NBA 2K10 News Post

The first NBA 2K10 screenshot has been released.

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Game: NBA 2K10Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 74 - View All
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Member Comments
# 21 Jamin23 @ 06/29/09 08:11 PM
This is my dream come true. Both nba games having Lebron's chalk toss.
# 22 DW3 @ 06/29/09 08:13 PM
looks good!
# 23 chrome381 @ 06/29/09 08:16 PM
They got shaqs face down, good to know that both NBA games will have lebron's rosin toss.Time for some gameplay footage!
# 24 FlyRice @ 06/29/09 08:17 PM
Originally Posted by Court_vision

I can never understand why people come on here and hate on the "other company" and vice versa.

As far as I am concerned, I want them both being stretched to their limits by each other and both throwing every resource they can at each other to come up with the best NBA game.

Competition = we...the guys who buy the games...win
Yup, there's no point in being loyal to one company. Whoever puts out the better game gets my $60. It's good to have OPTIONS.
# 25 WTF @ 06/29/09 08:18 PM
Exactly CV... put it perfectly.

We WIN. THat's basically it... we WIN. If there is good healthy competition, then for the gamer, that's all that matters. Unless you have stock in the other company, I don't see how this doesn't benefit everyone.

Overall though, I'm really starting to wonder if any NBA game is going to WOW me anymore visually. It seems to me like visuals are starting to peak. I know that this and the Live pic are a long way off from release, but both seem like a small step up, not the massive "WOW". Looking at it in motion though, it may impress me big time, and I hope both games do.
# 26 DW3 @ 06/29/09 08:22 PM
Once we see them in motion is when i will get excited. Bring on the vids! Real vids not cgi!
# 27 rockchisler @ 06/29/09 08:23 PM
Originally Posted by raidersbball20
I'm pretty sure they had a video last year of lakers vs celtics, so this isn't that early
It was a smuggled video that was not intented for public consumption last year.
# 28 chrome381 @ 06/29/09 08:25 PM
Originally Posted by Court_vision

I can never understand why people come on here and hate on the "other company" and vice versa.

As far as I am concerned, I want them both being stretched to their limits by each other and both throwing every resource they can at each other to come up with the best NBA game.

Competition = we...the guys who buy the games...win
# 29 DW3 @ 06/29/09 08:26 PM
Exactly... now lets hope the gameplay continues toget better since the graphics are almost topped out
# 30 bigfnjoe96 @ 06/29/09 08:28 PM
meh... Those graphics don't look great @ all. It's time for 2K to scrap that engine already...

As my boy Barkley would say: "That's Turrible"

# 31 raidersbball20 @ 06/29/09 08:31 PM
i don't know about you guys, but the LeBron picture of Live 10 looks better and I am not saying that in favor of any company. The bodies in 2k need to be smaller with better court spacing. I know it is Shaq, but it still looks big for some reason
# 32 bateman11 @ 06/29/09 08:32 PM
Dont really notice any differences. Still looks good though
# 33 NINJAK2 @ 06/29/09 08:32 PM
Looks good to me, but graphics have never really been 2K'S issue. Keep at it 2k, you got a lot of work to do on 2k10
# 34 DW3 @ 06/29/09 08:33 PM
kinda like 2k9.5 meh....
# 35 NINJAK2 @ 06/29/09 08:35 PM
Originally Posted by kcxiv
hmm.. how can you tell it looks big when all you can see is shaq's upper torso and lebron in the back blurred out? you cant even see the court or anything.
# 36 DW3 @ 06/29/09 08:37 PM
Originally Posted by NINJAK2
# 37 FlyRice @ 06/29/09 08:48 PM
Hope they fixed the blurry court textures in 2K9.
# 38 luv_mist @ 06/29/09 08:50 PM
Originally Posted by kcxiv
hmm.. how can you tell it looks big when all you can see is shaq's upper torso and lebron in the back blurred out? you cant even see the court or anything.
Because they know man. C'mon.

I will say that a lot of you guys have to really take a close look at the facial features of each game saying it looks the same. Some guys have an eye for art. I can see a few subtle improvements with Shaq alone. One BIG thing that I'm noticing that is sexy is the fact that the jerseys seem to "rest" on the shoulders now instead of floating. I'm also noticing that his eyes aren't perfect which is pretty cool. Hate seeing the "every player has no imperfection" thing that they put into the game. I'm hyped. I need to re-analyze the Live Lebron joint. They're both look great.

It was last year the I almost didn't get the game. Thank goodness I have a loving wife that knows my fetishes. We'll see if this year I get blessed the same way. So far, they look pretty solid.

And on another note, why not show the cover athletes first and foremost? I never understood that. Why not do a big picture extravaganza on Kobe (2K) and Dwight (Live) as your first batch of media? Maybe that's just me.......
# 39 stizz @ 06/29/09 08:52 PM
Great to see images are starting to appear. Shaq's face looks off for some reason but I like how both games have the LeBron chalk thing. I find it funny that neither games first image included the cover player.
# 40 SimBaller @ 06/29/09 09:01 PM
Originally Posted by lilyo06
kinda like 2k9.5 meh....
To point out the obvious, it IS 2K9.5. 2K10 is far from done friend.

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