Madden 2010 News Post

Check out the Madden NFL 10 FAQ - Part 1.

"Hey Madden fans! It's been a little while since we dropped a post here on the blog, but we wanted to use this opportunity to answer a bunch of the most asked questions that have been showing up on forums, twitter, etc.

We thought we'd try something new though and do the FAQ in video form. It just made it more personal.

Some key points before you watch:

- The first title update was completed before the game shipped (in case you are wondering why certain issues didn't make it in)
- We're hard at work on the second title update, focusing primarily on various aspects of gameplay
- We're going to continue to make more of these FAQ videos."

If anyone wants to transcribe all of it I bet I could find some swag to send.

Game: Madden NFL 10Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 76 - View All
Madden NFL 10 Videos
Member Comments
# 41 JohnDoe8865 @ 09/09/09 04:02 PM
Originally Posted by Danimal
I have an issue with the offensive player pursuit logic being the fix for Pick 6's in a roster update.

1. It basically screws any currently running OF.

2. It doesn't affect the already created draft classes the game uses in single player franchise.

Didn't anyone think of those two things?
#2 is a pretty big thing, I didn't think of ...
# 42 BroMontana82 @ 09/09/09 04:02 PM
I didn't watch the videos yet but what about fixing the Tackle Stats??? They are definitely broken and I thought this was one of the top concerns? A lot of people weren't happy about these around here and I know it was definitely a top concern on adembroski's thread. Sim stats are fine for the most part but when you play, Assists aren't being counted!! Is this going to be fixed or what?
# 43 Beardown @ 09/09/09 04:03 PM
Josh did not mention about the tackle stats being wrong in franchise, I sure hope that is getting fixed besides the rushing TDs and passing yards.

Nothing was mentioned about penalties but they have never done a good job with penalties so I really should not expect anything there I guess.
# 44 The Man 451 @ 09/09/09 04:03 PM
I assume that when Looman said they're working on fixing the stats that the tackle stats will be addressed as well (the tackles and assists not adding correctly for non-simmed games)?
# 45 JohnDoe8865 @ 09/09/09 04:03 PM
Originally Posted by huskerwr38
He said in patch 2 about the stadium chants. Some of the small stuff like clock not stopping when player goes out of bounds happen when there is a cut scene and the ref doesn't come over to the sideline and waive his arms. I notice the clock always stops when I can see the refs run over to the sideline and waive his arms to stop the clock, but when I don't see that happen the clock doesn't stop. However, this happens a lot when the player obviously goes out of bounds but the refs just doesn't stop the clock.
I'm glad they have addressed WR catching out of bounds logic. This was a huge thing for me.
What does he mean by the FA and salary cap in online franchise won't happen soon, does that mean patch 2, patch 3, or madden 11?
I love how in the Madden guide they specifically say ultra realistic stats, but the stats are the worse in game history, but I'm glad they are fixing it.
One more thing, nothing mentioned of fixing the tackle stats.
I took it to mean Madden 11 or beyond. Not this year if I'm reading between the lines correctly.
# 46 mr_president @ 09/09/09 04:05 PM
Originally Posted by bgdave39
Transcribed...gimme my swag!

Top Questions:

1) What is the first patch?
  • Added Super Bowl and Playoff Field conditions for Online Franchise
  • Fixed False Start Grieving issues with Online games
  • Fixed video player issue where video would hang on latent connections
  • Improved uploaded highlight quality
  • Switched ranked online games to 7 min Q's
  • Fixed random stability issues
  • Added Broadcast Cam!
Gameplay Specific fixes:
  • Tuned slider effectiveness (Run blocking and broken tackles esp.)
  • Changes run blocking slider to not effect special teams
  • Made fatigue effect ratings more
  • Fixed WR release to where receivers release to both sides
  • Fixed incorrect spotting on punts out of bounds
  • Reduced/removed holding on kicking plays
  • Improved toe drag catch logic
  • Improved pursuit angles for outside running plays
  • Fixed defenders in pursuit running away from O-Line
  • Better play recognition in man coverage
  • Fixed double pass online exploit
2) When is the patch coming out?
Patch is up for approval from MS, expecting approval this week, and release next week but it's in the hands of MS at this point.

3) What is being done to stop the effectiveness of passes to the flats?
Hoping to adress this in second patch

4) What being done to improve blocking?
We are looking at this issue and hope to find some fixes for patch 2

5) What's being done to fix the replay cutoffs on highlights?
Will be fixed in patch 2.

6) What's being done to improve the accuracy of simulkated franchise stats?
Working to decrease Qb yardage and increase RB TD's. Hoping to get this into patch 2.

7) Are there any plans to fix the effectiveness of the PA Qb draw?
We plan to release a video showing ways to contain this play. We don't feel like it's a money play and releasing a counter via video will go a long way towards contasining it.

8) Any plans to change pursuit for cpu defenders?
Looking to address in 2nd patch

9) Pursuit for offensive players?
Next roster update will have increased pursuit angles for offensive players that should cut back on defensive TD's.

10) Any plans to get stadium specific sounds working correctly?
We are currently lookign at this and hope to get the fix into the 2nd patch as well.

11) Are you working to adding more features to online franchise such as salary cap, contracts, etc?
Absolutely but it won't be soon due to the complexity of the matter.

12) Are their plans to add sliders for online games and online franchise?
Not for Madden 10, will be looking at adding it for Madden 11 though.

Any plans to add more auto replays?
Currently working on and trying to get in for Patch 2

14) Why isn't the ability to choose what you want to challenge?
Priority for this is low since real NFL refs would look to correct more than just what was specifically challenged by the coach.

15) Why so many restriction on Wildcat formation?
We tried to limit exploits by limiting some of the things you are able to do in normal plays. No plans to unlock the formation fully for offline.

16) Why is it so hard to get sacks against the CPU?
Lame duck throws have drastically released sacks since the Qb can throw out. We are looking at ways to increase sacks.

3) What is being done to stop the effectiveness of passes to the flats?
Hoping to adress this in second patch

he offered a work around for player vs. player but offered nothing for player vs. cpu games

14) Why isn't the ability to choose what you want to challenge?
Priority for this is low since real NFL refs would look to correct more than just what was specifically challenged by the coach.

...but but it's in the game
....and in real nfl games it's pivotal that you select the right issue to challenge.
# 47 TeamBuilder @ 09/09/09 04:05 PM
Originally Posted by joet6683
yeah but it shouldnt be an option, it should just be implemented where it isnt a money play. he specifically said...we didnt want to see people running all over the place in the backfield...however previously he said an update would make fatigue have a greater effect on attributes. seems to me like that would solve the 'running around madly in the backfield' issue?
That makes sense... the way it is now... what's the point of passing out of the Wildcat if I don't have the threat of running... I might as well put Pennington back there, he's a more accurate passer.
# 48 huskerwr38 @ 09/09/09 04:06 PM
Originally Posted by ityaboy56
The video really didn't impress me, cause once again he seems more concerned with online play as opposed to offline. Like when the question about offline franchise came up he switched it to some guy on the phone. And even he was like uhh, yea, we uhh are looking to uhh. Basically all the major offline stuff is pushed to patch #2. And that probably won't come out until November.
Well that some guy is the offline franchise developer.
# 49 MeanMrMustard @ 09/09/09 04:08 PM
Thanks a lot for the updates. Glad to hear sacking the CPU is being looked at. I realize this is lower priority for most people than flats, etc., but I can't stress how big of a deal this is for me.

# 50 PantherBeast_OS @ 09/09/09 04:08 PM
Ok I understand Ian wanting to pay attention to online play. But it seems in these 2 videos he focus more online stuff more then anything. He never mention why the AI controlled Defenive players on human controlled D ain't getting enough pressure on the AI QB. I think these videos was good and all and thanks alot Ian. The AI QB not taking enough sacks because of the new animation and the wounded duck crap. The wounded duck crap is way to over done. You only see wounded duck pass 10 -20% time during a football game. The ainmation needs to be toned down some. And most QBs in the NFL is not going throw the ball into triple coverage evertime when they are going to get sacked. The AI throwing the lame duckpass when going down is way overdone. I don't know what to say. Also I hope the human pass rush blocking on offense gets address in the 2nd patch because it is total killer agaist the AI. No time in the pocket to scan over my options.
# 51 maddcatt @ 09/09/09 04:09 PM
Originally Posted by budsticky
I appreciate the fact that fatigue is going to have more of an effect
Yah fatigue should always be a big factor in all sports video games.....This will only help weed out the cheeeezers who do not play simulation type games

Nothing in the FAQ was mentioned about maybe getting a proper game manual that explains how everything works in this game......That alone !! might go a long way in solving some of issues people are complaining about in this game and maybe there are better and easier ways to cover the flats that we do not know about.

How bout an online game manual tutorial ? .....I think that's a great idea
# 52 joet6683 @ 09/09/09 04:10 PM
Originally Posted by TeamBuilder
That makes sense... the way it is now... what's the point of passing out of the Wildcat if I don't have the threat of running... I might as well put Pennington back there, he's a more accurate passer.
exactly. i dont get it. it shouldnt be any more effective than putting a fast qb in the shotgun and scrambling. the only difference is that if you have the wildcat, its a rb who may be better at breaking tackles, but far less accurate at throwing. I understand limiting the audibles, but to not be able to sprint is just stupid.
# 53 MeanMrMustard @ 09/09/09 04:11 PM
Originally Posted by dave374
The other area not addressed was the non-stop CPU blitzing.
Have you tried using hardcore playcalling? The CPU definitely seems smarter with hardcore playcalling on. Give it a shot, if you haven't.
# 54 Matt Diesel @ 09/09/09 04:11 PM
Nothing on correct tackle stats so my LBs make the pro bowl once in awhile? How about 3-4 pass rush effectiveness?
# 55 Beardown @ 09/09/09 04:11 PM
Originally Posted by ityaboy56
The video really didn't impress me, cause once again he seems more concerned with online play as opposed to offline. Like when the question about offline franchise came up he switched it to some guy on the phone. And even he was like uhh, yea, we uhh are looking to uhh. Basically all the major offline stuff is pushed to patch #2. And that probably won't come out until November.
I agree with you as I feel online is more important to EA than offline and this video and fixes left me with the same feeling.
# 56 MeanMrMustard @ 09/09/09 04:13 PM
Originally Posted by Cryolemon
Follow up question, then why is it in the game?
"If it's in the game..." :P
# 57 NoSubs @ 09/09/09 04:14 PM
I know it is a minor thing, but for me the lack of user-team o-line pancakes, and the subsequent impact on progression is important. I am curious as to whether or not the patches will address it.

Looking ahead to Madden 11, I think they should track the statistics for the % blocking consistency that you see a lot on scouting reports. It is a more well rounded representation of the player's skill, because pancakes (i.e. knockdowns) are more a sign of a big run block monster, not necessarily reflective of a solid and consistent blocker.
# 58 Ian_Cummings @ 09/09/09 04:16 PM
Originally Posted by bgdave39
Transcribed...gimme my swag!
Dude you rock!

Send me an email at maddencommunity [at] yahoo.com.
# 59 Danimal @ 09/09/09 04:18 PM
Oh and did I miss something is the iPhone app out because I don't see it on the store.
# 60 MeanMrMustard @ 09/09/09 04:18 PM
A thought...

I'm in a multi-year online franchise. Would adding stuff like salary caps, etc. force us to start a new one when patch 2 came out? That would be a major disappointment. I'd rather continue without the patch than be forced to start over, as we have our own salary cap set up.

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