NBA 2K10 News Post

2K Sports has just posted another NBA Developer Insights, this one covering NBA 2K10 defensive gameplay.

"Double teams also received a complete re-write from last year. The mechanic itself has improved in order to give the user a more interactive approach. As you remember in 2K9, once the double team was initiated, it seemed like a full feature movie played out until a particular resolution was achieved. This year, we re-worked the mechanic to have completely independent and controllable actors within the double team animations, so that each controlled player can request a particular action independently of what the other player is doing. Last year, this was just a timing issue; but now, a steal attempt happens when you request it and not just when the code decides to resolve to one. All in all, the game now provides a much better experience in terms of response to being in a double team. As an offensive player, you can counter by dribbling out, splitting, passing and shooting. Some of these resolutions were available before, but never with the involvement we’ve added to it this year. Double teams can also be canceled, so you can fake the call and then send the defender back to his man by just hitting the DT button again (LB on Xbox 360, L1 on PS3)."

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Platform: PC / PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 74 - View All
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Member Comments
# 81 akiracy @ 09/23/09 10:29 PM
Double teams can also be canceled, so you can fake the call and then send the defender back to his man by just hitting the DT button again (LB on Xbox 360, L1 on PS3).
Does this mean you can step out of the double team sequence anytime you want? or only being able to fake a double team by calling a teammate running over, then back to his man?
# 82 spankdatazz22 @ 09/23/09 10:43 PM
Originally Posted by DC
And it would be nice if we could have our collision detection slider back that was stolen from us for whatever reason
Really can't have something stolen that was never given to you. Plug in 2K8, it's still there. Plug in 2K9, it was never there to begin with
# 83 Goffs @ 09/23/09 10:44 PM
so uh we're not getting vids to compliment the article today are we....
# 84 DC @ 09/23/09 10:45 PM
Originally Posted by spankdatazz22
Really can't have something stolen that was never given to you. Plug in 2K8, it's still there. Plug in 2K9, it was never there to begin with
Uh you know you just agreed with me right?

It WAS in 2K8
Stolen in 2K9 for WHATEVER reason

We need it back is my point
# 85 BroMontana82 @ 09/23/09 10:46 PM
the one worry i have about the defense and shot blocks is the timing aspect that was mentioned. it was said that there is a short window for you to time the block attempt with the shot attempt. does that mean you pretty much have to press Y right when the player is starting their shot? this does seem precanned. will it mean i start the block right away then? yeah, in real life, timing is key. but how many times do you see something like a chase down block starting well after the shot or layup has been started and the ball's in the air. speaking to the example mentioned...in real life how many chase down blocks have you seen where the layup has started then the guy jumps for the block? i just don't want this to be where the layup starts and i press Y at the exact same time. here are some examples:



at about 55 seconds.

guess we'll see how this plays out.
# 86 HMcCoy @ 09/23/09 10:50 PM

Man this is by far the best info we've gotten. I love every word of it!!!

Man I hope this stuff works like its supposed to.
# 87 TheKasmar @ 09/23/09 11:06 PM
I'm happy Rob addressed the double teams

Help Defense sounds good but will probably result in some sliding

Here's a defensive video of the DC to give a look at some defensive plays
# 88 jfsolo @ 09/23/09 11:11 PM
Reading the article and of course having played the Combine, the logic and the effectiveness of the help defense, double teams, and rotations are the only areas where I still have any real concerns
# 89 Aces15 @ 09/23/09 11:19 PM
Well I think it's obvious all of this sounds impressive, but the execution of all of this is what's important. How often these blocks happen, when they initiate, how defensive rotations differ from team to team.

I can't wait for the answers to these questions.
# 90 TreyIM2 @ 09/24/09 12:01 AM
This was the most impressive thing I've read about the upcoming 2K10 game...but I still need dat demo, siiiiiirrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrsssss and madams. I already put dough on Live 10 but that doesn't mean I won't buy 2K10 if I like the demo...if it comes out before release day. Otherwise I will just rent it to see whuss really good then make a decision.

Once again, I really liked what I read in that article. They're trying to regain a seemingly once loyal customer in me.
# 91 TreyIM2 @ 09/24/09 12:06 AM
Originally Posted by TheKasmar
I'm happy Rob addressed the double teams

Help Defense sounds good but will probably result in some sliding

Here's a defensive video of the DC to give a look at some defensive plays
Damn, that looks like some good stuff but the funny thing is that I have the DC, too. Lol. The Live 10 took me over and I haven't played the DC in a minute. I think my mind is running 2Ks of the past together with the DC and I'm tiring of 2K so I don't notice many of the diffs, anymore but you've made me wanna fire up a few games which I'll do in a minute.

Uhh, thx for the reminder. Lol.
# 92 youvalss @ 09/24/09 12:10 AM
Originally Posted by Aces15
Well I think it's obvious all of this sounds impressive, but the execution of all of this is what's important. How often these blocks happen, when they initiate, how defensive rotations differ from team to team.

I can't wait for the answers to these questions.
Blocks frequency is also affected by sliders, so you can change it. But if there's a good D, you don't have to be blocked in order to miss - and that's where team defense can shine.
# 93 HMcCoy @ 09/24/09 12:17 AM
I'm so glad the blocks will no longer be predetermined...or that help rotations will be solid and create weakside openings.
# 94 HOLLIDAY1183 @ 09/24/09 12:17 AM
By the dev's words in the Insight, they've addressed pretty much every complaint I had with 2K9.

All we need now is an extended gameplay video, or a demo. But this is very heartening. He seemed to know exactly what was wrong with 2K9 (paint passes, collision detection inside, unstoppable animations inside and on perimeter, help D, etc) and focused on fixing them.

One thing I don't see mentioned often is how the players shoot. The forms themselves were excellent in 2K9 IMO, but very few players actually flicked their wrists, but rather they would kinda follow thru as if they were shooting the ball at a 30ft high basket. Hopefully they addressed that also.

But off this Insight alone, some of my concerns from that silly IGN video are put to rest.
# 95 Da_Czar @ 09/24/09 12:48 AM
Great read !!! Hope the execution is as good as the planning. With everything else they added it should be a very fun game to play.
# 96 aga11ah @ 09/24/09 12:50 AM
great read, looks like 2k put in some work. cant wait to see some new footage that shows off the new help defense.
# 97 J-H!zZl3 @ 09/24/09 12:53 AM
Originally Posted by Da_Czar
Great read !!! Hope the execution is as good as the planning. With everything else they added it should be a very fun game to play.
I agree. This article has definitely made me feel better about 2k10. From what I read it appears that most of the problems from 2k9 have been dealt with and solved. We won't know for sure until we get our hands on the game, though.
# 98 HMcCoy @ 09/24/09 01:31 AM
Originally Posted by DC
Can we finally challenge a shot without jumping is the question
Lock on challenges the shot, every single time.

The lock on icon takes a split second to kick in tho...so catch and shoot situations are hard to contest that way.

I hope 2K reduces the time it takes for the lock on to activate when you swap defenders. I hate when you make the smart switch, but since the AI doesn't recognize you as a defender right away so you get what is essentially a wide open, uncontested J dropped right in your face, even though you're in perfect position.
# 99 DC @ 09/24/09 01:31 AM
Lock on does NOT challenge the shot every single time.
# 100 HMcCoy @ 09/24/09 01:37 AM
Originally Posted by DC
Lock on does NOT challenge the shot every single time.

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