NBA Live 10 News Post

The Association once had Russell and Wilt. Then there was Michael taking the reigns from Bird after he dropped 63 in the Garden during the '86 playoffs. Last year it was the debate between Kobe and LeBron. Right now it’s Live and NBA 2K.

Read More - NBA Live 10 Review

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Game: NBA Live 10Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PSP / Xbox 360Votes for game: 48 - View All
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Member Comments
# 41 JkA3 @ 10/08/09 10:46 AM
Good, fair, honest review. thanks.
# 42 rdlkilla2k @ 10/08/09 11:00 AM
Originally Posted by NDIrish98
apparently you havent played Live this year. this seems to be the only response from 2k 'fanatics'.
First off im a basketball fan....second I had nba live and 2k a week before drop .....third i was just stating my opinion which was more close to real life simulation, I never said Live was a bad game they just lack animations and signatures packs compare to 2k . Live is brand new and fresh to us so yeah its easy to say it made a big jump.....on the other hand 2k10 didnt have to much but improve graphics and add animation etc.....Like i said 2k10 is close to realism to the point it might be boring for the young crowds but Nba live is fun and flashy this year even I like it but I dont take it seriously cause my main focus is my player mode on 2k10.....so I play both....no fan BUD. A 8 rating is fair for Nba Live 10 thank you good day
# 43 Pared @ 10/08/09 11:06 AM
Originally Posted by Court_vision
I'd bet he's thinking "the post game, dynasty and bigs differentation does need a lot of work"...and he'll be working hard on those things as a result.
Originally Posted by Court_vision
It's all fine and well criticising one game / favouring the other.

But you have got to get your facts rights. Saying "the other game doesn't even have plays" is 100% wrong.

Criticise things, yeah. But don't just throw comments out there that are complete BS.
Wonderful posts.

Originally Posted by sportyguyfl31
I'm not in love with what they did to the post game this year, but I'll adjust to it. I thought last year it was more user friendly in that regard.
In what way? I don't see a difference to the post game. It's actually one of my biggest disappointments since I thought at least all the offense was getting an overhaul.
# 44 Pared @ 10/08/09 11:07 AM
Also, stop the discussion of 2k here. Only warning.
# 45 rdlkilla2k @ 10/08/09 11:21 AM
Sorry boss didnt know they rewrote the constitution........Nba Live is the best game ever in the history of sports..........Perfect 10
# 46 carnalnirvana @ 10/08/09 11:24 AM
i think the time has come for us to move away from numerical values in reviews.

and until that time arrives at OS i think i'll stick to blogs and comments from OS friends.

this review was articulate, but IMO fuels combative questioning and comparisons.
# 47 stephensonmc @ 10/08/09 11:34 AM
totally fair review guys. Thanks for the love OS!
# 48 ehh @ 10/08/09 12:07 PM
Accurate review, nice and fair.
# 49 DJ @ 10/08/09 12:14 PM
Nice, balanced review.

I'm having a blast with this game.
# 50 videobastard @ 10/08/09 01:01 PM
Solid review. Once the live series adds in a detailed online league system, and be a pro season mode etc... the ratings will be higher into the 9's.

The lack of features is whats holding down the score right now. The gameplay foundation is there its just to fine tweak now and add on the mustard.
# 51 jsquigg @ 10/08/09 01:05 PM
I thought the review was fair. Live would get a better score if they had done more with Dynasty. I respectfully disagree with Court Vision on his opinion of Live's defense, but the post game does need a "little" work. I'm loving this game! This is the first basketball game where I have felt that speed and athleticism make a difference in the half court sets without catch up defense or sliding.
I don't think every player has the same dribble moves. While the move packages are the same, not everyone can do them. I don't know how star players have unique "packages" that no one else has. Maybe I'm being a tad ignorant, but in real life it isn't that players have different moves, it's their dribbling skill and the speed and momentum at which they do those moves. Maybe the critique is that each player doesn't have a particular animation package, but I think the control is what makes Live, Live.
Like others have said, all of the criticism is based on opinion for the most part and the reviewer did a great job staying above that. IMO this is the most sim game I've played to date.
# 52 jyoung @ 10/08/09 02:06 PM
Originally Posted by videobastard
Solid review. Once the live series adds in a detailed online league system, and be a pro season mode etc... the ratings will be higher into the 9's.

The lack of features is whats holding down the score right now. The gameplay foundation is there its just to fine tweak now and add on the mustard.
Totally agree.

Dynasty needs to be majorly improved and the online modes needs to get up to par with some of EA's other games (NCAA, NHL) before Live becomes a "9" or higher game.
# 53 apManila24 @ 10/08/09 03:43 PM
8 is a very fair score. Whoever said it deserves a 9.5 is a moron. The CPU steals the ball too much. The ball goes through people and has weird physics. Live Run is stupid because every person just hogs the ball. Low post offense is so stale and the announcing is absolutely terrible. There are too many problems in this game for it to get a 9.5. I will say that Live is making some serious progress. (Only because of Mike Wang) This is just another bad year for basketball fans.
# 54 Pared @ 10/08/09 04:17 PM
What part of stop the discussion of 2k here wasn't clear? No one wants to hear why you think 2k10 is so great in a Live review thread.
# 55 AUChase @ 10/08/09 04:57 PM
I thought the review & score was very fair.
I don't see how anyone besides possible fanboys think it deserves a 9.5 or 10.
# 56 rdlkilla2k @ 10/08/09 05:21 PM
wow a ban for a opinion..........lol EA sports its in the lame...i mean game.....lol
# 57 Wiffyjustus @ 10/08/09 05:35 PM
Originally Posted by Wiffyjustus
I think I'll give NBA Live 10 an 11.5 and see what happens.
Originally Posted by rdlkilla2k
11.5???? no comment kid.......
# 58 DTX3 @ 10/08/09 05:40 PM
Originally Posted by rdlkilla2k
wow a ban for a opinion..........lol EA sports its in the lame...i mean game.....lol
Why do you keep trolling?
# 59 Wiffyjustus @ 10/08/09 05:49 PM
But seriously, fair reveiw.

I'm still in honeymoon phase, so at the moment I'm inclined to give it around a 9.

I know it's a bit light on features and the inside game isn't as polished as the perimeter / mid game... but man, I have not enjoyed a bball game like this before.

I suppose from an unbiased view (which I'm not) 8 seems fair.

Being a big person (a grown up), I don't have a lot of time to commit to honing my digital bball skills. I really appreciate that the controls are intuitive and I can simply apply sound basketball practices and be successful or at least compete.

A basketball game governed by basketball principals? Awesome.
# 60 10yard-Fight @ 10/08/09 08:39 PM
Originally Posted by Czar_Gantt
I liked this write up it was nicely put until D Apocalyspe wrote that 2K is more arcade.. Live is fun to play but its not a serious hoop game.. everyone on that game has handles.. to prove it i want u to play a game against someone not the cpu,,, Get the hawks and use JOSH SMITH... He has the same handles that Chris paul kobe dewayne and EVERYONE else on the game has.. The only difference is they do the moves at different speeds.. LIVe Fun.. Always was fun but thats it.. U will play the game 32 months from now with the same game plan same moves and everything... When I play 2k i learn different things 5 months after game drops. STILL LEARNING... To end this LIVE also is the worst game to bet on because u never know playing that.. someone can hop on the sticks and ISO with a slasher ( LIKE jOSH SMITH) and DUNK on ur head every play... " Arcade 2k WHAT WE TALKIN' BOUT"
Its funny you say you'll be learning things 5 months down the line... that's what made my decision so easy. i was still learning and seeing new things when i last played 2k9.

So i got Live 10, it feels good, and it's a nice change from what i've been accustomed to for the majority of my b-ball gaming hours in the last 10 years.

If I get tired of playing it, i guarantee i can start playing my association from 2k9 again and have as much fun as i would have on 2k10.

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