Madden 2010 News Post

Madden NFL 10 patch #2 is available for the PS3. No timetable has been set for the Xbox 360. Please post your impressions here.

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Game: Madden NFL 10Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 76 - View All
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# 61 sapp99 @ 12/04/09 09:56 AM
Originally Posted by GatorBait06NC
Not as mad as I thought I would be. Let me ease some people here:

I simmed a season in Franchise.

To my suprise only 12 rushers had over 1000 yards.
LEADER IN YARDS: LaDainian Tomlinson 1777
LEADER IN TDS: Chris Johnson 16

Peyton Manning was the only 4,000 yard passer and he led TDs with 38.

Shawn Merriman lead tackles with 122.
That sound pretty good, sure you downloaded the patch?
# 62 jeffglisson @ 12/04/09 09:58 AM
Yeah i think the guy saying he did and got all those crazy numbers is just wrong.
# 63 Dolfanjoe @ 12/04/09 09:58 AM
Originally Posted by icicle22
Correct me if I am wrong but aren't all the inflated running back stats in "Simmed" games? The sliders only affect games that are actually played on the field, right? So what sliders would specifically affect simmed games?
Not sure if the sliders affect simmed games or not, I thought they did in a way, i'm not into franchises and stats, so maybe i spoke too soon, but if someone here knows for sure, please let us know, TIA.
# 64 lasthour @ 12/04/09 10:02 AM
Originally Posted by sapp99
As far as Im concerned, sliders have nothing to do with simmed stats. At least not prepatch. I changed my slider in very drastic way several times and the simmed stats did not seem to change.
Only way to reduce the rushing yards is through coaching philosophy sliders I think, but that would mean way more passing yards then, because its not the rushing attempts that seem to be wrong, but obviously the average (6 or 7+ yards for the best?!) is just out of the world.
I wonder why the average was chaanged anyway, I thought I read that Looman did not want to chagne them because he predicted just this developement in his thread about the sim stats. And if I remember correctly, most people wrote that it was better to have some good backups crawling around 3.5 avg than to have what we seem to have now.
Maybe I should reread the thread.
Why would sliders NOT change sim stats? You have me confused with your statement. You say SLIDERS do not matter and then you say the only way to change stats is thru SLIDERS.
# 65 Dolfanjoe @ 12/04/09 10:02 AM
Originally Posted by sapp99
As far as Im concerned, sliders have nothing to do with simmed stats. At least not prepatch. I changed my slider in very drastic way several times and the simmed stats did not seem to change.
Only way to reduce the rushing yards is through coaching philosophy sliders I think, but that would mean way more passing yards then, because its not the rushing attempts that seem to be wrong, but obviously the average (6 or 7+ yards for the best?!) is just out of the world.
I wonder why the average was chaanged anyway, I thought I read that Looman did not want to chagne them because he predicted just this developement in his thread about the sim stats. And if I remember correctly, most people wrote that it was better to have some good backups crawling around 3.5 avg than to have what we seem to have now.
Maybe I should reread the thread.
# 66 CreatineKasey @ 12/04/09 10:02 AM
Has anyone actually played games yet? How has the adjusted ball trajectory affected interception levels in games? Does the ball usually come out more parallel with the field instead of looping in the air? Have you completed more passes while being hit?

Do any of you guys actually have definitive proof and examples of any pursuit logic and not just saying "it rox' or "it suxxx"?

Notice injuries being turned down?

Has anyone run a cover 1 or cover 3 maybe in practice mode and ran swings against flat routes that used to torch LB's 100% of the time? There's those angle routes that caused defenders to get sucked in. The regular swing pass was defended fairly well.
# 67 sapp99 @ 12/04/09 10:04 AM
Originally Posted by lasthour
Why would sliders NOT change sim stats? You have me confused with your statement. You say SLIDERS do not matter and then you say the only way to change stats is thru SLIDERS.
I mean that gameplay sliders do not change simmed stats, but coaching philosophy sliders do. In order to change those for all teams, you have to play as all teams in franchise though.
Hope its clear now.
# 68 CreatineKasey @ 12/04/09 10:10 AM
Originally Posted by GatorBait06NC
To the guy who got the outrageous numbers, we should compare sliders if i get another season like the first one i simmed. Because I really dont see any other way that we could have that big of a difference in final stats.

And as for gameplay, I noticed the D does play better. Especially in the flats. With my sliders I would usually get torched playing with a bad team. I took the Rams and won 16-13. I got two sacks in that game that would have normally been avoided by the QB throwing out of them.
Nice! Yeah being able to sack the QB will be another huge upgrade.
# 69 ChicagoChris @ 12/04/09 10:18 AM
Originally Posted by GatorBait06NC
Yeah I could tell by the first sack that it was an upgrade. Bc Sanchez went to throw and i hit him and brought him down in motion and he held on to the ball. I was shocked.

My second season in Franchise of simming is about to posted.
Thank You for the GAMEPLAY impressions.
# 70 mr_president @ 12/04/09 10:20 AM
1.any comments on the suction blocking?? especially at the line of scrimmage?

2.have they reduced the amount of times the refs get together??

3. have they extended the plays..meaning, are the end of plays still interupted by cut scenes or can you now see every play thru to the end??
# 71 tribefanisu2003 @ 12/04/09 10:23 AM
I know this is kind of picky, and that gameplay and stat issues are more important. But...

To put those Seahawks jerseys in and not the Browns' brown pants just isn't right. The Browns announced before the season even started that they would be wearing brown pants in all their road games this year. So, really, it probably should have been in the first patch.

Again, I know it's picky. But they've been touting all year how there are so many details in the game, like towels, hand warmers, and Super Bowl patches. Accurate uniforms, that we knew before the season started would be worn, should be ahead of those things, imo.
# 72 Skyboxer @ 12/04/09 10:32 AM
Originally Posted by GatorBait06NC

And as for gameplay, I noticed the D does play better. Especially in the flats. With my sliders I would usually get torched playing with a bad team. I took the Rams and won 16-13. I got two sacks in that game that would have normally been avoided by the QB throwing out of them.

I also noticed that the twitchy running is gone.

Draft info does show up for all the players.

And it looks like KRs have gotten easier AGAIN.
That's good to hear about the flats. Weird that one poster said there was no change but you say it has gotten better....
Hopefully it has gotten better.
# 73 Mike Lowe @ 12/04/09 10:34 AM
I'm simming a season on default All-Pro. The only changes I made, which I'm not sure will even matter, is setting the quarter length to 15 and the run-off to 20 seconds.

I reset everything to default including substitution settings, and penalties. I guess we'll see if this matters when simming.

I have faith in the development team simply based on the fact of how solid Head Coach '09 was. I'm not blind to the fact that this is a different animal, but geez, I'm really hoping this sort of regression is not true.
# 74 Mike Lowe @ 12/04/09 10:36 AM
Also, it would be cool if console games allowed for the user to predetermine the stat output like OOTP does. You could then say what the avg rushing totals for a season should be along with the yardage, TD's by a RB, and many other stats. Actually, I think OOTP does it for TOTALS in a season, so total TD's scored on the ground in the NFL, etc.

It would basically be a way of predeterming a simulated season without having to know the results right away.
# 75 golddawg125 @ 12/04/09 10:36 AM
First off i would like to say i am ashamed off u people. First u complain about the patch taking to long and then when it comes out you get on there backs cuz its not up to your standards. Second i am going to college for video games design and i have made games before and it is extremely difficult especialy with people nit picking about everything.
# 76 Mike Lowe @ 12/04/09 10:41 AM
I saw some more on the "bad" side, but still livable in my opinion. Passing stats look fine. Rushing stats:

25 over 1,000 yards
2 over 2,000 yards (not impossible)

What really stands out the most are the averages per carry. Way too high! I think that would have alleviated the problems with rushing if those were held in check.
# 77 slickdtc @ 12/04/09 10:42 AM
I assume you can delete this patch if you prefer the last version? It sounds like in trying to fix some things (mainly simulated statistics) they went overboard. Given the choice I'd rather have the slightly low rushing TD's and slightly high pass TD's then the annual 2000+ yard rushers. Rushers rarely (I believe only 5 times) hit 2000 yards but passing TD's get higher and higher almost yearly considering Brady and Manning each broke the pass TD record within the last 5 years.
# 78 Phobia @ 12/04/09 10:44 AM
My god can someone explain the gameplay differences. It seems like some of you all you care about is the franchise stats. We have close to 8 or 9 pages of just states. Where is the break down on how it fixes the part of the game you actually play???

I mean come on.

Flats, Drags, Curls, etc are they all able to be completed as easy as before because of the zone depth?

Deep routes are they easier to complete when you have the right match up?

Line blocking is it better?

Someone give a good break down on the true gameplay.
# 79 Mike Lowe @ 12/04/09 10:45 AM
Holy crap, has anyone noticed pancake blocking in a simmed season? It's a thing of beauty!

After one test season:

NFL leader had 25. Here is the rest of the top ten's numbers:

2 19
3 18
4 16
5 15
6 13
7 13
8 13
9 12
10 12

I don't play Madden as much as NCAA, but in NCAA, this would mean that my guys in played games could easily compete in this category.
# 80 Mike Lowe @ 12/04/09 10:48 AM
Hmm, another blunder in simmed stats perhaps:

Not a single K had a touchback all year long. I know that's really a stupid useless thing to most, but for those working on sliders it could be important.

I for one am not posting game impressions because I'm not wasting my time playing this game if I'm not convinced the franchise mode is working properly; and that includes stats.

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