NBA 2K10 News Post

Operation Sports, Senior Editor, Chase Becotte has just posted his NBA 2K10 Q&A.

"All right, so instead of re-listing all the questions from the other thread and then answering them here, I'm just going to try and answer as many of those questions as possible as I pepper through these various portions of the game. Obviously you can ask more questions, and I can try to answer them as well.

You should also know that I played four matchups, all against other human players -- three against my OS cohort Rich Chavez, and one against 2K developer Rob Jones. I was at the studio from like 10-5 (minus one hour for lunch) so I got time to be walked through pretty much every aspect of the game before playing at the end of the day.

-The matchups were Spurs vs. Suns (me) on Christmas Day -- this was just a feature for the demo, you won't have access to last year's game via NBA Today. The developers want NBA Today to be, well, all about today in the NBA. The other matchups were Jazz (me) at Portland, OKC at New York (me) and Atlanta at Golden State (me)."

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Game: NBA 2K10Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 74 - View All
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Member Comments
# 221 ahhyuuken @ 09/04/09 12:19 PM
Will the 2K camera view be available online for the 360?
# 222 studbucket @ 09/05/09 12:03 AM
I have not bought an NBA game since Live 95, but this game sounds awesome. I loved the CHoops games, and I think the Combine thing looks really cool. Great Q&A.
# 223 youvalss @ 09/05/09 02:28 PM
Originally Posted by studbucket
I have not bought an NBA game since Live 95, but this game sounds awesome. I loved the CHoops games, and I think the Combine thing looks really cool. Great Q&A.
May I suggest NBA Live 97?

Just kidding
# 224 toddisballin7 @ 09/05/09 05:01 PM
2k10 is pissing me off. i love it,,
where the heck are VIDEOS.

i watch all of the ****tty live10 videos (laughing at how bad they are)

so i come on her every single day to see some gameplay.
but of course i see nothing.........
come on 2k
# 225 Mr_Riddick @ 09/05/09 09:58 PM
you cannot rush perfection my son.
# 226 mlg33 @ 09/06/09 06:06 AM
One Quick question :

Will we be able to choose who inbounds the ball after a time out at the end of the fourth ?

That was very annoying in 2K9.
Once it is the PF that inbounds the ball. Next it's the Center, or SF...

At the end of the fourth that could really be a game killer in every way...

# 227 jonesha2000 @ 09/07/09 01:52 PM
Sounds like this game is going to be ill...I will still rent before I buy due to me being scared of the online experience. I know he said they were working on the servers but I will really need to see it first. Last year the lag on line just totally killed the experience for me. This game has potential to be an overall better game than Madden but the online experience so far has been an F. If Madden can get 22 men to move around the field flawlessly I'm sure 2k can get 10.
# 228 jmood88 @ 09/07/09 02:22 PM
Originally Posted by jonesha2000
Sounds like this game is going to be ill...I will still rent before I buy due to me being scared of the online experience. I know he said they were working on the servers but I will really need to see it first. Last year the lag on line just totally killed the experience for me. This game has potential to be an overall better game than Madden but the online experience so far has been an F. If Madden can get 22 men to move around the field flawlessly I'm sure 2k can get 10.
Madden isn't flawless online at all.
# 229 jordankobewade7 @ 09/08/09 04:30 AM
anybody notice the "player emotion" attribute?the descriptions says:how the player will react to the refs calls.does this finally mean we can get techs for something other than defensive 3 calls?i hope so,itd b so nice to have to account for this when signing the rasheeds or artests of the league.if this has been implemented correctly than we're gona hav yet another layer of realism to an already onion like game in terms of the many layers of realistic gameplay features/innovations...
# 230 JBH3 @ 09/08/09 10:22 AM
Any idea if the location of the NBA All-Star game in association mode changes venues every year?
# 231 Po Pimp @ 09/08/09 08:25 PM
Originally Posted by jordankobewade7
anybody notice the "player emotion" attribute?the descriptions says:how the player will react to the refs calls.does this finally mean we can get techs for something other than defensive 3 calls?i hope so,itd b so nice to have to account for this when signing the rasheeds or artests of the league.if this has been implemented correctly than we're gona hav yet another layer of realism to an already onion like game in terms of the many layers of realistic gameplay features/innovations...
I was wondering about this. While I doubt technicals are in the game, why would anyone playing the Draft Combine waste skill points on the emotion attribute? What's its purpose?
# 232 SIDNEY06 @ 09/11/09 02:12 PM
dynamic audience
# 233 mlg33 @ 09/13/09 08:24 AM

One Quick question :

Will we be able to choose who inbounds the ball after a time out at the end of the fourth ?

# 234 Rafkepunk @ 09/13/09 12:48 PM
Will there be any differences between the European and American versions ?
(Will we be able to download official roster updates, and fully utulize the NBA Today feature with a European version) ?
# 235 Yeah...THAT Guy @ 09/13/09 07:07 PM
Originally Posted by mlg33

One Quick question :

Will we be able to choose who inbounds the ball after a time out at the end of the fourth ?

No way. I really hope they do, but I don't see them implementing that this year.

And as for who would want to add emotion to their player, it wouldn't surprise me if someone wanted their player to just be a nutcase on the court and so they might want to up their emotion to at least see what it's like.
# 236 Greene_Flash03 @ 09/15/09 01:00 PM
Um, when is the next info/pics/vidoes coming/
# 237 En Fuego @ 09/15/09 07:03 PM
are Lebron-like "chase down" blocks in the game?
# 238 619 @ 09/16/09 11:17 AM
Did they put in the Lakers Baby Blue throwback jersey?

# 239 AUChase @ 09/16/09 03:02 PM
I'm almost positive this could have been answered previously...

I loved the online league features of 2k last year, great job on the game-casts, but the online absolutely killed me.

For a long while it was virtually in-accessible for me and I have a very strong internet connection & the delay on the shot stick/player movement drove me up wall!

It made you play a little more cautious most of the time, and added in a bit of the realism element, but at the same time.. it made the game not fun a lot of times.

Has this been addressed ? Thank you much.

# 240 youvalss @ 09/17/09 03:09 PM
With all the expressions stuff, will players finally smile?

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