Madden 2010 News Post

This was just confirmed in the E3 press conference.

Check out the official website for more details.

"Madden NFL fans...you asked for it, and now you got it - Online Franchise comes to Madden NFL 10. Compete in leagues of 32 teams, featuring real NFL scheduling, to find out who owns the virtual gridiron.

Announced on stage at the EA E3 2009 press conference, Madden NFL 10 Online Franchise features a robust feature set, including live drafts, player transactions, league message boards, and more - all manageable from your console, remotely through a web browser, or via a custom iPod Touch Application. Your Madden NFL 10 Online Franchise is always just a click away.

Don't worry about being tied to your console for your upcoming Online Franchise live draft. You and your friends can all participate simultaneously from your game console or online, via an Internet connection and web browser. Set your depth chart while waiting in line at the grocery store, and it will automatically be updated for your next game. Have access to your Madden NFL 10 Online Franchise 24/7, 365.

Online Franchise is exclusive to the Xbox 360 and PLAYSTATION 3 versions of Madden NFL 10, which will be available in stores on August 14th."

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Member Comments
# 181 pfunk880 @ 06/01/09 10:42 PM
Originally Posted by Rebel10
There is just as much evidence to suggest that this will actually be a dancing simulator, rather than a football game... because, heck, nobody says it isn't a dancing simulator.

# 182 Glorious Arc @ 06/01/09 10:44 PM
Originally Posted by Rebel10
There is zero evidence to believe that Online Franchise will be limited to one year. There is just as much evidence to suggest that this will actually be a dancing simulator, rather than a football game... because, heck, nobody says it isn't a dancing simulator. The other little things, scouting players, etc., now maybe those will be missing, I don't think it's the end of the world, but to announce something as a "franchise" mode and to also have concurrent reports talk about "future draft picks," and then lo & behold, it is a single-season mode, would be very strange.

I think that your history-of-EA-induced neurosis has gotten the better of you
I did say I was confused

I understand the ramifications if Online Franchise mode is not multi year and hope that my confusion is all in vain. With different reports giving different details we wont know until a later time what it really is. Smart money is on multi season year but EA is not always smart...there I go again with the history-of-EA...

I have faith in Ian to make the smart move but I dont want to assume something when it has yet to be said if it really is what we think it is.
# 183 Moegames @ 06/01/09 10:46 PM
Originally Posted by rckinAPhilliezhat
Im going to go out on the limb and say that 2k just got beat as far as presentation goes..It looks like if there was an nfl 2k10..this is what the presentation would look like. As for gameplay.....we'll talk about that later lol
I wouldnt say that yet... 2k5 had ALOT of various cut scenes...if Madden 10 has few too little...those cut scenes will repeat way too often...like i tried telling the dev's in here over last year and quite frequently i might add....they key to adding cut scene's into this game relies heavely on the amount you add...2k5 had ALOT of different cut scenes..just enough where they really never got old over the fall and winter i played 2k5...The Madden dev's need to make sure that their are plenty of various cut scenes...otherwise it will ruin the entire experience.

# 184 SoxFan01605 @ 06/01/09 10:46 PM
Originally Posted by MrNFL_FanIQ
This feature does almost nothing for me personally. Congrats to everyone else who asked for this I suppose. I hate online play personally, and probably won't even be capable of playing online due to my situation when Madden comes out.

PLEASE let there be a good OFFLINE franchise!
With you here...would like to hear some details on offline franchise improvement first. Still, good for those who use it.

I will also add that some of the pics (presumably from cutscenes, etc) are looking nice. Hopefully presentation in franchise (both offline and on) is deep, as that as much as almost any added feature is key to immersion.
# 185 whoady4shoady @ 06/01/09 10:47 PM
I just hope they put as much time into the tweaking the final build gameplay as they did in the presentation. The presentation looks better and better with each video I see, but the gameplay is doing the exact opposite with each new video IMHO.
# 186 varo @ 06/01/09 10:48 PM
i am very happy they addressed the presentation, its obvious that ian and company listened to the fans.


i really hope they tighten up the gameplay. did anyone else notice when the tight end ( i think from arizona) caught that td and seemed to get stuck between animations, which always bothered me with the animations. they just never seem to flow.

not trying to be a downer, really happy, just hope it's not adressing one issue and leaving another lacking.
# 187 Thirty3 Degrees @ 06/01/09 10:53 PM
Originally Posted by lolfalconsbeatu
i think its pretty safe to say madden is finally putting 2k to rest....
We have a long way to go before that ever happens. At least wait for some gameplay footage.
# 188 SouthernBrick @ 06/01/09 10:55 PM
Online franchise!!! check.

Awesome presentation!!! so far check.

Gameplay!!! Know its going to be better than 09 but, by how much???

Now lets see what else is in store.

Wish I didn't have to work tomorrow I really like seeing e3 happen live but recorded is ok I guess....
# 189 GigemAGGIES13 @ 06/01/09 11:12 PM
The screenshot of the Franchise menu on the official Madden site has "2009 Season - Week 1" listed, just like in NCAA. That should immediately point to multi-year.

I guess EA realized how many more copies they'd sell with this feature. Great job. All that I hope for now is that the rookies from NCAA don't cause rating problems when they're imported.
# 190 Joborule @ 06/01/09 11:14 PM
Game. Set. Award.
# 191 bigD_916 @ 06/01/09 11:17 PM
YES!!!! Online Franchise made it in!!!!
Though i still think the majority of time with the game will be spent with offline franchise...
# 192 SouthernBrick @ 06/01/09 11:17 PM
Loved hearing the online stuff like the app for the iphone, online draft, etc. Wasn't long but I'm hoping there is more. That might be all for online they may just go to talking about the offline features on day 2. I'd just wanna see gameplay and presentation.
# 193 Pbrown88 @ 06/01/09 11:24 PM
Originally Posted by SoxFan01605
With you here...would like to hear some details on offline franchise improvement first. Still, good for those who use it.

I will also add that some of the pics (presumably from cutscenes, etc) are looking nice. Hopefully presentation in franchise (both offline and on) is deep, as that as much as almost any added feature is key to immersion.
Yeah, this is nice but I would much rather hear improvements upon OFFLINE franchise! O well, this is still big news
# 194 droopizzle34 @ 06/01/09 11:25 PM
Now that online franchise has been officially announced, I was jumping and yelling for joy,calling all my friends,getting hyped up....until I thought about something...
YES colored cleats,flak jackets,presentation,online modes and the like have been addressed...so now the only thing left to wonder is????

Is the WR/DB interaction better? will man to man defense be good this year? Will the Rocket Catch still be everyone's method of choice to move the ball? Will they fix the running animations? After some rough vids,will Pro Tak look authentic and not choppy and sliding? Will game sliders be a factor for a change? Will star players seperate themselves from average joes?

All these great things we've seen so far will mean nothing if Madden's gameplay hasn't improved,so let's not get TOO stoked yet my fellow OS brothren,let's hope the GAMEPLAY is vastly improved.....your thoughts?
# 195 PantherBeast_OS @ 06/01/09 11:28 PM
Man this going to be so sweet. Man I can't wait. @ and a half months left.
# 196 Pbrown88 @ 06/01/09 11:29 PM
Have you even read the blogs this year? For the most part they are all about gameplay improvements. Blocking improvements, WR/DB jostling, etc.
# 197 icomb1ne @ 06/01/09 11:29 PM
Ya, still hoping to see some videos where everything is actually working. In past videos it always seems as if something was wrong like pro-tak not being turned on and other various bugs.
# 198 PantherBeast_OS @ 06/01/09 11:30 PM
Originally Posted by Moegames
I wouldnt say that yet... 2k5 had ALOT of various cut scenes...if Madden 10 has few too little...those cut scenes will repeat way too often...like i tried telling the dev's in here over last year and quite frequently i might add....they key to adding cut scene's into this game relies heavely on the amount you add...2k5 had ALOT of different cut scenes..just enough where they really never got old over the fall and winter i played 2k5...The Madden dev's need to make sure that their are plenty of various cut scenes...otherwise it will ruin the entire experience.

Well dude we don't know what to expect yet. So chill out until they give us a full video of it.
# 199 Sauk @ 06/01/09 11:30 PM
i really do miss the days of madden 01 and 02 I believe that allowed you to start leagues at any size. That was SOOOOOOO NICE! The best madden has EVER had.
# 200 Moegames @ 06/01/09 11:30 PM
Originally Posted by droopizzle34
Now that online franchise has been officially announced, I was jumping and yelling for joy,calling all my friends,getting hyped up....until I thought about something...
YES colored cleats,flak jackets,presentation,online modes and the like have been addressed...so now the only thing left to wonder is????

Is the WR/DB interaction better? will man to man defense be good this year? Will the Rocket Catch still be everyone's method of choice to move the ball? Will they fix the running animations? After some rough vids,will Pro Tak look authentic and not choppy and sliding? Will game sliders be a factor for a change? Will star players seperate themselves from average joes?

All these great things we've seen so far will mean nothing if Madden's gameplay hasn't improved,so let's not get TOO stoked yet my fellow OS brothren,let's hope the GAMEPLAY is vastly improved.....your thoughts?
We will have a pretty good idea to the answers of your questions with in the next day or so

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