Madden 2010 News Post

Check the EBGames page, right here. Per NCAA Strategies Twitter page.

"Reserve Madden NFL 10 and receive the GameStop exclusive Super Bowl XLIII rematch demo with full length quarters. The demo will feature four 5-minute quarters between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Arizona Cardinals. Available for online and in-store customers while supplies last."

Game: Madden NFL 10Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 76 - View All
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Member Comments
# 61 MelMan1486 @ 06/16/09 04:31 PM
IMO it's just a demo. Many of us have decided if were buying the game or not so why not just wait the extra couple weeks for the full game to actually drop.

I never understood the whole preorder at gamestop and get an early demo... it's probably all about the $$$ though.

If they wanted to attract new Madden fans it would make sense to make the demo available ASAP to everyone (this applies to all games). I mean I didn't get hooked on the show till I played the demo and fell in love.
# 62 bigjuice504 @ 06/16/09 04:35 PM
Originally Posted by vols/bravesfan
I'm confused is it going to be on a disc or do you have to enter the code online?
Game stop will send you a email with the code or give it to you in the store, just like they did for fight night round 4, then you enter it in at psn or xbox live then you can play your demo.
# 63 swaldo @ 06/16/09 04:41 PM
I didn't have to think twice about this one. I just pre-ordered from gamestop.com, took me a few minutes and didn't cost me a dime. If I change my mind later I'll just switch the pre-order to Modern Warfare.

Remember that 'NFL: In Just One Play' DVD last year that had the Madden 09 demo in it? It was released July 22 and people on this forum were scrambling to get ahold of a copy. This is a "limited time bonus" so no messing around here. My order is in so come July I'll simply pop my code in and play some football.

When you pre-order online you can also choose store pick-up. Here is how to select that option....

How to Use In-Store Pickup
Just add eligible pre-orders to your cart using the "Add to Cart" button. When asked to select a shipping address during the checkout process, you have the option to "Add a Store" to your list of addresses. Entering your Zip code will provide a list of local GameStop locations. Choose a store and it will be added to your address book.
# 64 bigjuice504 @ 06/16/09 04:45 PM
Originally Posted by MelMan1486
IMO it's just a demo. Many of us have decided if were buying the game or not so why not just wait the extra couple weeks for the full game to actually drop.

I never understood the whole preorder at gamestop and get an early demo... it's probably all about the $$$ though.

If they wanted to attract new Madden fans it would make sense to make the demo available ASAP to everyone (this applies to all games). I mean I didn't get hooked on the show till I played the demo and fell in love.
Thank you, you right, people have not played madden 2010 yet and per ordering it for a demo and might not even like the game, but once you open it you can't get your 60 dollars back, so why per order ? All the videos look nice for madden 10, just like madden 09 and madden 09 was disappointing, you never buy a car before you test drive it, so why would you per order a game before you play it ?
# 65 bigjuice504 @ 06/16/09 05:02 PM
Originally Posted by swaldo
I didn't have to think twice about this one. I just pre-ordered from gamestop.com, took me a few minutes and didn't cost me a dime. If I change my mind later I'll just switch the pre-order to Modern Warfare.

Remember that NFL video last year that had the Madden 09 demo in it? I think it came out a week before the demo went live to the masses and people on this forum were scrambling to get ahold of a copy.

This is a "limited time bonus" so no messing around here. My order is in so come July I'll simply pop my code in and play some football.

When you pre-order online you can also choose store pick-up. Here is how to select that option....

How to Use In-Store Pickup
Just add eligible pre-orders to your cart using the "Add to Cart" button. When asked to select a shipping address during the checkout process, you have the option to "Add a Store" to your list of addresses. Entering your Zip code will provide a list of local GameStop locations. Choose a store and it will be added to your address book.
Now I agree with you, that's smart what you do, the online thing with game stop. I did not know you could do everything on their website like that, so I understand what you are doing.
# 66 Brandwin @ 06/16/09 05:11 PM
Originally Posted by MelMan1486
IMO it's just a demo. Many of us have decided if were buying the game or not so why not just wait the extra couple weeks for the full game to actually drop.

I never understood the whole preorder at gamestop and get an early demo... it's probably all about the $$$ though.

If they wanted to attract new Madden fans it would make sense to make the demo available ASAP to everyone (this applies to all games). I mean I didn't get hooked on the show till I played the demo and fell in love.
So when the demo is out there without pre-ordering the game, you're not going to download it either?

Originally Posted by bigjuice504
Thank you, you right, people have not played madden 2010 yet and per ordering it for a demo and might not even like the game, but once you open it you can't get your 60 dollars back, so why per order ? All the videos look nice for madden 10, just like madden 09 and madden 09 was disappointing, you never buy a car before you test drive it, so why would you per order a game before you play it ?
I don't understand your logic at all. So are you saying everyone should rent the game before they buy it? You do know, if you pay $5 to pre-order a game, it goes towards the price of the game correct? It's not an extra $5 bucks. You can pre-order and then if you don't like it, a) put the $5 bucks towards something else b) get your money back.

Going off your logic... getting the demo would be best because you could test drive it before you plop $60 down on it. A demo is for that main reason. So people can see how the game is and decide if they want to buy it or not.
# 67 SageInfinite @ 06/16/09 05:14 PM
Yea I don't get the big deal with pre ordering, you can always move it to another game or just get your money back. I'm definitely pre-ordering to get the demo early.
# 68 rainesdaddy @ 06/16/09 05:42 PM
Originally Posted by bigjuice504
Want you mean ? you don't get it. so you will per order madden from game stop and not want the game when it comes out at midnight, then why would you per order from game stop, just don't per order and pick it when you feel like it, they won't run out of copies. You miss the whole point why people per order from game stop to get madden that night before everybody else.
First of all, they do run out of copies, thus, PREORDER. For us old guys who've been playin since before it was on console(was pc only), we do it to ensure we have a copy, pick it up the same day you do, just later. When i was a kid YES! Go to my dorm room, where the fellas were waitin, no class tomorrow, madden, madden, madden. It was our holiday. Makes no since for us now. We don't do it to get it at midnight, we do it so we can get it. GET IT?
# 69 CardsFan52 @ 06/16/09 06:04 PM
So to clear this up if you pre ordered (me) than when should you go to the game stop and acquire your demo?
# 70 swaldo @ 06/16/09 06:15 PM
If you pre-order online for store pick-up you don't even have to drop the $5.00 up front. You pay in full on release day when you pick it up.

However, if you don't show up withing 48 hours after release, the terms state Gamestop online will charge you a $5.00 re-stocking fee (that's why you have to enter your credit card number.) So basically make sure you cancel or switch before that time.
# 71 swaldo @ 06/16/09 06:21 PM
Originally Posted by CardsFan52
So to clear this up if you pre ordered (me) than when should you go to the game stop and acquire your demo?
It just states "Late July." Last year it was July 22 so I'll guess it will be around the same time this year. And you're not acquiring a demo in the store, they will give you a card with a code on it.
# 72 CardsFan52 @ 06/16/09 06:36 PM
Originally Posted by swaldo
It just states "Late July." Last year it was July 22 so I'll guess it will be around the same time this year. And you're not acquiring a demo in the store, they will give you a card with a code on it.

Alright thanks for the info bro.
# 73 RaiderKtulu @ 06/16/09 07:05 PM
I didn't read the whole thread... but isn't the whole point of a demo to see if the game is worth buying? Making you buy the game to access a demo doesn't really make much sense to me....
# 74 Brandwin @ 06/16/09 08:20 PM
Originally Posted by RaiderKtulu
I didn't read the whole thread... but isn't the whole point of a demo to see if the game is worth buying? Making you buy the game to access a demo doesn't really make much sense to me....

I must have skipped over the part where it says you have to buy the game.
# 75 countryboy @ 06/16/09 08:25 PM
Buy the game to get the demo? I'm pretty sure the game costs more than $5.

Besides, its not like you can't just cancel the pre-order and get your money back. I hate Gamestop as much as the next guy and don't like the idea of having to pre-order thru them just to get access to certain demos or to get demos early.

But its not really that big of a deal. Plus its kinda fun to pre-order the game, walk out to the car, put the code in the car, then walk back in and cancel the pre-order.

They don't like that too much...lol
# 76 CanesFan5 @ 06/16/09 08:28 PM
I'm pretty sure you do NOT have to buy the game to get the demo. People are starting to give the demo to people who preorder EARLIER than they give it to the general public. There WILL BE A MADDEN 10 PUBLIC DEMO.
# 77 Glorious Arc @ 06/16/09 08:37 PM
Originally Posted by countryboy
Buy the game to get the demo? I'm pretty sure the game costs more than $5.

Besides, its not like you can't just cancel the pre-order and get your money back. I hate Gamestop as much as the next guy and don't like the idea of having to pre-order thru them just to get access to certain demos or to get demos early.

But its not really that big of a deal. Plus its kinda fun to pre-order the game, walk out to the car, put the code in the car, then walk back in and cancel the pre-order.

They don't like that too much...lol

...How many times have you done that

I will pre-order it but I might not have enough money to get M10 on the release date if I get NCAA/another game. Stupid economy.
# 78 Candyman5 @ 06/16/09 08:46 PM
Originally Posted by boooey
exactly... just give out the demo free already.
just another attempt to squeeze more $$$ out of us
Dude, you pay the same amount of money whether you preorder it or not. Your statement makes no sense. I doubt the demo will be gamestop exclusive, it probably will just be released earlier to those of us that preorder. Also if you want to demo early, put 5 bucks on madden at a Gamestop, get code then cancell preorder. Problem solved.

Also is it just me or does everyone always have something to complain about regardless about what it is.
# 79 droopizzle34 @ 06/16/09 08:49 PM
check pasta's twitter guys, pre orders get the 5 min. 4 quarters demo,and everyone else gets a demo similiar to the one last year.(madden moments)
# 80 CanesFan5 @ 06/16/09 08:52 PM
Originally Posted by Details
The public demo won't have five minute quarters.
Yeah, but there will be a public demo. It may not be the same, but there will be one. People were saying stuff along the lines "So you have to buy the game to test it?"

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