NBA 2K10 News Post

2K Sports have posted another NBA Developer Insights. This one focuses on NBA 2K10 audio.

"Custom arena music is in:
I know a lot of you have been asking us for this and NBA 2K10 delivers. For the first time, you can import your personal music and have it played through the PA system on your XBOX 360 . I haven’t been able to touch on every new audio feature that we have in store for you. Hopefully, you’re as excited about the new features as we are here at 2K. We’re working hard to break some new ground in sports game audio, but I think we’re just starting to scratch the surface of what’s possible. Enjoy!"

Game: NBA 2K10Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 74 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 shindiana @ 09/03/09 06:00 PM
I know a lot of you have been asking us for this and NBA 2K10 delivers. For the first time, you can import your personal music and have it played through the PA system on your XBOX 360
What about the PS3?
# 2 Goffs @ 09/03/09 06:01 PM
Off to read! i was just wondering about this!
# 3 Jamin23 @ 09/03/09 06:02 PM
The arena specific organ sounds is just what I wanted to hear.
# 4 rckabillyRaider @ 09/03/09 06:03 PM
No ps3?!
# 5 Goffs @ 09/03/09 06:10 PM
hmm can we do that for the PC as well? hell i have all my songs in the PC and nothing on the 360...

this is great news though!!
# 6 Eman5805 @ 09/03/09 06:13 PM
Getting both commentators in the booth together should be a vast improvement vs the detached call and response from the other games.
# 7 cjamestx @ 09/03/09 06:16 PM
Well, the first question is Can you rip music to the hard drive of the PS3? If not, then that is the reason why probably. The custom arena sounds will probably be pulled from playists that you have to create from songs on the hard drive......similar to college football
# 8 noshun @ 09/03/09 06:22 PM
Great news indeed. Simballer is there a way that custom sounds can be shared thru Player Lockers?
# 9 adub88 @ 09/03/09 06:24 PM
Originally Posted by cjamestx
Well, the first question is Can you rip music to the hard drive of the PS3? If not, then that is the reason why probably. The custom arena sounds will probably be pulled from playists that you have to create from songs on the hard drive......similar to college football
Yes you can rip music to the PS3 HD, so 2k better show us some love too.
# 10 SageInfinite @ 09/03/09 06:24 PM
This **** sounds so SICK. Wow I'm loving it.
# 11 Goffs @ 09/03/09 06:30 PM
Originally Posted by adub88
Yes you can rip music to the PS3 HD, so 2k better show us some love too.
hmm im guessing enough PS3 users from the 2kforums will be tweetin about this feature to Ron over there so he will probably have an answer for the PS3 guys hopefully later on...
# 12 Tha_Kid @ 09/03/09 06:32 PM
Meh. The new commentary does sound like it will be in a whole different class than 2K9, but still no media & the next insight looks to be the most interesting for someone on the fence between this & LIVE.
# 13 seanbarkley @ 09/03/09 06:32 PM
Originally Posted by shindiana
What about the PS3?
i'm gettin really angry with this...
# 14 seanbarkley @ 09/03/09 06:42 PM
Originally Posted by Tha_Kid
Meh. The new commentary does sound like it will be in a whole different class than 2K9, but still no media & the next insight looks to be the most interesting for someone on the fence between this & LIVE.
I am still on 2k side, but:
1. i am have ps3 (so no custom sounds for us- i really don't know why-)
2. I am from europe (no NBA ticker last year and no draft combine this year)

so i'm seriously thinking of climbing that fence...
# 15 bowdown2shadi @ 09/03/09 06:43 PM
They're going all out this year. Looks to be one of the greatest NBA games, hopefully.
# 16 chrisc50 @ 09/03/09 06:47 PM
Sounds great. Stepping up big in a major way this with even the smallest details.
# 17 Hassan Darkside @ 09/03/09 06:48 PM
Saul Williams-Reparations? Yes, I love that song.
# 18 barrist @ 09/03/09 06:48 PM
Originally Posted by seanbarkley
i'm gettin really angry with this...
same here..

i wanna know why
# 19 Goffs @ 09/03/09 06:50 PM
Well that sucks for the ps3 users if true...I'm guessing this feature won't be on PC either which sucks cuz I'm too lazy to load up songs to the 360 lol
# 20 whizer17 @ 09/03/09 06:51 PM
I'm getting really annoyed at the ps3 getting the shaft by 2k this year. I mean first we have to wait an entire week for the combine and now this! What's next?!?!

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