NCAA Football 10 News Post

Pasta Padre has posted patch #2 details for NCAA Football 10.

"EA Sports has released the details of the second patch for NCAA Football 10. This appears to be a very substantial patch which is somewhat expected since the first patch addressed little other than fixing the sliders, adding the ability to turn off DLC cheats in Online Dynasty, and making the somewhat more accurate rosters playable online. The patch is expected to be out soon but no official date has been specified as of yet.

As has been pointed out though in the comments there is no mention of player progression. That has been one of the most discussed issues with the game and was anticipated to be fixed but according to the info has not been addressed. I’m also surprised that there hasn’t been adjustment made to the Aggressive (aka Facemask penalty) game planning."

Game: NCAA Football 10Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 61 - View All
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Member Comments
# 61 Tomba @ 08/25/09 08:41 PM

It's Madden's show this year...
# 62 yanks26ngoin @ 08/25/09 08:58 PM
Wow, EA. Wow. Seriously, you cant fix player progression in Dynasty? Do you idiots even realize that the top feature of your game is unplayable? No excuse! If its because of size, cut some of the other fixes! This should have been the first thing on your list. I appreciated that there WERE dev team members on the boards, but they have been seemingly absent. The biggest issue with this game was not fixed. Its been the top complaint from the community, and the dev team members blatanly ignored it. You should be embarrased, NCAA developers. I sincerely hope that by the time information about NCAA 11 starts to trickle down, we here that there is a whole new dev team working on the game. If only it were possible to modify older games to use the correct years and schedules...
# 63 JAYMO76 @ 08/25/09 09:13 PM
Originally Posted by yanks26ngoin
Wow, EA. Wow. Seriously, you cant fix player progression in Dynasty? Do you idiots even realize that the top feature of your game is unplayable? No excuse! If its because of size, cut some of the other fixes! This should have been the first thing on your list. I appreciated that there WERE dev team members on the boards, but they have been seemingly absent. The biggest issue with this game was not fixed. Its been the top complaint from the community, and the dev team members blatanly ignored it. You should be embarrased, NCAA developers. I sincerely hope that by the time information about NCAA 11 starts to trickle down, we here that there is a whole new dev team working on the game. If only it were possible to modify older games to use the correct years and schedules...

"The left hand did NOT know what the right hand was doing" seems to be the reality this year. Things that are fixed turn out to be broken, rostersd that are ocrrect are incorrect, uniforms that have been changed are not actually changed. What is going on this year???
# 64 blackscorpion11 @ 08/25/09 10:06 PM
Kinda late IMO... most people are thru their first dynasty season.. leaves a bad taste in your mouth having to deal with this..

Now madden has holding penaties on extra pts and too many picks on default.. can't buy a blitz pick-up either??

wake me up when 2K makes a F***** game..
# 65 Darkeus @ 08/25/09 11:18 PM
What a mess.. Funny.. Both of those games are buggy (Madden and NCAA).. Does anybody know if the new Batman game is good?

I am not kidding.. Unless the Madden patches are good..
# 66 nolesfan69 @ 08/25/09 11:41 PM
Originally Posted by Darkeus
What a mess.. Funny.. Both of those games are buggy (Madden and NCAA).. Does anybody know if the new Batman game is good?

I am not kidding.. Unless the Madden patches are good..
Batman is AMAZING!! Best superhero game ever made!!
# 67 okstatefosho @ 08/25/09 11:41 PM
Babies...that's what you all are. Return the game and shut your mouths.
# 68 JalenTigh @ 08/25/09 11:43 PM
Well, seems the developers did not even LOOK at progression untill this week. Did Adam even tell them what he was talking to us about?


His post is 3rd from the bottom of the page
# 69 Darkeus @ 08/25/09 11:51 PM
Originally Posted by okstatefosho
Babies...that's what you all are. Return the game and shut your mouths.
Oh please mister four post... You probably wouldn't know good football if it tackled you dude.. Seriously, the dynasty mode is broken and when you break something that is YOUR BIGGEST SELLING feature and then refuse to fix it and actually have the gall to say that you don't think it is broken at all (Here is looking at you Russ) then something is WRONG. PERIOD.

# 70 Darkeus @ 08/26/09 12:32 AM
Hmm.. Well, over 500 players with ratings 94 or above and Freshmen coming in as 80's..

Yeah, that will stop a game just as fast as a bug that freezes the game when I tackle a Rutgers player. It forces people to restart dynasties because of off the wall progression and player ratings. It makes unrealistic results in some dynasties and it can be said that it is actually progression and how it relates to team prestige that is actually screwing up the game.

We haven't even gotten to the fatigue/auto-sub issues yet that directly affect dynasty mode as well.. Not to mention all of the other bugs that got some love in the patch.

Yeah, dynasty mode.. If it isn't broken, it sure as hell is jury-rigged to limp along.. These cats can't even get the CPU QB to run the damn screen right yet!!! The real problem is that dynasty mode didn't need a major fix anyway. It just needed some tweaks since it has worked FINE every year before..

I think I know what broken means son...
# 71 JAYMO76 @ 08/26/09 01:41 AM
Originally Posted by JerseySuave4
you need to learn what broken is. Can you play dynasty? Yes. Is there a progression issue, apparently. But that doesnt mean the thing is broken. Dynasty is still playable. Broken would mean that while you're playing your dynasty the game freezes and you cant play it anymore.
So are fatigue and auto-subs not broken then? Yes the game doesn't freeze but to the same extent there are ZERO subs on defense... and RB's dissapear if your sliders are too high. That sounds pretty broken to me...
# 72 shannon16g @ 08/26/09 03:43 AM
Originally Posted by HokiesCavs
He addressed this in another thread. He told them to fix it. They fixed it. He made sure that it was black in game and then didn't think about it again because he thought it was resolved. Somehow it got switched back to white after that. Yes this was unfortunate, but he explained what happened and apologized for it, which is why I am confident he will eventually answer our questions about the patch.

Besides, why in the world would they post a fix and then intentionally go back and break it, as you insinuate they did? Just because there have been issues with the game doesn't mean that EA is intentionally trying to destroy the game for people. That's just ridiculous.
Bama's masks are wrong also. they should be gray not white.
# 73 stoncold32 @ 08/26/09 03:52 AM
*Cool voice guy* "E-A Sports.....at least it plays"
# 74 Saints21 @ 08/26/09 09:37 AM
If you all complain that much then dont buy the game.. ITS A GAME....

About the progression issues maybe I have them, maybe I dont but I am in season 4 of my dynasty and all the NC have been legit.. heck the top 10 has been legit all along...

I understand people saying that there are no D+ teams in the game, but if EVERY TEAM gets the progression jump, it really dosent matter.. is it perfect?? No .. but it still works!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am more disgusted at the fact they didint fix fatigue.. although I still think that this that broken we have to play with sliders or something because the other day in the 4 quarter my back would get 3 carries come out and my backup one or 2 and then my starter went back in ... i have no idea why this happened but it was normal..

Another think that really ticks me off are the grey long sleeves.. they say they cant fix it but if you can change in the code that away teams use home team colors why cant you change that long sleeves are white and not grey?? Another thing wind does not work as years passed...

I am not suprised that they are asking questions now about progression, since that dev mentioned in a interview that "he didint know what we meant by presentation".


1. They are trying to get fired
2. They knew beforehand that they were gonna be replaced
3. They simply dont care

ANYWAYS... this is the best ncaa netx gen, you can actually play it so I am happy--

ps. Maybe if we increase the run block sliders we will begin to see more HBs as heisman candidates!
# 75 fistofrage @ 08/26/09 10:41 AM
Originally Posted by JalenTigh
Well, seems the developers did not even LOOK at progression untill this week. Did Adam even tell them what he was talking to us about?


His post is 3rd from the bottom of the page
This is just silly. Russ seriously didn't know we have a 200 page thread about this? If Adam doesn't communicate with his co-workers, what is his objective here? I am now convinced that the only reason EA coomunicates with this board is for their sole benefit. They take what they need from this community and are not concerned with having a dialogue that would benefit both parties.

These type of tactics only work when one has a monopoly over the situation. And they don't work for long.
# 76 Keyser Soze @ 08/26/09 10:46 AM
Originally Posted by fistofrage
This is just silly. Russ seriously didn't know we have a 200 page thread about this? If Adam doesn't communicate with his co-workers, what is his objective here? I am now convinced that the only reason EA coomunicates with this board is for their sole benefit. They take what they need from this community and are not concerned with having a dialogue that would benefit both parties.

These type of tactics only work when one has a monopoly over the situation. And they don't work for long.
100% agree. its been the #1 topic on this board since game came out... its pathetic.
# 77 CYST2000 @ 08/26/09 11:34 AM
I think they use this board as propaganda. For instance, how many people get these football games early. Now I know some might, but have you noticed that every year the game is a must buy, and some of the people that get these games early you never hear from again. I'm not trying to start a conspiracy here, but just find it funny some people have the game and say it is 100% better than any game before it.

Maybe I'm wrong here but I know what i have seen. I have been coming on this site since 2007, and just recently became a member. I have seen this too many times now.
# 78 fistofrage @ 08/26/09 11:46 AM
Originally Posted by CYST2000
I think they use this board as propaganda. For instance, how many people get these football games early. Now I know some might, but have you noticed that every year the game is a must buy, and some of the people that get these games early you never hear from again. I'm not trying to start a conspiracy here, but just find it funny some people have the game and say it is 100% better than any game before it.

Maybe I'm wrong here but I know what i have seen. I have been coming on this site since 2007, and just recently became a member. I have seen this too many times now.
Its not a conspiracy, its just people trying to improve their self worth by having a game early. I know exactly what you are talking about. The people who get the game early start saying X feature is SICK. Y feature is the ILLEST. Then once everyone has the game they disappear because they aren't the center of attention and they look a bit foolish because the warts start coming out. Then when they do reappear, they have a totally different take on the game.

Definitely not an EA conspiracy though.

EA uses this board to hype their products and then disappear when critical information needs to be communicated. But if they use any consumer to hype their product ist Pasta Padre and to my knowledge not any regulars here.
# 79 JalenTigh @ 08/26/09 01:19 PM
Maybe I need to play some more, but I see no difference what so ever with this patch other then I did not get any holding calls on field goals or XP's. Maybe I need to adjust my sliders since they did something with the CPU running, I have that already set pretty high so they were torching me before the patch.
# 80 okstatefosho @ 08/26/09 01:22 PM
Oh man, I'm so sorry! I didn't notice that you had an Ohio State icon as your little avatar thingy there! That automatically means that you "know good football". AND...you can use an emoticon! I guess that's something a measly four-poster (5 now) wouldn't know how to use. Seriously, get a life. I'm no "EA fanboy" by any means, but I DO know a good football game when I see it. Does it have problems? Sure, just as any other game will have. Maybe I need to see it from your perspective, I guess. Obviously this game is your only reason for living, which is why you and a thousand others feel the need to nitpick every little detail (colors of face masks, really?). Me? I'm good with knowing that the REAL face masks and OL/DL interactions will be right on Saturdays, and that the VIDEO GAME will get me through the rest of the week.

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