NBA 2K10 News Post

Operation Sports, Senior Editor, Chase Becotte has just posted his NBA 2K10 Q&A.

"All right, so instead of re-listing all the questions from the other thread and then answering them here, I'm just going to try and answer as many of those questions as possible as I pepper through these various portions of the game. Obviously you can ask more questions, and I can try to answer them as well.

You should also know that I played four matchups, all against other human players -- three against my OS cohort Rich Chavez, and one against 2K developer Rob Jones. I was at the studio from like 10-5 (minus one hour for lunch) so I got time to be walked through pretty much every aspect of the game before playing at the end of the day.

-The matchups were Spurs vs. Suns (me) on Christmas Day -- this was just a feature for the demo, you won't have access to last year's game via NBA Today. The developers want NBA Today to be, well, all about today in the NBA. The other matchups were Jazz (me) at Portland, OKC at New York (me) and Atlanta at Golden State (me)."

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Game: NBA 2K10Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 74 - View All
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Member Comments
# 141 XenoZograscope @ 08/25/09 10:03 AM
Is the clock inbounding glitch fixed??
# 142 jmood88 @ 08/25/09 10:11 AM
Originally Posted by oOausarOo
Maybe adding a FAQ to the original post or even in a separate thread would help.
It's not like the original post is hard to read, go to whatever section you want to know something about and look or press ctrl f and search for a word.
# 143 seanbarkley @ 08/25/09 10:21 AM
Originally Posted by Jakeness23
So, that means they still don't have the seperate home and away accessories except for the shoes still?
think so...
# 144 Melman @ 08/25/09 10:31 AM
Just noticed this was a new thread and my question was never answered reposting:

Great review....the longest I've ever read before in my life, lol

While I expect the meat and potatoes and thats the most important thing I do have questions about things that I have been longing for in a NBA game

Did they change their crowd sound this year or does it still sound artificial?

Does the crowd act like a real crowd as far as sitting and standing at the appropriate times, (standing O's)?

You said they have the Organ in MSG (which I am geeked about ) Did they add actual MSG sounds or did they make the sounds up in the studio? And also for all other arenas are the sounds custom made or from the actaul arena?

Thanks Chase for the feedback and answers !!

* I downloaded the NHL 10 demo yesterday, and I must say they have the most realistic sounding and reacting crowd Ive seen in a sports game yet. Thats what I want to see in the NBA games
# 145 youvalss @ 08/25/09 10:46 AM
How about the system requirements? Any official info?
# 146 Mr_Riddick @ 08/25/09 10:51 AM
Chase can you go into specfics as to exactly what major shoe brands are in the game.
# 147 ANT_P1989 @ 08/25/09 11:25 AM
Originally Posted by womalee23
Chase can you go into specfics as to exactly what major shoe brands are in the game.
The shoe brands you see in the NBA....Jordan, Nike, Reebok, Adidas, Converse, Air Generic 2K10s etc. etc.
# 148 Sir Psycho Sexy @ 08/25/09 11:41 AM
Hey Chase, I just want to know if they fixed and changed the animations of the players after big buckets and and 1 plays? Are they still Delayed? Are they less corny and new animations?

Also, can one do ankle breaking crossovers?
# 149 m-dogg @ 08/25/09 11:54 AM
* from your mention of head to head association games over online, can your friend switch teams once connected and play on your team over online in association? basicaly a co-op association game? I'm not sure how NHL2k10 works...thanks...

-You can also do Association mode games online like NHL 2K10 has this year. That doesn't mean online Association mode, it just means if you want to invite one person to play as the other team in your Association game, you can do that.
# 150 -DaVe- @ 08/25/09 11:55 AM
-There was an instance where I was controlling Eric Maynor and had a relatively clear lane to the hoop. Unfortunately for me, Brandon Roy was tracking me on the break, and so he came in from the side and threw my layup attempt out of bounds.
# 151 teebee @ 08/25/09 12:21 PM
Oh ya, corny ness was their #1 concern
# 152 Sir Psycho Sexy @ 08/25/09 01:00 PM
I think the Brandon Roy one on the Rockets is also excellent one to use as reference.
# 153 blingballa333 @ 08/25/09 01:23 PM
Originally Posted by Sir Psycho Sexy
I think the Brandon Roy one on the Rockets is also excellent one to use as reference.
# 154 Sir Psycho Sexy @ 08/25/09 02:21 PM
Also, how would the Draft in My Player work? I hope it's not generic dudes but the ones that have already been drafted just replacing your player with whoever was drafted in that pick.
# 155 Pared @ 08/25/09 02:37 PM
Apparently Chase was told the same things that IGN and Gamespot were told for their previews. 2k has to be given credit for allowing them to see the game, no?

Chase is just that awesome. This preview shows you that.
# 156 KING2672 @ 08/25/09 03:40 PM
Chase what new dribbling animations are in the game and are there chasedown block animations?
# 157 B-Wills @ 08/25/09 05:36 PM
If Dynamic Attendance can make the final build this game seriously might be a dream come true.
# 158 BlackRome @ 08/25/09 10:05 PM
You stated that the gameplay has been slowed down.

That seems like a bad move to me. 2k9 was slower than 2k8.

Are you telling me they slowed the game down from 2k9.

That's scary.

Is the dribbling system more like 2k8 or 2k9. In 2k8 you could actually take someone off the dribble with your handle. 2k9 seemed to be all about the spin move. Would you say the game plays more like 2k8 or 2k9.
# 159 Pared @ 08/25/09 10:29 PM
2k9 was faster than 2k8. This is fact.
# 160 luv_mist @ 08/25/09 11:05 PM
Great write up. I hope they have the dynamic attendance. I remember a few titles back they said the NBA wanted to remove that from the game. Forgot which one it was in. Definitely curious about the trade logic. That's something that can't be really talked about with one visit though. We'll eventually find out if we have to disable the brain farts the A.I.

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