Madden 2010 News Post

Check out the latest Madden NFL 10 blog. This one covers customization, plus a "behind the scenes" look at a design document.

"Hello again Madden fans, we're back again with another weekly blog detailing some more behind-the-scenes exclusive content from the development team as we create Madden NFL 10. Last week was a very busy week with our president Peter Moore presenting the first screenshot [link] and our Art Director Mike Young going into some extreme detail in regards to the improvements and additions made in the shot [link]. This week we thought it would be a good idea to go deeper into an area that we know is very near and dear to the community - the topic of customization.

A typical trait of every game designer is that usually they are in love with their ideas. This is usually always a really good thing (assuming their ideas are good) because if you don't like an idea that you are designing or working on implementing, often you won't have the passion to get that "extra something" into the feature to make it special, or tune it 100% correctly, or make it really stand out. As you might expect, this can also be a major downside to a designer, as often times it is easy to get stuck thinking where you know (or think) you are right and you don't want to change that idea. It is so hard to not be defensive...after all, you put your blood sweat and tears into this feature! You worked til 3 am for a week putting in extra details and tuning it to perfection! How could anyone not feel the same way you do?!?!?"

Game: Madden NFL 10Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 76 - View All
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Member Comments
# 201 STLRams @ 04/04/09 09:49 AM
Originally Posted by Valdarez
At the end of the day, customization means absolutely zero if the game you're customizing isn't worth playing. Gameplay should be top priority with Madden, and everything else secondary.

Real talk.
# 202 MrDhWhat @ 04/05/09 05:58 PM
its good to see the update on name plates. you couldn't even read or see T.J. Houshmandzadeh's name.
# 203 joet6683 @ 04/05/09 09:12 PM
Originally Posted by TheWatcher
Perhaps, but the object of defense remains the same. You have to stop them.
Well clearly. But you play the game differently. 35 seconds in madden a person can easily get off 4, and 5 or 6 plays with no time outs and not getting oob or spiking is very doable. In real life? A team would be hard pressed to even get a 3rd play off. And if they do happen to get a 20-30 yard gain, forget about a 3rd play.

What does acc clock really get us with it not on under 2 min? Wow a longer game clock, and more of that time ticks off after calling a play (assuming it is running.) I can play 8 min quarters with it off and I see no difference. Oh wow TOP is a little closer to realism. Big deal, it still isn't perfect because to get realistic play counts we have to go with 12 min or so because so many plays can be executed when under 2 min. Sounds pretty worthless to me.

I think you are missing the point. I wasn't complaining I couldn't stop them. I was just stating a scenario of how not having the acc. clock under 2 minutes is anything but realistic, and isnt realism what everyone here is looking for? I still have to stop them I had no idea
# 204 SouthernBrick @ 04/06/09 04:25 AM
Originally Posted by sdavis229
julius jones' player character looks nothing like his face
thomas jones is extremely muscular and his character should reflect that
brandon jacobs should be bigger hes huge bigger than the linebackers

and i think users should be able to edit the players hair because last season joseph addai grew dreads and the game didnt update it and say chad ocho cinco decides to go back to the blonde mohawk i think we should be able to add those changes
I agree of the body frames of which the players you were talking about, but unless there helmets are popping off in madden 10, unless they have some sort of hair thats supposed to be sticking out I wouldn't care if all the players were bald underneath.

You can't the short haired people anyway, but if helmets were popping off then I would care about hair detail. I only care if they have dreads or just long hair in general sticking out the back of the helmet.
# 205 TheWatcher @ 04/06/09 09:41 AM
Originally Posted by joet6683
Well clearly. But you play the game differently. 35 seconds in madden a person can easily get off 4, and 5 or 6 plays with no time outs and not getting oob or spiking is very doable. In real life? A team would be hard pressed to even get a 3rd play off. And if they do happen to get a 20-30 yard gain, forget about a 3rd play.

What does acc clock really get us with it not on under 2 min? Wow a longer game clock, and more of that time ticks off after calling a play (assuming it is running.) I can play 8 min quarters with it off and I see no difference. Oh wow TOP is a little closer to realism. Big deal, it still isn't perfect because to get realistic play counts we have to go with 12 min or so because so many plays can be executed when under 2 min. Sounds pretty worthless to me.

I think you are missing the point. I wasn't complaining I couldn't stop them. I was just stating a scenario of how not having the acc. clock under 2 minutes is anything but realistic, and isnt realism what everyone here is looking for? I still have to stop them I had no idea
LOL. I didn't miss the point. This isn't rocket science. I knew what you meant, and I understand your gripe with the play count issue. But as I've stated, it's not an issue for me... I haven't seen this brought up but once or twice in different spots, and I'd think if it were considered a major problem OS would be the first place to have a lot of talk about it. Even in this thread, I think a few people who are major hardcores don't consider it an issue. I'm not saying your view is not valid, because if it is an issue for you then it's certainly valid.

To be honest, with 35 seconds left I rarely allow the CPU to get off more than 3 plays, and I have to strongly disagree with you that getting off 3 or 4 is uncommon in that situation. It's actually very common, as it happens all the time in real life and there are too many examples to list... it simply depends on the outcome of the plays. You can get 3 or 4 incompletions in 35 seconds and still have plenty of time left, this happens a lot.

Another situation I've seen is a team making a few completions and using the sidelines well, and I've seen combinations of that with at least one spike. They may not have won but they were able to reel off a number of plays. It happens often enough.

In Madden, if a team is pinned back deep, I can purposely allow a medium-long. Even if they call no-huddle they won't have much time left after that completion. I may allow one or two more and by then the game is over unless they had at least 2 timeouts, but the CPU manages time poorly so I rarely see them with more than 1 at this point. I give up just enough to keep the clock running. I usually get the stop here, that's how I win most of my close games...

I have an awful lot of experience with the late game situation because probably 90%+ of my games come down to those situations for some reason be it vs. CPU or Human. I just don't see this the same way because it's not an issue for me... What can I tell ya
# 206 TheWatcher @ 04/09/09 10:11 AM
Ian, if you're still watching this one... I wanted to drop a few more ideas of some on/off's:

*Hitcam on/off

*Breakaway cam on/off

*In-game replay music on/off: I love NFL Films music but sometimes I get tired of hearing it during user replays. I'd really like to be able to load-in my own music in this spot as well as other spots (custom soundtracks!!!).
# 207 *Vidal*Haywood* @ 08/18/09 10:19 PM
honestly" madden 10 freakin suck i mean i hate the way they run" its so not real like i mean i dosent have to be real but ...nobody sholders move like that while there running i never seen people run like that "sorry im a madden fan an all but im going with ncaa 10 this yaer cause madden SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
# 208 MrChainsaw @ 08/18/09 10:26 PM
Originally Posted by *Vidal*Haywood*
honestly" madden 10 freakin suck i mean i hate the way they run" its so not real like i mean i dosent have to be real but ...nobody sholders move like that while there running i never seen people run like that "sorry im a madden fan an all but im going with ncaa 10 this yaer cause madden SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
did you read what you just typed? like, at all?
# 209 roll2tide @ 08/18/09 10:29 PM
Originally Posted by warchant ftw
did you read what you just typed? like, at all?
I'm gonna with no on this one, lol.
# 210 ACardAttack @ 08/18/09 10:30 PM
Did this really need to be bumped?

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