NBA Live 10 News Post

Czar checks in once again, like only Da_Czar can, with this NBA Live 10 OS exclusive video, Czarisode 1: Season 2 - "The Takeover".

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Game: NBA Live 10Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PSP / Xbox 360Votes for game: 48 - View All
NBA Live 10 Videos
Member Comments
# 61 XxX syntax XxX @ 09/09/09 09:37 PM
Originally Posted by CoHouse2814
movement still look robotic looking. and im still not liking the defense against when players shoot the ball. live is back but not that much better
Wow thats the worse line ive heard today
# 62 Kaanyr Vhok @ 09/09/09 09:38 PM
I was leaning Live because 2k9 was such a waste but the Draft Combined appealed to my taste. If the 2k10 demo can top the combine then it will be mine. If the stars in 2k10 play like gods in the demo like they did in 2k9's It might me NBA Live time.
# 63 NBAfan#109287322 @ 09/09/09 09:43 PM
Originally Posted by CoHouse2814
movement still look robotic looking. and im still not liking the defense against when players shoot the ball. live is back but not that much better
Robotic movement? where? maybe u have no handle? lol
# 64 ProfessaPackMan @ 09/09/09 09:43 PM
Great, great Video Czar. Keep up the good work man.

Looks good. Still will have to play both games to see how they feel. I like the control schemes.

It's going to be a great year for gamers.
Agreed. Stupid question but is there ever a day where nobody is bringing up the competition in the opposite forums?
# 65 NBAfan#109287322 @ 09/09/09 09:45 PM
Originally Posted by ProfessaPackMan
Great, great Video Czar. Keep up the good work man.

Agreed. Stupid question but is there ever a day where nobody is bringing up the competition in the opposite forums?
Not a day!
# 66 SageInfinite @ 09/09/09 09:47 PM
Originally Posted by ProfessaPackMan
Great, great Video Czar. Keep up the good work man.

Agreed. Stupid question but is there ever a day where nobody is bringing up the competition in the opposite forums?
Cmon Professor you know that never happens! Especially now that competition is heating up, or should I say especially now since there actually is competition.
# 67 Jamin23 @ 09/09/09 09:49 PM
Originally Posted by ProfessaPackMan
Great, great Video Czar. Keep up the good work man.

Agreed. Stupid question but is there ever a day where nobody is bringing up the competition in the opposite forums?
When pigs fly.
# 68 thmst30 @ 09/09/09 09:52 PM
Originally Posted by NBAfan#109287322
Robotic movement? where? maybe u have no handle? lol
The movement in this video was very jerky, but it was due to the replay mode I believe and possibly a compressed video. We've seen the official videos and the game is much smoother than it looked here. Looked like 09 how they moved. Thankfully that's not the case.
# 69 Jamin23 @ 09/09/09 10:01 PM
Originally Posted by JerseySuave4
i'm so torn on which to get. I loved Live for so many years then a few years ago i switched to 2k because it was clearly the better game and i was very happy with my decision. But Live is looking really good this year. I love Da Czar's vids and this one was no different. I guess its going to come down to the demos to decide which to get. If i had the money i'd consider buying both but i also wouldnt have time to play both and get through a season if i did that either.

Live looks really good this year. The thing that is impressing me the most is the look of the game. Player models look good but i think the lighting of the arenas are whats impressing me the most. Each stadium looks accurate to real life (MSG with dark lights on crowd, brighter lights on court).

Live is def back, 2k not showing enough gameplay vids is making me wonder what the deal is. Might be the year i flip back to Live.

Only thing that has me worried about Live is every video there seems to be not much defense. I dont want a game where its so easy to score. We'll see in the demo if its that way.
The best thing to do is rent them both and decide which one you like better. Demos don't really do games justice.
# 70 Kaanyr Vhok @ 09/09/09 10:02 PM
Originally Posted by NBAfan#109287322
Robotic movement? where? maybe u have no handle? lol
More goofy than robotic for me. Though its a lot better than it used to be.
# 71 TreyIM2 @ 09/09/09 10:02 PM
I was reeeaalllyy trying to give 2K10 a chance but Live 10 is just KILLIN' IT!!

Ahem, that said, here are a couple things I was diggin' in this vid:

- Uhh, the controls?? Damn, I am still buggin' over the level of control and I like how Czar broke it down with the on screen graphics of how to control thangs. That's a 1up over Mike Wangs vids. Lol. I just hope it is a 1:1 controller response level because Live 09 (at least in the demo) was horrible with the control response. It felt like 5:1 or 1:5 or however that's calculated. Haaaa...

- Shaq's facial response to that second steal that was demonstrated -NICE!!
- Devin Harris's response a shot clock violation - Wooooooooooo!!! BEYOND nice!!
- LOVING the jump shot animations. Wooo, so authentic, for real-for real. I can't wait to hit the b-ball courts tomorrow, after analyzing this. Chris Paul and the dribble-step back jumper is priceless! I may switch from my Nets to the Hornets this year, shoot. Lol. Nah, got Devin Harris, still.

Umm, don't likes:

- Wizards player on offense standing around outside the arc and turning around, turning his head AWAY from the play while clapping during that part of the vid where Arenas blew past Gasol for the dunk.

- Still concerned about how block attempts don't go toward the ball. That's always been an issue in Live.

Umm, that's it. I musta watched this vid a million times. Great stuff, Czar. I can't say it enough. Can't wait til Ep. 2.
# 72 Altimus @ 09/09/09 10:04 PM
Great work as always Czar.

Wow oh wow that video has me hyped this year for Live. Usually this time of year with football season just starting my basketball thirst isn't there yet but this year it is at a all time high.

Loving the retro jerseys as well. Now EA find a way to get retro courts. DLC, whatever. Just get it done. Please.
# 73 DW3 @ 09/09/09 10:04 PM
WOW!!!! Czar, that was fantasic work!! I have been waiting on a next gen Live since Live 05! It seem like this year, that have finally delivered!! OMG! is all i can say! Great Job Dev team! Im getting both games, so all the comparisons dont matter to me, but Live is the ugly duckling that turned into a prom queen. Cant wait till tomorrow!
# 74 ZoneBlitz @ 09/09/09 10:04 PM
Originally Posted by Jamin23
The best thing to do is rent them both and decide which one you like better. Demos don't really do games justice.

I can't just say "OMG!!! It's Over!!! Live 10 does a better job of representing the game than real basketball!!!"

Indeed, Live is looking strong this year so I look forward to a test. BTW, will the demo come out at midnight?
# 75 SageInfinite @ 09/09/09 10:04 PM
I definitely used to be somewhat of a 2k fanboy. Funny how I was labeled as being bias towards Live now
# 76 HMcCoy @ 09/09/09 10:07 PM
Love the vid Czar. Your production quality keeps getting better and better, kudos.

On the game...I love the freedom you'll have in user controlled size-up. Some of the user vids are going to be sick, and the textures and skins also look insane, just like FNR4.

I still don't like how quickly you can transition into the next animation, makes everything look a bit robotic. I also don't like how everyone, even bigs, can change direction on a relative dime. While there seems to be a great procedural animation system for movement, there still seems to be no consideration of shifting weight or gathering of momentum. You press left, you immediately go left...no slow down...change dirction...speed up physics in place. Watch Shaq in the first part in the vid re: dribbling. Its great that Shaq will lose it eventually...but there is no way Shaq can make a 180 turn that quickly in the first place. He'd KILL in the skill competiton with that agilty, lol. Then again, maybe the "lumbering" affect will be more apparent with the game slowed way down.

Another small nitpick is how big the ball looks, but maybe it's me.

Overall, I'm impressed with the visuals. Don't know if this a purchase or rental, but the slider gurus may make this a must-have. Damn. 120 bucks in b-ball games...
# 77 _MidNight_ @ 09/09/09 10:08 PM
Originally Posted by thmst30
The movement in this video was very jerky, but it was due to the replay mode I believe and possibly a compressed video. We've seen the official videos and the game is much smoother than it looked here. Looked like 09 how they moved. Thankfully that's not the case.
That was the replay camera mode, it was set to capture the basketball movement not the player movement. E.G. every move the ball makes from left to right in the player hands the camera does the same thing, you can test it out for yourself in live 09.
# 78 NBASLAM2001 @ 09/09/09 10:08 PM
Originally Posted by JohnDoe8865
I'm just about 90% sold after watching that ... so much good info and control shown. About the only thing that will stop me from buying Live at this point, is a weak offline franchise mode.

If Offline Franchise mode has some depth and basic functionality without gamebreaking problems, I might be all in for Live10.
This is me as well.
# 79 GSW @ 09/09/09 10:10 PM
need. game. now.
# 80 RoyalBoyle78 @ 09/09/09 10:11 PM
Czar, you da man, all I have to say is WOW!!!!!

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