NBA 2K10 News Post

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# 63
LEGENDoflegends @ 06/30/09 12:40 AM
I guess Mike Wang was the best developer for 2k and you guys let him walk to EA? Huge mistake, as I am definetly giving Live a shot this year.
you cant be serious....wtf...
# 67
LEGENDoflegends @ 06/30/09 12:54 AM
"Fix your tv."
LOL, no my friend, you need to UPGRADE your TV. If you are not seeing the washed out color effects in 2k9 its because you either have a standard TV, or old HDTV. Anyone with a late model 1080P LCD see the problem. Red looks like hot pink. I have a Sony Bravia 52' LCD and 2k8 looks much better than 2k9 handsdwon. I have a older HDTV in the basement and I don't see the washed out color issues on that TV because its an old HDTV set(1080i), which is probably what you have.
LOL, no my friend, you need to UPGRADE your TV. If you are not seeing the washed out color effects in 2k9 its because you either have a standard TV, or old HDTV. Anyone with a late model 1080P LCD see the problem. Red looks like hot pink. I have a Sony Bravia 52' LCD and 2k8 looks much better than 2k9 handsdwon. I have a older HDTV in the basement and I don't see the washed out color issues on that TV because its an old HDTV set(1080i), which is probably what you have.
Either way...competition is going to drive the series for both sides. So far so good for both - in screenshots. Now, on to the gameplay of each in motion....

^^ its even prettier on an 1920 X 1200 monitor..plus after modding up the game on the PC...heaven..
dude do you see Lebron in the background with the powder. thats crazy
I love the cahlk thing LeBron is doing, but honestly I can't say that Shaq looks a lot different than in 2K9. Maybe someone can upload a 2K9 Shaq so we can compare. On the other hand, if 2K didn't change the graphics too much - that means that they spent most of their time on the gameplay and that's GREAT in my opinion.
# 74
Behindshadows @ 06/30/09 02:41 AM
Not impressed, and who cares about Shaq and more powder from Lebron....All these damn Lebron photos showing the powder, reminds me of that Kobe and Lebron puppet commercial where he kept clapping his hands..lol
# 76
tabulaRasa @ 06/30/09 03:52 AM
Nice screen, they added some more shader power, like the ambience color reflecting of Shaqs face, nice detail for realism. Looking sweet, kicking the NBA live *** in the GFX department yet again it seems. Like in every other department....
The textures look better and I believe LeBron doing his chalk routine in the background is probably a hit at much needed pre-game presentation.
Let the anticipation begin.
Let the anticipation begin.
# 78
BroMontana82 @ 06/30/09 09:23 AM
I'm still curious to see the player models - the bodies, though I like 2K9's models a alot. Interesting to see if they changed anything on the models. So far, looking at Shaq - is he a little bit thiner than in 2K9, or should I get my eyes checked?
The chalk thing Lebron is doing is cool, but it's like the minimum standard these days. It's just like LeBron's finger nails biting was the standard 2 years ago. Let's just hope that they don't/didn't spend too much time on those animations, I mean even if doesn't look 100% like in real life it doesn't really matter that much to me. You look at it once...twice - after that you don't really care.
The chalk thing Lebron is doing is cool, but it's like the minimum standard these days. It's just like LeBron's finger nails biting was the standard 2 years ago. Let's just hope that they don't/didn't spend too much time on those animations, I mean even if doesn't look 100% like in real life it doesn't really matter that much to me. You look at it once...twice - after that you don't really care.
Live always looked better in terms of textures and potential lighting. Now that the E.A boys are focused and going for authenticism I personally feel like, unless 2k pulls out all stops. The road to glory may be over. Mike Wang is bball gameplay genius. 2k7 is still my fav in terms of leaps yr to yr. I love 2k but it always felt cheap and looked pixarish. The gameplay saved it but another yr of the same engine. I don't think I could stomach it, to be honest. But I will hold FINAL judgement til we know more. But as of today 2009 is looking like the year of the E.A. (No offense)
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