NBA Live 10 News Post

Game: NBA Live 10Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PSP / Xbox 360Votes for game: 48 - View All
NBA Live 10 Videos
Member Comments
# 221 seemoe @ 07/24/09 03:25 AM
Originally Posted by Greene_Flash03
I actually have something to say here...It looks like animation is from CGI trailer, but no CGI graphics... hmm I hope it make sense... I mean these animations are fluid, the kind of animation you would see in a CGI trailer.. but the graphics are in game..

Yeah, I haven't seen ANY of those animations in the game. The KG block, the LeBron off the backboard layup, Vince's 360. I really hope this is not the same case with Live 10.
# 222 blingballa333 @ 07/24/09 03:30 AM
Hey devs, did you guys happen to also get Dwight Howard's white and blue signature sleeves? I've only seen the black one which he wears on the road exclusively IRL.
# 223 Nephilim @ 07/24/09 03:48 AM
Guys that claim that the smallest mistakes will ruin game for them, are the same guys that come to play on curt with all the priciest gear, jerseys and shoes, but they don't even know how to dribble the ball. If live will have game play great, then it will be great game for me. Others can hope 2k adds more animations so they will be able to just press the occasional shot button and watch the pretty game play itself (not really, I really hope they fix their mistakes(2k) and we get two great game play experiences).
# 224 İroke @ 07/24/09 05:32 AM
I'm surprised that no one complained about seeing just 4 different shoes in the trailer... What a shame EA... LOL.

It's so easy to say who prejudges the game just because its called NBA Live. Some of you guys are big fanboys. From the two sides. If a net or the board not bending down enough blows the whole experience for you, you got a real problem. Not to mention the logo in the headband...
# 225 Goffs @ 07/24/09 07:27 AM
they have that waxy look to them....the player models are now on par with SCEA NBA...

they have more meat to them which is nice to see
# 226 KG#5beantown @ 07/24/09 07:32 AM

I'm so pi**ed of complaining all the time ...I mean the logo on the headband??? what's up man? E.g. Rip turned his Headband around so that the logo cannot be seen...just the little fissure of the headband...are you going to bring that in the game??? Come on man...that's a little to much.

Did anyone mention the rubberbands? EA update them so that they aren't in parallel...with better colours than last year...anyone mention it? No...because everyone is searching for mistakes...sean, mike and marcus are working all the time so give them alittle respect...realize that this is w.i.p. and please stop complaining...give them a feedback with which they can work...

For me I have to say that I was impressed by the trailer. I played just the same game yesterday (live 09) and the differences are huge...I really like the warm ups and that they are different from player to player, I like the crowd...the fact that the whole crowd is wearing the same colour in playoffs, I really love the new accessories...especially the new rubberbands and thinner calf sleeves...the pre game rituals are great...(cannot wait to see KG in action ) ...jerseys, court, player models, everything looks really good to me...(same was for 2k9...but man I was really pi**ed off the damn gameplay...one word...UNREALISTIC! >>> looked great but not more)...the animations of live 10 are looking smoother and it seems to me that they added a ton of new things...

...so all in all...great work...!!! thanks to marcus, sean, mike and the whole live team for their hard work...bringing live back to the top...were it belongs!
# 227 Jamesmaster @ 07/24/09 07:35 AM
Let's wait until we see real gameplay footage. The big questions for me: will the animations be as fluid as 2K, will there will be as many signature free throws, shots and dunks as in 2K? These are imo the factors that make a game realistic instead of the different shoes or whatever.
# 228 Goffs @ 07/24/09 08:00 AM
# 229 2kfanatic @ 07/24/09 08:20 AM
2k still has more realistic animations, the problem is that it does not have smooth transitions between those animations anymore. If the gameplay will feel and play like the trailer, then I would say that live is at 2k9's (or maybe 2k10) level already and arguably better(depends on the opinion). And I might buy this first before 2k but hey its just me.

Im not a fanboy of any game, im just tired of eating the same **** every year from both companies. And this is my first post in the live forums lol.
# 230 KG#5beantown @ 07/24/09 08:42 AM
Originally Posted by mharlem

Same for me...I think the players look great...and as marcus mentioned...sweat was added so we can expect more...

man...I hope the game will hit the stores in europe also on oct. 6th... can't wait!
# 231 Pared @ 07/24/09 09:19 AM
Originally Posted by Jamesmaster
Let's wait until we see real gameplay footage.
Would be nice...

The difference between the trailer I posted from last year and this one is THAT is the game I want. I want the smoothness of the trailer from last year.

That may have been scripted, but that's real basketball folks. The gameplay shown in this video seems very similar to last year. I expected more. And I'm not dropping the whole procedural awareness thing.

But damage control by the forum faithful is to be expected. Let's just wait for some real gameplay.
# 232 DW3 @ 07/24/09 09:19 AM
Just a quick question...........Is the trailer actual gameplay footage, or is it a CGI trailer(See the intro vid last year were Gil, Deron Williams and K.G. performed animations that werent in the game etc)?
# 233 Pared @ 07/24/09 09:28 AM
Last year we thought (not sure if we were told) that it was actual gameplay footage.

This year, it's obviously all gameplay footage.
# 234 lindo9595 @ 07/24/09 09:29 AM
Looking forward to today's blog.
# 235 RayDog253 @ 07/24/09 09:59 AM
Originally Posted by lindo9595
Looking forward to today's blog.
Will there be a blog today?
# 236 RayDog253 @ 07/24/09 10:11 AM
NVM confirmed by @NBALIVE10 Ryan Santos, NBA LIVE 10 Visuals Producer, will be blogging tomorrow on the EA SPORTS Inside Blog.
# 237 Mintsa @ 07/24/09 10:12 AM
Does anyone have a download link for this trailer ?? (In a format that will play on a PS3)
# 238 İroke @ 07/24/09 10:15 AM
Originally Posted by Dalsanto0026
As I said, I don't think the game looks "rather realistic", I think it looks cartoon-ish. If it plays a realistic game then great, however if the game doesn't look right then it can kill the immersion factor imo.

This is next gen, why can't we expect better graphics?
So you prefer a video game that looks like a real game instead a game that plays like real basketball?

I mean, I played both games last year, and still playing. 2k has some amazing animations, but I don't get the real basketball feeling that I want when i'm playing. Live its just the opposite. I like the player movement in the court, the space recognition, help defense. All the fundamentals. But the lack of animations and any form of presentation kills the experience.

I know I will play both games this year again, but right now i'm more hyped about live, because they have the fundamentals on point, and the little info about presentation and animations that we have is promissing.

What bothers me is all the complaining about a logo in a headband (do you guys ever seen the headbands in 2KX?), a rim don't bending down enough, etc... What's next? The popcorn machine is not working all the time... and you can't see the light of the bathroom in the replay menu... come on....
# 239 mrclutch @ 07/24/09 10:44 AM
The game looks very good and there are still a couple months to go during which I'm sure the dev team will continue to tweak some of the little things we see.

With that said, if the gameplay lives up to what we are expecting I doubt we'll even be talking about the graphics.

# 240 jmood88 @ 07/24/09 10:48 AM
Originally Posted by İroke
I'm surprised that no one complained about seeing just 4 different shoes in the trailer... What a shame EA... LOL.

It's so easy to say who prejudges the game just because its called NBA Live. Some of you guys are big fanboys. From the two sides. If a net or the board not bending down enough blows the whole experience for you, you got a real problem. Not to mention the logo in the headband...
You must not go to the other game forums.

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