NCAA Football 11 News Post

Pasta Padre has posted some potential features for the upcoming NCAA Football 11.

"A survey distributed by EA may have provided some insight into improvements and new features that are being considered for NCAA Football 11. The questionnaire asks for a selection of the top three out of 13 choices. Included are things like an Athletic Director mode with stadium creator, authentic team entrances, and ESPN style TV presentation. While there is no guarantee any of the options will make it in the game it does stand to reason that some of them will."

Without question, the 3 I'd like to see. Locomotion, college specific gameplay and ESPN style presentation. Given the choices Pasta posted, what would you like to see?

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Member Comments
# 61 WolverinesFinest @ 11/30/09 03:15 PM
Originally Posted by mm boost
I think they need to completely forget features, stick with what they got and focus on the game of football. The game play is fine, just needs to slow down and fix the physics. IMO, coaches on sidelines, espn presentation, authentic entrances, etc is what makes college football...well...college football. I think all those can be grouped into 1 giant addition this year and all of it pertains to presenting the game of football. So that should be 1 option. 2 should be authentic playing styles for each team. 3 should be physics. That's my list.
You show me how to run the option correctly,leaving the widest man unblocked etc., then you can say the game play is fine.

Option offenses suffer in this game because they continue to neglect the bases for them to work.
# 62 bvb24 @ 11/30/09 04:37 PM
1 locamotion
2 teams play like they do in real life (this is an option after how many years of NCAA?) And this should include recruiting for a system. I don't want to see pocket passers trying to run the spread option with their 55 speed rating.
3 Coaching carousel or ESPN presentaion
# 63 Rocky @ 11/30/09 04:48 PM
The spread/no huddle spead scares me. They need to make man coverage better with more contact and actually *gasp* have a pass rush before that ever happens.
# 64 NDIrish98 @ 11/30/09 06:08 PM
if they dont redo the whole engine, animations and graphics, i'm sorry, but i'm not buying it this year. its been basically the same game going on 8-9 yrs now and a few new features is not going to make the game better. the game has to evolve sometime, and the game is becoming stale to me. i'm tired of seeing the same game every year w/ a few new overlays or camera angles and thats it. hopefully, EA can prove me wrong.
# 65 jdrhammer @ 11/30/09 06:11 PM
I think the Ask the coach feature or what ever it is where the coach shows you should be last. It would be a nice addition but all the others should be ahead of it. Entrances would be near the bottom as well.
# 66 Tengo Juego @ 11/30/09 07:42 PM
1. Locomotion
2. Authentic ESPN/CBS Broadcast Presentation
3. Coaching Carousels
Honorable vote: Authentic Team Entrances
*A lot of this stuff sorta bugs me. Some of these features should be included in the features listed. i.e. Spread/No Huddle, Authentic offensive styles of play, Signature Coaching Plays should all be included in the Coaching Carousels.

The entrances should be part of the "New Broadcast Presentation."

Locomotion is the biggest area for me. The gameplay deserves the most attention.
# 67 sportskid84 @ 11/30/09 08:04 PM
I want the whole damn list
# 68 Tovarich @ 11/30/09 08:11 PM
Coaching Carousel, AD Mode and ESPN Presentation.

I can live with the minor gameplay problems. Dynasty mode is stale though and presentation is lacking considering the atmosphere is what makes CFB very unique from an NFL venue.
# 69 Barkley7 @ 11/30/09 08:48 PM
1) Look to the sidelines; tempo
2) Teams play like they play (USC)
3) Locomotion
# 70 Tengo Juego @ 11/30/09 09:44 PM
Originally Posted by Tovarich
Coaching Carousel, AD Mode and ESPN Presentation.

I can live with the minor gameplay problems. Dynasty mode is stale though and presentation is lacking considering the atmosphere is what makes CFB very unique from an NFL venue.
Minor you say? Can I borrow the game you're playing? Cause my game doesn't have "minor" gameplay issues.
# 71 DLaren @ 11/30/09 10:22 PM
-Locomotion Gameplay.

-Authentic Styles of play for each team .

-ESPN Presentation (or any form of enhanced presentation, doesn't have to be ESPN).

...and I didn't see it on the list, but does 'improved A.I.' (CPU play-calling and decision making) count as a feature? If so, then 'improved A.I.' takes the place of everything else on the list for me.
# 72 Jorge4030 @ 11/30/09 10:43 PM
I think they should have some signature running styles like how some guys have short choppy strides and others glide with the long stride (e.g. Pryor from Ohio State)
# 73 HHHBigFan @ 11/30/09 11:29 PM
How about option 14..all of them?
# 74 Blackout863 @ 11/30/09 11:38 PM
forget presentation. that should be automatic. fix gameplay first. anything that doesnt help gameplay is useless at this point. all this garbage which is mascot mash up is good for little kids but for the gamers fix game play. make the game as real as real can be. then it will finally get rid of online cheesers as much. it would make players think with a football mind not a video game mind etc
# 75 Pokes404 @ 11/30/09 11:39 PM
1) Locomotion Gameplay

2) Locomotion Gameplay

3) Locomotion Gameplay.

If there's time, ESPN style presentation.

I'm getting excited for NCAA 11 now. I don't want to get my hopes too high because it might not get done, but this survey indicates that they're at least thinking about fixing the player locomotion next year. Please, please, EA ... fix the locomotion system.
# 76 elementz09 @ 12/01/09 12:30 AM
Okay I'm slow so....

What is Locomotion? Coaching Carousel?
# 77 Pokes404 @ 12/01/09 01:54 AM
Originally Posted by elementz09
Okay I'm slow so....

What is Locomotion? Coaching Carousel?

Locomotion is the "physics" of how players move on the field. Speed, acceleration, agility, weight, momentum, etc are all a part of locomotion. Right now, 300 pound linemen can run full speed in one direction, reverse field (180 degrees) on a dime, and accelerate to full speed in an instant. In real life, it takes big guys longer to accelerate to full speed and change direction than it does for smaller guys. That's what people (me included) want in the game. There's a bunch of different engines in the game that concern "physics," but the locomotion engine is the one that deals with player movement.

The coaching carousel happens in the off season when coaches get fired/hired by schools. When one coach gets fired that school hires another HC or an assistant from another school, which creates a vacancy at that school that has to be filled by hiring a coach from another school, and so on. I hope that explanation makes sense.
# 78 Mos1ted @ 12/01/09 10:09 AM
I hope the 3 choices are just to get opinions and that they plan to actually implement more than 3. I really want to get back into this series. This was by far my favorite sports series on last gen, but it just hasn't progressed enough for me in current gen.

My 3 choices (if I had to choose just 3) would be locomotion gameplay, coaching carousel, and athletic director mode. To me gameplay and a fun dynasty are the backbone of this franchise.

But if I could add 3 more, it would be ESPN presentation, authentic team entrances, and active real life coaches/coordinators on the sidelines. But like someone already mentioned, a lot of these should have already been in the series up to this point.
# 79 BurghFan @ 12/01/09 01:35 PM
1. Authentic offensive styles of gameplay (i.e. USC plays like USC)
2. Authentic college gameplay (i.e. broken sack animations)
3. Locomotion
# 80 mm boost @ 12/01/09 02:12 PM
Originally Posted by WolverinesFinest
You show me how to run the option correctly,leaving the widest man unblocked etc., then you can say the game play is fine.

Option offenses suffer in this game because they continue to neglect the bases for them to work.
Option is vital part of my Virginia Tech offense and I run it often, and I never have a problem with it. Only problem I have sometimes is not timing the pitch well enough and getting it off too late, but other than that, i rack up tons of yardage and successful goal line plays with it and shifting the blocking assignments of my linemen.

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