NBA Live 10 News Post

The Association once had Russell and Wilt. Then there was Michael taking the reigns from Bird after he dropped 63 in the Garden during the '86 playoffs. Last year it was the debate between Kobe and LeBron. Right now it’s Live and NBA 2K.

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Game: NBA Live 10Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PSP / Xbox 360Votes for game: 48 - View All
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Member Comments
# 61 XxB0MBTHREATxX @ 10/08/09 08:43 PM
LOL at the trolls, 8 is very fair. Live got my buy this year n im happy, its fun, VERY FUN. We need a better post gm n less sliding!
# 62 10yard-Fight @ 10/08/09 08:44 PM
@ wiffyjustus

as a big person myself, i totally agree with your post.
# 63 Sovartus @ 10/08/09 11:15 PM
I think this was a very fair review by the way.

Originally Posted by Court_vision
I don't want to steal your thunder here bro...but I am here to tell you that, in real life, Tim Duncan and Carlos Boozer have different post moves to Brian Scarlbarine and Greg Oden. In LIVE 10, they don't.

Let's not get too carrried away here with "9.5" type claims...
There are only a handful of moves you can make in the post in real life. The difference is that people look different when they do them. 2K does a great job of making these players look different. Live does a great job of ensuring that players like Sene don't do those post moves effectively. 2K not so much. All of what you speak is more of the "presentation" that have most of the 2K fans hypnotized. I noticed you talking about defense. Maybe you should read my NBA Live 10 vs. NBA 2K10 blog. When you say that Live has weak (a "C" from your grading scale) defense I have to question if you really know what you are doing. I don't have these problems on Live's defense. I found it quite refreshing to be rewarded for playing tough defense and using my knowledge of playing angles like real life to shut someone's offense down. I love how they take the individual player speeds and quicknesses into consideration.

When I played 2K (today mind you) I noticed the CPU shooting between 60% and 75% no matter what type of defense you play. I am very aware of 2K's contest shot system and I think it is second to none but it is useless if the AI is going to continuously move your defensive teammates out of position even if you turn the help defense slider all the way down and set every player's double team setting to Never. You should check the videos that I posted that back up everything that I'm saying about 2K's ignorant defensive AI. Even with all of the adjustments I just described and me being locked onto my check, the computer teammates STIL consistently came to double my man leaving elite players like Kobe, Lebron, and Dirk WIDE OPEN in unneccessary situations. This doesn't happen in NBA Live.

I don't know what game you have been playing but maybe you should learn how to play the game or hit me up for some tips. Or maybe you could school me on the way to make 2K act like real basketball on it's own without me having the headache of either scaling back my game to keep from exploiting the stupid AI or just watching the demo play itself so all the pretty little animation movies can string together and look like a TV broadcast.

It's also funny that you mentioned the post game because this year 2K actually patterned thier's off of what Live is doing. Live's post game may not be as "pretty" but the post defense and ability to string together post moves is quite incredible.

I'm sorry for ranting but I'm really getting tired of people making claims and not really knowing what they are talking about.
# 64 Sovartus @ 10/08/09 11:40 PM
Originally Posted by Court_vision
I can't be bothered arguing champ...suffice to say, in 2K they are not shooting close to that % on me...so maybe it's you who needs to learn some D.

Secondly...this is a LIVE review, so let's stick to that. Facts are facts and those are that CPU bigs are all pretty much the same...you can take Brendan Haywood and do the exact same moves as Tim Duncan. Go and try it and you'll see.

Every PF and C can block shots with the same skill...i put Corey Brewer, a weak SF, at PF to test it and still had four blocks. One time rejecting Shaq. Guards can reject bigs easily. There's no real skill. I'm not going to go on as fellas are enjoying it. Just avoid the cheap shots next time mate...the "I am the only one who knows how to play" arrogance isn't needed.
No shots homie, we just don't have the same the same experiences and expectations I would assume. I would completely agree with you on having a defensive deficiency if I had control over my AI teammates. You are probably right to leave well enough alone. Hope you enjoy 2K10.
# 65 fluent2332 @ 10/09/09 01:30 AM
like i said, i find the defense very challenging and rewarding. the blocks are superb most of the time, with only an occasional strange looking block, no biggie. but the weakside shot blocking is incredible. there are some truly beautiful blocks in the game but you have to really work to get them. timing and position play a big factor in both steals and blocks. the game rewards you for getting defensive position and playing smart, realistic basketball. i think the defense should be just as highly regarded as the offense.

i'm not sure if people have really delved into the tiny details that make this game tick. i think more time spent with the game and a more thorough approach towards analyzing it will result in some new opinions.

example - the sim heads i've played online, while good players who play sim, didn't seem to have the best handle of the game either. i noticed that on fastbreaks i could take an athletic wing like RJ or iggy and perform a beautiful sidestep of a defender and cruise in for a layup, sometimes completely uncontested. yet when the opponent has the same advantage and situation, their attempt results in a contact animation almost every time. it's interesting to see because even something as big as layup solutions is not being utilized completely. i expect this to change over time, i hope so. same with blocks, as i'll swat some shots that look straight out of a real life broadcast. user plays a big part in the experience.
# 66 Jimbo68 @ 10/09/09 01:33 AM
Downloaded the Live 10 Demo AGAIN. I had deleted it after only two games the first time. I played about 6 games this time. Same verdict. The game is too simplistic for me. And I absolutely dislike the defensive aspects as well as the rebounding on both sides of the ball. It seems as if the cartoony animations are just jumping all around with no real direction in mind. As I stated in a prior post, if I'm having more fun inside the hangar, than there's something obviously wrong with the main game's gameplay. The free throws are complete garbage and the players just look freaky to me. If I had the money to buy a hoops game this year, it would be 2K10, but not sure if I'd buy it for PS3 or 360, would have to research frame rate issues for both. For those who enjoy Live 10 this year, I hope the novelty can pull you through the long months that make up the NBA season. Again, it all comes down to personal preference, so enjoy whichever game you purchase.
# 67 sportskid84 @ 10/09/09 08:15 AM
I love the review,I feel like next year's live might take the crown back
# 68 ClemsonTiger81 @ 10/09/09 01:13 PM
I think the sales might actually be close this year? Not sure, but I work at a video game store and more people have talked about and ...bought. LIVE 10 this year. 2K10 has already been returned by 2 people. 2K is living off passed success. This is the year that LIVE rebuilds its reputation and next year is the year that is will be King once again. I have played both games to an insane degree, trying to decide which to buy, and LIVE is the NBA. It plays so damned good. After playing 2k10 for 2 days and not playing LIVE, and then popping LIVE in again last night, it was like night and day. I gave each game a fair shot and for the first time since 2005 for me, LIVE wins in a squeaker.
# 69 Jimbo68 @ 10/09/09 01:40 PM
Looks like ClemsonTiger81 has the right approach. Play BOTH full versions of the games, not the demos, and then make a decision. I remember the good old days when you could buy, let's say both football games and take them home to see which you liked best and then bring the other one back for a full refund. Too bad retailers don't allow this any longer. I can understand why, just longing for the good ol' days.
# 70 Mayo32 @ 10/09/09 06:25 PM
personally i dont get why people are saying 2k is the same from the second i turned it on i noticed new things. they just arent ones tht will say hey look at me you have to look for them. the first time i went into instant replay i was blown away with how the players muscles flexed and i also noticed while playing the thunder as the game goes on the actual uniforms get sweaty not just the players anymore. the animations for shots and free throws are cleaner IMO too alittle faster too for those stop and pops. i played the live demo its good but its so in your face good i think its a little over hyped because of how crappy last years was. i wouldnt say which is better till the hype on live wheres off cause there isnt much to be hyped up about for 2k its just the same very solid game with mostly presentation and graphic enhancements i just dont think these smaller tweaks are looked at as much and i would tell any1 to go spend 60 bucks on this game its not 2k9 wit a new player on the cover in anyway i think it improved more than people give it credit for but thts just my opinion. live mad strides but still has things to work on i think. in the demo i felt the players were too skinny and too glossy for my tastes and all i did was use kobe and spin to the basket by dunking or use nelson to pass down to dwight for the easy 2. i think 2k just makes you do more than wat your used to sometimes its a quick alley oop sometimes its a 23 second possession where your scrambling to find a decent shot.
# 71 Mayo32 @ 10/09/09 06:28 PM
also those who are complaining bout high FG% you just dont play D cause when i play both teams at best have had like 60 ever for me and tht was a high scoring game where i forgot how to play defense usually its lower than tht for me and i havent adjusted any sliders or anything i took it outta the box booted it up started my heat franchise and off i went
# 72 lasthour @ 10/09/09 10:52 PM
I have been gaming since, well since the beginning of gaming and have not bought Live since the late 90s. Been playing 2k since 99.

Live's gameplay is a step ahead of 2k this year for the simple fact that 2k still has a bit of a problem stopping points in the paint properly. It has been this way for a long time, but this year Live gets it right and in return creates a better sim gaming experience in my opinion.

I put gameplay over all else.

Everything else I consider bells and whistles. In this area Live lacks behind the other game, but I much rather have the balance and control that Live gives me in the gameplay department over the other modes/features that 2k has.

And I hate playing with sliders, just plain addicting and time consuming.

Gameplay- Live 9.0
# 73 marcoyk @ 10/10/09 07:41 AM
Good review. I'll be taking it into consideration when considering which game to buy.
# 74 NDIrish98 @ 10/10/09 08:39 AM
Originally Posted by Mayo32
personally i dont get why people are saying 2k is the same from the second i turned it on i noticed new things. they just arent ones tht will say hey look at me you have to look for them. the first time i went into instant replay i was blown away with how the players muscles flexed and i also noticed while playing the thunder as the game goes on the actual uniforms get sweaty not just the players anymore. the animations for shots and free throws are cleaner IMO too alittle faster too for those stop and pops. i played the live demo its good but its so in your face good i think its a little over hyped because of how crappy last years was. i wouldnt say which is better till the hype on live wheres off cause there isnt much to be hyped up about for 2k its just the same very solid game with mostly presentation and graphic enhancements i just dont think these smaller tweaks are looked at as much and i would tell any1 to go spend 60 bucks on this game its not 2k9 wit a new player on the cover in anyway i think it improved more than people give it credit for but thts just my opinion. live mad strides but still has things to work on i think. in the demo i felt the players were too skinny and too glossy for my tastes and all i did was use kobe and spin to the basket by dunking or use nelson to pass down to dwight for the easy 2. i think 2k just makes you do more than wat your used to sometimes its a quick alley oop sometimes its a 23 second possession where your scrambling to find a decent shot.
i didnt realize we were reviewing 2K in the Live threads now...hmm. Weird. and i'd like some tips on how to play if you were able to get to the basket that easy just by spinning and dumping it inside everytime and score. you must be the best video game basketball player ever.......
# 75 NBAfan#109287322 @ 10/11/09 07:21 PM
Originally Posted by NDIrish98
i didnt realize we were reviewing 2K in the Live threads now...hmm. Weird. and i'd like some tips on how to play if you were able to get to the basket that easy just by spinning and dumping it inside everytime and score. you must be the best video game basketball player ever.......
Both games are out now so it's fair to compare i say
# 76 NDIrish98 @ 10/11/09 10:10 PM
Originally Posted by NBAfan#109287322
Both games are out now so it's fair to compare i say
i dont think i'd call what Mayo was saying was a comparison, more of a 2k review in a Live review thread.
# 77 Pared @ 10/14/09 10:00 AM
Originally Posted by NBAfan#109287322
Both games are out now so it's fair to compare i say
No, it isn't. This is a thread about Live, in the Live forum. Keep it that way.

If you want to discuss 2k, do it in that forum.
# 78 KDWilliams85 @ 10/14/09 02:02 PM
I bought NBA Live '09 last year and I thought it was a great game. I had fun with it. What makes NBA Live '10 better? I played 2K9 and Live '09 and thought that both had their perks. I liked Live a little bit better though.

Can anyone who has the game express some of the misgivings in it? I've read that there have been post game issues but is that the only glaring one? I've also read reviews that have said that nuances were the only difference.
# 79 rjsmoove @ 10/14/09 02:36 PM
Live is pretty good this year. It's way harder than i'm used to, but thats fine by me. I'm happy to have to actually work now. No more blowing the cpu out on superstar...
# 80 sportskid84 @ 10/14/09 04:18 PM

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