Madden 2010 News Post

Peter Moore has posted the first screenshot of Madden NFL 10.

"While we have a number of announcements and updates to come over the next several weeks leading up to next month's NFL Draft, I'm excited to debut the first screenshot from this year's game right here this week. The old adage says, "A picture is worth a thousand words", and that is certainly true in this fantastic shot. How many improvements can you pick out? The Madden dev team will call each one out in their blog later this week."

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Game: Madden NFL 10Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 76 - View All
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Member Comments
# 541 Bgamer90 @ 03/24/09 03:40 PM
Why can't people be happy for the screenshot?

It has a bunch of small things like hand towels, superbowl patches and endzones, field blur.

All this stuff, even though small, can make one believe even greater that they have fixed bigger issues in gameplay since they had the time to add these small details.

And for people who are "old-school", I can't see why you guys wouldn't be happy to see the refs and chain gang back.
# 542 tcp @ 03/24/09 03:49 PM
Why bring 2k into this? What EA is doing is nothing new and many devs take notice of their users.

The screenshot is good, the tidbits are too, but I'm reserving my judgement on M10 for gameplay videos.

What the screenshot tells me is 'Yeah, we're reading'. Let's continue to point out issues and what should be improved and what is useless, not get carried away and just kiss Ians (or the other guy's) *** because he has answered your post or mentioned you on Twitter.

kutgw, hopefully things are going to improve in the gameplay front and some sneak peak is due soon
# 543 tcp @ 03/24/09 03:57 PM
Erm, just look at Sports Interactive. It's even deeper than Ian's (thanks MarcV for header files ). you probably wont check them out, but it's abusive the way they interact with their users. Especially in the General forums.
# 544 Phobia @ 03/24/09 04:01 PM
I think this "old school" debate is rather childish.

I have like most been playing madden since wayyy back in the day. Just because people are excited about the things in the screen shot does not mean they are saying the gameplay is perfect. They are excited with the "little things". I mean every single sports game that comes out has a forum topic labeled "The little things"

Look how far we have come.
Madden 93

Madden 09

# 545 adembroski @ 03/24/09 04:01 PM
Originally Posted by tcp
Erm, just look at Sports Interactive. It's even deeper than Ian's (thanks MarcV for header files ). you probably wont check them out, but it's abusive the way they interact with their users. Especially in the General forums.
Abusive? I don't think I want to interact with them!
# 546 tcp @ 03/24/09 04:03 PM
I'm not comparing, just saying that it is nothing new.

We are all grateful for having a say on things.

Just do not confuse things. We are here to help him do a better job, create a better product. Not be a ***-kisser.
# 547 TheWatcher @ 03/24/09 04:03 PM
Originally Posted by adembroski
Abusive? I don't think I want to interact with them!
LOL. I'm sure they only beat'em because they love'em.
# 548 tcp @ 03/24/09 04:04 PM
Originally Posted by adembroski
Abusive? I don't think I want to interact with them!
Yeah, poor choice of words.

The level of user interaction in that place is huge.
# 549 DOLFANMIKE @ 03/24/09 04:09 PM
By far he best looking online football game ever if it stands up to the posted picture. Add to that the crew working on franchise mode and we may have a winner folks!
# 550 tcp @ 03/24/09 04:09 PM
Originally Posted by 94niners
I "probably won't check them out?" Excatly what in all of my responses has convinced you that I am the type of person who is unwilling to change my opinion based upon new evidence?

I am currently looking at the forum, but just in case you are right that Sports Interactive has even more than the lead designers interacting and changing the game based upon requests of gamers, I'll just rephrase my statement:

It hasn't been done with "mainstream" football titles like Madden, 2K, NFL fever, etc. Large budjet games, etc.

There, satisfied? Now if you provide evidence that that is incorrect, I will adjust my opinion, like I do in all things.
Football Manager is a huge game. Has a big budget. Has a huge community. I don't see how its that different. Yeah, EA puts a few more millions on the game, but they are both mainstream.

I thought you wouldnt check them out because you have to register.

So, all in all, it's nothing new. It's new for Madden though. And it's great to have that kind of feedback. I just dont want Ian to love me - I just want him to fix the game so I can finally leave Dan and Peter rest for a little.
# 551 Cusefan @ 03/24/09 04:15 PM

Nice job Ian, Phil, and the rest of you guys
# 552 TJdaSportsGuy @ 03/24/09 04:25 PM
I think a lot of you should be ashamed of yourselves. Most of you are adults yet you're conversing in here like a bunch of spoiled children. Knock it off now!

I'm not going to go back and give infractions out to everyone in this thread that deserves one. I don't have that type of free time. I'll just say this.

Anyone who commits an infraction IN THIS THREAD from this post on will be suspended from OS for 2 weeks. We're tired of dealing with this immature crap.
# 553 tcp @ 03/24/09 04:27 PM
Informally, its a football (soccer) game where you are the HC/GM and control the team.

It's not big in the USA, but it's incredibly huge in Europe/Asia/South America. Although not always legally heheh :/

It's the biggest in it's genre.
# 554 djordan @ 03/24/09 04:30 PM
So we should expect more news tomorrow...COOL!
# 555 DBoweshow8282 @ 03/24/09 04:52 PM
Originally Posted by djordan
So we should expect more news tomorrow...COOL!
Looks like its turning out to be another good week at OS...I really enjoy hearing about all these little details that will eventualy add up to an extremely POLISHED sim football game. Keep it up Ian-N-Co.!!!
# 556 adembroski @ 03/24/09 05:17 PM
Originally Posted by LBzrule
Very nice touch with the towels. Here is a question, do you also have hand warmers? Might be asking for a bit much heh.

Also don't forget if you do have them some defensive players wear these, primarily DB's.

WR's have them as well.
lol they look like fannie packs. Man bags.
# 557 KANE699 @ 03/24/09 05:27 PM
Originally Posted by adembroski
lol they look like fannie packs. Man bags.
The downside I see to handwarmers here is in these you see the players also wearing handtowels with them, and I don't forsee you having the ability to have both on your player.

Maybe we will get them but I dont see the players being able to wear the hand towels at the same time as well.
# 558 oChaos_Nine @ 03/24/09 05:28 PM
Michael_Young_EA @ Feb 19, 2009 We are looking at several authenticity enhancements for Madden 10. You'll have to wait and see! First screens in mid march!
Dunno if anybody has brought this up yet or even seen it before but it's from Michael's chalkboard. I'm wondering where the authenticity enhancements are in the screenshot, (besides the towel) or is there something else they're waiting to tell us.
# 559 Phobia @ 03/24/09 05:31 PM
I just thought of something when I saw this picture

In All pro football, you can see the Turf get torn up and chunks fly up on cuts and big tackles. Is this possible with the current "engine" madden is using????

This would be a nice little addition.
# 560 KyGamerLT @ 03/24/09 05:32 PM
It would be amazing if the player would actually put his hands in the handwarmer.

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