Madden 2010 News Post

I was a bit concerned with the E3 build (like most of you probably were) that were a lot of times where defenders would just bounce off instead of wrapping up. I am happy to say it is much improved...just played a full game against Donny (I was Vikings, he was Cardinals - he killed me BTW), and it was WAY better ... much more predictable and reliable than the E3 build.

I dug deeper to see what happened and found out that before E3 there was some tuning being done to dictate when gang tackles could be triggered, and the primary criteria was the angle of the ballcarrier in relation to the ground. Meaning, if a player was about to fall / touch the ground, he shouldn't be able to be gang tackled (obviously because he would warp back to upright). Apparently there were a few bugs in this calculation though, so often times it would think he was leaned over when in fact he wasn't. Now it has been tuned much more appropriately, and the gang tackles are really looking great.

As a side note, the momentum in PRO-TAK is also much more pronounced as well (and also finally doesn't stop when the players engage...it keeps moving throughout the tackle) Both Beanie Wells and Peterson really felt like they were carrying those first 2 defenders when they had a head of steam...which looked and felt great. Unfortunately I don't have vids but I'll try to get some soon.

Thought you'd like the update...on to looking at everyone's other favorite issue - the pass rush!

Game: Madden NFL 10Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 76 - View All
Madden NFL 10 Videos
Member Comments
# 21 skudplayr @ 06/06/09 05:29 PM
Has anyone else noticed that Ian looks exactly like Tony Romo?
# 22 Jim Kelley @ 06/06/09 05:30 PM
I must say I was a little disappointed with some of the presentation (halftime & extra point) but its the game play that really matters. Thanks Ian for continuing to work on the pass rush. That was my major gripe with the game.
# 23 ch46647 @ 06/06/09 05:30 PM
YOU ARE THE MAN!! I am sure you will get that pocket looking much better as well. Just make the DE's explode up the field faster. I am so excited for this years Madden!!

I know last year you were kind enough to record a full game and post it on here for us. Now that you have that new recording device, would it be possible for you to make another one of those and post it? If you were to do this for us would it be possible for us to hear the audio as well... I wanna hear how the crowd sounds/reacts.

Madden is looking GREAT this year by the way!!
# 24 TheWatcher @ 06/06/09 05:32 PM
Originally Posted by Ian_Cummings_EA
I was a bit concerned with the E3 build (like most of you probably were) that were a lot of times where defenders would just bounce off instead of wrapping up. I am happy to say it is much improved...just played a full game against Donny (I was Vikings, he was Cardinals - he killed me BTW), and it was WAY better ... much more predictable and reliable than the E3 build.

I dug deeper to see what happened and found out that before E3 there was some tuning being done to dictate when gang tackles could be triggered, and the primary criteria was the angle of the ballcarrier in relation to the ground. Meaning, if a player was about to fall / touch the ground, he shouldn't be able to be gang tackled (obviously because he would warp back to upright). Apparently there were a few bugs in this calculation though, so often times it would think he was leaned over when in fact he wasn't. Now it has been tuned much more appropriately, and the gang tackles are really looking great.

As a side note, the momentum in PRO-TAK is also much more pronounced as well (and also finally doesn't stop when the players engage...it keeps moving throughout the tackle) Both Beanie Wells and Peterson really felt like they were carrying those first 2 defenders when they had a head of steam...which looked and felt great. Unfortunately I don't have vids but I'll try to get some soon.

Thought you'd like the update...on to looking at everyone's other favorite issue - the BIG red circle!

... just kidding

Glad you're back posting. You really did a great job on those angles we talked about. They're actually far better than I was hoping for. I've been jumping up and down all day over it
# 25 Hotlanta @ 06/06/09 05:33 PM
Thanks for the update Ian.

Hopefully pass rush can get tuned properly, and still have time to work on the AI logic to get more out of turn rates.
# 26 bison160 @ 06/06/09 05:35 PM
Sounds good Ian, great to hear. Is there still going to be time to fix the idiotic inconsistancy of the the Offensive linemen on run plays that has plagued the game forever, and still does as of E3?
# 27 SoxFan01605 @ 06/06/09 05:38 PM
Good stuff Ian. I know you said momentum in pro-tak scenarios is improved as well, but what about regular momentum? Looking at some of the vids from E3 there were a few Kick returns (I'm thinking one in particular looked REALLY good...can't remember which one though) that looked excellent with good weight shifting, planting, etc.

The other running looked very "twitchy" by comparison. I know Adembroski mentioned that there potentially were momentum issues and it may have been scaled back from when he saw it for that reason, but I was curious as to what (if any) tuning will be done to better balance this before release?

Thanks...and the game looks like it's shaping up prety nicely.
# 28 baumy300 @ 06/06/09 05:43 PM
I like this Cummings guy
# 29 -DaVe- @ 06/06/09 05:44 PM
Originally Posted by DocHolliday
Ian the Pass Rush seems to be the final thing you guys need to knock this out of the park!

Get those DE's down field!

And running animations!

welcome back ian!
# 30 cowboyscowboys @ 06/06/09 05:45 PM
I like this post a lot
# 31 bowdown2shadi @ 06/06/09 05:46 PM
Originally Posted by baumy300
I like this Cummings guy
Who doesn't?
# 32 Ian_Cummings @ 06/06/09 05:47 PM
Locomotion, momentum, acceleration, etc is all still being worked on so once we get locked in I'll do my best to let everyone know how it panned out (positive and negative). Though the game was more 'weighted' at community day than it is now, it was also the primary cause towards all of our broken gameplay (600+ rush yards per game with fast players, easy money 100% completions on curls and slants, etc). I am still definitely happy with the strides taken this year. Every single person felt the changes immediately at E3...and that was a great goal to reach.

Just so you all know, compared to the build at community day, as of right now the turn rates are about 4% tighter, and acceleration/deceleration are about 8% faster. The direction change animations (they are still there) were trimmed to be about 7% shorter.

Even with us having to slightly back away from the CD values to help fix all of our AI issues, I just thought it would help to compare the current Madden 10 values against Madden 09..
Turn rates = 46% wider than 09
Acceleration/Deceleration = 32% slower than 09
Direction change animations = can't compare, there really weren't any in 09

I am honestly the most concerned with the actual bugs at this point where players blip around and face the other direction without having to cut or slow down and follow ANY laws of momentum...it is a much more rare occurrence now but it is still happening (mostly with blockers). Momentum is still very important to me though - we are doing our best to balance the game to not have money plays and AI issues while still keeping that "SIM" feel at the fore-front. Will update soon.
# 33 SageInfinite @ 06/06/09 05:47 PM
Thanx alot Ian. Hopefully the presentation is still being tuned as well.

Id like to see more replays, have the playcall screen not come up so quickly if we don't press any buttons, and also have the post play camera kick in after the play is over.
# 34 bigwill33 @ 06/06/09 05:48 PM
That is good, things looked just a little bit off with the Pro Tak in action from the E3 videos. I just assumed it was because of it being an earlier build though and that things would be tightened up. Glad he saw it too and worked out the kinks.

Did we ever get an answer to whether or not the game was supposed to cut to the play call screen as soon as a play is over with the cut scene in the background or if it was just someone hitting the button to skip past things? That is my next big issue as I figured pass rush should be adjustable with sliders and game levels etc.
# 35 CKW11 @ 06/06/09 05:49 PM
Sounds good, appreciate the update Ian. Man i cant wait to see Beanie Wells in action, and see how he performs with a head of steam
# 36 SoxFan01605 @ 06/06/09 05:51 PM
Originally Posted by Ian_Cummings_EA
Locomotion, momentum, acceleration, etc is all still being worked on so once we get locked in I'll do my best to let everyone know how it panned out (positive and negative). Though the game was more 'weighted' at community day than it is now, it was also the primary cause towards all of our broken gameplay (600+ rush yards per game with fast players, easy money 100% completions on curls and slants, etc). I am still definitely happy with the strides taken this year. Every single person felt the changes immediately at E3...and that was a great goal to reach.

Just so you all know, compared to the build at community day, as of right now the turn rates are about 4% tighter, and acceleration/deceleration are about 8% faster. The direction change animations (they are still there) were trimmed to be about 7% shorter.

Even with us having to slightly back away from the CD values to help fix all of our AI issues, I just thought it would help to compare the current Madden 10 values against Madden 09..
Turn rates = 46% wider than 09
Acceleration/Deceleration = 32% slower than 09
Direction change animations = can't compare, there really weren't any in 09

I am honestly the most concerned with the actual bugs at this point where players blip around and face the other direction without having to cut or slow down and follow ANY laws of momentum...it is a much more rare occurrence now but it is still happening (mostly with blockers). Momentum is still very important to me though - we are doing our best to balance the game to not have money plays and AI issues while still keeping that "SIM" feel at the fore-front. Will update soon.
Excellent. Thanks for the response Ian. I understand it's a delicate balance. Obviously hard issues would be the priority. I'm just glad you're still actively toying with this stuff where you can.

As I've said many times since the E3 footage has poured in: The improvements are quite tangible to me. I'm looking forward to getting my hands on it and getting a feel for how it plays as well.
# 37 ken986 @ 06/06/09 05:56 PM
Good job.

I noticed some stuff and I was like this can't be happening. No way.

But kudos on updating us. I hope y'all make the game a lot better. You still got time.
# 38 DirtyBird @ 06/06/09 05:56 PM
Thats really good to hear and i cant wait for the vids =D
# 39 Da Bears @ 06/06/09 05:58 PM
# 40 PantherBeast_OS @ 06/06/09 05:59 PM
Originally Posted by Ian_Cummings_EA
Locomotion, momentum, acceleration, etc is all still being worked on so once we get locked in I'll do my best to let everyone know how it panned out (positive and negative). Though the game was more 'weighted' at community day than it is now, it was also the primary cause towards all of our broken gameplay (600+ rush yards per game with fast players, easy money 100% completions on curls and slants, etc). I am still definitely happy with the strides taken this year. Every single person felt the changes immediately at E3...and that was a great goal to reach.

Just so you all know, compared to the build at community day, as of right now the turn rates are about 4% tighter, and acceleration/deceleration are about 8% faster. The direction change animations (they are still there) were trimmed to be about 7% shorter.

Even with us having to slightly back away from the CD values to help fix all of our AI issues, I just thought it would help to compare the current Madden 10 values against Madden 09..
Turn rates = 46% wider than 09
Acceleration/Deceleration = 32% slower than 09
Direction change animations = can't compare, there really weren't any in 09

I am honestly the most concerned with the actual bugs at this point where players blip around and face the other direction without having to cut or slow down and follow ANY laws of momentum...it is a much more rare occurrence now but it is still happening (mostly with blockers). Momentum is still very important to me though - we are doing our best to balance the game to not have money plays and AI issues while still keeping that "SIM" feel at the fore-front. Will update soon.
Thanks for the update again Ian. I looking forward to the final version of the game in 2 months. BTW Ian will ya'll be doing any offline franchise blogs in the next few weeks??

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