Madden 2010 News Post

Check out the latest Madden NFL 10 blog. This one covers customization, plus a "behind the scenes" look at a design document.

"Hello again Madden fans, we're back again with another weekly blog detailing some more behind-the-scenes exclusive content from the development team as we create Madden NFL 10. Last week was a very busy week with our president Peter Moore presenting the first screenshot [link] and our Art Director Mike Young going into some extreme detail in regards to the improvements and additions made in the shot [link]. This week we thought it would be a good idea to go deeper into an area that we know is very near and dear to the community - the topic of customization.

A typical trait of every game designer is that usually they are in love with their ideas. This is usually always a really good thing (assuming their ideas are good) because if you don't like an idea that you are designing or working on implementing, often you won't have the passion to get that "extra something" into the feature to make it special, or tune it 100% correctly, or make it really stand out. As you might expect, this can also be a major downside to a designer, as often times it is easy to get stuck thinking where you know (or think) you are right and you don't want to change that idea. It is so hard to not be defensive...after all, you put your blood sweat and tears into this feature! You worked til 3 am for a week putting in extra details and tuning it to perfection! How could anyone not feel the same way you do?!?!?"

Game: Madden NFL 10Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 76 - View All
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Member Comments
# 101 g2thecore @ 03/30/09 10:33 PM
Originally Posted by IndyColts2
Exactly, FIFA does it very well. They also make where in Manager Mode, the players (depending on your Team Fitness Manager) recover some of the stamina lost in each game. Like if you lose half of your stamina, the next game (if your fitness manager sucks) your going to still have half of your stamina. Where if your fitness manager is good, then you regain your stamina.

So, fatigue needs to be factored during the play, after the play, for the whole game, and for each week. If it is, it would make franchise mode THAT much better.
Exactly! Something like that would be awesome to see in Madden.
# 102 PGaither84 @ 03/30/09 10:34 PM
Originally Posted by doughron
This is awesome news! I've had every next-gen Madden and in all my franchises, I have never had ONE SINGLE PLAYER hurt for longer than the current game. Hopefully this finally fixes this problem that I've had so that your depth chart is actually relevant!
Keep up the great work!
And this problem you have is the exact opposite of prior Madden games where if you didn't heavily reduce the injury slider, the injury report looked more likea MASH unit and injuries were about the ONLY thing the radio and newspaper talked about on every page. Within weks of the standard settings of older Maddens there would be 12+ end of season/carrer inujuries and a mile long list of ones that were 10-12 weeks long. This is a rough sport but the old default as TOO rough. I normally cranked it down to about 25% and found that he average injury report matched the NFL's average.

Let us hope that the standard setting for 10 will reflect an average seaon after simulating.
# 103 Tyrant8RDFL @ 03/30/09 10:36 PM
Option with Acc Clock That I would like to see.

Being able to choose at what point it stops winding down.
Its currently at 2 minutes. I would like to choose 5 or maybe 4.
I would also like the option to choose if I want it at the 5 min mark of all the qtrs, not just the 2nd and 4th qtr.

I love the fact that we can now choose the clock to stop winding down at either 15,20 , or 25 secs. Thats perfect.

Is it possible to get what I requested above?

Vision cone.
Will this be back , and if so can it be a option?

Camera angles
Love that it is possible that other angles will make it into the game.
Please can you tell us if the older camera angles are what is being discussed. I really want the Far camera back.

You guys are providing a ton of options for us users. I was wondering if you can provide a list of how the setting should be set to get a true NFL simulation experience. A list of what settings will have the true attributes/ratings of all the players perform accurately in the game. This will be extremely helpful.

# 104 Sanchez_Mareno @ 03/30/09 10:48 PM
Pretty much just cleaning up the menus and crisping things up with nifty little additions.
Like many have said, show some patience for the big things
# 105 Joborule @ 03/30/09 10:56 PM
Pre Game Warmups with stats visuals.

That makes this blog another win. Not much I need to say here.

Now give me an update on the score overlay so I can give some more props to my wishlist!
# 106 splff3000 @ 03/30/09 10:57 PM
Originally Posted by adembroski
Guys, please post your feelings in the thread below... I think it's a pretty important debate and it's one of our last chances to make a real impact before release

The poll results are almost 50/50 so far. This is a perfect case for customization if I've ever seen one.
# 107 DaveDQ @ 03/30/09 11:11 PM
Wow, game speed. That is huge to me. Serious.
# 108 sportzbro @ 03/30/09 11:18 PM
Originally Posted by Joborule
Now give me an update on the score overlay so I can give some more props to my wishlist!
This....where its at right now is so annoying. If its in the same spot for 10, it at least needs to fade away during play.
# 109 roadman @ 03/30/09 11:20 PM
This was a darn good blog. One of my hopes was accelerated clock and it's in.

Yipee Kay Yay

I'm sure we will hear the proverbial, eh, not until game play is shown.

And for the folks that weren't jumping for joy, please notice my sig. The big news comes between draft day through summer.

This, though, was a huge day for me.

Camera options, coach mode, pre-game warm up. Presentation IS getting some LOVE.
# 110 KANE699 @ 03/30/09 11:21 PM
Originally Posted by BORN4CORN
This....where its at right now is so annoying. If its in the same spot for 10, it at least needs to fade away during play.
Never bothered me but its already been shown that its going to the bottom of the screen.

In franchise mode seeing the games update quater by quater again would be great, I don't think I have seen this since past gen systems and its was awesome to watch.
# 111 sportzbro @ 03/30/09 11:24 PM
Originally Posted by KANE699
Never bothered me but its already been shown that its going to the bottom of the screen.
Really, I never read that anywhere, but that's good to hear. Thanks.
# 112 J-Unit40 @ 03/30/09 11:32 PM
Outstanding. The more customization options we have, the happier everyone will be. Well, I guess I can't speak for all of us of course .

Thank you!
# 113 Jistic @ 03/30/09 11:43 PM
Originally Posted by Ian_Cummings_EA
This was changed to be global in 09. I think this is actually a valid approach - the CPU still has error in all their kicks and power, so to make it so they can't kick as far seemed a little cheap. Obviously if the tuning is busted then that's a problem, but this was changed last year and it actually seems to be ok. If you guys have major complaints with it from 09, then let me know.

As for the penalty sliders, one of the patches in 09 DRASTICALLY improved their importance. Again though, if you guys have any specific feedback on those sliders not working to your liking, send me a PM.
My one concern is that if kicking is too easy, and we make it way more difficult for the human player, will the CPU be missing everything?

I guess I just don't understand why you'd seperate sliders in every other area but not special teams? I guess we'll just have to see.
# 114 Cnada @ 03/30/09 11:53 PM
Pre-Game Warm Up, Cool as long as it doesnt become so repetitive the shine goes away too fast after a month you wonder why they work on the cotton candy

Accelerated Clock Cool, never used it myself but if it means i can run down the clock and make the running game meaningfull thats great.

Special Teams, was really hoping a total re-do of st would be done, Kicking game is horrible, no skill all kicks are automatic really is anti-climactic and i dont mean add a camera angle to it.

Not really my cup of tea blog since i dont complain about customising menus or uniforms but i know theres a market for it out there.

Keep it up Ian get those 3am Features in!
# 115 Bump101 @ 03/31/09 12:00 AM
Great post Ian. The sliders and the ability to tweak the game the way we like is cool, but how come you guys didn't give us the option to adjust kick off and punt return blocking? We have sliders for offense, defense, kicking and punting, but no slider for the return game? It's all most impossible to run a return back, and giving us sliders for would help out a lot.
# 116 KANE699 @ 03/31/09 12:10 AM
Originally Posted by Bump101
Great post Ian. The sliders and the ability to tweak the game the way we like is cool, but how come you guys didn't give us the option to adjust kick off and punt return blocking? We have sliders for offense, defense, kicking and punting, but no slider for the return game? It's all most impossible to run a return back, and giving us sliders for would help out a lot.
It's not that easy in the NFL or we would have a return a week now wouldn't we, we kind of do now but there are teams that go years without a punt or kick off return for td's, I would like slightly better blocking but not by much, its pretty good the way it is now and isn't super easy to score a td.

In fact I still havent gotten the 2 ko's for td or 2 pr's for td achievements yet.
# 117 Bump101 @ 03/31/09 12:16 AM
Originally Posted by KANE699
It's not that easy in the NFL or we would have a return a week now wouldn't we, we kind of do now but there are teams that go years without a punt or kick off return for td's, I would like slightly better blocking but not by much, its pretty good the way it is now and isn't super easy to score a td.

In fact I still havent gotten the 2 ko's for td or 2 pr's for td achievements yet.
The point is, why is there sliders for every other position except for the return game? I'm pretty sure Quarterbacking in the NFL isn't easy but you can adjust the QB accuracy, so why not blocking for the return game. I'm pretty sure it wouldn't be hard to add.
# 118 PGaither84 @ 03/31/09 12:20 AM
Originally Posted by Bump101
Great post Ian. The sliders and the ability to tweak the game the way we like is cool, but how come you guys didn't give us the option to adjust kick off and punt return blocking? We have sliders for offense, defense, kicking and punting, but no slider for the return game? It's all most impossible to run a return back, and giving us sliders for would help out a lot.
What's funny ot me about this is my friend on PS3 returned 3 kicks in a ranked game. He saved the replays and I wish when you up load them it would show they were all in the same gae so people could see that feat. He had no O and no D that game, unlike normal. However, 3 returns latter and he won 21-20. For some reason it was very easy for him to return the ball when it waskicked to his left. Just a couple blocks, a broken tackle on one of them and he was gone.

I have returned a few with Rossum, but it takes some luck as the 49ers don't block so well.

I agree that ST in general needs re-tooling. Most game reviewers feel the same way. I have seen year after year IGN talk about ST being a major weak point in Madden, and they give the game a 9.2+ each year. The lack of real, but balanced return options like reverse, fake reverse, return left, return right, hidden onside attempts out of normal kickoff formation [like the 49ers have done many times] and a "safe" return to watch for the fake onside are all missing.

The only addition i saw was the much needed mised FG return that has never been in madden prior to 09. I remember playing NFL 2k2 [note: not 5, two.] and returning missed FG attempts. I had to manually catch them and I did it on a whim the first time. My friend and I were so shocked we tried it every time since then and tested it in Madden each year untill 09. So happy 09 had this.
# 119 blackngoldfan @ 03/31/09 12:22 AM
Great blog Ian.

It's great to see ALL of the customization options added this year. ESPECIALLY game speed! I absolutely loved the game speed of the Madden '09 demo that came with the NFL DVD, but when I got the retail version, the speed was bumped up a few notches. Total bummer.

One thing that I didn't see in the blog was an option for In-Game Saves. I really hope you guys somehow fit this in the game for us folks with wives and children.
# 120 g2thecore @ 03/31/09 12:30 AM
Originally Posted by blackngoldfan
Great blog Ian.

One thing that I didn't see in the blog was an option for In-Game Saves. I really hope you guys somehow fit this in the game for us folks with wives and children.
Agreed. This is very important to me.

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