MLB 10 News Post

Just to keep everyone up to date on the whereabouts of the MLB '10: The Show demo. Thanks for the confirmation Chris.

"I am not sure what purpose would be served by misleading you. We said there will be a demo....and there will be a demo. The simple fact is....The demo HAS been completed....the demo HAS been submitted for approval and posting. We, as devs of the game, have absolutely ZERO control as to when it gets approved or posted."

*UPDATE: From one of the admins at The Show Community.

"Just saw this there is no demo today or one before release."

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Platform: PS3Votes for game: 66 - View All
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Member Comments
# 181 Randor2000 @ 02/26/10 10:52 AM
You guys are all blind to the truth...

This is clearly a conspiracy involving the Rand Corporation, in conjunction with the reverse Vampires to get people to go to Best Buy in an attempt to eliminate amazon.com and ultimately the ENTIRE INTERNET!

WAKE UP PEOPLE!!! Sony is the devil!
# 182 Jgainsey @ 02/26/10 12:32 PM
I had already completely forgotten about the demo until I saw this thread. Mostly because I've been playing Heavy Rain like video games are going out of style. Once this game comes out it will completely consume me, but until then I could really care less. I can't understand while some people are tweaking over this whole thing... Well, I can understand, but you know what I mean.
# 183 DiddyGotGrillz @ 02/26/10 12:41 PM
HAHA...this thread is cracking me up. It's this simple....if you want to play the demo before you purchase the game then so be it....you still can, it just won't be out until Sony approves it and puts it up.

No one is forcing ANYONE to take a leap of faith. There WILL be a demo, maybe not the second you demand it, but there will be one.

Everyone relax...if there is ONE thing that we can feel comfortable with it's SCEA's reputation. If you liked '09 then you will like '10...BUY IT. If you didn't like '09 then wait for the release of the demo.
# 184 carlmac @ 02/26/10 01:37 PM
The Game comes out in a few days, y in the hell do we need the demo now, but bcuz we didnt get to play the demo, this game better have no probs, and better be the best game ever...
it probably is
# 185 Motown @ 02/26/10 03:05 PM
Originally Posted by mattstl77
No MLB the Show demo? No problem. I will play the 2k demo. It is actually pretty decent.
your just a step from trolling bro...better watch it
# 186 JoeRyan33 @ 02/26/10 03:28 PM
Well, he couldn't be playing the 2K demo on PS3.
# 187 countryboy @ 02/26/10 07:57 PM
Originally Posted by miamimarlins1
I love when people try to condescend because they blindly defend a company to no ends. Why is it such a farfetched idea to think that a billion dollar company, like Sony has used unethical practices to give themselves an edge of their competitors. So it's all a coincidence that for the first time in years we don't a show demo, yet Best Buy gets to display the game, sounds like great cross-marketing to me. And on top of everything, the 2K demo can't be released either. So these events are just coincidence that somehow helps SONY market their in-house product better than their competitors. Talk about a Confederacy of Dunces, how about the people who blindly support a company and don't believe that all that company cares about is their wallet. Yeah you're right, it's all a misunderstanding and SONY really feels bad that you can't play the other game and you have to go to Best Buy to see their game in action. Yeah, the conspiracy theorists are the idiots
You said it not me.

Here's what we know:

*Demo was completed on/around 2/19 according to Jason Villa and submitted to Sony's PSN department for approval and uploading

*Demo was later than normal as they were trying to get the demo to be as close to the final build as possible(various sources including CD attendees)

*Demo will be available on the PSN (various sites..demo is coming)

*Best Buy has an exclusive deal where they are displaying the full game at select locations (Sony blog)

Thats what we know. Anything outside of that is just a "phantom idea"/theory.

And I love the tone that if you don't buy into or disagree with the "theories" then you are blindly defending the company which, is being touted as wrong. But yet, blindly creating fiction is ok.

At the end of the day these why's and what for's are pointless because:

a) a demo will be available for those who want to try out before they purchase can

b) the game will be released on Tuesday for those who know they want the game to buy.

Nothing else, really matters......does it?
# 188 Knight165 @ 02/26/10 08:14 PM
Originally Posted by miamimarlins1
I love when people try to condescend because they blindly defend a company to no ends. Why is it such a farfetched idea to think that a billion dollar company, like Sony has used unethical practices to give themselves an edge of their competitors. So it's all a coincidence that for the first time in years we don't a show demo, yet Best Buy gets to display the game, sounds like great cross-marketing to me. And on top of everything, the 2K demo can't be released either. So these events are just coincidence that somehow helps SONY market their in-house product better than their competitors. Talk about a Confederacy of Dunces, how about the people who blindly support a company and don't believe that all that company cares about is their wallet. Yeah you're right, it's all a misunderstanding and SONY really feels bad that you can't play the other game and you have to go to Best Buy to see their game in action. Yeah, the conspiracy theorists are the idiots
You know what....I ignored this the first time you stated it.
But you're the one who is condescending......and rude when you state that guys who defend SCEA do so "blindly"
As much as you say people who criticize "any little thing" get attacked...so do the guys who try and show the other side...that it might not be the biggest mountain of a problem...and you're one of the biggest offenders.
I love how guys want their right to speak to bitch and moan...but if anyone tells them they are doing so...they should keep it to themselves or be accused of "following blindly".
The hypocrisy is pretty funny.
Bitch and moan all you want...but I'll be the first to call you out on it when you do so when I think it's warranted.(anyone...not you in particular)

# 189 Alliball @ 02/26/10 08:20 PM
Originally Posted by miamimarlins1
I love when people try to condescend because they blindly defend a company to no ends. Why is it such a farfetched idea to think that a billion dollar company, like Sony has used unethical practices to give themselves an edge of their competitors. So it's all a coincidence that for the first time in years we don't a show demo, yet Best Buy gets to display the game, sounds like great cross-marketing to me. And on top of everything, the 2K demo can't be released either. So these events are just coincidence that somehow helps SONY market their in-house product better than their competitors. Talk about a Confederacy of Dunces, how about the people who blindly support a company and don't believe that all that company cares about is their wallet. Yeah you're right, it's all a misunderstanding and SONY really feels bad that you can't play the other game and you have to go to Best Buy to see their game in action. Yeah, the conspiracy theorists are the idiots
So now Sony is being unethical?

This is getting funny.
# 190 Alliball @ 02/26/10 08:30 PM
Originally Posted by miamimarlins1
I'm not saying there is any truth to the theories, but to condescend people because they don't believe everything that a billion dollar company tells them, is wrong. The skeptics voices have as much merit as the SCEA brown-nosers
This is getting tired. We get it, you have an agenda.
# 191 countryboy @ 02/26/10 08:36 PM
Originally Posted by miamimarlins1
I'm not saying there is any truth to the theories, but to condescend people because they don't believe everything that a billion dollar company tells them, is wrong. The skeptics voices have as much merit as the SCEA brown-nosers
You know what..I'm not even going to go into this with you, because honestly, I believe that is what you want, is for someone to go back and forth with you in a pissing contest. So, I'm going to forfeit the match and therefore you win.
# 192 Knight165 @ 02/26/10 08:56 PM
Originally Posted by miamimarlins1
First, my post was in response to the poster that called anyone that questioned the reasons behind the demo delays "idiots". That's what got under my skin. Are the theories right? I don't know, but I do know is there is a very gray area here. I think BOTH sides have legitimate reasons to argue their sides. I've been a supporter of this franchise since '06, but when something like this happens, I question it, and that's my right. As it is your right to defend Sony and get others to see the other side of it. But when people come on here and mock those that question and call them idiots I have a problem with that
Is that not THEIR right?....and what you just posted...is NOT what I have the problem with.

# 193 ltw0303cavs @ 02/26/10 09:19 PM
Wow, this Demo thing is a bigger deal than i thought. Personally for me a demo for the Show is just window dressing. If you have a PS3 and like baseball, you are getting the Show regardless, and on top of that I dont think demos really give you a true feel of the game. I need to play the full game. I have played every Madden demo that has come out and it made no difference. I read the review, read the message boards and boom. I understand people being weary of these big companies and taking all of our money and giving back nothing (ie Infinity Ward) but to me SCEA gives back..a lot. I have been in the Show community for a long time. Country Boy, Knight, Jim, Psycho, Razer etc are not SCEA's "boys" they just love the game and when you love something your loyal to it, its just normal. Lets just look forward to Tuesday !
# 194 ltw0303cavs @ 02/26/10 09:42 PM
Beside Miami, you have one of the best pitchers in the league (JJ) one of the best players (Hanley), a stud kid in your minors (Stanton) and a new retractable roof stadium that will be in the Show 2012. What do you have to be upset about , but i hear you brother ! Hopefully the new unis in 2012 make the MLB style guide correctly lol
# 195 SoxFan01605 @ 02/26/10 09:54 PM
I've stayed away from this, but I have an honest question..

I keep seeing people say they've been wronged, cheated, lied to, etc. My question is how? I don't recall seeing anything promised by a certain date. I'm just curious where the feelings of betrayal/underhandedness come from.

The rest of this is bound to get long and I don't normally feel compelled to go into all this stuff, but...

__________________________________________________ ____

I would also like to point out (and given the length of this thread, this is probably redundant) that people are not required to purchase it on release day. Meaning that if you are on the fence where a demo might change your mind, the game isn't going anywhere while you wait to make a purchase decision.

If you are not on the fence and fully plan on buying the game anyway, then I'm sorry, but your constant complaining about this "issue" comes off very much like a false sense of entitlement and/or childish "NOW!" demands.

I understand it's frustrating for some people to not have a demo pre-release. I also understand that some may not have the trust in Sony as a business and may suspect something more underhanded is in the works. Heck, I could even understand if the people who DO believe something is up are turned off for various reasons. While I personally disagree, I certainly respect the opinion of others.

I would only say that it doesn't help anyone's case when they just spout of insults, accusations, and misinformation simply because they're upset. Say your piece, articulate your point, and either move on or discuss it rationally. This really shouldn't be too much to ask.

In fact, this could really apply to negative posts across the board. People claim they feel stifled or don't have a voice if they have something negative to say. The truth is though, most of the ones who complain of this resort to irrational complaints and accusations rather than simply supporting their claim(s). Maybe some people are hypersensitive and defensive to critique. I think some are also hypersensitive to explanation or reasoning as well. Should we always reduce things to the lowest common denominator (regardless of which side of the fence they fall)?

A lot of people have gotten turned off of this forum for reasons that can be tied to threads just like this. People get far too emotional about this stuff. I have clearly not been here as long as others, but I joined for this very forum. People just discussed the game, the developers popped in to answer questions, it was great. Now it's really no better than the Madden forums with the way people act.

Sorry for the lecturing tone if it comes off that way and sorry for the length. I promise I'm done now.
# 196 green94 @ 02/26/10 10:05 PM
Originally Posted by Aragorn523
Do companies ever admit when they put profit ahead of consumers? I mean come on its not hard to connect the dots. The first year there is no pre-release demo there just happens to be this exclusive deal with Best Buy. Yea im sure its all just random dumb luck and maybe to some it doesnt matter and theres nothing wrong with that. I as a consumer just dont like being taken for granted that regardless their going to get my money.
You are living in a dream world.
# 197 Bob Digital @ 02/26/10 10:13 PM
Originally Posted by SoxFan01605
I've stayed away from this, but I have an honest question..

I keep seeing people say they've been wronged, cheated, lied to, etc. My question is how? I don't recall seeing anything promised by a certain date. I'm just curious where the feelings of betrayal/underhandedness come from.
I'm not trying to challenge you or anything. I'm just answering your question without any feelings behind this at all.

# 198 kehlis @ 02/26/10 10:21 PM
Originally Posted by Bob Digital
I'm not trying to challenge you or anything. I'm just answering your question without any feelings behind this at all.

I think you need to clarify what you are linking here...I am set for 40 posts/page, so I don't know if that has anything to do with it, but your link takes me to a page of 40 posts that say nothing about the demo...
# 199 SoxFan01605 @ 02/26/10 10:23 PM
Originally Posted by Bob Digital
I'm not trying to challenge you or anything. I'm just answering your question without any feelings behind this at all.


Am I missing something (serious question)? I clicked the link and it was discussion of community day stuff. My vision ain't the best though...lol ( I checked a couple pages each way (and even the fact sheet itself) and didn't see anything.

What should I be looking for?

EDIT: I see I'm not alone. What are we missing Bob?
# 200 EnigmaNemesis @ 02/26/10 10:26 PM
Originally Posted by SoxFan01605
Am I missing something (serious question)? I clicked the link and it was discussion of community day stuff. My vision ain't the best though...lol ( I checked a couple pages each way (and even the fact sheet itself) and didn't see anything.

What should I be looking for?

EDIT: I see I'm not alone. What are we missing Bob?
I think he was referring to that the fact sheet was supposed to be out on a certain day, and was delayed. But we were told this. We were never promised a day with the demo.

His link is irrelevant to the discussion at hand.

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