Madden 2010 News Post

Peter Moore has posted the first screenshot of Madden NFL 10.

"While we have a number of announcements and updates to come over the next several weeks leading up to next month's NFL Draft, I'm excited to debut the first screenshot from this year's game right here this week. The old adage says, "A picture is worth a thousand words", and that is certainly true in this fantastic shot. How many improvements can you pick out? The Madden dev team will call each one out in their blog later this week."

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Game: Madden NFL 10Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 76 - View All
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Member Comments
# 561 KyGamerLT @ 03/24/09 05:33 PM
Originally Posted by oChaos_Nine
Dunno if anybody has brought this up yet or even seen it before but it's from Michael's chalkboard. I'm wondering where the authenticity enhancements are in the screenshot, (besides the towel) or is there something else they're waiting to tell us.
First time I have seen this.
# 562 KANE699 @ 03/24/09 05:36 PM
Originally Posted by oChaos_Nine
Dunno if anybody has brought this up yet or even seen it before but it's from Michael's chalkboard. I'm wondering where the authenticity enhancements are in the screenshot, (besides the towel) or is there something else they're waiting to tell us.
Not to say that there won't be more announcments comming but, hand towels, superbowl patches, superbowl sidelines (and im going to assume endzones too) referees/chain gang and more color options on teams equipment (also there is most likely going to be some new equipment added) aren't authenticity announcements?
# 563 jerm21 @ 03/24/09 06:26 PM
I notice Offensive Coordinators Defensive Coordinators ALSO included on the sideline, instead of the head coach.

Great picture Ian. I'm pumped.
# 564 Hotlanta @ 03/24/09 06:30 PM
I know this is kinda off-topic but 70+ pages? How is one screenshot getting so much responses. It's good but 70+ pages in less then two days...damm lol.

Last time I looked I read through the first 40 pages. Has there been that much back and forths since then to bring about 2 week suspensions?

Give me colored cleats.
# 565 Bump101 @ 03/24/09 06:31 PM
Madden 10 looks great but Big Jen arms look a little to fragile if you ask me. But overall it looks good. Now if EA can figure out a way to get me pass year 5 in franchise mode without the game freezing up on me, I might actually buy madden for next gen. Hell, i might actually go to a retailer and buy madden full price for that matter.
# 566 KyGamerLT @ 03/24/09 06:45 PM
Originally Posted by Bump101
Madden 10 looks great but Big Jen arms look a little to fragile if you ask me. But overall it looks good. Now if EA can figure out a way to get me pass year 5 in franchise mode without the game freezing up on me, I might actually buy madden for next gen. Hell, i might actually go to a retailer and buy madden full price for that matter.
Big Ben body is now fixed now we need this franchise mode fixed.
# 567 DBoweshow8282 @ 03/24/09 07:19 PM
Originally Posted by Phobia
I just thought of something when I saw this picture

In All pro football, you can see the Turf get torn up and chunks fly up on cuts and big tackles. Is this possible with the current "engine" madden is using????

This would be a nice little addition.
Seeing that we will now have individualy articulated and animated hand towels, i dont think stuff like this is too far off. If it was done in APF im sure it can be done for M10, however its just a matter of the devs priorities, and if it will take too much time away from bigger issues.
# 568 mKoz26 @ 03/24/09 07:34 PM
Originally Posted by Hotlanta
I know this is kinda off-topic but 70+ pages? How is one screenshot getting so much responses. It's good but 70+ pages in less then two days...damm lol.

Last time I looked I read through the first 40 pages. Has there been that much back and forths since then to bring about 2 week suspensions?

Give me colored cleats.
This is the power of Madden NFL at its greatest. Bow down! I think we might even be able to take over Obama in 2012 with all this support. Is EA a republican? Independant? Ahh ****, just realized something. The exclusive license runs out a month after the election. There will be questions. EA in 2012!
# 569 roadman @ 03/24/09 07:41 PM
^^^ Just an FYI, political talk is against the TOS, even in a joking manner.
# 570 N51_rob @ 03/24/09 07:51 PM
Ian and Co. I must say that I didn't buy Madden 09 and got rid of 08 rather quickly. I just want to let you guys know that the blogs and your interaction have me cautionsly optomistic that Madden twenty10 might be a game that I own and play for a while. I look forward to the coming months and more information and game play videos. Kudos to this point you hard work and comminuty interaction are not lost on me.
# 571 DBoweshow8282 @ 03/24/09 07:55 PM
Originally Posted by Derrville
Also Dropping back and just standing there with the Quarterback looks pretty much the same. Just try it if you dont believe me.
Yeah thats one thing i noticed about the screen and something i wish they would fix is how un-natural the qb's look while standing still in the pocket. Maybe give them a wider base or something, they just look too stiff and straight up IMO.
# 572 travis a.d. @ 03/24/09 09:23 PM
looks like a drastic improvement over 09, graphically anyway...
# 573 g2thecore @ 03/24/09 09:31 PM
Originally Posted by IndyColts2
There are 73 pages so I don't know if this was said.

This is an amazing picture, it took a long time for us to see Madden actually try and look real and it is here. BUT, the only thing I am a little concerned about is the fact that the refs and chaingang look like they were just ported over from last gens game and stuck in there. Yes they look like they work perfectly but they also look last gen. If the whole field of play looks like how the players look, it will be great. But if there are refs and chaingang, and they have totally different graphics, it is kinda wierd.

Other than that, it is AMAZING. Attention to detail should be another motto Madden should use because they really make the players look good. It is only the first photo so they can polish the graphics a lot from our feedback, so hopefully Ian reads this...Ian, make sure that the refs and chaingang have good graphics as well, I know that the sidelines aren't as big of a deal, but please make the refs and chaingang look real also. If you can make the sideline look real too great, but just fix up the player models a bit, and then fix up the refs and chaingang. Thank you for making the best Madden ever..
Now if by "real" you mean making them as detailed as the players on the field, I say you're going to be disappointed. I don't think the refs and chain gang are going to be high polygon models like the 22 players on the field (who are the focal point of the game). Maybe in the cutscenes, but in live action I highly doubt it.

I'd like to see that happen, but I'm not going to get my hopes up.
# 574 kennyacid @ 03/25/09 01:40 AM
i asked for this a while back so i am happy about the towels
# 575 Bump101 @ 03/25/09 03:21 AM
Originally Posted by KANE699
I really think the only thing out of this they will be able to add is cold weather equipment changes so that when the tempature reaches a certain degree they will wear sleeves and hopefully if they add it in a face warmer and handwarmers.

Ala something like this.

Yeah face warmers would be nice.
# 576 Bump101 @ 03/25/09 03:31 AM
Originally Posted by NYGmen56
This is for IAN & Micheal Young,

Great job guys on this screenshot and the many improvements on detail you guys have added this year. The player models are looking much much better. Keep up the good work, it shows. But... there is something that I think is much needed that I think would greatly improve on making the players models look more Genuine and realistic to NFL players. And thats the Socks! Yes the Socks.. I know it may sound petty, but if you look at the comparison screenshots above you can see the difference and how much it makes.. Look closely at the comparison screenshots above you can see the difference between both. Nfl today most players have long colored socks with small showing whites socks at the bottom. The Socks need to come up higher to the knee cap as well, you can see it on the real Ben R screenshot of him above.
I just think that alone as small as it is, would definitely make Ben R as well as other players look more Genuine and add more of a realism to them. Please if you can just at least look into it, possibly see if you make that change it would be much appreciated. I think just that little change would even enhance that screenshots you guys released and probably blow peoples mind even more!
# 577 oChaos_Nine @ 03/25/09 05:11 AM
Originally Posted by KANE699
Not to say that there won't be more announcments comming but, hand towels, superbowl patches, superbowl sidelines (and im going to assume endzones too) referees/chain gang and more color options on teams equipment (also there is most likely going to be some new equipment added) aren't authenticity announcements?
I'm thinking along the lines of authentic apparel. Gloves (not just a base glove that can change colors), cleats, helmets, facemasks etc. Same cleats from Madden 09 in that screenshot. I'm hoping this is getting looked at too.
# 578 ausar72 @ 03/25/09 02:53 PM

I just finished going through all 73 pages. I just wanted to let the EA Crew know that they are doing a great job tweaking this engine to get us to where we are today. I buy Madden just about every year it comes out, because I love the sport and it's video game counterpart, but the last few years, though they have progressively looked better, they have also become more and more unplayable to me. I think a big part of that is in the little things that would continue to be missing, that we are seeing making it in to this year's game.

Thanks for all of the hard work you guys are doing. The game seems to be inching ever so closer to that next-gen Eagles/Giants commercial that we saw at the beginning of this current console generation.

# 579 crackdownjr @ 03/25/09 03:25 PM
Originally Posted by KANE699
I had to go all the way back to the first game of the 08 season to see him with thigh pads, I think its safe to say he is just missing a visor, black ankle and wrist tape and gloves and needs his thigh pads removed.

To the person who said he looks like a ballerina should take a look at more in game shots, he isn't very big.
well i saw a pic of him in the Wk 5 game vs the Bills wearing thigh pads (though they are not as clearly visible as in the Madden 10 screenshot) & i dont see why he would not wear thigh pads or wear them sometimes but not others

but anyways i agree that he doesnt look like a ballerina in the pic, his size looks ok... but he is kinda staring off towards the other endzone which is weird
# 580 DC @ 03/25/09 04:58 PM
Originally Posted by IStillDoWhatIDo
I love the towel fettish people. I bet you guys lay a pile of NFL liscensed towels down on the floor and just roll around in em all day in pure estacy lol.
Originally Posted by Guillotine 1
Fetish has one t.

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