NBA Live 10 News Post

Check out the new NBA Live 10 blog, featuring new faces and DNA.

"Now I know what you're thinking, "Is this the first official gameplay blog?" Nope, not yet! You get to hear from me once more until we get into the meat of our game (presentation, visuals, gameplay and menus). What's the topic for today; new rookie DNA and overall ratings. You're probably wondering why each year we don't show screens of the rookies in their new uniforms and show off their overall rating like Madden does. Well, the fast answer to this question is because the NBA Players Association is very different from the NFL Players Association. In the NFL, when a player reports to the combine, they're officially part of the NFL Players Association. However, in the NBA a rookie isn't part of the NBA Players association until they sign their team contract. We aren't allowed to show anything (screens, ratings, etc.) until a player signs on the dotted line. With that said, we CAN sign a player for marketing purposes, and this year we did just that.

If you were watching the NBA Draft last week, you may have seen the "EA SPORTS" medallion once or twice. That's because we were the official sponsors of the NBA Draft. We signed Blake Griffin, Hasheem Thabeet and Stephen Curry. In today's blog I'm going to reveal what their collegiate DNA does for the Clippers, Grizzlies and Warriors respectively, and also show what their team's DNA looks like without them in the starting lineup. I'll also reveal their overall ratings for you ratings junkies."

Game: NBA Live 10Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PSP / Xbox 360Votes for game: 48 - View All
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Member Comments
# 61 dragon4thQ @ 07/06/09 08:10 PM
Originally Posted by Moses Shuttlesworth
is it gonna be next-gen for pc? its about time
There is no PC release of NBA Live this year either sadly.

There is no emoticon for what I’m feeling!
# 62 dragon4thQ @ 07/06/09 09:56 PM
Originally Posted by michaeljordanjr
EA has said it will never produce sports PC games again.

NBA 2K is for PC and has next-gen graphics.

You can play with Jordan and the 96 Bulls, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NhSwUbS2jW8
No, they haven't said that.
# 63 dragon4thQ @ 07/07/09 01:29 AM
Originally Posted by michaeljordanjr
It doesn't say they'll never make sports games for PC again they are trying to think of different ways of developing a PC version as so it isn't stolen by illegal downloads and to find cheaper development costs.

Games are getting to the stage of being too large to download by the time you get it you might as well buy it you'd most likely have it sooner too.

People probably were also not wanting to buy it when it was still a current gen port not a next gen port.

I know for a fact if Live 07-10 were all next gen ports for PC I'd buy them instead of buying a PS3 to get the experience of next gen quality. If EA suits were smarter about this and decided to now compete in a PC market competition with 2K, they'd talk to Admins and Mods at say NBA Live Series Center and get us staff to help out in anyway possible. Other EA games like Command & Conquer still get full PC support from EA with world builder tools and release several game patch fixes, why not do the same with PC for Live as we can modify the game to a degree consoles can't we can create those legends teams EA can't because of player union contracts and we can create other game modes to keep the game fresh. NBA Live 03-06 were great fun to modify especially when we had the tools to do what amazing things we could do. The PC market has been forced into buying consoles and not always because we want to.

Until it is realised the capabilities PC has over console we will continue to be ignored for now. Thats my 2 cents worth.
# 64 Jano @ 07/07/09 06:52 AM
mharlem the 75 ratings were used last year so I am sure they are the same this year.

The DNA is more of a tendency rating like a players percentage to drive vs spot up and shoot. The ratings have no effect on the DNA to my knowledge.

The DNA comes from a players real life play so, the stats that the blog showed on Griffin are a product of how he plays in real life.

And LBJ should have a quicker step than most because his rating is really high in that area and D. Wade should be great at that too.

Live actually has ratings for both of the things you mentioned. We just have to hope that this year the gameplay will show even more of a distinction between players who have higher ratings in these categories.
# 65 navyboy09 @ 07/07/09 11:53 AM
Yo mharlem I agree with you. I was saying that same thing on another website. Everybody feels the same and everybody has the same crossover speed. I hope they fix that cause wade,d.williams can cross their defender and blow by them with no problem. They said that they were changing the whole rating system and i hope that that gets reworked also cause everybody don't have the same crossover speed.
# 66 Jano @ 07/07/09 05:29 PM
One of the things that I think will make Live great is all the ratings it has. In takes into account a lot of different factors. Once Live's animations are able to catch up with its different ratings we are really going to be able to see the difference between each player.

Especially when it comes to defensive players like CP3 and Artest who are both great defenders imo but for different reasons. With the ratings live has you will be able to see the distinction between great team defenders and 101 defenders which is something I don't think any game has truly replicated.

I think in Live we will be able to see how much of an impact these players make in games. An Artest like defender will make life hard for teams who rely on one great player because he can really make them work to get their points. While a CP3 like defender will cause havoc because he will make just executing and running your offense difficult because of his ability to get on ball steals and get in the passing lanes.

Here's a list of all the ratings Live uses:

# 67 navyboy09 @ 07/07/09 06:24 PM
Jano you just put up a link that we can look at to see all the ratings that live uses in the game, but my problem with that is everybody still feels the same. I just looked at that link and vince carter quickness is rated an 80 and jason kidd is an 89 but you will never be able to tell a difference when you play the game. I play live all the time and everybody feels the same. Thats why i hope they fix that in live 10.

Hopefully live will have a distinction between players in live 10. That will make the game soooo much better.
# 68 Jano @ 07/07/09 07:12 PM
Yea I know what your saying navyboy and I think that this year we are going to finally see some of that distinction with the players.

I remember seeing somewhere that this year they have added 1000 (or 100 I can't remember exactly but I'm hoping for 1000) new animations.

This is huge because that means they can add a lot of animations that will be able display the differences between superstar players like Kobe and Lebron versus role players like Boobie Gibson and Jordan Farmar.

For example 4 of those 1000 animations could be just for exploding out of the triple threat. Each animation would vary in speed here are some examples...

lightning fast- which would be for guys like CP3
Fast- like Kobe or Bron
Quick- which would work well for a guy like Farmar or for a big man like KG who is quick.
Average which would be for everyone else

This would allow you to see a visual difference between players. Which would not only effect the game visually but also in the way we play.

We would finally have to give guys like CP3 or TJ Ford room for fear of getting burned.

This would also make guys like Kobe hard to guard because of their fast first step and ability to shoot.
# 69 navyboy09 @ 07/07/09 08:07 PM
jano, thats exactly what they should do. I been trying to say that same thing. People just don't know how much little stuff like that can make a BIG difference in a game.
# 70 Epiffani @ 07/08/09 10:15 AM
Great blog. You have to appreciate what synergy brings to the table; hopefully 09 was just a taste of what its truly capable of.
# 71 navyboy09 @ 07/08/09 06:16 PM
in one blog that i read they said they were taking all of the dribbling animation out from 09 and all new crossovers and dribbles for live 10. I think that they should have game tempo like their college basketball do b/c every team aint fast tempo and i think that will affect the game too. in a good way
# 72 Jano @ 07/08/09 07:45 PM
Tempo has been confirmed by Beluba here's the quote:

Originally Posted by Beluba

Yeah this is something i think you guys are really going to dig. Novell, one of our gameplay producers, will be blogging about this later on... but this is an area of the game that got a significant upgrade. We started by integrating the team tempo feature from ncaa and then built on top of that. If you're a big x's and o's guy, i think you'll appreciate the level of authenticity in the team specific offensive systems in Live 10.
Found it in the Ask the devs a question thread.
# 73 navyboy09 @ 07/08/09 11:00 PM
i didn't see that blog but im glad that they are putting that in.
# 74 lindo9595 @ 07/09/09 10:19 AM
No new blog this week guys. This comes from Marcus's twitter page. He said next week they're coming back in full force.
# 75 ©roke @ 07/09/09 10:31 AM
First he said we should see something in the next two weeks (any day), but after that, he said on his twitter there's no blog this friday.

Can we expect to see the game anyway, even with the blog not up****** until next friday?
# 76 lindo9595 @ 07/09/09 10:45 AM
Originally Posted by ©roke
First he said we should see something in the next two weeks (any day), but after that, he said on his twitter there's no blog this friday.
He never said that we would see information this week, he said we could get information this week or even next week.
# 77 ©roke @ 07/09/09 02:47 PM
Oops! So sorry people. English is not my first language. Back at school, I've always had problems with could, should & would, and as you can see, the problem continues...
# 78 lindo9595 @ 07/09/09 03:59 PM
Originally Posted by ©roke
Oops! So sorry people. English is not my first language. Back at school, I've always had problems with could, should & would, and as you can see, the problem continues...
lol, it's alright man we all make mistakes.
# 79 navyboy09 @ 07/11/09 02:27 PM
it sucks there was no blog this week but that means something big for next week i hope. lol
# 80 krazyboy225 @ 07/11/09 02:53 PM
Originally Posted by navyboy09
it sucks there was no blog this week but that means something big for next week i hope. lol

it also means they puttin a whole lotta work into the game= no time for blogging

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