Backbreaker News Post

Check out the Backbreaker Developer diary #1 video.

1:03 - Legs driving breaking a tackle and keeps going
1:07 - Same thing
1:27 - Sack QB then Fumbles LOOKS NICE!!!!

Looks beautiful
Tackles and interactions are amazing

A lot of warping
Catch animations look funky

Looks promising but still looks too rigid, too much warping, and a general lack of polish across the board still.

Hope they can fix some of these issues because the engine alone is worth owning the game.

Game: BackbreakerReader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 51 - View All
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Member Comments
# 61 JayBee74 @ 02/06/10 03:02 PM
Originally Posted by orthostud23
Just because its something different I will give them my money when the game arrives.

On the passing aspect.... are they still thinking of mapping that to the right stick still??
Switch between available receivers by pressing left or right on RightStick.
Tap UP on RightStick performs a bullet pass, tap DOWN and UP on RightStick performs a deeper bomb pass.
# 62 JayBee74 @ 02/06/10 04:27 PM
Originally Posted by Tito78
Honestly, I wasn't impressed at all by that Video. The pass blocking is horrendous. The pocket is suspect; DEs don't try to run the arc and get around the offensive tackle. They, the OT & DE, just engage each other while shuffling their feet.

I'm hoping that the euphoria engine isn't solely for the tackles, but extends throughout all physical interactions during game play.
You got all that from this video? They show some sacks and the pass blocking is horrendous?
# 63 iLLmatic @ 02/06/10 06:41 PM
This is a game that will need a good 2-3 years to get to where it is trying to go.

The Euphoria Engine looks nice for starters but am I the only one who is a little worried that some of the complexities of American football can be lost when the emphasis early on is making sure the Euphoria Engine is showcased while noticing in the video stuff like the QB drop back and throw was non existent. The QB was throwing bullet passes flat footed. The OL/DL interaction was a little underwhelming and the player models are terrible. Everyone from the QB to the OL look like Mike Alstott with huge pads and He-Man arms. I know the game may have been in the early stages, but that kind of attention to detail needs to be in there.

But even after all that, I like the ideas they are going with and that's mostly because hopefully it inspires developers at EA to stop making these baby step improvements from year to year. The tackling looked real good and the natural movements on some of the plays was nice too. Should be interesting. A little competition has never hurt anyone.
# 64 roadman @ 02/06/10 07:05 PM
Originally Posted by granddogg
man i'll be at gamestop or walmart the minute this game comes out.I will not nitpick this game until i'm playing a finished version in my living room........
If I took that advice in life, I'd be a poor person.

I'll test drive it before purchase.
# 65 nm1043 @ 02/06/10 07:18 PM
Originally Posted by Phobia
First day I posted on the BB forums and I must say that is the biggest group of immature idiots I have ever neglected myself to.

I am a football fan first, these guys are blind fanboys. I stated that their are some key fundamentals off in the defense and spacing in many of the clips in the video and they make immature posts to get a rise.

Some people I will never understand.
lol... this is funny... would you like the backbreaker forums more if we had moderators who banned you everytime you said anything negative about the game? i cant tell you how many times ive gotten warned for criticising madden in a constructive way, or how many people i know who have just been banned... you're a funny guy you
# 66 kjcheezhead @ 02/06/10 07:36 PM
Originally Posted by roadman
If I took that advice in life, I'd be a poor person.

I'll test drive it before purchase.
Normally, that's good advice. However, there isn't too many ways you can show the NFL you disapprove of there exclusive deals. Purchasing this game is my small way of sending them that message. If I get a good football game in the first year, so much the better.

Also, go back and try to play one of the first Call of Duty games or the first Assassins Creed or even (god forbid), madden and then play the sequels. If the game gets support and solid feedback, the game will improve.
# 67 roadman @ 02/06/10 08:25 PM
Originally Posted by kjcheezhead
Normally, that's good advice. However, there isn't too many ways you can show the NFL you disapprove of there exclusive deals. Purchasing this game is my small way of sending them that message. If I get a good football game in the first year, so much the better.

Also, go back and try to play one of the first Call of Duty games or the first Assassins Creed or even (god forbid), madden and then play the sequels. If the game gets support and solid feedback, the game will improve.
Well, it's good advice for my family and I because we don't have disposable money to throw around. My wife has been recently unemployed and we are starting to watch our pennies. Plus, it doesn't help that she is an unemployed Accountant. She watches every penny that is made and spent.

I'm rooting for BB to do well, though and will be cheering on the sideline at this time.
# 68 Skyboxer @ 02/06/10 09:32 PM
Hopefully some of the glaring AI issues can be worked out. I've now switched to certain buy to a probably buy.
# 69 HesTheCoach @ 02/07/10 12:51 AM
Originally Posted by Dudd
AI looks like it needs some work, the pass defenders don't even attempt to make a play on the ball unless it's thrown right at them. I was hoping that with a full physics engine it would make things like that easier, just set both the defender and a receiver into pass catch mode and let the physics simulate the rest, but defenders stopping and moving away from the catch is a worrying sign. It's especially horrible at the 3:15 mark, it looks like both defenders try to move to the closest point on the ball's path despite the fact that the ball would be long gone by the time they reach that point, and it opens up tons of separation for the receiver. All the pretty tackling in the world is for naught if players don't accurately react to what is happening around them.
That's my concern as well. The game looks great except for the passing game. That part of the game looks just like Madden, which isn't a good thing.
# 70 adamgod8 @ 02/07/10 03:29 AM
This game is only $50 too.
# 71 ZoneBlitz @ 02/07/10 09:02 AM
All games have pros and cons. At this point, Backbreaker looks great. I can't wait to taste the freedom of a football game that is closer to reality. Madden's reign of suppression and glacial, incremental barely perceptible improvements will soon be over.
# 72 turftickler @ 02/07/10 10:09 AM
Originally Posted by roadman
Well, it's good advice for my family and I because we don't have disposable money to throw around. My wife has been recently unemployed and we are starting to watch our pennies. Plus, it doesn't help that she is an unemployed Accountant. She watches every penny that is made and spent.

I'm rooting for BB to do well, though and will be cheering on the sideline at this time.
I feel your pain bro. I'm back in college after 18 years and neither me nor my wife have a full-time job, only part-time. I used to be a mechanic, but now I am a Network Administrator/Computer Programmer. I already put money away for Backbreaker by trading in some of my old games. Otherwise, I would be on the sidelines with you.
# 73 roadman @ 02/07/10 12:32 PM
Originally Posted by turftickler
I feel your pain bro. I'm back in college after 18 years and neither me nor my wife have a full-time job, only part-time. I used to be a mechanic, but now I am a Network Administrator/Computer Programmer. I already put money away for Backbreaker by trading in some of my old games. Otherwise, I would be on the sidelines with you.

I wish I could use the same philosophy you are.(trading old games in) I'm afraid if I did the QB "sneak", I would get sacked. lol.

I'm hoping my May she finds employment.

In the meantime, go BB.
# 74 kjcheezhead @ 02/07/10 01:34 PM
Originally Posted by roadman
Well, it's good advice for my family and I because we don't have disposable money to throw around. My wife has been recently unemployed and we are starting to watch our pennies. Plus, it doesn't help that she is an unemployed Accountant. She watches every penny that is made and spent.

I'm rooting for BB to do well, though and will be cheering on the sideline at this time.
I can understand that. I'm in the ultrasound business and people are making babies more than ever, but I've been in that situation myself more than a few times. I only meant that purchasing this game could provide future benefits or opportunites that football gamers rarely see, unlike average video game purchases.

Good luck to your family. Things will improve again, they always do sooner or later.
# 75 eXperiment63 @ 02/07/10 03:57 PM
Dude... It's a dev diary for crying out loud. It's meant to show off what they think is great about it. It's the first one, and they have another 2.5-3 months to put finishing touches on the game.

As far as people being amazed at the right-stick running control... Does nobody here remember that you could do all that in 2K5? Rotate the stick and you spin, move it side to side and you juke.
# 76 DaveDQ @ 02/07/10 05:27 PM
Originally Posted by DickDalewood
It still just feels like a tech demo to me. No weather elements to speak of so far, ZERO bodies on the sidelines, and as of yet, no real presentation either.

To me, they put together this great physics engine, then built a shallow game around it to show it off, and are hoping enough people take notice for another company to buy up the rights.

Again, the physics looks great, but as a game, it looks very very incomplete.
That I will agree with. The stands do look nice, but you are right, there is v ery little atmosphere. I mean, at leas APF had The Beast..lol That's something that could eventually hurt the game.

If there's no style or substance to the presentation and atmosphere, it will indeed be an experience in seeing how this new engine works and then limited to that.
# 77 LingeringRegime @ 02/07/10 11:22 PM
That video looked great!!!

Going to pre-order very soon. Love the organic right stick movements. Might be the only football game I will ever need, if the customization is really on point.

"Whatever you see on the field hasn't happened before, and won't happen again."
# 78 gamerk2 @ 02/07/10 11:24 PM
A few of these complaints have already been addressed. We've already got confirmation that weather effects will be handled via engine, other demos have shown a clear pocket developing.

Yes, DB AI is a minor concern at this point. That being said, after over a decade of Maddens DB's instantly knowing where to go after the ball is thrown, having a few people out of position would be a lot more interesting and realistic. The question that sould be asked, as if bad routes are the exception, or the rule.

Everything the demo showed is that the engine is about where I expected it, and as I said from day 1, the AI will make or break the game. I see some good, some bad, but until we get actual gameplay videos, we don't have much to go on. And I'm sure the devs are listing to the reaction, and will address the largest concerns.
# 79 JayBee74 @ 02/08/10 01:16 AM
Originally Posted by t11
This AI is hopefully going to fixed. It really sucks to see the BB Ai resemble the Saints Secondary
# 80 JMD @ 02/08/10 09:20 PM
How any fan of video game football could not be anything but impressed with this game simply confuses me. This game is going to do things no other football game has done, and from what I saw and heard in that clip , it will do them well. Can't wait to give it a try on launch day.

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