Madden 2010 News Post

Check the EBGames page, right here. Per NCAA Strategies Twitter page.

"Reserve Madden NFL 10 and receive the GameStop exclusive Super Bowl XLIII rematch demo with full length quarters. The demo will feature four 5-minute quarters between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Arizona Cardinals. Available for online and in-store customers while supplies last."

Game: Madden NFL 10Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 76 - View All
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Member Comments
# 81 CardsFan52 @ 06/16/09 08:59 PM
i just hope we can pick the team we want to play as unlike Madden 09.
# 82 lgxjames @ 06/16/09 09:04 PM
im sorry, i know this isn't going to go over well but I don't think this isa good idea,
# 83 jyoung @ 06/16/09 09:18 PM
I look at at this way:

At least they are finally giving us the opportunity to play a real demo, because these "madden moments" and 2 minute quarters demos EA usually puts out are horrible.

The darn things are over so quickly that there's no way to get a feel for the real game.
# 84 Ed O'Neil @ 06/16/09 09:22 PM
Originally Posted by CardsFan52
i just hope we can pick the team we want to play as unlike Madden 09.
Did you read the first post?

Superbowl Rematch ..
# 85 The_Balm @ 06/16/09 09:27 PM
Originally Posted by Ed O'Neil
Did you read the first post?

Superbowl Rematch ..
# 86 lgxjames @ 06/16/09 09:41 PM
Originally Posted by wEEman33
I look at at this way:

At least they are finally giving us the opportunity to play a real demo, because these "madden moments" and 2 minute quarters demos EA usually puts out are horrible.

The darn things are over so quickly that there's no way to get a feel for the real game.
yea but i think thats intentional, wouldnt that spike interest and improve sales
# 87 CardsFan52 @ 06/16/09 09:46 PM
Originally Posted by Ed O'Neil
Did you read the first post?

Superbowl Rematch ..
I saw that but i was wondering if EA would be so kind to let us play on both sides of the ball for the demo. I want to feel out my Cards on both sides.
# 88 countryboy @ 06/16/09 09:52 PM
Originally Posted by Glorious Arc

...How many times have you done that
anytime there is a demo that comes out early or is exclusive to Gamestop.
# 89 SouthernBrick @ 06/16/09 10:05 PM
Yeah they must have alot faith in this game this year. 4 five minute quaters was the last thing I expected for this demo.

Edit:Not that they didn't faith in this game already.
# 90 Ed O'Neil @ 06/16/09 10:11 PM
Originally Posted by CardsFan52
I saw that but i was wondering if EA would be so kind to let us play on both sides of the ball for the demo. I want to feel out my Cards on both sides.
Well the pre-order demo you get all 4 quarters at 5 minutes a quarter .. so there should be no problem there ..
# 91 TreyIM2 @ 06/16/09 10:17 PM
Awwww junk! I pre-ordered mine almost 2 weeks ago and that email thing they say on the Gamestop website is hard to believe. With FN4, there was all types of mis-information by Gamestop, including the email bull. At any rate, I was playing the demo the same day they said it was going to be opened to those who had pre-ordered on some other game site so I still got to play the demo early.

Anyway, 4 5min quarters?? Hotness! I hated how they only gave the end of the Superbowl game scenario last year as a demo because we were stuck playing only as the Giants on offense for under 2 min, although the demo on the PS3 was glitched to the point that at times, I would even get to kickoff after scoring the supposed game ending TD and even play on D for a little bit.
I can't wait for this demo. I'm calling Gamestop tomorrow about getting the physical card with the demo code.
# 92 CardsFan52 @ 06/16/09 10:17 PM
SWEET sorry for the all caps ...got excited
# 93 Ed O'Neil @ 06/16/09 10:39 PM
Originally Posted by CardsFan52
SWEET sorry for the all caps ...got excited
Understood man ..
# 94 Sef0r @ 06/16/09 10:39 PM
If you've pre-ordered then the assumption is that you have commited to buying the game. The 5 minutes, 4 quarter demo is to hold you over until you get your full copy. They don't need to give you a "taste" of the game, you've pre-ordered it, you ARE getting it as far as they are concerned.

Good move by EA to provide a hold over until the full game, though being exclusive to Gamespot is probably not a good move.
# 95 Ed O'Neil @ 06/16/09 10:41 PM
Originally Posted by Sef0r
If you've pre-ordered then the assumption is that you have commited to buying the game. The 5 minutes, 4 quarter demo is to hold you over until you get your full copy. They don't need to give you a "taste" of the game, you've pre-ordered it, you ARE getting it as far as they are concerned.

Good move by EA to provide a hold over until the full game, though being exclusive to Gamespot is probably not a good move.
You can always cancel your pre-order afterwards or just change it to a different game you're getting for sure ..
# 96 FAM CEO @ 06/16/09 10:43 PM
What do guys think....online or in store preorder to get the demo the fastest?
# 97 rockchisler @ 06/16/09 10:44 PM
# 98 droopizzle34 @ 06/16/09 10:50 PM
Originally Posted by Ed O'Neil
You can always cancel your pre-order afterwards or just change it to a different game you're getting for sure ..
this will be the tactic of choice for the madden haters...lol
# 99 Earl1963 @ 06/16/09 10:51 PM
Four 5 min qtrs? Hell I don't need to buy the game now then.

Thanks EA!

# 100 Ed O'Neil @ 06/17/09 12:00 AM
Originally Posted by droopizzle34
this will be the tactic of choice for the madden haters...lol
lol It's so true ..

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