MLB 10 News Post

The month of March is by far my favorite time of the entire year. Why? Because March signifies the return of baseball. I have been playing the game ever since I was old enough to walk; I still pick up a pack of baseball cards whenever I get the opportunity; I viewed my trip to Fenway Park as a religious experience; And I am one of those twisted individuals who will watch all 162 games of my beloved Detroit Tigers (and even game 163 last season, which I do not want to talk about). March is the month of baseball's rebirth.

March also happens to be the month baseball games are released, an added bonus that makes the month even sweeter in my eyes. I have been gaming for as long as I have been interested in baseball, so naturally the two would go hand in hand. I am proud to say that I have played quite possibly every baseball game ever created. From Hardball to High Heat to the Tiger Electronics monochrome baseball game, I have experienced them all, loving many, despising a few, and with many others falling into various levels in between.

Knowing this I am sure it will come as a surprise when I say that I was a bit underwhelmed by Sony's MLB 09: The Show last year. The game was most definitely a solid overall baseball title, but my biggest issue with the game was that after playing the '08 version to death, there was no aspect of the '09 game that really compelled me to invest a great deal of time into the title. I never felt that addictive pull as a baseball fanatic and hardcore sports gamer to keep playing.

But when I was told that I would be handling the review of MLB 10: The Show this year, I was definitely excited for the opportunity. With the promise of revamped real-time presentation, a new broadcast camera angle in the field, numerous RttS improvements (including the ability to call a game as a catcher) and upgrades to the series' awful throwing meter, MLB 10 seemed to have enough new content to differentiate itself from its 2009 iteration. So does MLB 10 deliver that elusive pull for this baseball junkie? Read on to find out.

Read More - MLB '10: The Show Review - Written by: Christian McLeod

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Game: MLB '10: The ShowReader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3Votes for game: 66 - View All
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Member Comments
# 41 lewski19 @ 03/12/10 12:50 AM
I am sure I will get ripped for saying this, but this game is not anywhere close to MVP 05, this game is slightly better than last year's game, which was good. It has a couple glaring errors that were present last year and still have not been addressed.

First, the baserunning is quite possibly the worst in video game baseball history. To many runners get picked off -whether trying to steal or not, and by righties and lefties. It is insane that in a three game series Carl Crawford was picked off 6 of the 8 times he got on base (only 3 of the 6 was I actually trying to steal and 2 of them I did not even have any extra lead, also I never take more than one step bc the computer then just throws over till you stop).

The number of times runners get picked off is just stupid, and it leads in to the other flaw in the running game. The other flaw is that runners stealing can slide and be half way over the base and will be called out. This error drives me nuts, it is almost as bad as the useless check swing system that seems to be a complete coin-flip. I get that people get thrown out stealing, but usually if they are lying on second base when the ball gets there they are safe.

The other baserunning problem is balls down the line. You can hit a ball into the corner and get thrown out going for a double with all but the absolute fastest runners. It seems to be a result largely of that fact that every computer controlled right and left fielder plays the ball off the wall or down the line perfectly, yet also still manages to cover the gap perfectly as well, not sure how that's possible, and then also has an incredibly accurate arm.

Balls into the corner are doubles, balls down the line are usually doubles in general, unless the of is way over toward the line, or in the case of MLB The Show maybe all computer of's are Bugs Bunny.

The other major flaw is in the in-game fast forward where the computer team is amazingly adept at 6 and 7 run innings. In playing 20 games using fast forward for all my pitching (playing with Atlanta's staff with Cliff Lee instead of Kawakami, so a pretty good staff) the computer scored 6 or 7 runs in an inning 11 times. Somebody might wanna research how many times major league teams scored that many runs in an inning last year, bc I am betting it was nowhere near the rate of one every other game. If you are not willing to program the statistics to correctly handle fast forward then do not have it in the game.

Sadly, stuff like this ruins many games for me. I get frustrated with an inability to play a pressure style for fear of getting picked off or thrown out going for a double, or disheartened when my staff gives up 7 runs every couple innings, and there is no reason to finish the game.

I know that these games are never going to be perfect, but these seem like pretty basic problems. The baserunning and pickoffs especially. The saddest part is that if they had just left the sliders from the 2008 game in the game where we could adjust everything to our liking most of these could be fixed for me. I could slow down there outfielders, etc. Unfortunately, last year, SCEA decided that they would tell us how to play the game and drastically limited our choices. I cannot afford to fix the universal sliders, my only option, to these parameters bc the cpu already gets its doubles, stolen bases, and never gets picked off so it would just further hurt my cause.

I think it's a okay to good game, but for it to be great the basics have to be done better.

Also, on a side note, could somebody please tell me why every time you hit a ground ball foul to the stands some idiot falls onto the field. I know it happens, and I like the attempt to create more fan interaction, but not every time please.
# 42 CarolinaBlue704 @ 03/12/10 01:33 AM
Originally Posted by travis72
For one they should have never given madden that high of score. At this stage with the bugs MLB is a 8.5 IMO while Madden never should have be given more than a 7.5. Actually no EA game sports game (basketball or football) should be given more than that considering there motto to fixing issues is wait till next year.
Which is exactly why I said OS dropped the ball.They fell into the Madden hype,and I expect more than that from OS.

I have no problem with OS giving The Show 10 an 8.5,although I don't agree with the reviewers reasons for doing so.In my opinion,bugs are the only thing holding The Show 10 back.

How any reviewer can knock a game for lacking innovation is beyond me.It's 2010,innovation in video games is basically dead.And I don't expect that to change until technology gets better.The closet thing I've seen to innovation on "next gen" consoles,is Little Big Planet.But even that games concept has been done before.

Fact is,The Show 10 is the closet I've ever seen a sports title to perfection.But yet it gets knocked for lacking innovation?And the commentary being stale? Sports gamers these days are so spoiled....To each his own.
# 43 SDwinder @ 03/12/10 02:13 AM
Based on on-field gameplay, I give it a 9.5 for all the obvious reasons. Anyone that cannot see the improvements in 10 vs 09 for gameplay is really missing the boat. The presentation with the TV cams alone is fantastic. I am seeing new realistic animations and gameplay outcomes that are absolutely the best in a baseball game ever! I have always loved the pitcher/batter interface. The batting is as good as it gets. I hate the Swingstick in other games. I really despised the Pitching interface in the 2K games with the ridiculous Meatball, but 2K10's pitching works very well this year and would like to see that implemented in The Show for 2011.

I think the commentary is very good. I am hearing things I never heard the last two years. Unfortunately, I am hearing some glaring bugs once in a while too.

If I was a franchise or sim only guy, I would probably be upset with all the issues, but my main focus is the gameplay on the field. It has never been done better in any baseball game, and is MUCH better than the last two years of The Show. Don't be fooled by those who don't get it. This is a fantastic playing baseball game on the field.
# 44 texasgmr @ 03/12/10 11:48 AM
Great job! Nice review.
# 45 Dreifort @ 03/12/10 12:40 PM
Originally Posted by brinks
What I find funny about sports game reviews is the games are always compared to last year's versions and that's it. Madden 10 is better than Madden 09. MLB 10 isn't much of a jump from MLB 09.

I haven't played a baseball game since MLB 2K7. I don't care about MLB 09 vs MLB 10. All I care about is MLB 10 as a PS3 game in 2010. How good is the game in the life of the PS3? We need reviewers that don't assume we've played last year's iteration. This game stands alone for me. Review it that way. Or at least present that point of view.

I would guess near 75% of those buying MLB10 are doing so because they are prev purchasers of the MLB: The Show series. So a review comparing 10 to 09 makes a lot of sense when the target audience is made up primarily of MLB09 owners.
# 46 lewski19 @ 03/12/10 06:10 PM
new problem I just found...

You know how it tells you to switch positions if you want to leave a pinch hitter for the pitcher in the game? Well, every time I try to do that I get told that I cannot change positions with the pitcher, therefore I can never leave the pinch hitter in the game. Come on Sony, this is common sense stuff, did you even play this game before releasing it?
# 47 Braves Fan @ 03/12/10 08:47 PM
Well here are my thoughts on the review and the game itself.

Pitching Meter - don't use it and I don't care for it. I'm a classic pitching guy, always have been. I don't like the extra stuff on the screen, it distracts me. When I'm playing I want it to look like I'm watching a game. That's why I don't use the guess pitch feature, strike zone, PCI, or any other things that take away from the beauty of the game. I am a x button swinger only, always have been and always will be. I hope they never take that option away.

Franchise mode is what is holding this game back from being absolutely amazing. This is what I want the development team to spend all their time focusing on for 2011. Gameplay is not that bad, there are a few glitches here or there but overall it's pretty good. Franchise needs all their attention imo. The option needs to be there where you can go with a single team franchise and compete vs the CPU. Realistic moves need to be made, logic needs to be applied, payrolls need to be accurate, lineups need to be right, injuries need to be realistic as well. I don't know how they can get it to work right but it needs a lot of improvement. I can deal with the work arounds right now but I'm hoping next year they won't be necessary.

The review was solid, it focused on the positives and negatives and at the end of the day encouraged gamers to go out and buy it. It was honest and to the point, didn't come off as praising or bashing the game imo.
# 48 ballin095 @ 03/12/10 08:52 PM
Originally Posted by lewski19
I am sure I will get ripped for saying this, but this game is not anywhere close to MVP 05, this game is slightly better than last year's game, which was good. It has a couple glaring errors that were present last year and still have not been addressed.

First, the baserunning is quite possibly the worst in video game baseball history. To many runners get picked off -whether trying to steal or not, and by righties and lefties. It is insane that in a three game series Carl Crawford was picked off 6 of the 8 times he got on base (only 3 of the 6 was I actually trying to steal and 2 of them I did not even have any extra lead, also I never take more than one step bc the computer then just throws over till you stop).

The number of times runners get picked off is just stupid, and it leads in to the other flaw in the running game. The other flaw is that runners stealing can slide and be half way over the base and will be called out. This error drives me nuts, it is almost as bad as the useless check swing system that seems to be a complete coin-flip. I get that people get thrown out stealing, but usually if they are lying on second base when the ball gets there they are safe.

The other baserunning problem is balls down the line. You can hit a ball into the corner and get thrown out going for a double with all but the absolute fastest runners. It seems to be a result largely of that fact that every computer controlled right and left fielder plays the ball off the wall or down the line perfectly, yet also still manages to cover the gap perfectly as well, not sure how that's possible, and then also has an incredibly accurate arm.

Balls into the corner are doubles, balls down the line are usually doubles in general, unless the of is way over toward the line, or in the case of MLB The Show maybe all computer of's are Bugs Bunny.

The other major flaw is in the in-game fast forward where the computer team is amazingly adept at 6 and 7 run innings. In playing 20 games using fast forward for all my pitching (playing with Atlanta's staff with Cliff Lee instead of Kawakami, so a pretty good staff) the computer scored 6 or 7 runs in an inning 11 times. Somebody might wanna research how many times major league teams scored that many runs in an inning last year, bc I am betting it was nowhere near the rate of one every other game. If you are not willing to program the statistics to correctly handle fast forward then do not have it in the game.

Sadly, stuff like this ruins many games for me. I get frustrated with an inability to play a pressure style for fear of getting picked off or thrown out going for a double, or disheartened when my staff gives up 7 runs every couple innings, and there is no reason to finish the game.

I know that these games are never going to be perfect, but these seem like pretty basic problems. The baserunning and pickoffs especially. The saddest part is that if they had just left the sliders from the 2008 game in the game where we could adjust everything to our liking most of these could be fixed for me. I could slow down there outfielders, etc. Unfortunately, last year, SCEA decided that they would tell us how to play the game and drastically limited our choices. I cannot afford to fix the universal sliders, my only option, to these parameters bc the cpu already gets its doubles, stolen bases, and never gets picked off so it would just further hurt my cause.

I think it's a okay to good game, but for it to be great the basics have to be done better.

Also, on a side note, could somebody please tell me why every time you hit a ground ball foul to the stands some idiot falls onto the field. I know it happens, and I like the attempt to create more fan interaction, but not every time please.
interesting post there, nice read
# 49 Bellsprout @ 03/12/10 09:25 PM
Originally Posted by lewski19
The other baserunning problem is balls down the line. You can hit a ball into the corner and get thrown out going for a double with all but the absolute fastest runners. It seems to be a result largely of that fact that every computer controlled right and left fielder plays the ball off the wall or down the line perfectly, yet also still manages to cover the gap perfectly as well, not sure how that's possible, and then also has an incredibly accurate arm.
Considering I have Casey McGehee in the top 5 in the MLB in doubles in my Franchise, I feel like you must be doing something wrong. The only time I get thrown out going to second is if the outfielder cuts the ball off before it hits the wall or if it's a freaking bullet that gets down the line too quickly.
# 50 Braves Fan @ 03/12/10 09:45 PM
I never played MVP '05, what was so great about it? I've watched videos on youtube and I was not impressed at all. Everyone keeps talking about what a legendary game it was though.

I'd much rather play '10 than that one, even with all the glitches.
# 51 lewski19 @ 03/12/10 10:00 PM
maybe i am, and if you can fix it please tell, but it happens to me all the time, happened earlier today with nate mclouth on a ball down the line and up against the wall foul towards the corner at turner field. never seen anybody thrown out from there in a game and i have covered the braves for a year, along with living in atlanta my whole life.
# 52 lewski19 @ 03/12/10 10:04 PM
Originally Posted by Segagendude
1) This belongs in the Bugs and Glitches thread.

2) Workaround here:
thanks, i figured somebody had already had that problem, and i posted it in the bugs and glitches section at sony, but i did not think about that here, thanks for letting me know about the update, but i already have that patch and it is still doing the same thing. tried the work around, but it does not work after the fact, hopefully they will get it fixed with the patch coming in april. thanks.
# 53 lewski19 @ 03/12/10 10:08 PM
Originally Posted by Braves Fan
I never played MVP '05, what was so great about it? I've watched videos on youtube and I was not impressed at all. Everyone keeps talking about what a legendary game it was though.

I'd much rather play '10 than that one, even with all the glitches.
you may be right about mvp 05, i have not played it in over 2 years and we all tend to remember things as better than they actually were. however, i do know that i found far fewer glaring issues when i played mvp. i have only ever posted complaints about 3 games. last years' mlb the show and this years' being two of them. not they the games are bad, far from it, but it just frustrates me how close it is to being great if not for these seemingly obvious problems.
# 54 Braves Fan @ 03/12/10 11:59 PM
Why did MVP stop? Why didn't they continue to make games?

Franchise sounded awesome man, I'd love for the Show to pick up on that but the way I look at it they are adding a little bet every year. Last year they brought us 40 man roster and arbitration hearings, this year they added waiver claims and a hold over Class A roster. Who's to say what's next? Maybe they need to fix their current franchise though before they worry about adding anything else.
# 55 teebee @ 03/13/10 12:47 AM
weak review; prob the lowest score in the universe for this near perfect game
# 56 lewski19 @ 03/13/10 11:25 AM
Originally Posted by osubeavs721
i still have it on pc and play it, if the show had its franchise mode the show would be hands down the best baseball game ever. in MVP 05 you get control of MLB, AAA, AA, A (and its a full 24 or 25 man roster and you can play the games) So when you draft guys they played rookie ball aka A ball and moved up. Its rare a real life pitcher throws the ball exactly where he wants it everytime
Im a fan of The Show's meter pitching, i love it. I love how its accurate yet inaccurate.
Pitching is better in The Show. Hell i like the fielding meter in the circle, you have to adapt to it, thats nice.
Batting is better in MVP, the show 09 was the first one i bought and this years game was the first time i actually got a bloop single, mvp did that in 2005.
Again Franchise is waaaay better.
To me MVP is 1A and The show is 1A.5, its that close.
If you have never played it, then dont judge it on videos on youtube. Its a really great game, so is the show. I play both and enjoy both still and MVP 05 is the only game i can still bother playing from last gen, thats how well its held up
i will add one thing that i thought about while playing The Show last night. In MVP there was more reward for getting the count in your favor and for tiring out a pitcher. MVP would let you know occasionally exactly where a hung pitch was going to be, provided you worked the count and tired the pitcher/ guessed correctly, which i liked. in The Show there is very little advantage to working ahead in the count or tiring a pitcher out, bc they almost become more wild and unpredictable as much as they become more likely to hang a ball.
# 57 moemoe24 @ 03/13/10 04:11 PM
Christian.....why do you say it lacks innovation?? Its baseball...not a lot to innovate. SCEA perfected it in 2008 so theres not much more they can do except to work on the presentation and other small things. I assume when you say it lacks innovation or they play it conservative I'm sure you are wondering why a hit stick isnt in the game or goofy gimmicks like that. This game is perfect the way it is...no reason to try to add silly features when you already have what works. Poor review!!!
# 58 lewski19 @ 03/14/10 04:47 PM
Originally Posted by Segagendude
1) This belongs in the Bugs and Glitches thread.

2) Workaround here:
It still does not work even with the first patch, and you cannot choose double switch after pinch hitting or while hitting, so the go around is not workable either.
# 59 Super Glock @ 03/14/10 04:55 PM
Originally Posted by moemoe24
Christian.....why do you say it lacks innovation?? Its baseball...not a lot to innovate. SCEA perfected it in 2008 so theres not much more they can do except to work on the presentation and other small things. I assume when you say it lacks innovation or they play it conservative I'm sure you are wondering why a hit stick isnt in the game or goofy gimmicks like that. This game is perfect the way it is...no reason to try to add silly features when you already have what works. Poor review!!!
I would have to agree that this was a very poor review as I agree with the reasons stated above.
# 60 palmer08 @ 05/14/10 12:22 PM
MLB 10 The Show is a great game a bit more better than MLB 09 but a huge issue into franchise mode give me sometime the desire to start a franchise in the '09 version. I love to spend time with my team to add promotion, if players are happy etc. But in 2010 version, the lineup are mess up after the Spring Training. Every teams lineup and starting rotation are wrong and I think that I'm not alone to don't want to go in every teams to have real lineup and rotation. Also, I like to see score in real time into stadium scoreboard but when you're controlling 30 teams, this feature don't running and I don't want to play a 162 games season without any scores on scoreboard.

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