Madden 2010 News Post

Check out the Madden NFL 10 FAQ - Part 1.

"Hey Madden fans! It's been a little while since we dropped a post here on the blog, but we wanted to use this opportunity to answer a bunch of the most asked questions that have been showing up on forums, twitter, etc.

We thought we'd try something new though and do the FAQ in video form. It just made it more personal.

Some key points before you watch:

- The first title update was completed before the game shipped (in case you are wondering why certain issues didn't make it in)
- We're hard at work on the second title update, focusing primarily on various aspects of gameplay
- We're going to continue to make more of these FAQ videos."

If anyone wants to transcribe all of it I bet I could find some swag to send.

Game: Madden NFL 10Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 76 - View All
Madden NFL 10 Videos
Member Comments
# 1 bgdave39 @ 09/09/09 02:54 PM
Thanks sir.
# 2 JohnDoe8865 @ 09/09/09 02:55 PM
Going to watch now!
# 3 adembroski @ 09/09/09 02:56 PM
Originally Posted by Ian_Cummings_EA

If anyone wants to transcribe all of it I bet I could find some swag to send.
^^^ This, someone, please go after that swag:P
# 4 djordan @ 09/09/09 02:56 PM
ughhhh ooooooooo
# 5 Smoke316 @ 09/09/09 03:00 PM
AHHH man i cant get you tube vids at the office i have to wait until i get home.. no wait... BLACKBERRY!!
# 6 BenR @ 09/09/09 03:01 PM
YAY! 7 min qtrs!
# 7 bxgoods @ 09/09/09 03:03 PM
You do a great job of speaking to the community, I don't know how to manage to be so calm lol. I gave you your dapt.
# 8 econoodle @ 09/09/09 03:05 PM
Originally Posted by Ian_Cummings_EA

If anyone wants to transcribe all of it I bet I could find some swag to send.

i'll transcribe it.

I used to transcribe comedian interviews.
its a breeze.
# 9 MrShowtime @ 09/09/09 03:05 PM
thanks for all your hard work Ian and co.
# 10 Dimplenuts @ 09/09/09 03:05 PM
Cant watch vids at work.....can someone do me favor and just break down what he said?
# 11 adembroski @ 09/09/09 03:06 PM
Originally Posted by dave374
I'm really disappointed passing to the flats won't be addressed in the first update.
+1... not my #1, but close. Upset I can't watch these right now.
# 12 Frenchy180 @ 09/09/09 03:11 PM
I sure hope the offensive lineman blocking field goals isn't intentional... ugh
# 13 Smoke316 @ 09/09/09 03:12 PM
good pt i love how fatigue plays a role this yr. it really makes you build depth and it shows the teams that have good backups thats iv played with hav e faired better as the game goes on
# 14 striker3771 @ 09/09/09 03:17 PM
Good stuff in the videos. There are a couple of other gameplay issues I wish were going to be addressed this year. But overall the upcoming tweaks are great.
# 15 jlukes @ 09/09/09 03:22 PM
Quick summary of the important questions I put together:

Q: What is being done to stop the effectiveness of passes to the flats?

Being tuned and adjusted for 2nd patch

Q: What is being done to improve blocking?

Top Priority for Patch #2

Q: Length of Replays cut off?

Has been addressed (post launch) and will be fixed with Patch #2

Q: Simulated Franchise Stat fixes?

QB yardage going to be tuned down
RB TD's tuned up a bit

Q: INT's for TDs?

Offensive players pursuit ratings all up 10-20 pts in order to cut down on INT's returned for TD's (will be in the next roster update)

Q: Stadium Specific Sounds missing?

They are in the game, they are looking into fixes and will be addressed in the 2nd patch

Q: Are more features going to be added to online franchise?

Short answer: yes
Long answer -- not easy features to implement. Going to take some time, but no intention to leave as is.

Q: Sliders for online games?

No for Madden 10 - maybe 2011

Q: More auto-instant replays after TD's and big plays?

Being addressed, goal to have it ready for patch #2

Q: Hard to sack the CPU?

They realize the CPU throws too many ducks and does not take a lot of sacks. Being tuned and will be included in patch #2
# 16 KANE699 @ 09/09/09 03:22 PM
I like the presentation with this, much better than reading.
# 17 jlukes @ 09/09/09 03:22 PM
Patch #1 Gameplay fixes

Run Blocking and Break Tackle sliders effectiveness tuned

Made sure run blocking slider did not effect kick-off coverage

Fatigue effects ratings more

Tuned broken tackle chances (big backs more effective against DBs, smaller backs with bad ratings will break less gang tackles, etc)

Fixed DB bump animations so WR's can release to either side.

Punt OB spotting fixed

Reduced/removed holding on FG's

Approved sideline catch logic and challenges will be more accurate for sideline catches.

Pursuit angle improvements made (especially for outside runs)

Man coverage improvements (better play recognition)

Double pass online exploit fixed.
# 18 jlukes @ 09/09/09 03:23 PM
Originally Posted by adembroski
+1... not my #1, but close. Upset I can't watch these right now.

The first patch was done before release. The flats issue was not really noticed until after release...
# 19 Smoke316 @ 09/09/09 03:26 PM
Originally Posted by jlukes
The first patch was done before release. The flats issue was not really noticed until after release...
Good pt
# 20 bgdave39 @ 09/09/09 03:28 PM
Transcribed...gimme my swag!

Top Questions:

1) What is the first patch?
  • Added Super Bowl and Playoff Field conditions for Online Franchise
  • Fixed False Start Grieving issues with Online games
  • Fixed video player issue where video would hang on latent connections
  • Improved uploaded highlight quality
  • Switched ranked online games to 7 min Q's
  • Fixed random stability issues
  • Added Broadcast Cam!
Gameplay Specific fixes:
  • Tuned slider effectiveness (Run blocking and broken tackles esp.)
  • Changes run blocking slider to not effect special teams
  • Made fatigue effect ratings more
  • Fixed WR release to where receivers release to both sides
  • Fixed incorrect spotting on punts out of bounds
  • Reduced/removed holding on kicking plays
  • Improved toe drag catch logic
  • Improved pursuit angles for outside running plays
  • Fixed defenders in pursuit running away from O-Line
  • Better play recognition in man coverage
  • Fixed double pass online exploit
2) When is the patch coming out?
Patch is up for approval from MS, expecting approval this week, and release next week but it's in the hands of MS at this point.

3) What is being done to stop the effectiveness of passes to the flats?
Hoping to adress this in second patch

4) What being done to improve blocking?
We are looking at this issue and hope to find some fixes for patch 2

5) What's being done to fix the replay cutoffs on highlights?
Will be fixed in patch 2.

6) What's being done to improve the accuracy of simulkated franchise stats?
Working to decrease Qb yardage and increase RB TD's. Hoping to get this into patch 2.

7) Are there any plans to fix the effectiveness of the PA Qb draw?
We plan to release a video showing ways to contain this play. We don't feel like it's a money play and releasing a counter via video will go a long way towards contasining it.

8) Any plans to change pursuit for cpu defenders?
Looking to address in 2nd patch

9) Pursuit for offensive players?
Next roster update will have increased pursuit angles for offensive players that should cut back on defensive TD's.

10) Any plans to get stadium specific sounds working correctly?
We are currently lookign at this and hope to get the fix into the 2nd patch as well.

11) Are you working to adding more features to online franchise such as salary cap, contracts, etc?
Absolutely but it won't be soon due to the complexity of the matter.

12) Are their plans to add sliders for online games and online franchise?
Not for Madden 10, will be looking at adding it for Madden 11 though.

Any plans to add more auto replays?
Currently working on and trying to get in for Patch 2

14) Why isn't the ability to choose what you want to challenge?
Priority for this is low since real NFL refs would look to correct more than just what was specifically challenged by the coach.

15) Why so many restriction on Wildcat formation?
We tried to limit exploits by limiting some of the things you are able to do in normal plays. No plans to unlock the formation fully for offline.

16) Why is it so hard to get sacks against the CPU?
Lame duck throws have drastically released sacks since the Qb can throw out. We are looking at ways to increase sacks.

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