NBA Live 10 News Post

Check out the new NBA Live 10 blog, featuring new faces and DNA.

"Now I know what you're thinking, "Is this the first official gameplay blog?" Nope, not yet! You get to hear from me once more until we get into the meat of our game (presentation, visuals, gameplay and menus). What's the topic for today; new rookie DNA and overall ratings. You're probably wondering why each year we don't show screens of the rookies in their new uniforms and show off their overall rating like Madden does. Well, the fast answer to this question is because the NBA Players Association is very different from the NFL Players Association. In the NFL, when a player reports to the combine, they're officially part of the NFL Players Association. However, in the NBA a rookie isn't part of the NBA Players association until they sign their team contract. We aren't allowed to show anything (screens, ratings, etc.) until a player signs on the dotted line. With that said, we CAN sign a player for marketing purposes, and this year we did just that.

If you were watching the NBA Draft last week, you may have seen the "EA SPORTS" medallion once or twice. That's because we were the official sponsors of the NBA Draft. We signed Blake Griffin, Hasheem Thabeet and Stephen Curry. In today's blog I'm going to reveal what their collegiate DNA does for the Clippers, Grizzlies and Warriors respectively, and also show what their team's DNA looks like without them in the starting lineup. I'll also reveal their overall ratings for you ratings junkies."

Game: NBA Live 10Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PSP / Xbox 360Votes for game: 48 - View All
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Member Comments
# 21 chrome381 @ 07/03/09 08:18 PM
Good read, I like the new rating system happy to know that there are only gonna be 2 players at 90. Cant wait till you guys start tellin us about the improved gameplay!
# 22 lindo9595 @ 07/03/09 08:41 PM
Nice blog Steph. Good stuff to know about the rookie's.
# 23 iminurbase @ 07/03/09 10:10 PM
Originally Posted by pbz06

I like checking up ESPN's stats for Pace factors and Off/Def efficiencies. Gives a little more insight on team performances rather than simply looking at how many points they score and how many points they give up. For example, Lakers D has gotten some heat because of the points they give up per game, but if you factor in their offensive pacing and how they fair against the opponents on a possession to possession basis, they were 2nd best defensive team in the playoffs.


looks like ESPN took out the regular season stats and showing only the playoff performances for now, which won't be too accurate since some teams last only a handful of games while others obviously made deeper playoff runs and have more games of data.
There is definitely some new stuff in 10 along these lines.
# 24 mrclutch @ 07/03/09 11:38 PM

Best blog yet. I thought the whole DNA thing was a cute concept in last year's game but based on the fact that most of the teams played the same in Live 09 I can't see how it had any real affect on the gameplay.

Hears hoping that your teams full year of development will allow the DNA to do it's thing.
# 25 Darth Spartan99 @ 07/03/09 11:51 PM
Great Blog dude...
With Madden and Live 10 I don't know how I will have time for anything except gaming.....LOL....guess it's time to break up with my girlfriend....
# 26 navyboy09 @ 07/04/09 12:22 AM
Hey steph, when u say yall are changing the whole rating system are yall gonna have different ratings for different abilities to make the overall rating. Like a crossover dribble rating, rebounding rating, clutch rating etc. so every player aint just the same. One more question will the stars like kobe, lebron, wade etc. play different from the average players and will they be able to take over a game when needen??
Can yall add wade jumping on the annoucer table and saying this is my house when i hit a game winner cause im a beast with wade and that would just hype my up sooooo bad seeing my boy do that after a big shot to win the game or go in overtime :-)
# 27 mikenoob @ 07/04/09 01:08 AM
Originally Posted by navyboy09
Can yall add wade jumping on the annoucer table and saying this is my house when i hit a game winner cause im a beast with wade and that would just hype my up sooooo bad seeing my boy do that after a big shot to win the game or go in overtime :-)
I feel like I already read that same exact post.

Also, question for Mike, what made you switch over to EA from 2k?
# 28 funky_chicken @ 07/04/09 01:30 AM
That was a cool blog. It was cool to see how guys tendencies effects the teams tendencies.
# 29 Beluba @ 07/04/09 01:50 AM
Originally Posted by mikenoob
I feel like I already read that same exact post.

Also, question for Mike, what made you switch over to EA from 2k?
there were a number of reasons, both professional and personal. I could write a short book on how everything went down and why I decided to make the switch, but I wouldn't want to bore you guys with the details.
# 30 Wiffyjustus @ 07/04/09 02:29 AM
I'm sure everyone here would not be bored with the details...

Though I'm sure it's not something you want splattered all over the net.

(At least not until the book is in print.)

# 31 Wiffyjustus @ 07/04/09 02:37 AM
I think the coaching styles will be somewhat reflected in the DNA...

Send LeBron to the (7 seconds or less) Knicks...
The coach runs different plays to the former coach.

Therefore, LeBrons DNA/shot percentages/rating changes to reflect that.

Please correct me if I'm wrong.

I will be interested to see what you are going to do with regards to offensive pace of different teams. Is there any DNA stuff that reflects this?
# 32 stephensonmc @ 07/04/09 10:44 AM
Originally Posted by Dalsanto0026
This DNA stuff sounds brilliant, but what about the people who only play offline? Does this mean we have to rely on the standard rating system?
You mean for people who never have their XBOX / PS3 connected? Then you play with the shipped Dynamic DNA and it doesn't update daily like if your XBOX / PS3 were connected.
# 33 mvb34 @ 07/04/09 11:34 AM
Will we have to pay for the DNA again this year?
# 34 marcoyk @ 07/04/09 12:01 PM
Originally Posted by goh
This isn't going to turn out like 04 is it? I think it was 04 anyway where there were guys in the 20's and really good players in the 70's.

The DNA stuff is sounding good anyway.
I'd actually like it if the ratings where that spread apart, I think you'd really be able to see considerable differences between players. On the other hand there really isn't a huge difference in the quality of players in the NBA (not including the superstars like Kobe, Lebron, etc.). I still think it would be cool to go between like 1 and 99. Haha and I already know that a lot of you will disagree with this idea.
Thanks for the blog. Looking forward to Live 10.
# 35 vicmelo @ 07/04/09 12:17 PM
Originally Posted by mvb34
Will we have to pay for the DNA again this year?
i guess it'll be like last year...
if you buy a new copy of NBA Live it'll have a code inside...
but if you buy a used or rent you'll have to buy a new code if you want the DNA updates
# 36 ZoneBlitz @ 07/04/09 12:49 PM
Every time I login and check on this game, and read the NBA Live 10 Blog, I conclude this game has sooooo much potential.

I hope this DNA has an actual impact on gameplay. Furthermore, I hope the gameplay is stellar and that EA has listened to all the issues from last year that have been covered in reviews and product comparisons.

(You actually have a decent chance at pulling me from NBA 2k...if you all can deliver.)

Keep up the good work EA...I'm impressed with the work that you all are putting into NBA Live and Madden, and the communication you all are establishing with the community.
# 37 stephensonmc @ 07/04/09 03:37 PM
Originally Posted by mvb34
Will we have to pay for the DNA again this year?
Very common misconception. If you buy the game used, yes, you'll have to pay for it.
# 38 mvb34 @ 07/04/09 07:41 PM
Originally Posted by stephensonmc
Very common misconception. If you buy the game used, yes, you'll have to pay for it.

Thats right!!I forgot I rented the game last year.. I will be buying it this year.
# 39 carnalnirvana @ 07/04/09 07:41 PM
when the ratings get reworked i hope you guys focus on the intangibles..........

i re-edited my league for my chise and i was shocked at how editing brings out animations.

for example: defensive & offensive sink & swim ratings i dont know why it was so low but when raised you see guys battling for position

another rating offensive rebounding IQ raise this and you will see bigs crash the boards instead of breaking out on a one man break i dont know why most players have low ratings in these.

i have never cared for overall ratings I would like to see ratings show that players are good at what they do....

tyrone hill a vet back in the 76ers AI years is a dude I want to see live capture and i have captured it in my cpoy just a hard working physical enforcer on the glass, hard screens, hard fouls , no free layups. etc etc
# 40 krazyboy225 @ 07/04/09 08:21 PM
Originally Posted by stephensonmc
Very common misconception. If you buy the game used, yes, you'll have to pay for it.
my only problem with the code is that i have more than one profile.. and dont really want to b forced to buy a new one..but i understand why you wud have to buy a new one if u didnt get the game new

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