NBA 2K10 News Post

2K Sports has just posted another NBA Developer Insights, this one covering NBA 2K10 defensive gameplay.

"Double teams also received a complete re-write from last year. The mechanic itself has improved in order to give the user a more interactive approach. As you remember in 2K9, once the double team was initiated, it seemed like a full feature movie played out until a particular resolution was achieved. This year, we re-worked the mechanic to have completely independent and controllable actors within the double team animations, so that each controlled player can request a particular action independently of what the other player is doing. Last year, this was just a timing issue; but now, a steal attempt happens when you request it and not just when the code decides to resolve to one. All in all, the game now provides a much better experience in terms of response to being in a double team. As an offensive player, you can counter by dribbling out, splitting, passing and shooting. Some of these resolutions were available before, but never with the involvement we’ve added to it this year. Double teams can also be canceled, so you can fake the call and then send the defender back to his man by just hitting the DT button again (LB on Xbox 360, L1 on PS3)."

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Member Comments
# 21 tanner99 @ 09/23/09 08:13 PM
Originally Posted by NumberOneRB
Very impressed with that article. Good read and I'm looking forward to seeing this game in action. Every time I read these insights, it seems to invalidate what I saw in that Lakers/Cavs video. I don't know what build that game was, but maybe we truly will see a more night and day appearance animation-wise compared to 2K9? In the last preview, the developer reiterated that they captured 9,000 animations for this game, so I'm hoping that should mean 2K10 should animate a LOT differently (in a good way) compared to last year.
didnt the video have nfl scores on the bottom from the night before it was posted?
# 22 Rockafella2x @ 09/23/09 08:14 PM
i dont think the 9000 animations are all related to just the players it probably is the coaches/bench/cheerleaders/mascots/ and floor cleaners as well

Originally Posted by tanner99
didnt the video have nfl scores on the bottom from the night before it was posted?
you could pop in 2k8 and see those same scores on the ticker alls it means is that they were connected to the internet
# 23 youvalss @ 09/23/09 08:21 PM
Originally Posted by JSapida
We've got gameplay videos coming real soon.
How soon? Can't wait!
# 24 ffaacc03 @ 09/23/09 08:21 PM
Originally Posted by akiracy
You left out your opening sentence, "i've been a 2k fan since ........."
# 25 CoHouse2814 @ 09/23/09 08:23 PM
Originally Posted by NumberOneRB
Very impressed with that article. Good read and I'm looking forward to seeing this game in action. Every time I read these insights, it seems to invalidate what I saw in that Lakers/Cavs video. I don't know what build that game was, but maybe we truly will see a more night and day appearance animation-wise compared to 2K9? In the last preview, the developer reiterated that they captured 9,000 animations for this game, so I'm hoping that should mean 2K10 should animate a LOT differently (in a good way) compared to last year.
not all 9000 animations are used in 2k10...rob jones confirmed that these new animations(whatever number they stopped at) seems to be better for the series to move forward from playing the draft combine
# 26 CoHouse2814 @ 09/23/09 08:25 PM
Originally Posted by Apologize
2k fan base is getting slimmer bye the minute..I can tell u that..I for one..2k needs to step up off this 2k8 gameplay ..Few minor upgrades with the same game as 2k9..Get Real..Demo better show me something or I am getting Live for the first time..
no you not buying live...now apologize to 2k and purchase it oct. 6
# 27 Jano @ 09/23/09 08:26 PM
Originally Posted by youvalss
How soon? Can't wait!
Hopefully that meant soon as in today but I have a feeling we may not get them until later in the week.
# 28 Goffs @ 09/23/09 08:34 PM
Gameplay footage straight from 2k showing off the defense would be nice!!
# 29 Rocboyz101 @ 09/23/09 08:36 PM
Originally Posted by mrnoobie
Gameplay footage straight from 2k showing off the defense would be nice!!
Yeah, gonna need a video of this..
# 30 NumberOneRB @ 09/23/09 08:37 PM
Originally Posted by CoHouse2814
not all 9000 animations are used in 2k10...rob jones confirmed that these new animations(whatever number they stopped at) seems to be better for the series to move forward from playing the draft combine
This was from the Hoopsworld preview:

"This year I captured about 9,000 animations," Jones explained. "Like you said, some of those old animations were dated. Some guys aren't even doing those things they were doing when we first did signature style."
You can read preview here: http://www.hoopsworld.com/Story.asp?story_id=13869. It seems like every new preview I read that involves interviewing the developers, they state that they captured 9,000 new animations for this game. They never give a disclosure stating that only SOME of these were captured for 2K10. I wish a 2K developer would come on here and clear this issue up a bit.
# 31 Kaanyr Vhok @ 09/23/09 08:39 PM
You know what kinda burns me up about the pessimist this year is that whether they are closet EA fans or not its that they are a year too late. If you wanted to jump ship you should have done it with 2k9. 2k9 was the 60 dollars that made me roll my eyes. The DC is much better than it. Many of the 2k9 issues were addressed in the DC so the only real challenge with 2k10 is sliders and polish. If fun is your video game objective 2k9 was the game you should have passed on. That was when you should have come to these boards and complained or warned people. Heck I did it after the 2k9's gameplay vids.

I could be wrong but based on how I felt last year and the DC 2k10 seems to be much more fun.
# 32 Goffs @ 09/23/09 08:40 PM
They did in one of the insights...as mentioned already the animations where also for the coaches, cheerleaders, mascots, crowds and uhm the various sized players....
# 33 Jano @ 09/23/09 08:40 PM
Yes it would noob hopefully its an depth vid that gives examples of everything they talked about.

Its not enough to just show us a trailer (imo at least) give us a vid of the developer walking us through the process.

If they do anything like that it'll be great because that will address concerns or doubts something you can't really do with a trailer.
# 34 Goffs @ 09/23/09 08:42 PM
Yea no more trailers!! Straight gameplay footage of the devs playing the game showing off the D!!
# 35 CoHouse2814 @ 09/23/09 08:44 PM
Originally Posted by NumberOneRB
This was from the Hoopsworld preview:

You can read preview here: http://www.hoopsworld.com/Story.asp?story_id=13869. It seems like every new preview I read that involves interviewing the developers, they state that they captured 9,000 new animations for this game. They never give a disclosure stating that only SOME of these were captured for 2K10. I wish a 2K developer would come on here and clear this issue up a bit.

i would never steer you wrong man but in that hoops article he never said that all 9000 was in 2k10.

Of course, correcting player proportions is just one of the issues addressed in this year's game. As gameplay producer Rob Jones told me, the team wanted to address animations in a comprehensive way this year. To that end, Jones said his mo-cap team captured something in the realm of 9,000 animations during the mo-cap sessions for 2K10. And while not all of those animations were entered into this year's game, a good chunk have either replaced older animations or been added to the game. As he put it, if an animation is pre-NBA 2K9, it had less than a 50 percent chance of making it into NBA 2K10. Part of that new animation philosophy had to do with providing further definition between players. Naturally, a point guard will have access to a different set of moves than a massive center, but developers didn't stop there. They also wanted to capture the differences between how a 7-foot player moves from how a 6-foot-9-inch player gets around the court. As a result, Yao Ming will move like Yao (assuming he ever plays again, that is), Nene will move like Nene, and Steve Nash will do his thing.
# 36 Kaanyr Vhok @ 09/23/09 08:48 PM
Originally Posted by NumberOneRB
This was from the Hoopsworld preview:

You can read preview here: http://www.hoopsworld.com/Story.asp?story_id=13869. It seems like every new preview I read that involves interviewing the developers, they state that they captured 9,000 new animations for this game. They never give a disclosure stating that only SOME of these were captured for 2K10. I wish a 2K developer would come on here and clear this issue up a bit.
They captured 9000 but that doesnt mean they are going to use all of them. You put in what works. I bet less than a third of them made it into the game.
# 37 youvalss @ 09/23/09 08:50 PM
Originally Posted by Apologize
2k fan base is getting slimmer bye the minute..I can tell u that..I for one..2k needs to step up off this 2k8 gameplay ..Few minor upgrades with the same game as 2k9..Get Real..Demo better show me something or I am getting Live for the first time..
No, god, no, please don't!!!

On topic, all these insights sound promising. The game passed the written test, now let's kick the road test...!
# 38 brs2305 @ 09/23/09 08:58 PM
I can just hope that the Defense in 2k10 stands up to those confident words. The presentation is made absolutely phenomenal...if defense achieved the same kind of improvement, then great.

However, slightly any enhancement could stand up, to what was promised the past two years...

PROVE ME WRONG 2k...please
# 39 blingballa333 @ 09/23/09 09:01 PM
I find it REALLY funny how Momentous locked my thread about the insight when I posted it first. Shouldn't this one have been locked?
# 40 Vast @ 09/23/09 09:02 PM
sounds great. i cant wait to see this and get my hands on it. But what does 2 player blocks mean exactly?? 2 players can block the shot??

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