NBA 2K10 News Post

Operation Sports, Senior Editor, Chase Becotte has just posted his NBA 2K10 Q&A.

"All right, so instead of re-listing all the questions from the other thread and then answering them here, I'm just going to try and answer as many of those questions as possible as I pepper through these various portions of the game. Obviously you can ask more questions, and I can try to answer them as well.

You should also know that I played four matchups, all against other human players -- three against my OS cohort Rich Chavez, and one against 2K developer Rob Jones. I was at the studio from like 10-5 (minus one hour for lunch) so I got time to be walked through pretty much every aspect of the game before playing at the end of the day.

-The matchups were Spurs vs. Suns (me) on Christmas Day -- this was just a feature for the demo, you won't have access to last year's game via NBA Today. The developers want NBA Today to be, well, all about today in the NBA. The other matchups were Jazz (me) at Portland, OKC at New York (me) and Atlanta at Golden State (me)."

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Member Comments
# 21 WTF @ 08/24/09 06:03 PM
You can pass out of a layup in 2k9.

Anyway, the part that has me worried is the court spacing. Court size is the same, but the players are smaller. Players still get jumbled. I really hope this is just the build that he played. That is my biggest problem thus far with 2k. Live's spacing is perfect, and I am hoping that my boy RJ has fixed the spacing for this year.

Care to elaborate a little more Chase? Excellent writeup.
# 22 TMagic @ 08/24/09 06:04 PM
Originally Posted by mrnoobie
Tmac no...if I remember correctly you're stuck with a drawn out layup animation and you can't pass out of it....when dunking though you're able to pass out of it...
O...Ok. I got you.

So is it throughout the entire lay up animation? You can't pass out on the gather?
# 23 bigballa21 @ 08/24/09 06:04 PM
october can't get here fast enough and i know it's said over and over again but it's going to be a great year for basketball both live and 2k is getting it in this year...about the pregame rituals are they going to be in realtime?
# 24 antoine79 @ 08/24/09 06:04 PM
Originally Posted by TMagic
63-46 Live at the half.

But I feel a huge comeback coming from 2K...LOL
I think this is going to go into triple overtime, like that Bulls vs Suns playoff game. Good year to be a hoops game fan.
# 25 in mid air @ 08/24/09 06:05 PM
Did they get rid of the layup animations that sucked the defensive player into it no matter what?
# 26 DC @ 08/24/09 06:06 PM
If I wanted to; could I assign a player ONE dunk for his ENTIRE package (no homosexual)
# 27 TMagic @ 08/24/09 06:07 PM
Originally Posted by infam0us
17 point deficit in a half is going to be tough to overcome, but it is 2k and they're known for late game comebacks.

2K is to Live, as Orlando is to Cleveland in the Eastern Conference Finals. LOL

Originally Posted by antoine79
I think this is going to go into triple overtime, like that Bulls vs Suns playoff game. Good year to be a hoops game fan.
I feel you man. I think it's going to go down to the wire.
# 28 jaosming @ 08/24/09 06:07 PM
Is the outdoor court for My Player pickup games Rucker? Are there more than 1 outdoor courts?

When you practice in Association, is it the empty arena? Or generic practice facility again? If it's the later, has it changed at all?
# 29 in mid air @ 08/24/09 06:10 PM
226 viewers on this forum. damn LOL
# 30 Goffs @ 08/24/09 06:12 PM
Did the msg logo make it in? Choops2k8 had it why can't the nba?
# 31 WTF @ 08/24/09 06:13 PM
Going back, you're right, you can't pass out of a layup, just a dunk. Good lookin out.

But anyway, yeah DC, I feel you on the assigning one dunk to everyone. That's great news. No more dunks that don't belong.
# 32 ffaacc03 @ 08/24/09 06:13 PM
Some Questions:

1. What would be the "expanded role" of the 2k insider ?

2. Does the 82games data only affects the offensive side or does it also affects the defensive side (on previews versions the defensive tendencies ment nothing, sim and on court playing) ?

3. Are there any hustle plays like in live (thus we might better not since it seems like it could take canned animations into unprecedent annoiment) ?

4. Did you see any differences between the way Howard and Nelson run (graphically, apart from speed and acceleration) ?

5. Is your partner going to post his personal point of view (of his experience, apart from yours, to maybe have some different details)?

6. How many minutes per quarter did you played the games and aproximately what were the stats (FG%s, Rbs, ...) ?

7. How many did you won (against the 2k crew and against your partner) ?

props for the best article ever !
# 33 TheBadazz @ 08/24/09 06:15 PM
Didn't get to say it in the last thread. Chase another fine job sir. I glad to see 3 in the key has been fixed. Can't wait for Oct 6. I the immortal words of Stubleweed, "Now it's time for the Vids"
# 34 plyrically @ 08/24/09 06:15 PM
Chase, My man. Thanks for answering my Qs.

got another one tho. You said you played as the Jazz at the Trail Blazers. (I'm glad they changed it from Blazers to Trail Blazers once and for all). Does the crowd boo Mehmet Okur b/c of his resemblance to Hedo Turkoglu?

i'm just playin'..
# 35 Jukeman @ 08/24/09 06:25 PM
1. Will there be a score ticker during games in association mode? The NBA Today feature screams real time scores....

2. Are we able to edit those generic players in the D league?

3. Are summer league games only avalible during "My Player"?
# 36 DaWu @ 08/24/09 06:32 PM
any info on ps3 texture quality?
# 37 Sports fanantic @ 08/24/09 06:35 PM
is there a starting 5 players introduction.
# 38 tcain80 @ 08/24/09 06:48 PM
Do questions actually get answered in this thread?
# 39 Bornindamecca @ 08/24/09 06:49 PM
Originally Posted by mrnoobie
Can we finally pass out of a layup?
Originally Posted by TMagic
I thought we were able to do that in 2K9...no?
Originally Posted by mrnoobie
Tmac no...if I remember correctly you're stuck with a drawn out layup animation and you can't pass out of it....when dunking though you're able to pass out of it...
Originally Posted by WTF
You can pass out of a layup in 2k9.

Anyway, the part that has me worried is the court spacing. Court size is the same, but the players are smaller. Players still get jumbled. I really hope this is just the build that he played. That is my biggest problem thus far with 2k. Live's spacing is perfect, and I am hoping that my boy RJ has fixed the spacing for this year.

Care to elaborate a little more Chase? Excellent writeup.
You can pass out of a layup. I do it all of the time. Chase does it a bit, actually.
# 40 kurt2134 @ 08/24/09 06:50 PM
Originally Posted by tcain80
Do questions actually get answered in this thread?
I don't know why but that made me laugh harder than anything lol.

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