NCAA Football 10 News Post

Pasta Padre has posted patch #2 details for NCAA Football 10.

"EA Sports has released the details of the second patch for NCAA Football 10. This appears to be a very substantial patch which is somewhat expected since the first patch addressed little other than fixing the sliders, adding the ability to turn off DLC cheats in Online Dynasty, and making the somewhat more accurate rosters playable online. The patch is expected to be out soon but no official date has been specified as of yet.

As has been pointed out though in the comments there is no mention of player progression. That has been one of the most discussed issues with the game and was anticipated to be fixed but according to the info has not been addressed. I’m also surprised that there hasn’t been adjustment made to the Aggressive (aka Facemask penalty) game planning."

Game: NCAA Football 10Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 61 - View All
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Member Comments
# 81 okstatefosho @ 08/26/09 01:25 PM
My last message was @ Darkeus...damn thing didn't quote him...just an fyi.
# 82 tsween @ 08/26/09 01:29 PM
Originally Posted by okstatefosho
Oh man, I'm so sorry! I didn't notice that you had an Ohio State icon as your little avatar thingy there! That automatically means that you "know good football". AND...you can use an emoticon! I guess that's something a measly four-poster (5 now) wouldn't know how to use. Seriously, get a life. I'm no "EA fanboy" by any means, but I DO know a good football game when I see it. Does it have problems? Sure, just as any other game will have. Maybe I need to see it from your perspective, I guess. Obviously this game is your only reason for living, which is why you and a thousand others feel the need to nitpick every little detail (colors of face masks, really?). Me? I'm good with knowing that the REAL face masks and OL/DL interactions will be right on Saturdays, and that the VIDEO GAME will get me through the rest of the week.
Amen brother!! I know the game has its flaws but I believe half of the posters on here are 30 and above in age including myself. If they can make a game solid enough to still hold our intrest then I believe they have succeded and we old farts should appreciate it compared to what we use to play.
# 83 BroMontana82 @ 08/26/09 01:31 PM
looks like you guys all got your explanation here from Adam:

# 84 BroMontana82 @ 08/26/09 01:51 PM
Originally Posted by mvandor
yeah sorry guys. i was checking out the boards over here and i knew people were pretty mad about this and saw that. i guess it's a good thing i don't play ncaa this year...
# 85 JAYMO76 @ 08/26/09 09:12 PM
Originally Posted by JerseySuave4
i havent had a terrible issue with fatigue. Yeah guys dont get as tired fast enough but ive had my DL, RBs, WRs get tired and sub out. In real life if a team has a starting CB thats good he's typically not going to come out just because he's a little tired. If you watch a real game typically the same 11 are on D most of the time except for extreme fatigue or subbing for different packages.

So yes fatigue could be better but it doesnt ruin the game for me.
I totally disagree. Other than DB's in college ball I see a non-stop rolling in and out of DL's and LB's. Yes you're right, they are usually packages but changes, especially in college are frequent to say the least. In my entire franchise I had had only ONE player sub out on D. The system is broken, even Adam has said it doesn't work how it should.
# 86 jp2 @ 08/26/09 09:25 PM
did patch #2 just download tonight...I got an update when I turned the game on about 5 minutes ago...could it have been something else?
# 87 Sabredj @ 08/26/09 09:59 PM
Originally Posted by jp2
did patch #2 just download tonight...I got an update when I turned the game on about 5 minutes ago...could it have been something else?
Just turned my game on and got the same thing! Came to the forum expecting alot of chatter or a new thread but maybe they just putthe patch up. Wow.
# 88 The_Wraith420 @ 08/26/09 10:07 PM
Originally Posted by Sabredj
Just turned my game on and got the same thing! Came to the forum expecting alot of chatter or a new thread but maybe they just putthe patch up. Wow.
PS3 or 360 cuz the 360 patch went live this morning but they stated that "they expected it to be available for PS3 by the end of the week" so i expected another couple day's
# 89 Darkeus @ 08/26/09 10:07 PM
Originally Posted by okstatefosho
Oh man, I'm so sorry! I didn't notice that you had an Ohio State icon as your little avatar thingy there! That automatically means that you "know good football". AND...you can use an emoticon! I guess that's something a measly four-poster (5 now) wouldn't know how to use. Seriously, get a life. I'm no "EA fanboy" by any means, but I DO know a good football game when I see it. Does it have problems? Sure, just as any other game will have. Maybe I need to see it from your perspective, I guess. Obviously this game is your only reason for living, which is why you and a thousand others feel the need to nitpick every little detail (colors of face masks, really?). Me? I'm good with knowing that the REAL face masks and OL/DL interactions will be right on Saturdays, and that the VIDEO GAME will get me through the rest of the week.
Whatever floats your boat dude.. YOu can live with broken dynasty, you want a cookie??

It doesn't matter if the default roster is broken or if progression is broken. The fact is, it is broken. More than enough evidence for that.

And come on, you want to poke fun at football teams and you have Oklahoma State as your little avatar. Dude, I don't think so.. When was the last time you guys lived up to expectations, if you want to poke at football teams

Not going to argue a fact that has been proven over and over..
# 90 LionsFanNJ @ 08/26/09 10:09 PM
The patch is out on the 360
# 91 Darkeus @ 08/26/09 10:12 PM
Originally Posted by JerseySuave4
i havent had a terrible issue with fatigue. Yeah guys dont get as tired fast enough but ive had my DL, RBs, WRs get tired and sub out. In real life if a team has a starting CB thats good he's typically not going to come out just because he's a little tired. If you watch a real game typically the same 11 are on D most of the time except for extreme fatigue or subbing for different packages.

So yes fatigue could be better but it doesnt ruin the game for me.
There are substitutions in all college games. Just some teams don't have the talented depth chart to sub as much as they would like to. This means they over rely on their star players. Second string should at least be seeing 10 to fifteen plays a game and that is not happening. If you do try to correct it then suddenly your guys sub out in the second half and you are not able to put them back in.

That sounds broken, but like I said.. If you don't really get into dynasty mode, this means nothing to you... It has not effect and so go and enjoy your game my friend.

Sucks for me and a lot of other loyal fans though..
# 92 ActLikeYouCrow @ 08/26/09 10:25 PM
and just because guys arent getting subbed out in real life doesnt mean theyre not getting tired.

Tuned the chuck success chances to favor more neutral results. Wins and Losses are extreme and should occur less for both the offense and defense

^is this in reference to bump and run?
# 93 indesignkat @ 08/29/09 09:01 PM
maybe it's just a coincidence, but I'm playing a game in offline dynasty, first game since downloading the 1.2 patch, and I'm midway through the third quarter. So far my running backs have fumbled 6 times in this game, with one reversed by the booth. I'm playing with my usual settings (everything middle/neutral except option play-go after the rb) and I'm used to seeing fumbles once or twice a game. Suddenly I'm fumbling twice per quarter or more? Anyone else seeing a huge increase in fumbles with this patch?
# 94 indesignkat @ 08/29/09 09:32 PM
I ended up fumbling 8 times. 6 from my tailback, once my qb, once a return man. The qb fumble was recovered by one of my o-linemen and one of my tailback's fumbles was turned over by the booth. The other 6 were turnovers, 3 of which were run in for tds. This is really harshing my mellow.
# 95 JAYMO76 @ 08/29/09 09:53 PM
Wow... today I played in the Fiesta Bowl. I was #6 SFU (teambuilder) playing against #12 FSU. I lost the game... I rarely lose but it's great when I do because it makes the game more fun. However, today was not a loss... it was the biggest loss I have ever had in NCAA in close to ten years. It was a complete blow out... I was actually screaming at the tv.

FSU 56 SFU 10

FSU 384 yards rushing
FSU STARTING HB... 273 yards rushing and 5 TD's
my QB threw two pics and was 18-47 for 100+ yards
my team had EIGHT fumbles!!!!!!!
It was 49-0 at halftime
my QB was sacked 7 times

Now a couple things I want to know:

1. Did the patch make bowl games harder???
2. Is anyone else having extreme fumbles???

I posted yesterday I hadn't seen a improvement in running and then today... wow! I had to move the cpu slider back down to 55 running and 55 run blocking and even then the cpu was avg 6 yards per carry.

This game just got interesting again...
# 96 indesignkat @ 08/29/09 11:55 PM
I like that the CPU running game is a threat now, was silly holding opponents to 19 yards on 17 carries, but that's two posters in a row saying post-patch they fumbled 8 times.
# 97 aldogabd @ 08/30/09 12:11 AM
I just had rice take back 3 kickoffs for tds in the 4th quarter to force OT. bringing my post patch total return tds given up to 5 in 24 hrs vs 2 in the whole time since the game released. wow! any solution out there?
# 98 indesignkat @ 08/30/09 12:23 AM
I had a problem with returns pre-patch, haven't noticed a problem in the one game I played after. The problem I had pre-patch was that I'd pushed up run blocking for the cpu so they could hopefully have a chance to run on me, instead they still got stuffed but returned nearly all kicks for tds. Supposedly that's one of the things the patch fixed.

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