that coming at E3, so definitely stay tuned for that..." My read between the lines, wishful-thinking eyes interpret "bigger" as "True View"... game, set & match


Hmmm...my first thought is that the announcement is going to be that TW11 is going to support Natal, but we'll see...unless they already announced that?

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