NBA 2K10 News Post

Operation Sports, Senior Editor, Chase Becotte has just posted his NBA 2K10 Q&A.

"All right, so instead of re-listing all the questions from the other thread and then answering them here, I'm just going to try and answer as many of those questions as possible as I pepper through these various portions of the game. Obviously you can ask more questions, and I can try to answer them as well.

You should also know that I played four matchups, all against other human players -- three against my OS cohort Rich Chavez, and one against 2K developer Rob Jones. I was at the studio from like 10-5 (minus one hour for lunch) so I got time to be walked through pretty much every aspect of the game before playing at the end of the day.

-The matchups were Spurs vs. Suns (me) on Christmas Day -- this was just a feature for the demo, you won't have access to last year's game via NBA Today. The developers want NBA Today to be, well, all about today in the NBA. The other matchups were Jazz (me) at Portland, OKC at New York (me) and Atlanta at Golden State (me)."

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Game: NBA 2K10Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 74 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 23 @ 08/24/09 05:35 PM
Now wreck this thread and the hammer is coming down. We arent doing that this year
# 2 Goffs @ 08/24/09 05:36 PM
Whew! Scrolling through all that on the phone is a chore!! Anyway did the commentary sound seemless?
# 3 CelticBalla32 @ 08/24/09 05:41 PM
Thank you, 23. They way the original thread turned out was ridiculous. I'll restate my questions to ChaseB in here.

Question: You noted that there are 20 players invited to training camp, consisting of five games, in My Player mode, and of course five get cut. Will this training camp feature be in Association mode, as well?

Question: Any update on the David Stern audio?

And once again, a big thanks to Chase for doing this.
# 4 TMagic @ 08/24/09 05:41 PM
Originally Posted by mrnoobie
Whew! Scrolling through all that on the phone is a chore!!
Hell Yeah man. I did the same damn thing.
# 5 madjax @ 08/24/09 05:46 PM
will we be able to edit the age of the legends this year? any idea if there are any new legends?. What about the body types for create a player. Are there more to choose from? like a lebron body type t-mac or iverson to name a few?

Thanks for the info i wish all info regarding games was this in depth
# 6 TMagic @ 08/24/09 05:46 PM
Originally Posted by stateprop
Will there be Kick ball?
# 7 greekmen @ 08/24/09 05:47 PM
Originally Posted by stateprop
Will there be Kick ball?
# 8 Pared @ 08/24/09 05:47 PM
It was stated in the article. Yes. Kickball will be called.
# 9 Goffs @ 08/24/09 05:52 PM
Can we finally pass out of a layup?
# 10 tcnumba10 @ 08/24/09 05:52 PM
Will the CPU team utilize their superstars (Lebrons, Wades, Kobes) more for their respective team when playing against them?
# 11 noshun @ 08/24/09 05:54 PM
Chase did anything change as far as s halftime show is concerned? I've enjoyed everything you went over. Was there any info they did not reveal or planned on saving for future insights as well?
It seems like they not only threw the kitchen sink into this but a few major appliances plus the sink.
# 12 TMagic @ 08/24/09 05:54 PM
Originally Posted by mrnoobie
Can we finally pass out of a layup?
I thought we were able to do that in 2K9...no?
# 13 antoine79 @ 08/24/09 05:54 PM
Great stuff. The only thing I'm not to sure about is the automatic post up. Hopefully they give you a button option in another control configuration. Sounds like 2k really put in work this year.
# 14 infam0us @ 08/24/09 05:56 PM
TMagic, whats the score now?
# 15 tcnumba10 @ 08/24/09 05:56 PM
Also, will fans/crowd "boo" opposing players (Vince in Toronto)?
# 16 nogster @ 08/24/09 05:58 PM
thanks for the comprehensive preview!

but an important but simple question wasnt answered.

is "season" mode still in the game.

thanks for your time.
# 17 TMagic @ 08/24/09 05:59 PM
Originally Posted by infam0us
TMagic, whats the score now?
63-46 Live at the half.

But I feel a huge comeback coming from 2K...LOL
# 18 Goffs @ 08/24/09 06:00 PM
Tmac no...if I remember correctly you're stuck with a drawn out layup animation and you can't pass out of it....when dunking though you're able to pass out of it...
# 19 Waiting4Nets @ 08/24/09 06:03 PM
Question: Hey Chase, I saw this in-depth video of the Draft combine, and me being a nit-picker, I noticed a change in physics and movement of the net when you dunk/shoot the ball, if you've noticed could you please explain anything noticable you've seen it do?

Thanks bro.
# 20 infam0us @ 08/24/09 06:03 PM
17 point deficit in a half is going to be tough to overcome, but it is 2k and they're known for late game comebacks.

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