NBA Live 10 News Post

We have just captured the player faces of the starting 5, from every NBA team in NBA Live 10.

Who looks good? Who looks bad? Should be some interesting talk. No screenshot requests!

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Game: NBA Live 10Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PSP / Xbox 360Votes for game: 48 - View All
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Member Comments
# 201 krazyboy225 @ 09/29/09 07:36 PM
# 202 tanner99 @ 09/29/09 07:46 PM
# 203 krazyboy225 @ 09/29/09 07:48 PM
Originally Posted by tanner99
haha i got some vids from easw on another thread 2..haha
# 204 jartoon @ 09/30/09 05:19 AM
Especially compared to 2k10, many of these faces are so randomly awful it almost looks as if they've never seen the person at all!

On the other hand, I think the face modeler is Derek Fisher's wife/lover. It almost looks like they spent 50% of time and resources on Derek Fisher's model, and the other 50% on everyone else.

Is that really supposed to be Spencer Hawes and Shaun Livingston? I had to simply deduce that by looking at the other players on their teams. I might even be wrong on who those two are supposed to be-- really shouldnt be starting in the nba anyways, so maybe their not and those are some better players who slightly resemble them?
# 205 tanner99 @ 09/30/09 07:19 AM
did you see carmelo, jr smith, lebron, elton brand, and all the others with SPOT ON faces?
# 206 gmix411 @ 09/30/09 07:40 AM
Originally Posted by Stumbleweed
Looking at the small screens made them look bad for some reason... I wasn't impressed at all until I blew them into the full-resolution. Something about the smaller size makes their heads look even weirder (beyond the leaning forward and the camera, as has been mentioned).

So if you are just looking at the pages of screens, go into the full-size ones and take a 2nd look. I was thinking that none of the Nuggets really looked good (despite having already seen the Melo model) until I looked at the full size ones, and now all of them aside from K-Mart (looks too young, not enough 5 o'clock shadow, face is a little thin) look great IMO.
I did this and I think you're 100% correct.
# 207 Boilerbuzz @ 09/30/09 11:47 PM
Originally Posted by str8artist
A little harsh .... It is not as easy as you think it might be. I am a artist and everyone i do is not perfect. But your numbers are a little inflated they are not that bad or as you will say horrific.
Some of you folks need to get over yourselves. NONE of these are perfect or horrific. The superlatives fly like crazy here. Then there's the popping off about which game does them better. Well considering each games uses different tech, how can any definitively say one is "better" than the other. 2K hair is bad. Live head shapes are bad. 2K skin and shadows are great. Live details and metrics are great. Comparing these to other games and real life is absolutely valid. But come on; any declaration of which is better is pure nonsense... BS actually. I'm pretty sure you can come up with side by sides that prove a case for both games. So just STOP it now.

From where I stand, if Live just fix the shape of the heads and bring back the skin shaders from Live 06/07, I'd be happy. 2K NEEDS to throw away the hair. They made great strides in the white skin (FINALLY), but the hair needs work. That's my 2 cents.
# 208 thakeaf @ 10/01/09 08:43 AM

This isn't supposed to be Ariza is it?

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