Madden 2010 News Post

Check the EBGames page, right here. Per NCAA Strategies Twitter page.

"Reserve Madden NFL 10 and receive the GameStop exclusive Super Bowl XLIII rematch demo with full length quarters. The demo will feature four 5-minute quarters between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Arizona Cardinals. Available for online and in-store customers while supplies last."

Game: Madden NFL 10Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 76 - View All
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Member Comments
# 21 maddenps2 @ 06/16/09 01:39 PM
So ea is actually giving us a decent demo time like they used to do. I hate most recent sports demos. Alot of them give you 1 minute qtrs.
# 22 PlatooN @ 06/16/09 01:39 PM
well then.... Sweet!! i was hoping for 4 - 5 min quarters!......

# 23 thudias @ 06/16/09 01:50 PM
5 minute demo..wow I hope accel clock is in the demo..
# 24 boooey @ 06/16/09 01:51 PM
Originally Posted by marktg30
If you're buying the game anyway why would you need the demo? I guess I am one of those weird people that looks at a demo as a way to decide if you want the game in the first place.
exactly... just give out the demo free already.
just another attempt to squeeze more $$$ out of us
# 25 Golden28 @ 06/16/09 01:52 PM
It says it is GameStop exclusive.

Does this mean that normal mortals who just get the demo off of Xbox Live or Playstation network will not be getting this four 5 minute qtr demo at all, or does it just mean those that pre-order from GameStop will be getting it earlier?
# 26 RedZoneD25 @ 06/16/09 01:53 PM
typically exclusive means...cant get it anywhere else..
# 27 ShimSham @ 06/16/09 01:53 PM
By the way for those not sure, Gamestop and EBGames are the exact same company. The same stuff applies to EBGames.
# 28 twenty3 @ 06/16/09 01:55 PM
Originally Posted by thudias
5 minute demo..wow I hope accel clock is in the demo..
I would assume it is...thats the only way it could be 4 5 min quarters.
# 29 Golden28 @ 06/16/09 01:56 PM
Originally Posted by davey225
typically exclusive means...cant get it anywhere else..
This is what I thought. So what exactly are the rest of the world who don't pre-order going to get?

2 x 2 minute quarters?

I ask as I don't reside in the US so I am stuck with whatever they put out for free.
# 30 Brandwin @ 06/16/09 01:58 PM
Originally Posted by marktg30
If you're buying the game anyway why would you need the demo? I guess I am one of those weird people that looks at a demo as a way to decide if you want the game in the first place.
I feel that way for games I am on the fence about. i get a chance to check it out and see what I think.

Now demos for games I want and know I am going to buy, I look at it as a chance to get an early taste before it releases.
# 31 Broncos86 @ 06/16/09 01:59 PM
Originally Posted by marktg30
If you're buying the game anyway why would you need the demo? I guess I am one of those weird people that looks at a demo as a way to decide if you want the game in the first place.
If I was given a free chance to check out PRO-TAK and the game mechanics before the game released, I'd take it. Satisfies the hunger a bit.
# 32 Brandwin @ 06/16/09 02:00 PM
Originally Posted by boooey
exactly... just give out the demo free already.
just another attempt to squeeze more $$$ out of us
How is it an attempt to squeeze more money out of us? please explain that one to me.
# 33 mars85042 @ 06/16/09 02:03 PM
Reserve Madden NFL 10 and receive the GameStop exclusive Super Bowl XLIII rematch demo with full length quarters. The demo will feature four 5-minute quarters between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Arizona Cardinals. Available for online and in-store customers while supplies last.

Online / In-Store Pickup Customers: Code and download instructions will be email beginning in late July.

Store Customers: A rave card containing a code and download instructions will be available in store beginning in late July.
# 34 Hooe @ 06/16/09 02:03 PM
Looking forward to information about how I might get this demo, given that I reserved my copy way back in early April.

I like the idea of a demo that's essentially going to be a full game (in terms of the length of time of the game), though.
# 35 green94 @ 06/16/09 02:07 PM
Just reiterates the confidence this team has with their product. Personally, I love it.
# 36 Broncos86 @ 06/16/09 02:11 PM
Originally Posted by mars85042
Reserve Madden NFL 10 and receive the GameStop exclusive Super Bowl XLIII rematch demo with full length quarters. The demo will feature four 5-minute quarters between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Arizona Cardinals. Available for online and in-store customers while supplies last.

Online / In-Store Pickup Customers: Code and download instructions will be email beginning in late July.

Store Customers: A rave card containing a code and download instructions will be available in store beginning in late July.
Hot. Danke, sir.
# 37 tonedeaf @ 06/16/09 02:14 PM
Originally Posted by boooey
exactly... just give out the demo free already.
just another attempt to squeeze more $$$ out of us
How are they squeezing more money out of us? Either way your paying $60 whether you reserve it or not.
# 38 SageInfinite @ 06/16/09 02:16 PM
Can't wait to try this demo. The only bad thing is it gives people on here more time to find things to complain about.
# 39 Brandwin @ 06/16/09 02:19 PM
Originally Posted by SageInfinite
Can't wait to try this demo. The only bad thing is it gives people on here more time to find things to complain about.
I can't wait to see those threads. I am all for complaining about something, but some people go overboard with it.
# 40 marshallfever @ 06/16/09 02:21 PM
This is how demo's should be. This gives us more of a feel of the game ten a lousey 1 min qauter demo does

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