Madden 2010 News Post

This week we are starting to go through the rosters and tune each individual player's body to match their real life counter part.

I know as a fan when one of your favorite players is wrong it can take you out of the experience.

So the question to you is: Which players need the most work? Please give specifics. On the flip side are there any players you wouldn't touch?

Thanks as always,

Mike Y

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Member Comments
# 241 KANE699 @ 03/29/09 01:16 AM
Originally Posted by c dizzy m baby
Kane it is no biggie, but for every player you have shown you have the towel listed on the wrong side.
All the towels that are pictured in the middle, I just move to the left, and when talking towels I don't mean their side, I mean't viewable side when looking at them, I know its kind of backwards from the way I will describe their arms or legs but the picture backs up my claims, hence why I like having them.
# 242 KANE699 @ 03/29/09 01:21 AM
Also some non facemask equipment additions we could use this year would be:

Flack jacket (in Ncaa)
Runningback back plate (in Ncaa)
Top half sleeves a lot of qb's wear these
Mouthpeices (not dangling from the facemask or chin strap, still don't see it happening though)
The QB wristband made smaller and moved closer to the hand
Black wrist tape
All the neckpads from Ncaa
Colored cleats (I know I know)
Sock length (In Ncaa, it just gives you the ability to choose how much white of the sock shows)
The addition of the clips on the visors.
# 243 sabres41 @ 03/29/09 01:30 AM
[quote=c dizzy m baby;2039356904]
Originally Posted by sabres41

Holding, #28, 10 yard penalty repeat 2nd down.

ha, yeah, anthony "a-train" thomas.

he's long gone!
# 244 c dizzy m baby @ 03/29/09 01:31 AM
Originally Posted by KANE699
Also some non facemask equipment additions we could use this year would be:

Flack jacket (in Ncaa)
Runningback back plate (in Ncaa)
Top half sleeves a lot of qb's wear these
Mouthpeices (not dangling from the facemask or chin strap, still don't see it happening though)
The QB wristband made smaller and moved closer to the hand
Black wrist tape
All the neckpads from Ncaa
Colored cleats (I know I know)
Sock length (In Ncaa, it just gives you the ability to choose how much white of the sock shows)
The addition of the clips on the visors.
Sock Length would be cool, because sometimes all the Raider DB's wear their socks really low, so it almost looks all black.

I'd also add a shooter's sleeve and at least the ability to change the color of the Rubber pad to compensate for JaMarcus' sleeve he wears on his elbow.

# 245 raphael @ 03/29/09 07:55 AM
Colored cleats are a defenite MUST! IMO they would have the biggest impact from all the additions mentioned in this thread
# 246 adub88 @ 03/29/09 12:19 PM
I'd post some pics for the Colts, but their website has pics of every single player. You guys have the perfect tool here, accurate heights, weight, accessories, face mask, everything!!! Please come through for us Colts fans.

# 247 KANE699 @ 03/29/09 07:08 PM
Originally Posted by shotgun styles
My name is Shotgun Styles and I approve this message.

You should also add having wristbands worn on the forearm. That's getting quite common for QBs.
The large elbow bands do a good enough job here because they go below the elbow.
# 248 schnaidt1 @ 03/29/09 08:27 PM
i like the idea that you guys are trying to make each nfl player look like their real life counter part. however, this does include their face too....can we please get some sort of hint that you are going to do scans of players faces so they look truly like their real life counterparts? hey...2k did it for nfl 2k5 on xbox...you guys have no excuse not to do it. THANKS!
# 249 adub88 @ 03/29/09 08:38 PM
Originally Posted by schnaidt1
i like the idea that you guys are trying to make each nfl player look like their real life counter part. however, this does include their face too....can we please get some sort of hint that you are going to do scans of players faces so they look truly like their real life counterparts? hey...2k did it for nfl 2k5 on xbox...you guys have no excuse not to do it. THANKS!
I agree, and what about player hair hanging out the helmet. What was the deal with everyone having their hair banded up in 09? Hair is a big part the players individuality. This is another detail item that needs to be fixed.
# 250 Jason_19 @ 03/29/09 10:49 PM
Originally Posted by KANE699
Also some non facemask equipment additions we could use this year would be:

Flack jacket (in Ncaa)
Runningback back plate (in Ncaa)
Top half sleeves a lot of qb's wear these
Mouthpeices (not dangling from the facemask or chin strap, still don't see it happening though)
The QB wristband made smaller and moved closer to the hand
Black wrist tape
All the neckpads from Ncaa
Colored cleats (I know I know)
Sock length (In Ncaa, it just gives you the ability to choose how much white of the sock shows)
The addition of the clips on the visors.
I completely agree.
# 251 KANE699 @ 03/29/09 11:54 PM
Michael Huff has always bugged me too.

Riddell helmet, robot facemask, clear visor, regular sleeves, full white sleeves or black half sleeves, black and white gloves, hand towel on the right, no thigh pads, black and white cleats.

Yamon Figurs too.

Schutt helmet, 3 bar facemask, regular sleeves, thing black elbow bands, black wrist tape or wristbands, main black gloves, small thigh pads, no knee pads, small black ankle tape, black and white cleats.
# 252 TheSaint92 @ 03/30/09 12:56 AM
Originally Posted by raphael
Colored cleats are a defenite MUST! IMO they would have the biggest impact from all the additions mentioned in this thread
Exactly, it's a MUST!!! to have colored cleats. They had it on the PS2 so it's an absolute MUST!
# 253 KANE699 @ 03/30/09 01:55 AM
Originally Posted by SwayGod53
Someone might have already mentioned but can we get some different LB boards. In the past we had a few varieties, now we just have the bulging. one. I liked the washboard one alot.
Their called neckpads and NCAA has them and I would love to see them in madden.
# 254 c dizzy m baby @ 03/30/09 03:47 AM
Originally Posted by KANE699
Michael Huff has always bugged me too.

Riddell helmet, robot facemask, clear visor, regular sleeves, full white sleeves or black half sleeves, black and white gloves, hand towel on the right, no thigh pads, black and white cleats.
I agree Huff is one of my biggest complaints for the Raiders, but I think he needs the short half sleeves like Nnamdi, he rarely wears long sleeves. Huff was on the back of the 360 box and was wrong..
Thats no good EA

# 255 c dizzy m baby @ 03/30/09 03:50 AM
More, bigger Huff pics.

# 256 Exonerated @ 03/30/09 08:52 AM
What about guys that wear don't always wear the same thing? Could Ea get the players to rotate clothing based on known presets/preferences?

I'm sure many players wear different stuff every other time.
# 257 raphael @ 03/30/09 02:34 PM
Can we please get Brady's facial expression after a fumble?

# 258 KANE699 @ 03/30/09 04:05 PM
Calvin Johnson also an incorrect placement, he also wears the new style schutt helmet mentioned a few pages back.


New schutt helmet, 3 bar facemask, regular sleeves, pretty good sized shoulder pads, black wrist tape or wristbands if black tape isnt in the game, blue and white gloves, hand towel on the right, no thigh pads, black and blue cleats.

Gaines Adams also wears a helmet like this but it sits very high on his head and he has the 3 bar rb version facemask with a very large opening.

# 259 KANE699 @ 03/30/09 04:19 PM
Here's a good idea of how far off Darnell Dockett is.

You can also see here that the eye opening is too large in madden, it's like this on this facemask, full cage 2 and 3 bar rb facemasks.
# 260 KANE699 @ 03/30/09 04:25 PM
Here you can see Jay Cutler is close especially in the midsection and lower body but just off up top.

He needs thigh pads, riddell helmet (I think its schutt in madden 09), a little bit more bulk in the thighs not much, and some upper body work.

Aslo Tamba Hali needs some work.

He wears a 3 bar qb facemask now though.

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