Madden 2010 News Post

I was a bit concerned with the E3 build (like most of you probably were) that were a lot of times where defenders would just bounce off instead of wrapping up. I am happy to say it is much improved...just played a full game against Donny (I was Vikings, he was Cardinals - he killed me BTW), and it was WAY better ... much more predictable and reliable than the E3 build.

I dug deeper to see what happened and found out that before E3 there was some tuning being done to dictate when gang tackles could be triggered, and the primary criteria was the angle of the ballcarrier in relation to the ground. Meaning, if a player was about to fall / touch the ground, he shouldn't be able to be gang tackled (obviously because he would warp back to upright). Apparently there were a few bugs in this calculation though, so often times it would think he was leaned over when in fact he wasn't. Now it has been tuned much more appropriately, and the gang tackles are really looking great.

As a side note, the momentum in PRO-TAK is also much more pronounced as well (and also finally doesn't stop when the players engage...it keeps moving throughout the tackle) Both Beanie Wells and Peterson really felt like they were carrying those first 2 defenders when they had a head of steam...which looked and felt great. Unfortunately I don't have vids but I'll try to get some soon.

Thought you'd like the update...on to looking at everyone's other favorite issue - the pass rush!

Game: Madden NFL 10Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 76 - View All
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Member Comments
# 141 mars85042 @ 06/08/09 08:31 PM
Originally Posted by njd.aitken
More good news for Madden, I hope they don't blow it like they always do.
It's nice to see your positive attitude!!!
# 142 Skyboxer @ 06/08/09 08:32 PM
Originally Posted by njd.aitken
More good news for Madden, I hope they don't blow it like they always do.
Yeah that was really helpful and appropriate.
Where do some of you come from. I'm glad I don't live such a misrable life as a lot of the posters on here obviously do. Can any of you ever just be happy. Even when you want to say something "nice" and uplifting you have to get your misery in at the end.
# 143 Hellisan @ 06/09/09 05:15 AM
I agree with this - It's probably too late for this year, but they need to make running backs like they've made the QBs this year, where you can tell the guy just by the way he moves around. I'm happy what they've done with the QBs though. I'm gonna be happy with that for now but hoping for the best on the running animations next season.
# 144 boritter @ 06/09/09 05:49 AM
I think Ian has been great for Madden. As a NCAA guy I am jealous that he is working on Madden.
# 145 will12203 @ 06/09/09 05:51 AM
awesome news Ian my hats off to you and your Madden team!
# 146 Prime Time 1978 @ 06/10/09 12:01 AM
hey Ian, thanks for the update. Will you by tunning the run animation too, it looked a little stiff. you guys are doing good so far. please dont forget all the uniforms this year.
# 147 NYyankz225 @ 06/10/09 12:08 AM
Excellent. Can't wait to see that video you're compressing .
# 148 43Chargers4Now @ 07/04/09 11:10 AM
Awesome That will make the game much better!!

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