NBA Live 10 News Post

We have just captured the player faces of the starting 5, from every NBA team in NBA Live 10.

Who looks good? Who looks bad? Should be some interesting talk. No screenshot requests!

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Game: NBA Live 10Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PSP / Xbox 360Votes for game: 48 - View All
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Member Comments
# 21 tanner99 @ 09/28/09 05:00 PM
Originally Posted by stephensonmc
Don't worry, you'll see that stuff. Remember the first few screens that were posted? All of them were emotion shots.
alright thats great news.

my jaws still on the ground cuz of these pics. too realistic.
# 22 mikenoob @ 09/28/09 05:01 PM
Faces look great! Also, is it just me or do these heads make it look like bobble heads? Bobble heads may not be the word, but something looks weird with the head to body proportions.
# 23 elsaic15 @ 09/28/09 05:01 PM
most of the faces look pretty good...but why does everyone look like a skinny 15 year old kid? the players all still look like a cartoon
# 24 Muzyk23 @ 09/28/09 05:01 PM
Originally Posted by tanner99
90% of these faces are amazing!!!

just one question though. theres like barely any emotions. is it because they werent in the middle of a play or something?

come on man read some..you ask so many questions..a lot of info was released on Live .. we know everything..player emotions are in
# 25 Jano @ 09/28/09 05:01 PM
Kobe looks great but he needs more hair on his head its too short in the game. His face looks spot on though and most of the players faces look great this year too.

Good job EA
# 26 navyboy09 @ 09/28/09 05:01 PM
pics are nice...pretty much all of them are spot on and thank god wade actually looks like himself cause in the other game he is horrible...its amazing how much better these pics are compared to the other game.

I don't understand why people say live's graphics look cartoonish cause these are pretty damn good and spot on.
# 27 tanner99 @ 09/28/09 05:05 PM
Originally Posted by Muzyk23

come on man read some..you ask so many questions..a lot of info was released on Live .. we know everything..player emotions are in
i know emotions are in but a lot of the players seemed really emotionless and while marcus was in the thread, i just wanted to ask
# 28 Manbearpig @ 09/28/09 05:06 PM
incredible, thats all I got to say
# 29 NDIrish98 @ 09/28/09 05:07 PM
Originally Posted by navyboy09
pics are nice...pretty much all of them are spot on and thank god wade actually looks like himself cause in the other game he is horrible...its amazing how much better these pics are compared to the other game.

I don't understand why people say live's graphics look cartoonish cause these are pretty damn good and spot on.
it's called being biased and close-minded. and people just have different tastes, but mainly because of being biased. just my opinion.
# 30 str8artist @ 09/28/09 05:08 PM
Originally Posted by elsaic15
most of the faces look pretty good...but why does everyone look like a skinny 15 year old kid? the players all still look like a cartoon
all the faces look great, you can tell who all the players are at 1st glance. But they all also look like they are 21 years old or younger. Grant hill looks like he will not being going over the hill no time soon.. LOL... But still they look good.
# 31 davidrc517 @ 09/28/09 05:09 PM
People act like they're surprised that Live has better graphics than 2k, but I feel that it's always been this way. 2k last year looked worse than Live. 2k this year doesn't look better than Live, once again.

But I don't buy games based on how close a player looks in the game to his real life counterpart. I'm not trying to sit there and watch replays to admire how good they look. I buy based on how the game feels and how close it resembles to a real game of basketball. Last year, 2k was better. I haven't tried the Live demo yet (bc my Xbox red-ringed) but from the gameplay vids, I'm probably leaning towards 2k.

At the end of the day, I think everyone is just going to get what their friends have so they can all bust each other up. I think it's going to come down to which game the key influencer in a group of friends picks.
# 32 Manbearpig @ 09/28/09 05:12 PM
lol at ppl saying the game looks like a cartoon
# 33 Stumbleweed @ 09/28/09 05:17 PM
White dude's hair has never looked better... like Spencer Hawes -- it actually looks like a head of hair instead of a blonde or flesh-colored mat laying on their head as it does in 2K (still in 2K10) and previous Live games.
# 34 kennyacid @ 09/28/09 05:19 PM
faces look great...but the bodies.... eeeekkkkkk!!!!
# 35 WTF @ 09/28/09 05:21 PM
I am about 100% positive that the bodies are "off" because of the angle. Look at the melo pics in the retro uni. Spot on.
# 36 Muzyk23 @ 09/28/09 05:22 PM
Originally Posted by Stumbleweed
White dude's hair has never looked better... like Spencer Hawes -- it actually looks like a head of hair instead of a blonde or flesh-colored mat laying on their head as it does in 2K (still in 2K10) and previous Live games.
yeah also noticed that

hair is great this year - very varied and detailed- wonder if it animates

LOL at the ppl complaining about body proportions..watch some videos or see some pics
# 37 krazyboy225 @ 09/28/09 05:22 PM
Originally Posted by WTF
I am about 100% positive that the bodies are "off" because of the angle. Look at the melo pics in the retro uni. Spot on.
# 38 fLyGuY JuSa3 @ 09/28/09 05:23 PM
Most of the faces look great!
BUT(theres always a but)
there body doesnt look 2 good IMO
# 39 NDIrish98 @ 09/28/09 05:25 PM
i think the bodies are close to perfect 'in-game', but i dont like screenshots, they always seem 'distorted' in a way, but while playing the game, the bodies look great.
# 40 Muzyk23 @ 09/28/09 05:28 PM
Originally Posted by fLyGuY JuSa3
Most of the faces look great!
BUT(theres always a but)
there body doesnt look 2 good IMO
cut that out sir, please..there is no need to turn this thread into body proportions discussion

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