MLB 10 News Post

MLB '10: The Show Videos
Member Comments
IMO it's shocking to see Cano and Beckham missing. And Kinsler rated so high. He should be top 10, but take a look at his home/away splits and he is woeful outside of Arlington. Kennedy imo isn't a top 10 2nd baseman. He gets on base at an average rate. That's all. His defense is rated well below average and his bat isn't something special either. So it's kind of puzzling to me..
# 4
JermaineDye05 @ 02/22/10 03:16 PM
Zobrist over Cano? Did we watch the same season last year? Both are very good but look at Cano's numbers in comparison to Zobrist.
# 6
etched Chaos @ 02/22/10 03:19 PM
# 7
JermaineDye05 @ 02/22/10 03:28 PM
However, these aren't set in stone. As I'm sure a couple months into the season the ratings will be updated and Beckham, along with other players, will be where he should be in the ratings. That could be higher, or even lower, I don't know. Right now, I simply disagree with some of the ratings. However, I won't let that change how I feel about the game. I'm still stoked for next week.
Adam Kennedy blows my mind, haven't had any problems with the ratings until this one. I can think of a few guys that can jump him on the list..Even my man M. Prado had basically the same numbers, but with a better avg. i hope he's not much further down on the list then...
A.Kennedy 129 gm .289 11 hr 63 rbi
M.Prado 128 gm .307 11 hr 49 rbi
A.Kennedy 129 gm .289 11 hr 63 rbi
M.Prado 128 gm .307 11 hr 49 rbi
# 11
AInquisition @ 02/22/10 03:37 PM
# 13
JermaineDye05 @ 02/22/10 03:41 PM
The good news is the game has an edit feature so we can fix it ourselves.

# 16
Super Glock @ 02/22/10 03:42 PM
# 17
Super Glock @ 02/22/10 03:46 PM

# 18
Shakedowncapo @ 02/22/10 03:47 PM
Still haven't touched B-Phillips stance...Gonna be some pissed fans when they see this.(I forget who keeps asking for it every year)
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