MLB 2K9 News Post

The second official patch for the PS3 version of Major League Baseball 2K9 is now available. Download it and post your impressions here.

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Game: Major League Baseball 2K9Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 38 - View All
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Member Comments
# 21 jacory12 @ 04/01/09 09:33 PM
Originally Posted by Bwnarrow3
That would be sick, but you can't ever trust anyone over there.
You can say that again.
# 22 SoxFan01605 @ 04/01/09 09:34 PM
Originally Posted by sandmac
NOPE! Ratings have CHANGED!
AI Aggressiveness is FIXED!
That's good news! Hopefully the PC patch is soon to come.
# 23 Bwnarrow3 @ 04/01/09 10:02 PM
Looks good. Doesn't say anything about progressive lighting though. I guess I'll deal with that.
# 24 SoxFan01605 @ 04/01/09 10:03 PM
Originally Posted by miamimarlins1
I just looked through the forums and couldn't find 1 thread that was closed in regards to 2k patches
lol...wow. Believe what you will. I personally think you are over-reacting big time, but to each his own. Just trying to inject a bit of reason into things...not my issue though.

In any case (and more on-topic), glad to see the patch notes. Looks fairly promising.

EDIT: Missed the one about the jogging home on sac flys when I first read it. That is a BIG one for me. Good stuff. No mention of a PC ETA, however.
# 25 BrianFifaFan @ 04/01/09 10:05 PM
Can't wait for 360 patch. Sounds good, so far. Lets get some more impressions!
# 26 PVarck31 @ 04/01/09 10:06 PM
I might have to try this out again.
# 27 belljr @ 04/01/09 10:26 PM
That's a ton of stuff.

ANyword on having to restart franchise?

I probably will anyway but just curious
# 28 Trevytrev11 @ 04/01/09 10:38 PM
Originally Posted by Ron
Hey guys,
Back from the UK today and happy to be releasing patch notes. The PS3 dropped today, the 360 will be released by MS, I hope to have exact confirmation on a time/date in a bit.

-A noticeable reduction in amount of fly balls missed by outfielders (both the target and slowing down before a fly ball is caught have been fixed).
-Tuned overall slider values to get a better stand alone game, based on community suggestions
-Turned down Home Runs, should see dramatic improvement in amount of home runs hit during game play.
-AI aggressiveness tweaked – AI will take more balls
-Throwing in the “Red” was way harder than the best “Green” spot so maximum strength lowered in the red
-In-game crash resolved when not opening the Pitch Overlay hud and then bringing in another pitcher. Will resolve late inning crashes.
-Added variety so that all fielders arm strength isn’t so similar. Now the better arm strength fielders will make a difference.
-Fixed the bug that was causing the catcher to disappear when switched with a DH.
-There was another bug fixed when substituting the catcher and the DH that would cause the umpire to throw the ball backwards.
-Added more variety in pitching by making the gesture be a little harder to nail down “perfectly”
-Fixed a bug where the base runner would JOG home (Sacrifice fly and ground balls)
-Tweaked the issue where the 1st baseman’s foot would come off the bag too easily resulting in a lot of infield hits that should have been routine outs.
-Pitchers will now walk off the mound after the 3rd strikeout in an inning.
-Tuned numbers to fix the fact that pickoffs were too easy, especially at second base.
-Increased the delivery speed of the animations from the stretch to improve throwing out the AI when they attempted to steal.
-Pitcher rotation bug fixed where users in leagues would have their first bench player put in as their starting pitcher. They could adjust the starting pitcher but never get their bench player back to their line up. This would eventually lead to a crash.
-The user was unable to send a trade when having nine pitchers or eleven hitters on their roster in a fantasy draft league online. That has been resolved
-Online - Menu - The Winning/Losing Streak will now populate correctly when viewing the Card Battle Leader boards.
-League settings changes now will take affect immediately.
-Audio settings get reset when going online.

There are a lot of other things, including some franchise stuff, but they are more minor and countless. I am sure you'll come across them, but these are the major updates.

- Ronnie
Everything looks good...only big thing missing to me is editing stances and windups for created players.
# 29 stlstudios189 @ 04/01/09 10:53 PM
I know it is probally out of 2k's control but, why the heck would you release the Playstation patch before the xbox patch. We don't have any other options for baseball and deserve it first.
# 30 bigfnjoe96 @ 04/01/09 11:02 PM
Anyone notice any graphical upgrades to the game?
# 31 bigfnjoe96 @ 04/01/09 11:11 PM
Originally Posted by dickdalewood
Such as what, Joe? What type of upgrades were you looking for?

I'm playing on PS3, I might be able to help you out.
Nothing major. Any difference in lighting, player models, player faces?
# 32 Trevytrev11 @ 04/01/09 11:20 PM
Originally Posted by stlstudios189
I know it is probally out of 2k's control but, why the heck would you release the Playstation patch before the xbox patch. We don't have any other options for baseball and deserve it first.

As you said it was out of 2K's control. Once they submit the patches to MS and Sony, there is nothing else they could do. I guess they could have purposely delayed releasing it to Sony to guarantee it came out on the 360 first, but that would be pointless.
# 33 bigfnjoe96 @ 04/01/09 11:25 PM
Originally Posted by dickdalewood
Payer models/faces seem to be about the same.

Playing a night game right now, which also looks the same to me as before.
Cool beans....

Does the game play seem tighter post-patch?

Originally Posted by stlstudios189
I know it is probally out of 2k's control but, why the heck would you release the Playstation patch before the xbox patch. We don't have any other options for baseball and deserve it first.
We'll after last years debacle where PS3 owners got shafted on a PATCH, I'm glad they got it 1st this time around
# 34 ramenite @ 04/01/09 11:31 PM
Originally Posted by bigfnjoe96
Cool beans....

Does the game play seem tighter post-patch?
Only on level 3
# 35 brendanrfoley @ 04/01/09 11:34 PM
Wow, those are a lot of fixes!

My random thoughts:

- Reduction in missed flyballs and outfield "slowdown"? Great!
- Slider values changed for better baseball? Faboo!
- AI takes more pitches? Yay!
- More variety in throwing arm strength? Awesome!
- Harder pitching? Nice!
- Pitcher walks off the mound after strike 3? Perfect!
- No more jogging baserunners? Sweet!
- No first baseman glitch? That's great!
- No more easy pickoffs? About time!

What am I not happy about?

- No saving camera angles? Bummer.
- No tweaking players' batting and pitching stances? Drats.
- No earning cards on personalized sliders? Stinks.

Overall, these are a lot of great fixes. We'll have to start from scratch with sliders, but that's okay. These fixes also serve as a great head-start on MLB 2K10.
# 36 MizzouRah @ 04/01/09 11:51 PM
This is GREAT NEWS!!!

I hope us 360 players get it by this weekend!
# 37 Checmate101 @ 04/01/09 11:54 PM
Man, this is whasup..Now I can start my chise...

Hope to get some more impressions from the ps3 users
# 38 bwiggy33 @ 04/02/09 12:05 AM
Originally Posted by dickdalewood
CPU definitely throwing more balls... MUCH more balanced.

Got into a rundown, and they actually ran my runner down!
Thank the lord!!! I was so sick of seeing the CPU wait for the runner to get close to the bag to throw the ball back. Maybe now I'll actually get out when I make a dumb baserunning mistake.
# 39 GTR34 @ 04/02/09 12:09 AM
Gah! I was so excited when I saw this thread.....until I realized its for PS3 owners ()

But its good to read about the fixes and impressions the patch has created. This patch could make this game into something truely special.
# 40 funky_chicken @ 04/02/09 12:50 AM
I played a game with the patch and it plays very well. The CPU definately throws more balls now. I walked 3 times in the game (one of them on 4 pitches). They were quite a few hits by both teams but it was on default All-Star setting. I enjoyed the game and think the patch will be making many people happy.

I did have one play where I thought the first baseman coming off the bag reared its ugly head again. It ended up being Hanley Ramirez throwing to first from the hole at SS and throwing the ball up the firstbase line causing the first baseman to have to come off the bag to catch the ball.

All in all I am happy with the patch. Now if they can come out with an opening day roster download I will be a happy camper.

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