Tiger Woods 10 News Post

For those of you that purchased Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 10, please post your impressions here.

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Game: Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 10Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 23 - View All
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Member Comments
# 121 N51_rob @ 06/11/09 12:27 AM
Originally Posted by bluengold34
No prb Dave.....I will put something together for this weekend then Bro.

How does Sunday Night work. If it does, we will do the OS Tourney Sunday night.
If you are doing this on Sunday nights, I would love to play as well.
# 122 bluengold34_OS @ 06/11/09 01:07 AM
Originally Posted by N51_rob
If you are doing this on Sunday nights, I would love to play as well.

Sounds good Bro......you are in. I will post time, course and all that good stuff in a seperate thread on Saturday.
# 123 bluengold34_OS @ 06/11/09 01:08 AM
Originally Posted by mikemj23
i have no will power at all. I bit the bullet and traded a few games and got it based off all the opinions of you guys.

Blue - i'm in for a tourney if you are putting together.

Here's to hoping the online Tour Pro mode is realistic....
Sounds good Mike.....welcome aboard. God I hope you like it, or I will feel like an ***.
# 124 bluengold34_OS @ 06/11/09 01:12 AM
Originally Posted by Jeffrey99

If you got room and need another guy, I'd be down. If not, not big deal. I can play just about anytime, let me know and I'll be there.
Damn Bro, we have room for a fellow Hoosier.

Thats 3 post in a row...sorry
# 125 sooner1 @ 06/11/09 01:36 AM
Ill play with you guys! Sooner 54 online 360.
# 126 TimmeH @ 06/11/09 02:10 AM
I'm started to get frustrated with this game. I'm all about challenge, but I swear only one out of every four shots go straight. I must hit the ball out of bounds four times a round, and completely shank it another five or six times. I just don't understand how it can be so hard for me to hit a straight shot with the left analog stick. I never had any problems with other games that use the stick like that.

And I'm not even playing with a created golfer...I'm playing with frickin' Tiger. Yet I was just shooting +15 after seven holes.

I know I haven't played this game in a couple years, I never liked how easy it was before. Now I can't do anything. I suck.
# 127 kehlis @ 06/11/09 02:12 AM
Sorry if this is old news but I just discovered this tonight and thought I would pass it along to anyone who may not know.

When playing the tournament challenge against an opponent in a 9 hole match play, if you hit x (or I am assuming A works for xbox) right after the CPu takes its shot it will skip the shot.

For years I have just been holding Triangle (Y) to speed it up.

Again, sorry if this is old, but I just discovered it tonight and I am stoked!
# 128 Ty @ 06/11/09 03:06 AM
I love the updates on the scores as you play.
# 129 cingular @ 06/11/09 03:15 AM
Great tip Kehlis on speeding up the CPU.

What is the best most efficient way to unlock everything? Play all the challenges on Easy or whatever and then Tour Pro for the tourneys when he is developed?

TP for everything? I swear I sucked on that 2nd one at TPC Sawgrass ; I had to cut a 3 iron into 17 because of the wind that took like 30 tries and than get that crazy 45' into a 1 foot radius and it was impossible with my almost default rated guy (all 4's) in Tour Pro mode.

What is the consensus taking into account sim yet also not wasting time unlocking this crap playing games.?
# 130 Benz7524 @ 06/11/09 04:20 AM
Originally Posted by baa7
Just rented the 360 version. The last TW console game I owned and played was TW 06 for the 360 (I play the PC version). Now, given this is the fifth year on next-gen consoles, can someone please explain (justify?) why on earth EA STILL hasn't incorporated a tempo-sensitive swing ala Links 2004?

I'm truly baffled by this. This is supposed to by a golf simulation. The simple fact is, the ability to raise the club over one's head and hold it there indefinitely without losing power/accuracy, is arcade nonsense. The equivelent would be a video football game where one could drop back with their QB and scan the field for a receiver indefinitely without risk of getting sacked. And a football game like that would be considered laughable.

Anyway and as for the rest of it: the game strikes me as being developed for kids. What's with all the locked content, my god? And typical of EA and the restrictions they place on the user, I'm forced to carry a driver -- what's up with that? Also, the lack of authentic PGA atmosphere and presentation (don't these developers ever watch actual PGA tourneys on TV?), along with the cartooney player faces/models and the uber-bright color palette, all reek of an attempt to appeal to the gamer crowd as opposed to people who actually follow the PGA and who play golf themselves (and who live on earth and in world of muted, realistic tones and colors, lol).

I've been playing cyber golf for close to twenty years, and have been golfing and watching PGA golf on TV for four-plus decades. This game is neither representative of the PGA, or the skill and mechanics involved in hitting a golf ball correctly. It's a child's toy, is what it is.
I couldn't agree with you more. It pisses me off how much the presentation and feel of actual PGA golf gets lost in the TW series. I seriously don't think that the developers ever watch golf on TV. I watch alot of golf on TV, and I am yet to see a player drop his club and start dancing...it is just so stupid. I wrote a post a few years ago when they announced broadcast presentation in the game, and then found out all that meant was the PIP window, it just proves they don't watch cuz the PIP window hasn't been used since '02 in a real golf broadcast. If EA is going to hold onto the exclusive PGA license (which is a shame cuz i know 2K could make a game that would blow this away) then we need a PGA Tour golf game, not an arcade cartoonish golf game with PGA players. I mean the commentary is a joke, the reactions are unbelievable childish, and camera angles (don't even get me started on the big-hit cameras) are way too videogame, not enough real life. Also, I don't know if it bothers anyone else, but just once I would like to see my golfer bend down and pick his ball up out of the cup. I know what would make the perfect golf game for us actual golfers, but for some reason it seems all EA cares about is appealing to the guys that watch Happy Gilmore and want to bust 450 yard drives and eagle every hole. Am I alone on this or does anyone else agree?
# 131 Benz7524 @ 06/11/09 05:21 AM
Originally Posted by dave374
Baa7 is just hating for the sake of hating.

I have been golf gaming since 1992 and I find TW 10 a solid game of golf.

Is it perfect? Of course not. But Baa7 acts like it's absolutely unplayable.

Play it on tour pro level with black tees and hard/difficult green placement. Don't boost your golfer's attributes past 7 ... and tell me you're the real Tiger.

Baa7 is just posting for the sake of posting.
No, he really isn't and I agree with him completely. The game is made for kids and it doesn't feel a thing like actual PGA Tournament golf. I am not talking about the difficulty of it, I am talking about the cheesiness of it from the things people say to the stupid dances to the fact that golfers just walk right over the cup and never pick up their ball. It doesn't matter if you put in our tour pro mode, you still get all the ridiculous weekend warrior amateur public course happy gilmore BS that has no place in a PGA Tour game.
# 132 EdgeCrusher @ 06/11/09 07:40 AM
Originally Posted by Benz7524
No, he really isn't and I agree with him completely. The game is made for kids and it doesn't feel a thing like actual PGA Tournament golf. I am not talking about the difficulty of it, I am talking about the cheesiness of it from the things people say to the stupid dances to the fact that golfers just walk right over the cup and never pick up their ball. It doesn't matter if you put in our tour pro mode, you still get all the ridiculous weekend warrior amateur public course happy gilmore BS that has no place in a PGA Tour game.
The actual game of golf on tour pro plays great.From how the rough plays, to the wind, how fast greens will run, etc. I find it kind of laughable that the fluff is your major complaint.Just an idea, but hit the 'A' or 'X' button(depending on system) and you don't have to watch what they say or do.

Your guy doesn't pick his ball up out of the hole! Seriously? You are aware that you are playing a video game and you are playing a simulated round of gold on a simulated course?
# 133 DivotMaker @ 06/11/09 08:06 AM
Originally Posted by Benz7524
I am talking about the cheesiness of it from the things people say to the stupid dances to the fact that golfers just walk right over the cup and never pick up their ball. It doesn't matter if you put in our tour pro mode, you still get all the ridiculous weekend warrior amateur public course happy gilmore BS that has no place in a PGA Tour game.
Turn all of it off in the Options menu....Golfer reactions, big hit moments/cameras, etc....
# 134 DivotMaker @ 06/11/09 08:41 AM
# 135 daz @ 06/11/09 09:53 AM
Originally Posted by Benz7524
I couldn't agree with you more. It pisses me off how much the presentation and feel of actual PGA golf gets lost in the TW series. I seriously don't think that the developers ever watch golf on TV. I watch alot of golf on TV, and I am yet to see a player drop his club and start dancing...it is just so stupid. I wrote a post a few years ago when they announced broadcast presentation in the game, and then found out all that meant was the PIP window, it just proves they don't watch cuz the PIP window hasn't been used since '02 in a real golf broadcast. If EA is going to hold onto the exclusive PGA license (which is a shame cuz i know 2K could make a game that would blow this away) then we need a PGA Tour golf game, not an arcade cartoonish golf game with PGA players. I mean the commentary is a joke, the reactions are unbelievable childish, and camera angles (don't even get me started on the big-hit cameras) are way too videogame, not enough real life. Also, I don't know if it bothers anyone else, but just once I would like to see my golfer bend down and pick his ball up out of the cup. I know what would make the perfect golf game for us actual golfers, but for some reason it seems all EA cares about is appealing to the guys that watch Happy Gilmore and want to bust 450 yard drives and eagle every hole. Am I alone on this or does anyone else agree?
I'm totally with you on this. I really enjoy this game being the first TW I've played in probably 4-5 years. But the thing that gets me is the crappy announcing (sorry, I just don't like it) and the over the top celebrations. Luckily if you hit A quickly enough you spare yourself the embarrassment of riding your golf club like it's a pony. And if I hear, "Get in your hole" one more time........
# 136 starship @ 06/11/09 10:04 AM
Originally Posted by daz
And if I hear, "Get in your hole" one more time........
My 'favorite' is "He can't be happy with a bogey on that hole." Well, DUH! How often ARE you happy with a bogey, Einstein?

At least you can turn off most of this stuff in options.
# 137 Ryman @ 06/11/09 10:07 AM
I love the random weather feature, but wonder why wind isn't included and is separate. It would be even better if I could put wind at random and get different gusts throughout the round.

The courses are beautiful, for the first time, I was amazed by the hills and slopes of St. Andrews. Which normally, I always viewed as a flat boring course with big greens.

I'm still hitting too many fairways however, I was of the opinion that Tiger 08 had the perfect stick sensitivity, yet they seemed to relaxed this a bit.

I wish while playing online I would be given more options, like follow cam and turning of the 3 hole simultaneous play feature. I'm in the minority on not liking it. I feel like those lines make it into a race to finish first.

The trend of charging 600 msft pts courses (Spyglass) is absurd, 200-400 would be a more reasonable price. Maybe 600 for a 2 course pack but not for one single course.
# 138 daz @ 06/11/09 10:18 AM
Originally Posted by baa7
The awful wooden announcing (why'd they get rid of M & F??), the celebration animations and the voices can all be turned off in options.
Yeah, it helps to go into the options to see this. It's been a long school year teaching so my brain is on shut down mode.
Thanks, I'll be turning off a lot of these options and turning down the commentary.
# 139 mikemj23 @ 06/11/09 10:41 AM
Originally Posted by bluengold34
Sounds good Mike.....welcome aboard. God I hope you like it, or I will feel like an ***.
Blue - Played 2 rounds last night.

Tour Pro daily at Turnberry Ailsa - 78 - used Tiger.
First tourney in career mode with attributes all in the 2.5 - 3.5 range - 76 with 13 fairways hit and 38% GIR.

Very much like the new putting.

Again - I anticipate that tourney scores on Tour Pro will be more realistic once EA rolls out single try events. Happy with the game so far.
# 140 mikemj23 @ 06/11/09 10:58 AM
Guys I totally agree with all of the comments about the over the top celebrations, big hit animations, announcing etc. I've always hated that crap, but as others mentioned, just turn it off. I do leave the announcers on, although they continue to be pretty bad.

As far as the commentary, I just don't get it. I mean look at other sports games . . . Specifically MLB the Show, that game has so much variety from the announcers it's sick. I'm 65 games into a season and I'm still hearing new stuff. In all honesty, I just don't think that the commentary is very high on the priority list from year to year. Taking a year off before releasing the next version could really benefit something like beefing up the commentary.

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