MLB 2K10 News Post

2K Sports has posted two more Major League Baseball 2K10 Developer Insights today. Here is Part I, which includes gameplay video.

"My name is Sean Bailey and I am a gameplay designer on Major League Baseball® 2K10. I want to share with you a quote straight from the white board in my office. Hall of Fame pitcher Warren Spahn once said, “Hitting is timing. Pitching is upsetting timing.” After winning more games than any left-handed pitcher in baseball history, Mr. Spahn is as well versed as anyone when it comes to the battle at the plate between a pitcher and a hitter. In Major League Baseball® 2K10, we have provided an experience where the gamer will really feel the benefits and challenges of upsetting timing, as Warren Spahn so eloquently put it decades ago."

Part II is right here.

"Now, I know what you are thinking… if this is so realistic, then why have I read from recent previews that there might not be a check swing in Major League Baseball® 2K10? Before we get into check-swing talk, let me clarify that the check-swing is in fact part of an upcoming patch. Pulling back on the right stick will play a check swing if you previously committed to a power swing or contact swing. Flicking up to contact swing and then pulling down will stop the contact swing. A power swing is performed by pulling down and then flicking up, as mentioned above. However, if you pull the right stick down back towards you after starting a power swing, that too will result in a check swing. This implementation of check-swinging makes it impossible to do one by accident. Pulling down on right stick = check swing. Never again will you have to ask “Why the heck did he check swing?!?!?” before contemplating launching a controller across the room. It also makes it easier to trigger when you actually want a check swing to play."

Game: Major League Baseball 2K10Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 33 - View All
Major League Baseball 2K10 Videos
Member Comments
# 21 EnigmaNemesis @ 02/08/10 04:50 PM
Originally Posted by Jamin23

My only complaint I have, is when they swing, they lift their leg, then drop and then a delay and swing. It is not one fluid motion like a hitter. As the hitter shifts his weight forward and drops his leg, the swing should be following through.

Instead, he is doing a lift and drop, then a swing. Looks awkward.
# 22 Blzer @ 02/08/10 04:52 PM
Originally Posted by Jamin23
This entire insight was very good, and the video helps a few great positives!

The only real negatives I have as far as the video are: 1) their default pitch speed is just so slow (though sliders change that, so no problem); 2) follow-throughs are an eyesore, which I didn't remember about 2K9 until right now.

Otherwise, the game actually looks very good! Again I'll be changing up that camera angle, but otherwise the lighting system is impressive and player models are good. Strides aren't the smoothest, but that may have to do with the way it's incorporated in the contextual swinging. I'll have to watch it again to see batting stances, but things are looking very smooth!
# 23 davis420 @ 02/08/10 05:28 PM
I think I mite get this for the 360. I have a PS3 so you know what game I'm getting for that but this game looks really decent!
# 24 jeffy777 @ 02/08/10 05:33 PM
Finally, a glimpse of gameplay footage. I'm really looking forward to this now. The bat on ball physics look quite good.
# 25 DaveDQ @ 02/08/10 05:49 PM
I really like how the ball moves off the bat in those defensive swings.

There is (like some have mentioned) a frame missing in some swings. A little choppy there.
# 26 Blzer @ 02/08/10 05:51 PM
Wait, timeout!

Don't tell me the game really pauses when the batter's eye is displayed. Is this the case? If so, this feature is even worse than I thought. I hope that's just part of the trailer visuals showing you how it works.

I'm definitely turning off that feature.
# 27 Tomba @ 02/08/10 05:58 PM
There still are those weird animation hitches when batting and pitching. it doesn't look fluid.

Graphically it only looks as good as MLB 08 the show on ps3. It still looks very bland and blurry.

Still supporting the game with edits but just had to say it's not going to be MLB2k7's rebirth...
# 28 johnnyg83 @ 02/08/10 05:58 PM
Not crazy abouth the fact that all the teams seem to have the same default font on the NOBs.
# 29 jerm21 @ 02/08/10 05:59 PM
Anyone else notice the last picture with Hanley coming to home plate from the walk off? It's improved. At least some of the players are meeting him at home plate. Hopefully they jump on him when he touches home.

I did notice there were still players in the dugouts doing their weird cheering animations, doesn't the dugout empty when a walkoff happens?

and I really hope the crowd noise is improved and those reactions because, in their home stadium all the fans are sitting in their seats looking out in the outfield...
# 30 Tomba @ 02/08/10 06:05 PM
Originally Posted by 500Feet
I personally could never describe MLB 08 as very bland and blurry. Yet, in my opinion, MLB 2K10 does look bland.
Then maybe I was thinking 07? Either way...the games just not that pretty as 2k7 was...man i was looking at youtube vids of 2k7 and THAT game was ahead of it's time
# 31 billyo @ 02/08/10 06:10 PM
Guys, I am at work and could only skim the pages. I want to know if your ability as a gamer matters more than the ratings of the player. For example, is it easier to pitch with Halladay than some AA player?
# 32 Bahnzo @ 02/08/10 06:14 PM
I like where they are going with this, there's some good info from this insight and I like the changes to the pitching mechanism.


I still don't like the check swings. With using the right stick to hit, pulling the stick back to check swing...I don't see that working well at all. If it's like the previous years, it's just something that you don't have time to do. Maybe just releasing the stick (instead of pulling it back) would work better?

Prior to playing Major League Baseball® 2K10, I had to decide before the pitch was even thrown as to whether or not I was going to swing. Forget knowing if it was a ball or strike…that had been impossible in baseball games before 2K10. I’m just talking about the decision to swing or not to swing.
Not sure what games he has played in the past, but could this statement be more wrong?
# 33 Coug00 @ 02/08/10 06:16 PM
Originally Posted by Blzer
Wait, timeout!

Don't tell me the game really pauses when the batter's eye is displayed. Is this the case? If so, this feature is even worse than I thought. I hope that's just part of the trailer visuals showing you how it works.

I'm definitely turning off that feature.
I'm gonna guess it was paused at the "batter's eye" portion during the video since it was a tutorial type movie.
# 34 Blzer @ 02/08/10 06:16 PM
Originally Posted by billyo
Guys, I am at work and could only skim the pages. I want to know if your ability as a gamer matters more than the ratings of the player. For example, is it easier to pitch with Halladay than some AA player?
They said that doing well with the radial meter will be based on your pitcher's ratings and current state, so it may be more difficult to pinpoint maximum effort with some pitchers compared to others.

Then there is a larger window for nailing your gesture, which I believe they called a "green zone." You have two parts to the gesture, and the second part will determine how your release the ball. Worse pitchers will have a smaller green zone to land in, making it tougher to perfect your pitches. Halladay should have a larger green zone as a result.

I just hope it doesn't get too easy.
# 35 Juiceman @ 02/08/10 06:18 PM
Wow. I was trying to contain excitement after the MLB Today insight, but can no longer. I am really pumped for this game. At this point I think most people are feeling that way and if 2k doesn't pull through this year it'll be HUGE. I feel like this is now a make or break for the 2k baseball title. They lose followers this year and I think they lose them for good. From what we've seen I don't think there is a lot to worry about. Let's hope the fielding AI is intelligent.
# 36 smearz @ 02/08/10 06:19 PM
Originally Posted by nemesis04
With regards to the pitching in a two player game, I would assume the highlighted pitch would not show up on screen showing how to perform the pitch correct? I guess you would just have to remember the motions?
I was thinking about this too... how do you play against another human without them knowing what pitch you're throwing? Maybe online you get away with the hitter not seeing the gesture icon, but what about a face-to-face game? It would take quite a while to memorize gestures if that's the way they do 2-player games. And I know you can adjust this but why is the pitch speed so slow? 90 mph looks like little league.
# 37 Blzer @ 02/08/10 06:22 PM
Originally Posted by Coug00
I'm gonna guess it was paused at the "batter's eye" portion during the video since it was a tutorial type movie.
I certainly hope so. I can give numerous reasons why having this pause would be a bad idea.
# 38 drterb @ 02/08/10 06:37 PM
Originally Posted by smearz
I was thinking about this too... how do you play against another human without them knowing what pitch you're throwing? Maybe online you get away with the hitter not seeing the gesture icon, but what about a face-to-face game? It would take quite a while to memorize gestures if that's the way they do 2-player games. And I know you can adjust this but why is the pitch speed so slow? 90 mph looks like little league.

My guess would be that they leave all the pitches up after you select the pitch you want.

So far so good on these insights. They are all outstanding in theory. Will VC be able to put these theories into practice?

March 2nd can't come soon enough!!
# 39 Coug00 @ 02/08/10 06:45 PM
Originally Posted by Blzer
I certainly hope so. I can give numerous reasons why having this pause would be a bad idea.
Agreed. I can't imagine trying to nail down the timing on the harder levels. Especially when it sounds like our margin for error on timing is significantly lessened this year.
# 40 Woodweaver @ 02/08/10 06:48 PM
Originally Posted by Bahnzo

Not sure what games he has played in the past, but could this statement be more wrong?
Ha, yeah, I was just thinking this...I hope this doesn't mean that it's going to be too easy to pick out pitch types and location.

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